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Chapter 310 Old Fox

Chapter 310 Old Fox

"Unable to contact."

The assistant showed a hesitant expression, his eyes swept over Cai Yuanqi's face, observing his expression:

"These people just disappeared out of thin air. No one knows where they went."

Looking at Cai Yuanqi's face that quickly darkened, he then said cautiously: "I've made inquiries in the past two days. They were taken away by Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming. They didn't say where they were going."

"They were accompanied by two ICAC investigators. No one knows what the specific matter was."

"What do the people over at ICAC say?" Cai Yuanqi looked ahead with a cold face: "No explanation?"


The assistant pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "The statement given by the people at ICAC was very ambiguous. They said that if some cases are specifically investigated, there will be independent investigations. This has happened before, as long as someone takes the lead."

Cai Yuanqi asked again: "Can you find out the secrets from the top?!"

"So far, we do not have high-level relationships at ICAC."

"The Yan family shovel!"

Cai Yuanqi frowned and cursed in a low voice, frowning into the Chinese character "Sichuan", tapping his fingers anxiously on the table, and waved his hand to signal the assistant to go out.

He got up and went to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the busy traffic outside the floor-to-ceiling window, returned to his seat, stood up again, and felt uneasy.

Among the eight people who suddenly disappeared, there were two superintendents, one Superintendent Jin and the other Superintendent Liu, who had helped him a lot over the years. If something really went wrong with them, then...

At this moment.

The phone on the table rang.

Cai Yuanqi subconsciously turned his head to look, and then quickly came to the phone to answer it. A middle-aged unhappy voice came from the phone:

"Sir Cai, what on earth is going on?!"


Cai Yuanqi listened to the middle-aged voice and groaned: "What do you mean, I don't understand."

"Can't understand?!"

The middle-aged voice on the phone got louder: "You didn't react at all when such a big thing happened? Didn't you notice at all?!"

"In just half a day, eight people disappeared for no reason in your hands. Who took them away?"

"Look what's going on outside now! If I don't call you again, I'm afraid we won't be able to play in the future. You told us that you will be responsible for everything."

"Okay, that's how responsible you are now, right? I think if this continues, I, the Secretary for Justice, will no longer have to do my job, and the Chief Secretary for Administration can also step down!"

The other party's voice sounded furious: "Look at today's morning newspaper, what's written in it? You've even seen the fucking newspaper, and you still don't understand what's going on?!"

At this time.

The assistant hurriedly walked in from outside, holding a newspaper in his hand and handing it to Cai Yuanqi, tapping his finger on the main location.

In the newspaper, on a medium-sized section, the headline "Corruption is suspected to have recurred within the police force, and a large-scale internal investigation has taken away many important police officers at the same time" is very conspicuous, and there is no picture to accompany the text.

I don't know where the public opinion came from, but it appeared in the newspaper. Although it was very brief and has been taken down, it frightened them.

"I have a problem with Xiang Chengtian!"

Another scolding came from the other end of the phone, and he said through gritted teeth:

"How many days has it been since he was released from Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station? First there was an internal review by the police force, and then so many people disappeared out of thin air. You haven't found anything wrong with him yet?!"

"Hurry up and send someone to kill him. Do you know that just because of him, our development progress will be delayed and our strategy will have to change? Who knows what he said!"


Cai Yuanqi gripped the mobile phone tightly with his palm, his finger knuckles turned white, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

"This matter does not necessarily mean that Lao Xiang has a problem, it is not necessarily him. They don't know yet."

"You still don't know what the heck!"

The middle-aged man scolded in a low voice again: "Kill him and ask him what he said!"


After hearing what he said, Cai Yuanqi became unhappy. She gritted her teeth and said, "I know my people well. I know what they are like. You don't need to worry about them."

"Just do your own thing well. I will handle the rest by myself. You don't need to teach me what to do!"


He put the phone down with a click, picked up the cigar nearby and lit it, taking a big sip, and the thick smoke spread out.

It will take a while.

Cai Yuanqi picked up the phone again, and just as she was about to make a call, the call came in. The person on the line was the Superintendent.

"Sir Cai."

Lao Xiang's voice rang from the phone: "I heard that something happened to several people? Lao Jin and Lao Liu are all missing? What's going on?"

"I have been on vacation these past few days and have not gone to work. This news was told to me by someone from the police station. I heard that they were taken away by ICAC people?!"


Cai Yuanqi listened to Lao Xiang's words and chuckled: "You ask me how I know, I'm still wondering how such a thing could happen."

There was a pause.

His tone then dropped: "I was just about to ask you if you know what this matter is about."


Listening to Cai Yuanqi's playful tone, Lao Xiang suddenly felt sweating on his forehead and began to explain:

"Sir Cai, please believe me. This matter has nothing to do with me. I think this matter is probably a fraud. Ji Bu and the others are operating this matter. They are deliberately setting a trap for us. He wants to frame me."


Cai Yuanqi laughed again and continued to ask: "You said they were deliberately setting up a trap, then tell me how they did it?"

"Eight people at once. How did they do it? Suddenly, they pinpointed these eight people and made them disappear out of thin air?"

"These eight of us fully cooperated with them? Cooperated with them to stage this drama of disappearing out of thin air and gave me a big surprise?"

"So far, none of them have contacted me, and I can't contact them. The police force has not responded at all to their disappearance. Where do you think they have gone?"

Cai Yuanqi spoke very quickly and finished in one breath: "What a coincidence, you know all these eight people, right?!"


When Lao Xiang heard Cai Yuanqi's last words, his whole body suddenly trembled, and he quickly explained again: "This really has nothing to do with me."

"He he."

Lao Xiang's tone was trembling. Cai Yuanqi's words were not unreasonable. He did know all these eight people. The precise disappearance of them all had nothing to do with him. Even if he said it, he wouldn't believe it.

"Is it possible that this is a coincidence? A coincidence?!"

Lao Xiang thought for a long time and still couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.

He didn't have an explanation, so in the end he could only say firmly: "It really has nothing to do with me. If I had any problems, I would have run away a long time ago. Why are you still here contacting you and calling you, right?!"


Cai Yuanqi responded calmly and said lightly: "I remember when you were in there, your wife Azhen even sent out articles to threaten me."

"She doesn't know, she's not sensible, those things were all created by her, and she was just obsessed for a while."

With sweat on his forehead, Lao Xiang forced himself to explain that his wife had threatened Cai Yuanqi with blackmail: "Sir Cai, don't you still believe me after all these years?"

He spoke urgently and explained quickly: "Really, I'm sure this is a trap designed by Ji Bu. It's definitely a trap. He did it on purpose."


Cai Yuanqi smiled faintly again and curled her lips: "Yes, this must be a trap. After all, according to you, Ji Bu has already told you that this is a trap, right?!"

The sarcasm in this sentence is self-evident, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Cai Yuanqi spoke very calmly and his tone was very flat, but to Lao Xiang's ears, it sounded so heavy.

In front of Cai Yuanqi, even Lao Xiang, who was already the superintendent, acted as obediently as a primary school student who met his teacher.

Lao Xiang was brought out by Cai Yuanqi. From the moment he joined the police force until now, Cai Yuanqi has been his mentor and has some absolute suppression over him.

"Sir Cai!"

Lao Xiang finally thought for a long time, knowing that no matter how he explained, it would be useless, he gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice:

"This matter really has something to do with me. If I betray you and betray you, I will rip off my head and let you kick it as a ball."

"I said so!"

The end.

Lao Xiang roared again and added.


Cai Yuanqi listened to Lao Xiang's words and did not continue to express his position. He just waved his hand lightly:

"I still believe you. You should also inquire together to find out what is going on with these individuals."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and looked out the window with a frown: "Damn, you are such a slut, if you hadn't made a mistake, you wouldn't have had so many problems."

"You said you didn't betray me, so how did you get out? They spent so much effort to get you in and then let you go for no reason? What's the point? You're bored?!"

After several days of fermentation and prompted by a series of emergencies, the direction of this matter has begun to change slightly.

Cai Yuanqi's trust in Lao Xiang at the beginning became uncertain. She began to doubt his position and wondered where things were going.

But he didn't dwell too much on this matter, but waited and waited for what new situation would happen after Lao Xiang was released.

After her eight-person team in the police force disappeared, Cai Yuanqi had begun to doubt Lao Xiang. Facing Lao Xiang's explanation, Cai Yuanqi definitely didn't believe it.

It's just that he hasn't made a final conclusion yet. After all, Lao Xiang is his own person. He has done so many things for him over the years, and he knows what kind of person he is.

Of course.

The reason why Cai Yuanqi hasn't touched him under such circumstances is not because Cai Yuanqi is nostalgic and trusts Lao Xiang, but because Lao Xiang has done a lot for him over the years.

Even after Lao Xiang's accident, he had already stopped in time to deal with the consequences of Lao Xiang's accident, but some things still couldn't be dealt with immediately.


He is now moving on Lao Xiang before he has any conclusive evidence. Unless he waits for an internal announcement from the police force, something happened to the missing eight-member team, and Lao Xiang's suspicion will definitely not go away.

Cai Yuanqi is in a dilemma and cannot touch Lao Xiang now. If he touches him, who knows how much he has said to Ji Bu. He will have to wait until he is completely freed.

The key trend of the matter is the disappearance of the eight-person team. What are these eight people doing at this moment?

He was doing so-called security work at the resort, leading the team to idle around every day.

After Superintendent Jin and Superintendent Liu discovered that something was wrong, they originally wanted to encourage these people to leave the place, but the inspection team's generous use of a porcelain ornament with hidden secrets took them down.

Superintendent Jin also opened the porcelain ornament. There was a gold object made of porcelain. It was a genuine pure gold object. If he took it out and exchanged it for money, his own would cost more than 100,000 yuan.

As for the others, although they are a bit smaller, they are conservatively estimated to be around 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, which is quite a sum of money.


Under their generosity, the team that was making trouble instantly dispersed.

They are the superintendent, Cai Yuanqi's absolute team, but the others are not, the youngest is the inspector, and the money is still tempting to them.

Moreover, no one knows what the purpose of staying here is, so no one is in a hurry.

There's nothing going on anyway, so what can you gain by going out?

If you can't get anything and offend Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming, you might as well take a vacation here and enjoy yourself.

Although everyone is here to do security work, there is no need to do anything and there are not so many rules. Eating and drinking every day is like a vacation, so don't be too comfortable.

Besides, Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming also received a share of these "porcelain", so he didn't have to worry about any problems at all.

In the end, even if there is something, just say I don't know, the porcelain has been lost a long time ago, anyway, it is a free gift, I don't want it.

It is precisely because the first wave of items collected was very good, so everyone is looking forward to when the second wave will come.

So much so that when Superintendent Jin went to win over the people and make them leave, everyone's attitude was careless and people's hearts were unusually distracted.

When there are many people, they have many thoughts, and it is difficult to gather them together again. Although Superintendent Jin and Superintendent Liu felt that this matter was weird inside and out, they did not know what was wrong, so they could only

Give up.

With no one else supporting them, the two of them took the lead in clamoring to leave, fearing that they would not be able to eat and walked away.


Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the executive hall of the suite, looking at the group of police officers who were drinking and dining with the inspection team in the center of the resort, and shook his head with a smile:

"Ji Sheng, you did a great job with this move. I estimate that if you keep going like this, they won't be unhappy if you let them play here for a month."

"This trick is called boiling a frog in warm water."

Ji Bu bared his teeth and smiled, holding the phone and talking to Wu Xianming: "It only costs a few bucks a month to be a job, and you have to work so hard. Being in a resort is too rotten for them."

Ji Bu was not too familiar with the concept of "having fun with the people" and picked it up easily.


Wu Xianming laughed heartily, and his impression of Ji Bu became deeper again: "How is it? Did he move?"

"Not moving."

Ji Bu shook his head: "I estimate that he is afraid that touching Lao Xiang without conclusive evidence will bring unnecessary losses to himself."

"What should we do?"

Wu Xianming frowned, and naturally understood the meaning behind it. If nothing really happened to the eight disappeared people, Cai Yuanqi would not really take action.

Moving Lao Xiang would involve Cai Yuanqi's other parties, so he didn't move.

But if it continues like this, it is not the same thing, it is meaningless, and the effect of this move will become worse and worse as time goes by.

"Cai Yuanqi is Cai Yuanqi after all. He is really calm and composed. There is no point in delaying it any longer."

Although these people can definitely be related to Cai Yuanqi, it is definitely impossible to find evidence of their corruption.

Moreover, Cai Yuanqi himself is very familiar with the police force's tactics, and he must have avoided it long ago when giving them benefits, and he will definitely not make it easy for the police to find out the problem.

"Why do you think Cai Yuanqi still doesn't move?!" Ji Bu asked back.

Cai Yuanqi is not an ordinary person. She has been in this position for so long and has climbed up step by step. Her psychological quality has already surpassed that of ordinary people. It must be natural that she is not so easily fooled.

If Cai Yuanqi was really that easy to deceive, he wouldn't have been able to fight his way to that position back then.


For these, Ji Bu has expectations and countermeasures.

"Because he is not 100% sure that there is something wrong with Lao Xiang."

"Then how to make Lao Xiang 100% problem-free?"


"These eight people have disappeared. It's 50% each whether something happened or not."

"How to make sure something happened to these eight people?"


Wu Xianming frowned again and did not respond. He pondered for a long time without saying a word.

"Lao Xiang."

Ji Bu's voice became deeper and he was full of confidence: "Lao Xiang's wife Azhen and their children."


Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming was stunned again, and the topic returned to Lao Xiang: "You want to kidnap Lao Xiang's wife A-Zhen and their children?"

Only when they disappear will Cai Yuanqi panic.

He frowned, with a hint of negation in his tone: "It's not appropriate to do this, right?"


Ji Bu smiled and shook his head: "I'm definitely not that kind of person."

(End of chapter)

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