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Chapter 264 Left-Handed Brother

"You. What do you want to do!"

Abut listened to the conversation between Dongguan Zai and Mark Li, and looked at the rapidly reversing scenery outside the car, and he became restless:

"Do you know that impersonating a police officer is a serious crime, and the police will investigate you!"

"Put me down now and I can pretend that nothing happened..."


Mark Li just smiled faintly, turned to look out the window and continued smoking a cigarette, ignoring him.

"What do we want to do?!"

Dongguan Zai became interested and took up what he said: "Maybe you don't know our details yet."

"I'll give you a hint, we'll do it with Boss Ji."


After listening to Dongguan Zai's words, Abut's whole body trembled and he froze in place.


He knows Dongguan Tsai, but has never met Mark Lee.

Last time.

When returning from northern Myanmar, Ji Bu and Lin Kun were blocked at the airport, and Mark Li did not accompany them.


Naturally, he didn't know about the relationship between Mark Li and Ji Bu, otherwise the secret would have been exposed at the police station just now.


He almost subconsciously retorted: "Ji Bu is at the police station. He doesn't have a phone to contact the outside world, you guys."

"You think it's just a whim?!"

Dongguan Zai curled his lips in disdain: "It has been planned for a long time. Mabili is not the end, he is just the beginning, and you are the end."

"You are crazy!"

Abt roared in a sharp voice and leaned forward.


A Beretta pistol was pressed against Abbot's head, and the black muzzle was full of pressure.

"Don't get excited."

Mark Lee took a sip from his cigarette: "The Beretta is very powerful. There are fifteen rounds of bullets in one magazine. It will definitely be enough to kill you."


Abt pursed his lips, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what you are doing?!"

"Jibu is crazy, are you crazy too?! Mabili is the senior superintendent. He is dead and now the entire police force is investigating his case."

"I am a police superintendent and a member of the Empire on which the sun never sets. If I die too, this matter will be turned upside down!"

"The police force will not let this case go unsolved. If a senior superintendent and a superintendent die all at once, the Hong Kong Governor will pay attention to this matter. Don't be impulsive!"

"Ghost guy? Superintendent? So cool!"

Dongguan Zai snorted with disdain and sneered: "It's just a superintendent, what the hell is he?!"

When he was in the police force, Dongguan Tsai would think that the superintendent was already a very powerful person in Hong Kong, and he might be his life-long goal.

But it's different now.

Dongguan Zai is no longer the senior inspector who hopes to take root in the police force and climb up the ranks step by step.

Just a superintendent.

What a thing.

"I can talk, we can talk!"

Abut's desire to survive was extremely strong at this moment. He spoke very fast, spitting and followed quickly:

"Tell Ji Bu, I can help you with this matter. I can pretend you don't know anything. Really, I can help you!"

"With me helping you as an internal agent, this case will be over soon, everyone will be fine, and everyone will be happy!"

"I want to see Ji Bu, I want to see him, I want to talk to him!"


His anxious voice echoed through the police car, and at the end he roared loudly, with a hint of pleading in his roar.

In Abbot's eyes, the speeding police car at this moment was like a drifting hearse, carrying him quickly towards the end of his life.

But no one paid attention to him.

The car suddenly fell into a brief silence, with only the sound of the strong wind outside the car blowing in through the windows.

"Lin Guoping!"

Abbot didn't pay any attention to him, his eyes fell on the Dongguan boy driving in front, and his tone was urgent:

"I know, I know your case, I've heard about you, and I know you must have been wrongly accused."

"You help me, you help me intercede with Ji Bu, and I help you. I guarantee that your matter can be done cleanly and innocently."

"I can help you restore your status as a police officer and help you put things right in the past. You are still the senior inspector."

The faster he spoke, the more anxious he became: "I will be a senior superintendent soon. When I get to the senior superintendent, I will promote you, I will promote you, chief inspector, or superintendent!"

"Everything I said is true!"

"Restore identity?!"

Dongguan Zai raised his eyebrows and glanced at the distorted facial features and anxious expression of Abt in the rearview mirror, and smiled coldly:

"Sorry, sir, I'm not interested."

"Go back to the police force and help you? Even a dog wouldn't do it."

He tapped the accelerator with his toe, and the speed of the police car increased several minutes again, heading towards the destination.

For a while.

The only sound left in the car was Abbot's chattering.

Twenty minutes later.

Baishawan Pier appears in view.

Usually at this time, Baishawan Pier is busy with business, but it was unusually quiet tonight.

There was only one cargo ship parked next to the pier. It was quiet and there was no one around.


Dongguan Zai and the others changed cars on the roadside and drove into Baishawan Pier. The journey was smooth.

"get off!"

Dongguan Zai made a beautiful drift and stopped the car next to the port. He opened the door and lifted Abbot out of the back seat, and walked up the ship's plank towards the cargo ship parked at the port.

Abut was carried in Dongguan Zai's hand like a chicken. In just half an hour, his condition changed drastically.

The image of the high-spirited and aloof police superintendent was no longer there. His clothes were messy and his hair was loose, and he looked embarrassed.

"I can talk about it, I really can talk about it!"

Abut kept mumbling to himself as if he was missing something: "I want to see Ji Bu, I want to see him!"

It wasn't until Brother Dong took him to the cargo ship and threw him on the deck that he finally raised his head and looked around.

As the line of sight moved, the situation on the deck also came into view.

In the corner of the deck.

Several men were busy around the bucket truck, adding water, cement, and sand, each performing their duties in an orderly manner.

Next to the bucket truck, there was a huge oil drum that had been sawed open. It was like an oil drum half as tall as a person. It was full of oppression.

On the other side.

Two workers wearing labor protection suits were squatting in front of the extended power strip, adjusting the welding machine, pulling out a welding rod and clamping it, then clamping the railing with a welding clamp to ground it, and tapping on it.


A white flash lights up, and the welding rod melts, leaving two clear solder joints.

"Brother Wuye!"

The worker in labor protection clothing immediately raised his head and gestured to Wuying: "Everything is ready!"


Wuying stood in front of the railing, holding a cigar in his left hand and sucking on it. He nodded when he heard the worker's words, turned around and walked over.

"Brother Xiaoma, Brother Dongguan!"

He greeted Dongguan Zai and Mark Lee, smiled, put the cigar into his mouth, bit it, and stretched out his left hand:

"Long time no see, Brother Ma, you are still the same as before, handsome, charming and suave."

"Haha, Brother Wuye."

Mark Li glanced at the black fly and was a little surprised: "Oh? The black fly has changed a lot?!"

A few months' time.

Wu Fei finally got off the hospital bed.

The last time he was thrown down from an elevated highway by a forklift along with his car, fortunately he managed to save his life, but he also had some hideous scars from the surgery on his body.

Among those affected, his right hand was also injured in the accident. Although he recovered well, it was not as good as before.

After this incident, Wuying became more calm, losing his previous frivolity, becoming more restrained, and a bit more fierce.

My hair has grown much longer in a few months.

After he was discharged from the hospital, he went to the barber shop and shortened the hair on both sides of his head, leaving only a bunch in the middle and making a dreadlock.

He has also grown a short beard on his chin, which is very different from before. He is very imposing and looks like a big shot.

Many Ma Chai have already started calling him by his new name: Brother Left Hand.

"It's okay."

Wuying bared his teeth and smiled, then came to Superintendent Abt who was slumped on the ground, raised his foot and kicked him:

"What's up, Mr. Gui, you usually collect so many local products from me, today I specially prepared some local products from the road for you."

He took off the cigar he was biting, blew out a puff of smoke on Abbot's face, and gestured with his lips:

"Are you satisfied? Chief Superintendent!"


Abbot's Adam's apple twitched and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He looked at Ma Zi, who was busy working with the cement over there, and subconsciously took a few steps back:

"No, you can't kill me!"

"I am the superintendent, I am the superintendent. If you kill me, none of you can escape!"


Wuying raised his head and laughed, leaning forward and back. The cigar in his hand followed the swing of his body, and the smoke also left a trail in the air:

"Superintendent?! That's amazing!"

"This is Hong Kong Island, what's so great about you?! If I were you, after receiving so much money, I would pack up my bed and go home immediately!"

"You come out to make money, but you don't quit when you are at your best. You still want to make another fortune, but you still want to bite the money owner? You have to pay it back!"

"I am the superintendent, you can't kill me, and you can't run away even if you kill me!"

Abt murmured to himself, looked at them with fear, and kept repeating:

"Ji Bu, I want to see Ji Bu."


Dongguan Zai raised his foot and kicked Abt in the chest, knocking him to the ground: "You still think that someone will investigate your case?!"

He lifted his trousers and squatted down in front of Abt, stretched out his hand and grabbed his chin to pull him over:

"Since you are so persistently grasping at the last straw, why not let me tell you."

"You, Abt, embezzled money and became a gangster policeman. Because of the uneven distribution of the spoils, you killed Mabili and then ran away overnight. It's as simple as that!"


Abut stiffened, staring at Dongguan Tsai with wide eyes, breathing rapidly.

"You should be familiar with this method."

Dongguan Zai stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, and looked at Abt sideways: "That's how you did it to me back then."

"It's fair for us to treat you this way. How could you treat me so well? If I return it to you intact, wouldn't it be too much?!"


He stretched out his hand and pushed Abbot to the ground, bit his cigarette and walked away:

"Brother Wuying, I'll leave it to you to handle the rest."

"It's a small thing."

Wuying made an OK gesture and hooked his hand at Ma Zai next to him in an elegant rhythm:

"Okay, let Superintendent Gui Lao experience the local specialties on our Hong Kong Island Road."


Three people stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Abt who was trying to escape, dragged him to the side of the huge oil drum with the lid cut off, and forced him inside.

On the edge.

The concrete that had been mixed evenly in the truck was scooped up with a shovel and poured into the oil drum.


While shoveling the concrete inside, Ma Zai spat a mouthful of thick phlegm towards Abbot:

"Gui-slayer of the Yan family, you didn't expect that you would end up like today!"

"Occupy the land we rented on Hong Kong Island, plunder our wealth, discriminate against us Chinese, oppress us Chinese, Cao Nima, I am a bad guy who wants to kill you!"

"Look carefully and remember who are the people who sent you down today. Remember them all for me. When you go to hell and ask the Lord of Hell, tell him that the people who sent you down are Chinese."

On the edge.

The worker in the labor protection suit picked up the welding gun, holding the welding rod and tapping it on the iron railing from time to time, impatiently.

He waited for the cement to fill the oil drum, then welded the incarnation of Emperor Wu himself, then went up and welded the lid of the oil drum tightly and sealed it.

They hate all these ghosts very much.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Abut wailed and struggled to stand up from the oil drum, half of his body exposed, and quickly begged for mercy in broken Mandarin:

"I really know I was wrong, I apologize, I apologize, tell Ji Bu, I beg him, beg him to let me go."


Wuying stepped up to the oil drum, took a puff of cigar and blew a puff of smoke into his face:

"Gui Gui, how do you feel about local products? Isn't it wonderful? An unprecedented experience?!"

"I beg you to let me go. Really, I never dare to do it again."

Abbot frantically hit the oil drum with his head, making a loud bang: "I don't dare anymore, I really don't dare anymore."

"Please, let me meet Ji Bu. I have something to tell him."


To the end.

Abut's whole body collapsed and howled, his body shaking violently uncontrollably, like chaff.

In the oil barrel, thick and sticky concrete was flowing evenly bit by bit as he struggled, pressing on his body from all directions.

An unprecedented fear swept through his heart, and the shadow of death shrouded his body, bringing fear that penetrated deep into his soul.

Leaders like them sit in the office every day, blowing on the air conditioner, drinking coffee, and go to work on time and get off work on time every day. They never need to go to a tragic crime scene.

With the advantages of power and status, he can stand at the highest position without any effort, enjoying the achievements of the Chinese policemen at the bottom who worked hard and working his way up step by step.

Until now.

Abt has already reached the position of superintendent. In fact, he has never participated in any operation. He is so proud that he has never even seen a dead person, let alone a bloody scene.


When the shadow of death loomed over him, Abt's mentality exploded faster than anyone else's.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Wuying looked at Abt's wailing and begging for mercy, put the cigar in his hand into his mouth, and patted his face:

"Look at what you look like. You don't look like a superintendent at all. You really suck."

"Don't play if you don't have the courage. When you really start playing, you are more afraid of death than anyone else."


Abt shook his head and threw away the cigar from his mouth, praying crazily: "Please let me go, I can help you."

"Shithugui! Begging for mercy now? It's too late! I will obey the boss and let you die!"

Wuying's eyes widened, he leaned forward slightly, raised his chin and looked at him high:

"Wearing a suit and tie, what's the use of having Big Brother's phone number?!"

"Shit on you!"

Say it.

He turned around and left, waving his raised left hand.

Several people stood in front of the deck railing, looking at the sea in the distance, and the oncoming sea breeze blew their clothes.


Welding Emperor was working overtime. As the welding rod came into contact with the iron sheet, white light accompanied by splashing sparks lit up from time to time, illuminating the surroundings.

White smoke rose and was blown away by the sea breeze.


Mark Lee blew out the smoke, flicked the finished cigarette in his hand into the sea, turned around and looked at the neon lights of the high-rise buildings in the distance:

"I never expected that the night view of Hong Kong Island would be so beautiful. I can't bear the thought of a ghost riding on our heads!"

"Oh ho!"

Wuying then turned around, shouted excitedly, raised his hand and patted Mark Li's arm:

"Look, isn't it starting to get better now?!"

"To be honest, I haven't felt this happy in a long time, so happy!"


Dongguan Zai raised his head and laughed,

When it comes to being happy, he is the most happy person.

Some of the grievances I suffered in the police force were finally vented today.

Several people got off the boat one after another.

It didn't take long.

With a long siren sound, the only cargo ship parked at Baishawan Wharf pulled up its anchor and slowly sailed away from the wharf.

The freighter was riding the wind and waves on the sea, after sailing a long way.


An oil drum fell from the deck and hit the sea hard, causing countless splashes and ripples. It was quickly wiped away by the waves, leaving nothing behind.


New Territories Branch.

A car stopped in front of the police station.

Yao Weiqiang, the investigation director of ICAC, walked in with his subordinates and stated his intention:

See Superintendent Abbot.

The answer given by the New Territories Branch was that they did not know. Superintendent Abt had never been here at all, and no one had been arranged to pick him up.


When the investigation director Yao Weiqiang heard this, his heart suddenly thumped, and he had a bad premonition.

He drove back to the North District Police Station again and pulled up the CCTV of when Abbot left.

in the screen.

The people who came to pick him up looked very professional, and the exchanges between them were brief, and then Abbot left with them.


Yao Weiqiang looked at the CCTV footage and quickly took out his mobile phone to call the Corruption Prevention Director:

"Director, Superintendent Abt, ran away from the corruption report we received. It's probably true."


One o'clock in the morning.

North District Police Station.

Interrogation room.


Ji Bu raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch, then stretched and stood up:

"I'm tired, I've had enough fun, it's time to go home and sleep."

In the lobby of the police station.

Andy and Zhang Wei, a professional lawyer from Yang Kou Kou's family, were going through the bail procedures for Ji Bu.

Miao Zhihua stood together and watched.

At first, the police refused to let him go.

But as Aibute was unable to be contacted, Zhang Wei continued to put pressure on him.

Miao Zhihua's attitude was also extremely tough, and they had to go through the procedures according to the procedures.

after all.

It's been so long since they brought Ji Bu back, but they haven't found anything to accuse him of.

As for those fabricated perjury, no one dared to stand up and confront them since Abot was not around.

Ten minutes later.

Ji Bu walked out of the North District Police Station in a swaggering manner, got into Andy's car parked on the side of the road and left.

First, we went to the residence of Superintendent Wu Xianming to pick up Yang Koko, returned to the Repulse Bay Villa, washed himself, and fell asleep peacefully.

When parting with Andy, he specifically asked Andy: "Please help me order a newspaper for tomorrow morning."


Hua Zai understood and nodded quickly: "Don't worry, boss."


Ji Bu slept comfortably tonight, but many police officers in the police force could not sleep.


Regarding the case of the death of Senior Superintendent Mabili in a car accident, they were already busy enough.


A bad signal also came from ICAC: Superintendent Abt disappeared.

Possibly a defection.

This time.

The police officers who were still focusing on investigating Maibili could only detach a group of people again to search for Abt's whereabouts.

This chapter has been completed!
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