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Chapter 326: A Police Dog with a Sensitive Sense of Smell

Chapter 326 Police Dog with Sensitive Smell

Coastal villa area.

In the villa building.

Cai Yuanqi stood in front of the full-length mirror in a nightgown, dropped the towel to wipe her hair, picked up the hair dryer and started blowing her hair.

Cai Yuanqi, who is well-off, pays great attention to personal care and health, and does not indulge in life. Therefore, even though he is almost sixty years old, his body is not overly fat, his hair is very thick, and there is no sign of baldness.


He put down the hair dryer, raised his hand to smooth his thick and smooth hair, and shook his head: "Why is it so noisy outside?"

"That's right."

The subordinate quickly stepped forward to close the distance, and then whispered: "There are reporters outside the door one after another. They are all waiting outside the villa, and they all want to interview you."


Upon hearing this, Cai Yuanqi raised a corner of the curtain and took a look outside the villa through the gap.

Outside the villa.

Reporters from various TV stations waited outside the villa one by one and blocked the front and back doors. Some reporters simply sat in the equipment truck of the TV station and took out a small blanket and began to prepare to stay overnight.

Tonight, Cai Yuanqi's report on his assistant Li Yuliang spread throughout the press. This extremely heavy news made these reporters come here immediately.

Everyone wants to interview Cai Yuanqi as soon as possible so that they can produce their own exclusive report and get absolute ratings.

"A group of people rush to the street!"

The subordinate glanced at Cai Yuanqi, who was silent and expressionless, and hurriedly said: "These people have been allowed to rush out on the street a long time ago. None of them refused to leave. I will arrange for people to blow them all away now."


Cai Yuanqi waved her hand, frowned and said, "Let them wait outside. It will be beneficial to us if they wait outside. I asked people to let the news out."

Cai Yuanqi has several residences. This villa is his external residence, and he also came here tonight.


When the subordinate heard what Cai Yuanqi said, he quickly responded and stood silent.


Cai Yuanqi lowered the curtains, glanced at his silent subordinates, sighed and sat on the sofa, and had no choice but to wave his hands and give instructions again:

"Let people prepare, give them some food, give them some blankets, tell them I won't go out today, I will go out tomorrow morning, don't wait any longer."


The subordinate was stunned again, not understanding what Cai Yuanqi meant: "These people are so annoying outside. The noise is seriously affecting your sleep. If you don't drive them away, why are you giving them food?"


Cai Yuanqi rolled his eyes angrily, touched the cigar on the table and lit it: "Why are they here? What is my identity?"

"For a former high-ranking police officer, even if he retires and still has his previous reputation, it is even more of a big deal that I reported my former assistant."

"They are here to promote my affairs. Former senior leaders of the police force must act like leaders, do you understand?!"


The subordinate nodded angrily and hurried down to get ready.

"Crazy thread!"

Cai Yuanqi looked at his subordinates walking out, cursed angrily in a low voice, sighed and took a breath of his cigar, feeling upset.

Now that the people around her are getting worse and worse, Cai Yuanqi misses her assistant Li Yuliang who was pushed out by her.

If A Liang were here, he wouldn't be able to handle this kind of situation very well. He wouldn't even need to give orders for this kind of thing. He would have handled it well a long time ago and established himself as a kind and tall person in front of these reporters.

"no way."

He blew out the smoke, took another deep breath, raised his hand and casually put out the cigar he had just lit in the ashtray, and said hello to the people outside again.

"Sir Cai."


Cai Yuanqi nodded expressionlessly and then gave instructions: "Bring me my phone."


Cai Yuanqi took the call, looked at the subordinates who had not gone out, and waved them away. These people were like robots, and the more they were used, the more uncomfortable they became.

It didn't take long.

The call is connected.


Cai Yuanqi stood up with the phone in hand, walked to the window and opened a corner of the curtain to look at the subordinates who were distributing bread and milk to the reporters outside the villa:

"Things are almost done. You go and finish it off. The operation to assassinate Lao Xiang failed during the day. Two people died, one was captured and two escaped. Take people to deal with the remaining two people."

"Handle it on the spot and don't leave anything that shouldn't be there. As for the two of them, just tell them to shut up forever."


The person on the other end of the phone said yes.

Cai Yuanqi continued: "They have no place to go to the warehouse in C201, Area C, Parking Lot B1, Changhui Industrial Building. They should be inside."

The end.

He added again: "Be quieter."


The call between the two ended here.

"Ji Bu, Ji Bu."

Cai Yuanqi walked back and forth in the room with a mobile phone in her back, mumbling:

"You are really good at causing me to bleed so much. After this incident is over, I want you to pay back a hundred times."


The mobile phone was slapped on the table, the sound was crisp.


Cheung Fai Industrial Building underground garage.

A truck drove into the underground garage. After arriving at its destination, the truck stopped at the door of the warehouse and opened the warehouse. The driver and the people following the truck carried the goods in the box and unloaded them.

The two men carried the things into the warehouse.

Deep in the car, the baby-faced man hiding in the innermost part of the cargo box got out of the car with the help of the driver's second son. The two of them avoided the CCTV in the parking lot and quickly headed towards Area C.

Zone C.

Warehouse behind parking space C201.

The small door of the warehouse is tightly closed, and the tight door panel separates the warehouse from the outside, leaving no gap at all.

The space inside the warehouse is neither big nor small, and it was divided into two areas after simple renovation.

The outermost is a simple living area, with a simple folding table and a sofa in the middle. Behind it are three side-by-side iron frame beds, and beyond that is a warehouse for stacking goods.

An incandescent lamp with a small wattage hangs from the ceiling, and the exhaust fan on the wall rotates rapidly to exchange the air in the warehouse with the outside world.

On the sofa.

The baby-faced man was lying on the sofa with a pale face. The gunshot wound on his thigh was simply bandaged with a strip of cloth torn from his clothes. It had already been stained red with blood and spread to his thigh.

The second driver stretched out his hand and untied the wrapped strip of cloth, revealing the wound with rolled flesh inside. The muscles were beating from time to time, blood slowly flowed out, and there were vaguely embedded warheads inside.

The second child glanced at the pale baby-faced fifth child, reached for a dagger on the side, lit the kerosene lighter, and simply sterilized the dagger on the jumping flames.

"Lao Wu, please bear with me."

The second child took a deep breath, grabbed a towel nearby and stuffed it into the fifth child's mouth. He cut the wound with the dagger and dug out the bullet embedded in the muscle.


Lao Wu gritted his teeth and carried it on, enduring the severe pain as he watched the warhead being picked out, and then he started breathing heavily.


The second child threw the picked warhead aside and turned around to look for disinfectant in the medicine box nearby.

In their profession, they prepare a medicine kit so that they can treat their own wounds in case of injury.


After rummaging around for a while, the second child threw two empty disinfectant bottles on the ground: "Fuck, it's gone."


The baby-faced Lao Wu’s lips wriggled and he was a little speechless.

"There is nothing we can do."

The second child turned back and squatted down next to the fifth child. He reached out and took out the big black star on his waist. He took out the magazine and took out the bullets inside. He carefully started to stir it with a dagger:

"There's too much noise today. We won't be able to get out in a short time. Your wound needs to be disinfected, otherwise this leg will definitely be useless. Bear with it."

The bullet was picked open, and the second brother shook the bullet, poured out some gunpowder on the piece of paper, and placed the paper on the wound of the fifth man's thigh.


The second child took out the crumpled cigarette from his pocket, lit the lighter, took a puff, and stuffed it into the fifth child's mouth.

The fifth child bit the cigarette butt and took a few puffs. He took a long breath and handed the cigarette back to the second child. He took a deep breath, picked up the towel and stuffed it into his mouth, and then nodded to the second child.

"Hold on, it will take the blink of an eye!"

The second child took a drag on the cigarette, and the smoke blew up towards the butt. The ashes were blown away to reveal the bright red cigarette butt inside, and then he rubbed it against the gunpowder on the piece of paper.


A burst of white light lit up, the fire was fast and urgent, it lit up briefly and then quickly dissipated.


Lao Wu was biting the towel in his mouth, his facial features were twisted together in an extremely ferocious manner, and he was enduring severe pain, with the blood vessels on his neck bulging.


The second brother put the remaining cigarette back into the fifth man's mouth, then took out another cigarette, peeled off the cigarette robe, collected the shredded tobacco in his hand, and applied it to the wound on the fifth man's thigh. Then he took out the white gauze on the side and helped him re-bandage the wound.

After doing all this, the second brother was already sweating profusely. He let out a long breath and sat on the ground exhausted. He hugged his knees with his hands and smoked a cigarette silently.

Neither of them spoke, and they each smoked cigarettes in silence. The lingering smoke spread in the room, and the warehouse, which was already poorly ventilated, instantly became gray.

a long time.

"Fuck you!"

The second brother raised his hand and took out the cigarette that was burning to the end in his mouth. The long ash fell to the ground and broke instantly:

"The third and fourth sons are gone, the boss has been arrested again, and you are also injured. With such a big news, what are we going to do next?!"

When Lao Wu heard this, he looked up at Lao Er and saw that he didn't answer. After a while, he dropped the cigarette in his hand and said, "I think we have to go and change places."

"The boss was caught by the police. I don't think our place is necessarily safe. Li Yuliang might be interested in us."

"Don't worry."

The second child did not agree with the fifth child, so he picked up the remote control and turned on the TV set in front of him.


Such a big thing happened, and it was reported everywhere in the news. The two changed several channels, and the reports on each channel were basically the same. Then they saw the news that Li Yuliang was reported.

"Something happened to him?"

The second child and the fifth child looked at each other in unison, and saw a hint of uneasiness in each other's eyes. They immediately picked up their clothes without any hesitation.

The second brother took the canvas bag, grabbed the banknotes from the safe on the side and stuffed it inside, then took two more guns and went in, carrying the canvas bag and walked towards the door.

The two of them carefully opened the door and looked outside. After making sure that there was no problem, they walked outside one after another.

They were not very familiar with this place, and the maze-like underground garage presented no obstacle to them. After going around several times, they found a car at a blind corner.

They pried open the car door and got in. There was no key in the car, but it was not a problem for the two of them. The second child got started with the familiarity of the car. After a while, the car started and drove outside.


The two of them were not happy for long. Just when they came out of the underground garage and were about to turn along the road onto the main road, several police cars in front of them drove over, and then they closed the road and started checking the posts one by one.


The second child slapped his hand on the dashboard. If they checked the two cars in this way, they would definitely be found out. Just when he was thinking about what to do, the policeman standing in front of him suddenly looked over.

When the two people saw the car stop, they immediately hooked their hands to signal the car to go over. At the same time, they reached out and pressed the point 38 on their waists, not forgetting to speak on the intercom.

all of a sudden.

Several eyes were focused on their car, and they walked over with their legs raised.

"Oh shit!"

The second child's face was ashen and he was calling out bad luck. When did the police in Hong Kong become so clever? They would definitely not be able to break through by force. At that moment, they could only turn the steering wheel and drive into the underground garage.


Many police officers quickly caught up with him.

The car drove back to the underground garage. After entering, the second child parked the car directly in area A. The two of them moved quickly while stuck in the blind spot of the CCTV, and had no choice but to return to the warehouse behind parking space C201.

Changhui Industrial Building is already large, and due to its special nature, the underground garage is extremely large. When many police followed it, it was like entering a maze, and they had no idea where to start searching.


The progress of the police on-site search became extremely slow.

The second child and the fifth child hid in the warehouse, pricking up their ears to listen to what was going on outside, and each held an AK rifle in their hands and pointed it outside.


No danger.

The police will definitely not be able to find it in a short time, and with so many warehouses here, it is definitely unrealistic to search for them one by one.

It lasted until night, but there wasn't much progress. It couldn't be said that there was no progress at all. At least they found the car they had abandoned.

It looked like the car had been stolen, so searching the car would be pointless, but it would still be difficult to continue the search.

Just then.

Chief Inspector Ye Guishan of the Ngau Tau Kok Division appeared with a team of workers. He just glanced at the car and said with disdain:

"This is not easy. Just bring two police dogs and they will be found in minutes."


He tilted his head slightly and looked directly at the wall to the right. There was a huge logo and arrow of Area C printed on the wall.

The matter of calling in police dogs progressed very quickly, and it didn't take long for two police dogs to be brought over.

Chief Inspector Ye Guishan personally led the police dog and let it get into the car to smell it, and then began the search. The entire search process went extremely smoothly.

Ye Guishan took the police dog and ran directly to Area C, heading straight to the C201 parking space. With the help of the police dog, everything went smoothly and he locked the target directly.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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