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Chapter 231 Domineering Teacher Yang

Chapter 231 Domineering Teacher Yang


Aibte frowned and looked at Liu Yunqing in front of him. He stepped closer and scolded again: "Sir Liu, look up at me and tell me loudly, do you have any brains?!"


Liu Yunqing was completely confused at this time. Too much information poured in at once, making it difficult for him to digest:

"I, of course."

He stopped talking mid-sentence. No matter how he answered, he seemed a little crazy.

Only then did he see that there was a middle-aged woman following Abbot. When he saw him earlier, he felt that this person seemed familiar.

He now remembered that this person seemed to be the person in charge of the Social Public Relations Department. She came with him, probably because of this donation.


The policemen from Tsuen Wan Police Station looked at their boss being scolded so hard that they had no face and had strange expressions.

"What are you?!"

Abut's tone was cold and he snorted: "Just because of a so-called accusation, you are going to arrest someone."

"You don't even know about such a big thing as the expedition group's donation ceremony? How do you manage the information department of Tsuen Wan Police Station?!"

"I think you, Liu Yunqing, are simply not suitable for this position. I suggest you go back to being your chief inspector again."


Liu Yunqing pursed his lips and did not dare to refute.

If you go head-to-head with a ghost guy at this time, the final result will definitely not be good for you.

He first looked at Ji Bu and Lin Kun, and then focused on Yang Koko: "Yang Koko, Miss Yang, you."

While talking,

He is about to step forward.

The two security guards holding shotguns standing next to Yang Koko stepped forward to block him, with their palms resting on the shotguns. The meaning was self-evident:

"If you have anything to say, just say it and keep your distance from Miss Yang. Thank you!"

Even if you are the superintendent, you will not be given face.



Liu Yunqing gritted his teeth, but did not have an attack. He stopped and looked at Yang Koko in front of him. He still underestimated this little girl:

"Ms. Yang, this is just a misunderstanding. Don't worry, I won't delay your progress at all. Don't worry."

Yang Koko raised her chin proudly, not looking at him at all.

She was wearing a light blue evening dress today. She was 1.75 meters tall and the tailor-made dress showed off her well-proportioned figure.

Coupled with the natural noble temperament, like a high-ranking princess, if you tie your hair up, it will be even more dignified.

Liu Yunqing has no doubt that the claim of donating 15 million is false.

He also knew what their purpose was. Why did Ji Bu put so much thought into promoting this donation?!

This statement must have been made on the spur of the moment.

Their real purpose for doing this was to find a way for Ji Bu and Lin Kun to escape. With today's donation ceremony, they couldn't take them away.


Donate 15 million.

Fifteen million, this is it. I, Liu Yunqing, have been in the police force for so long in my life, and I have been embezzling for so many years and collected so much black money, but I have never embezzled such a large figure.

The Yang Koko in front of me took it out and threw it to the police without blinking?!

Just for Ji Bu?!

Lost your mind!

Fifteen million, why can't you do something else? Just spend it on Ji Bu and get him out?!

What a stupid rich woman with too much money.


Abut looked at Liu Yunqing, who was in a daze, and his tone dropped again: "What are you still thinking about?!"


Liu Yunqing woke up from a dream, wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, and showed a forced smile.

His tone then became extremely gentle: "Ah, so that's what happened."


Liu Yunqing reached out and patted his thigh, walked quickly to Ji Bu's side, urging his subordinates with his eyes, snatched the handcuff key from his hand and inserted it to unlock Ji Bu:

"Let me tell you, Mr. Ji is such a talented person and has done such a great thing with Miss Yang Koko of the Expedition Group. How could it be related to the white powder case?"

He muttered words, and after helping Ji Bu open the handcuffs, he quickly came to Lin Kun and helped him open the handcuffs:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. There was an error in our information and I accidentally offended you. Don't worry about it. I will visit you in person later to apologize."

Lin Kun looked at him with stern eyes, neither speaking nor paying attention to him. His eyes were full of anger.

I have to say.

Liu Yunqing is really flexible when it comes to life. When he saw that the situation was not going well, he immediately lost his temper and changed his attitude.

Although he will be embarrassed in front of his subordinates, he still knows very well that it is better to be embarrassed in front of his subordinates than to be kicked off his position as the superintendent in the end, right?!

"I'm really sorry about this. The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Liu Yunqing threw the handcuffs to his subordinates and came to Abt again: "I will teach the people below me a lesson when I get back. They are not serious and strict in doing things. What use can the confession information that I just asked casually do?!"

"And those people in the information department, they didn't even notice such an important event as the expedition group's donation. They were just waiting to die!"

"These people all review and must review. There is a 10,000-word review manual, one article per person, one article per person!!"

Liu Yunqing seemed to be possessed by an opera spirit now. While helping Ji Bulinkun to untie the handcuffs, he was explaining to himself and looking for a way out.

Things have developed to this point and are completely out of my control. All I have to do is let them go.

If you say.

When they were formulating their plan, they had already factored in the fact that Abot would help Ji Bu, and everything was guaranteed to win.


Now Yang Kou Kou suddenly appeared, and the fifteen million they donated was like a decisive blow, which made them unable to hold their heads up.

Fifteen million.

It's not too much, it's not too much. It's definitely impossible to use it on the entire police force, but it's definitely enough if it's used in a certain circle.


Liu Yunqing is also familiar with the rules of the game for these donated funds.

There will be losses when the donated money is credited and then used, and the amount credited is not equal to the final amount used.

First determine the purchasing items to be used, and then divide them into links one by one.

Each layer more or less puts a little into its own pocket, more at the top and less at the bottom.

By the time the money is finally spent, the actual funds actually used for procurement projects, 15 million, may have shrunk by half or even more than half.

And then.

Use the funds, which have shrunk by more than half, to purchase equipment for the police force and enter the final stage of use.

For these suppliers in various equipment fields, it is very likely that this supplier is the seventh aunt of a certain superintendent, and that supplier is the eighth aunt of a senior superintendent.

After a comprehensive package, the funds were arranged clearly and clearly, and they were all spent on the cutting edge. The money was not transferred to other people's fields, but was eaten by everyone.

Liu Yunqing shouldn't be too clear about the rules of these games, because he himself plays them this way.

at the moment.

The donation ceremony has not started yet, but those people have already planned the fund allocation plan and are waiting for the money to come in.


They also won't appoint the ghost guy Aibte to keep an eye on them, and they will hire someone specially.


If he forcibly detains Ji Bu again, the fifteen million will definitely be gone and he will block other people's way of making money. Then he will offend more than just one or two people.


He chose to lower his head immediately, took the initiative to untie their handcuffs, found a step for himself, and climbed down the slope.

Don't care if it doesn't come down, just get out of here first.


Aibte snorted coldly, but did not pursue the matter any further: "Sir Liu, you know how to find your way back when you get lost."


He stopped talking to Liu Yunqing and turned to Ji Bu: "Mr. Ji, I'm sorry that this ridiculous thing happened to you. Do you have any other requests?"

"If so, you can explain it to the person in charge of our Social Public Relations Department, and I can guarantee that she can definitely help you deal with your dissatisfaction."


Ji Bu raised his hand and pulled his chin: "That's not necessary."


He strode towards Yang Koko. When he passed by Liu Yunqing, Ji Bu stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Liu Yunqing:

"Do you need us to cooperate with your investigation about the shooting just now?!"

"Of course not."

Liu Yunqing smiled guiltily: "Everyone can see clearly that you are just victims who were dragged into this shooting. I should apologize to you on behalf of the police force."

"In the future, our police will strengthen security management to prevent this incident from happening again."

"Very good, then I'll wait for the results of your investigation to see what the truth is."

Ji Bu snorted softly and left without looking back: "Remember my words, if you don't have this set of clothes on your body, you, Liu Yunqing, are nothing!"


Liu Yunqing laughed and did not answer.


Lin Kun passed him by.

He also stopped walking, stopped beside Liu Yunqing, turned to look at him, his whole person was terrifyingly calm, and just looking at him, he felt very oppressive.


Liu Yunqing pursed his lips, and after looking at Lin Kun for a second, his eyes wandered away.

If Ji Bu brought him a sense of oppression, then Lin Kun brought him a strong sense of hostility, the kind of violent hostility that came towards him.

Liu Yunqing looked at the backs of everyone leaving and muttered in his heart: "It seems that we have to be careful. This Lin Kun is crazy."

Then he regained his aura as the superintendent, and waved his hand to give instructions: "Okay, hurry up and clean up the scene. Clean up the scene."


Yang Koko held Ji Bu's arm: "How are you doing? Are you okay?"

"It's okay. If something happens, I won't leave here."

Ji Bu smiled and shrugged noncommittally, and gestured to Lin Kun who was walking beside him: "This is Brother Kun, saying hello."

"Brother Kun."

Yang Koko immediately smiled and said to Lin Kun obediently: "I have heard Abu mention you a long time ago. When I see you today, you are even more handsome than I imagined."


Lin Kun also smiled and nodded: "How can I be handsome even at my age? How can I be as good as you young people, with handsome men and beautiful women?"

He reached out and patted Abu on the shoulder: "You go first, I will go back by myself."

"Let's get together."

Ji Bu thought for a moment, and for the sake of Lin Kun's safety: "Just come with us and wait for me in the car."

Lin Kun thought about it for a moment and didn't refuse.

Go downstairs.

Aibte and the others were in front, while Ji Bu, Yang Koko and Lin Kun got into the car behind. Lin Kun sat in the passenger seat and listened to the conversation of the two people behind.


Ji Bu rolled down the window, lit a cigarette, took a sip, and looked at Yang Kekou: "You said you would find a way for me to help me solve this matter. Is this the way?"

"Fifteen million, isn't the price a bit too high? How much is it?"


Yang Koko pursed her lips: "We are mainly doing things, as long as you are safe."


Eyes turned.


After Ji Bu got the satellite phone from the Eight-faced Buddha, he called Hua Zai and told him the good things. Just as he was about to hang up, he didn't expect that Yang Kou Kou was also there.

"Are you sure?!"

Yang Koko grabbed the phone and asked in a concerned tone: "I feel that this matter is not that simple. It is not so easy for you to leave the airport."

Although Yang Koko has not fully understood it so far, he has grasped the basic situation: "The New World is being suppressed in an all-round way, and he will not let you in."

Considered it for a while.

She suggested in a tactful tone: "How about you take a detour?!"

"Can't go around!"

Ji Bu refused without thinking: "The situation in the new world is tense now. Wuying, Aji, Tianhong and others are all in trouble. If I don't show up, the people below will disperse."

He waved his hand: "It's okay, you don't have to worry, I know this matter well."

"All right."

Yang Koko listened to the tone of Ji Bu's words and did not try to persuade him: "In that case, let me solve this matter."

"Hua Zai and the others will continue to follow your plan, but my plan comes first, how about that?!"


Ji Bu's tone was suspicious.

"Violence cannot solve the problem."

Yang Koko had a clear mind and pointed out the key points when speaking: "Now they are eager for you to use violence. This will play into their hands."

"So, let me do it."

In this short period of one day, Yang Koko discerned a lot of information and already had some knowledge of this matter.


Ji Bu thought for a moment and agreed: "What are you going to do?!"

"I'll think about it."

Yang Koko didn't say anything. After chatting with Ji Bu for a while, she hung up the phone and called her father who was far away in the mainland.

"Dad, did I disturb you?"

After Yang Koko answered the phone, she greeted her very nicely: "How is it possible? I can't call you if I have nothing to do. I miss you."

She first made a joke and chatted for a few words: "However, as soon as you reminded me, I really remembered something. I need a sum of funds."

"How much?!"

"Fifteen million!"


Father Yang blew on the steaming tea and took a sip: "Fifteen million? What did you use it for?! Don't you have it in your company account over there?!"

"What? Who wants it? A boyfriend?!"


Yang Koko acted coquettishly and began to quibble with sly eyes: "He's a friend of mine. That's what happened. Something happened to him. I'm going to prepare."

"Okay, okay."

After listening to Yang Koko's speech, Father Yang waved his hands boredly: "You have prepared such a lot of lines, can I still object to you?"

"Thank you dad."

Yang Koko happily chirped into the phone and hung up the phone.


Father Yang shook his head speechlessly, sighed, and shouted to the assistant outside the door casually: "How is the situation in the new world now?! No further information?"

"Mr. Yang."

The assistant walked in quickly and said quickly: "New World has been sealed off. Mr. Ji has not shown his face since the accident."

"You haven't shown up yet?"

Father Yang said "Oh" when he heard this, rubbed his chin and considered it: "Then I guess he will definitely show up today."

"Well, Kou Kou should be in Kwun Tong now, right? We bought the best security company in Kwun Tong and asked them to arrange the best security team to follow Kou Kou at all times."

"Let them protect Kou Kou. This month, everyone will receive three months' salary as a bonus."


After sending the assistant away, he picked up the tea again, took a sip, and smacked his lips: "The little girl is deeply poisoned. Fifteen million, she threw it at Ji Bu without any hesitation."

"But having said that, this Ji Bu's business is a bit strange."

Don't wait for him to think about it.


Another assistant walked in: "Mr. Yang, we have an appointment with Director Zhang to play golf in an hour. It's time for us to set off."


Father Yang responded, glanced at the detailed information about Ji Bu in the folder on the table, and closed the folder cover.


"But isn't fifteen million too much?"

Ji Bu looked at the rapidly retreating scene outside the window: "It's not necessary to throw so much money to these ghosts. It can be solved by giving less."

"You can't say that."

Yang Koko shook her head and retorted: "I have thought about it. Since we are all going to spend this money anyway, and this is an opportunity, we might as well spend more at once."

"I think we can't go on like this forever, right?"

Yang Koko showed a serious expression, losing her sultry attitude just now: "The new world is going right, right? Your transformation was pure and clean, but what happened this time, overnight, the new world

Should I be swept away, I will be swept away anyway.”

"I feel that the transformation of the new world is not successful enough. After dealing with the current issues, we need to further transform. Therefore, the fifteen million will pave the way first and give momentum first. Later, we will focus on specialization.

When you are semen, you feel more confident.”

"These fifteen million will definitely not be spent in vain."

There was a pause.

She continued: "In your words, since you want to plant the flag, you must be vigorous and plant the flag firmly!"


Ji Bu fell silent after hearing this. Looking at the strong Yang Koko, he could only nod his head: "Okay, you have studied this aspect deeper than me."


Yang Koko stuck out her tongue and said playfully: "I learned it from my father. When it comes to behaving as a person and doing things, among other things, you must have an aura and show off your signature first."

"Okay, Teacher Yang, I understand."

Ji Bu rushed to Yang Koko and cupped his hands: "But don't worry, you have spent this money. Soon, the money will be back in our hands."

"He made us bleed heavily, so I don't mind taking it back from them!"

(End of chapter)

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