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Chapter 332 Finale

Chapter 332 Final Chapter (Grand Finale)

Nine o'clock in the morning.

After Cai Yuanqi got up and washed herself, she sat at the dining table and ate breakfast slowly.

"nailed it."

The subordinate walked in from the outside and stood respectfully away from Cai Yuanqi: "Chief Inspector Sun said that Li Yuliang is dead. He jumped to his death. Before he died, he took all the crimes on himself."

"Well, very good."

Cai Yuanqi nodded with satisfaction, picked up the milk glass beside her and took a sip. She took two napkins from the paper box and wiped the corners of her mouth. She stood up and walked to the full-length mirror.

The servant on the side immediately brought him a tie. Cai Yuanqi, who was wearing a white shirt and black suit, was now looking at herself in the mirror, looking very energetic.

He arranged his clothes meticulously, reaching down to smooth out even a small wrinkle. He pulled the hem of his tie and put it into his suit, then turned around and went out.

It was necessary to put on a whole show. Although Li Yuliang committed suicide and took the blame, he still had to have some supporting evidence. Those few police officers who disappeared could be used as backing.

Therefore, we still need to go through the process to make everything look more real.

The reason why Cai Yuanqi is so unscrupulous and dares to use these people as backstops is precisely because of his management methods and the contacts with these rogue police officers are all operated by Li Yuliang.


He is not worried at all that these rogue police officers will jump over the wall and bite him back.

The entrance of the villa.

As Cai Yuanqi came out, the reporters who had been squatting outside all night stood up one after another, and swarmed towards Cai Yuanqi. They stopped under the obstruction of the security, and various microphones and recorders were thrust forward, almost to the point of irritation. Cai Yuanqi's mouth.

Cai Yuanqi showed a serious expression when facing the camera, but she thoughtfully asked the security guards on the side to be careful not to hurt these reporters.

Cai Yuanqi's heart-warming move was immediately photographed by reporters.

A reporter asked: "Sheng Cai, please ask, why did you report your assistant? After all, he used to be your assistant."

Cai Yuanqi replied: "Because he used to be my assistant, I only reported him after I learned about the matter."

The reporter asked again: "According to your guess, how many people will be involved in this matter?"

"not much."

Cai Yuanqi groaned, tugged on his tie and continued: "The police force is a police force for the citizens of Hong Kong Island. There are only a few people with problems. Please believe in the police force. This matter will not cause much trouble. Everything You can pay attention to the latest investigation reports from the police force.”

The reporter asked: "."

Cai Yuanqi replied: "..."

Cai Yuanqi stayed for about three minutes to answer the reporters' interviews, and then he left the villa and took a car to the police station. The reporters followed behind him, not forgetting to edit what he had just interviewed on the spot in the car. , fast return.

Whoever can publish this kind of news immediately will have the ratings and attention.


Cai Yuanqi's special car arrived at the police station. There were already people waiting at the door of the police station. After picking up Cai Yuanqi, they went in. A group of reporters were blocked outside the door.

"Cai Sheng, thank you for your hard work."

The senior superintendent in charge of the reception saw Cai Yuanqi and exchanged a few simple greetings, and then started to go through the process: "We need to record you in detail now, please excuse me."


Cai Yuanqi nodded and began to tell what he knew.


resort area.

Together with Superintendent Jin and Superintendent Liu, a group of eight people were gathered around the smoking spot, smoking cigarettes and chatting aimlessly.

Counting on the hands, it turns out that more than half a month has passed since the security work was carried out in the resort. The mentality of all of them has also changed from restless at first to calm later, and now they are used to it.

Staying here, although it feels a bit isolated from the world, is more relaxed than working at the police station. It is said to be security but it is actually a vacation. I have been staying in the resort.

The mainland investors in this project are also extremely wealthy, and everyone is reaping the benefits. Even the cigarettes they smoke now are exclusively made in-house by the investors, not the high-end ones.

"Pounce on the street."

Superintendent Jin bared his teeth and took a puff of his cigarette: "I feel like these days are coming to an end. Their investment deal is about to be finalized, and we have to withdraw."

"What? Are you still reluctant to leave?"

Superintendent Liu raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a teasing tone: "That's about it. Do you think these people are so stupid for spending so much money to keep us here on vacation?"


Everyone burst into laughter.

"It seems that everyone is in a very good mood!"

Superintendent Mo's voice rang out from around the corner at an inappropriate time. He appeared in front of them with Song Zijie, Ji Bu and a group of waiters. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at them:

"I heard it just now, and I very much agree with what you said. I also feel that your good days are coming to an end."


After Superintendent Jin saw Superintendent Mo, his expression froze with a cigarette in his mouth. Then he saw Ji Bu and Song Zijie standing next to him, and he couldn't help but look at Superintendent Liu.

He was looking at Superintendent Liu, and Superintendent Liu was looking at him. The two looked at each other, and they both saw deep uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Of course Superintendent Mo and the others know each other, but they are not familiar with them, and they all don't hang out together. It doesn't make sense for him to come here to find them.

Then there is Ji Bu standing next to Superintendent Mo. Ji Bu and the others should not be too familiar with him. He is Cai Yuanqi's number one public enemy. They all have detailed information about Ji Bu and have studied how to deal with Ji Bu.

"Superintendent Mo."

Superintendent Liu was the first to calm down and smiled: "Long time no see, why are you here today?"

"Me? It's okay."

Superintendent Mo chuckled lightly, with a big smile on his face: "I'm here to arrest you." As he spoke, he took out the documents of Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming from his hand: "Liu Daquan, Jin Dengjia, Sun"

Superintendent Mo read out the names of the eight people quickly: "According to our investigation, the eight of you are suspected of accepting bribes, acting as a protective umbrella for corporate members, illegally amassing money, facilitating drug trafficking, arms business, and many other crimes. Now I’m going to take you back to investigate.”

"Please cooperate!"

As Superintendent Mo finished speaking, the expressions of the eight people present were instantly panicked. Before they could open their mouths to speak, the boys who had dispersed on the side swarmed up and directly controlled the eight people on the spot.

"Mo Changkong!"

The blood vessels in Superintendent Liu's neck were prominent, and he stared at Superintendent Mo with a red face: "You are spitting blood, you."


Superintendent Mo sneered and ignored them. He waved his hand and motioned for them to take them to the central hall of the resort. A TV in the hall was playing the latest news reports. On the screen, Cai Yuanqi in a suit and ties was not facing the camera. He spoke hurriedly about reporting Li Yuliang.

"Something happened to Li Yuliang, and you, too, were sold out by Cai Yuanqi a long time ago. In order to protect himself, he not only pushed Li Yuliang out, but in order to remove himself completely, you people also became the burial objects."

"We have received the information reported by Cai Yuanqi against you. The details are very clear. We don't need to investigate at all. It is clear at a glance. Otherwise, how do you think we could catch you."

After Superintendent Mo finished speaking, the eight people in the group suddenly realized why they were suddenly transferred here for no reason to carry out some bullshit security work. In fact, they were under house arrest, but in a different way.

"The Yan family shovel!"

A senior inspector was furious on the spot and yelled: "You're fucking trying to trick us!"

"no way."

Superintendent Mo didn't take it seriously at all, and gave up his position to push Ji Bu in front of him: "You have been dealing with Ji Sheng, so he thought of this way to trap you."

Some people continued to curse. Superintendent Jin and Superintendent Liu looked at the charges and evidence about their crimes in front of them with sweat on their foreheads. They had different expressions and were already thinking about how to protect themselves.

"Say it."

Ji Bu walked up to the two superintendents and looked at them condescendingly: "Before this case is over, you tell everything you know. Otherwise, it will be too late when Cai Yuanqi reports and integrates the evidence and the case is closed.


"When the time comes, no one will listen to you if you want to appeal. You have to thank us for giving you a chance, right, brothers?!"

"That's right."

Wuying took a step forward and glanced at them with disdain: "You must cherish the opportunity our bosses give you. After passing this village, there will be no such store."

"You guys deserve to work for Cai Yuanqi and be betrayed by him. If I were you, just say whatever you know now. When the disaster comes, you can go your own way."

"The more you talk, the fewer years you will be sentenced and the earlier you can be released."

As Wuying finished speaking, the hall suddenly fell into a brief silence. These eight people looked at each other and had evil intentions.

Ji Bu looked at their expressions with a playful expression on his lips.

"I have something to say."

"I also have something to say."

"I want to speak alone!"

I don’t know who said something, and then everyone rushed to take the lead.

"Take him down and ask him alone!"

Superintendent Mo nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand to the clerk to take everyone down for interrogation and confession. This process was very fast. These people had no reservations at all. They revealed everything they had done before and focused on the specific points.

They are all one, Cai Yuanqi.

At the same time.

On the other side, the person in charge of the batch of police weapons that had not yet had time to clear their serial numbers was found. After an interrogation, they all opened their mouths and spat.

With the integration of multiple confessions, the original statement of Li Yuliang, the mastermind behind the scenes, has begun to become untenable. Although Li Yuliang is dead, based on their confessions, it is self-evident that Li Yuliang is just a puppet.

Things developed much faster than expected.

Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming's work efficiency was revealed at this moment. In just two hours, he had integrated all the confessions and evidence chains in his hand, and then reported it to his superiors. It didn't take long for him to get approval, and then he pointed his sword at Cai Yuanqi.


Police Department.

Cai Yuanqi stayed in the office for a long time, reporting and explaining the criminal facts he found about Li Yuliang one by one. The whole process took a very long time, and the case record book filled several pages.

As soon as he walked out of the office after completing the inquiry, he was met by a senior superintendent. When he saw Cai Yuanqi, he motioned for him to follow him. The two of them went downstairs, took out cigarettes and lit them.

"Lao Cai."

The senior police superintendent took a puff of his cigarette, looked at Cai Yuanqi for several seconds, and then said: "I have prepared a ticket for you. Let's leave Hong Kong Island."


Cai Yuanqi was stunned when he heard this. His hand that was about to light a cigarette froze in the air, and then he looked at the senior superintendent: "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"The eight people who disappeared have been accounted for."

The senior superintendent did not hide it, and said bluntly: "Nothing happened to them. Ji Bu made a trap and trapped them in the resort. Then, you reported them and they knew about it. Afterwards, these people panicked and confessed everything they knew."


Cai Yuanqi's voice subconsciously became louder when he heard this, and the cigarette in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"Nothing happened to them until you reported them, and then nothing happened to them!"

Senior Superintendent stared at Cai Yuanqi: "I think you know who they helped and what they did. They killed too many people, which is very bad. It has a great impact on the reputation of the police force. It will be It will greatly affect the credibility of the police force."

"The Assistant Director of the case has already taken over the case. The investigation of the case is almost complete. It's over here. So please leave Hong Kong Island and don't come back again in the future. That's it."

After the senior superintendent finished speaking, he raised his hand and put out the cigarette in his hand, turned around and left, leaving Cai Yuanqi frozen in place, motionless.


Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming personally led the team and was about to go to the police station to find Cai Yuanqi. At this time, the phone suddenly rang. The assistant came over with a mobile phone: "The phone number of Assistant Director Li William."


Wu Xianming was stunned when he heard this. After a brief hesitation, he took the phone in his hand and said, "Hello, sir."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Ghost guy Leigh William spoke quite well in Mandarin. He greeted Wu Xianming with a smile and then got into the topic:

"I heard that Sir Wu is investigating the case involving Li Yuliang's corruption and manipulation of the police force."


"Well, I also know about this. I have read the case report. Li Yuliang is dead. He confessed to his crime before he died. I think it's almost done. The case can be ended here. .”

Leigh William talked eloquently and spoke very quickly: "Just now, the directors of the Department of Justice and the Chief Secretary for Administration called me and chatted with me for a long time."

"Let's end this matter here. You have done a good job. I will commend you internally for this matter."

"This" Wu Xianming narrowed his eyes upon hearing this.

"that's all."

Lee William waved his hand and continued: "Mr. Cai Yuanqi should be going to the airport now. If you rush there now, you can meet him and you can have a chat. Well, just chat."


After a few brief changes in Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming's expression, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "I know, I know what to do."

"Good job."

Li William nodded with satisfaction: "You are still very young and have a bright future. I am optimistic about you."

The call ends here.



Cai Yuanqi was sitting in the VIP waiting room with a gloomy expression.

Head on.

Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming walked over with his assistant and sat down opposite Cai Yuanqi.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Wu Xianming took the initiative to say hello: "Should I call you Cai Sheng, or Cai Sir."


Cai Yuanqi smiled with a smile on his face: "Long time no see!" His eyes fell on Ji Bu beside him, locked on him, and stared at Ji Bu.

"We meet again."

Ji Bu noticed Cai Yuanqi's gaze and looked at him: "After all, this should be our second meeting."

"It's just a little different from what I thought. I thought our second meeting would be in the interrogation room, but I didn't expect it would be at the airport, and I would have to send you off in person."

Speaking of which.

Ji Bu leaned forward and looked at Cai Yuanqi: "Sir Cai, a former high-ranking member of the police force, indeed has some status. This will allow you to leave."

Cai Yuanqi gritted his teeth and stared at Ji Bu for a long time: "You're so cruel!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

Ji Bu crossed his legs and looked at him leisurely: "I don't think we will meet again in the future. I have to say that I am in a relatively comfortable mood at this moment."

"Back then, I was just a little undercover agent who could be manipulated by others. I didn't expect that I would be able to take care of you without even realizing it."


Cai Yuanqi clenched his teeth and looked at Ji Bu without answering.

"It's almost time to go."

Wu Xianming stood up, raised his hand and glanced at his watch: "Cai Yuanqi, don't come back in the future. We are not familiar with each other and have nothing to say, so I won't give it away."


He made a gesture of invitation: "Let's go."


Cai Yuanqi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wu Xianming, then at Ji Bu, gritted his teeth, got up and left, walked towards the boarding gate, and fled.

"Let's go!"

Wu Xianming looked at the plane taking off from the runway: "Ji Bu, on behalf of the police force, I would like to thank you for your contribution to this matter."

"Just say thank you verbally."

Ji Bu bared his teeth and smiled: "I prefer the real thing. If your police force really wants to thank me, then give me more bonuses to commend me. I prefer banknotes."


Wu Xianming laughed when he heard this.

"Let's have dinner together tonight."

Ji Bu waved his hand to Wu Xianming: "Let's go first."


Wu Xianming watched Ji Bu get into the car and leave, smiling and shaking his head.



Kowloon Hotel.

There was laughter and laughter in the private room, and the atmosphere of the dinner was good.

Tonight, Ji Bu specially booked a large private room to entertain Yang Kou Kou's father Yang Linjing and Senior Superintendent Wu Xianming. Naturally, Superintendent Mo and others were also invited.

"Come, uncle, give you a drink."

Ji Bu picked up the wine dispenser and poured it into the small steel cannon. He frequently raised his glass to Yang Linjing and said, "I must have asked someone to bring this wine from the mainland. It should be to your liking."


Yang Linjing was in a good mood, holding the small steel cannon and drinking it all in one gulp.

"Okay, okay."

Yang Koko looked at the red-faced Yang Linjing, took Ji Bu's arm and pushed him away: "Stop drinking with my father. You wanted to get him drunk the first time we met for dinner."


Everyone burst into laughter.


Yang Linjing nodded with a smile, touched the giant panda cigarette on the side, lit it, took a strong drag, and looked at Ji Bu looking up and down: "I have no objection to the relationship between you and Kou Kou.

But I have a question for you."

"How do you plan to develop next? Right now, I see that you are developing quite well in Hong Kong Island. New World Group has made you prosperous."

There was a pause.

He said with a smile: "Have you ever thought about going to the mainland to develop? Or should you continue to stay in Hong Kong Island?"


Ji Bu clapped his hands and nodded when he heard this: "Uncle Yang is really right. My next plan is to return to the mainland for development. I have some money in hand. The situation in the mainland is very good now. I think Guangzhou and Shenzhen along the coast are very good."

It has development prospects.”

"I think we need aspiring young people like us to go home and build. I think, especially big entrepreneurs like you, we should contribute to the country's construction."


Yang Linjing laughed when he heard this, nodded with great satisfaction, and couldn't help but applaud: "Okay, that's good."

"It just so happens that I just negotiated a project with Shenzhen City a while ago. If you are interested, I will leave this project to you."

"However, there is no rush about the project. The top priority is between you and Kou Kou. Find a day to get married as soon as possible and have a fat boy as soon as possible. It is also time for me to have grandchildren."


Yang Koko's face turned red with embarrassment, and she pursed her lips and muttered: "What are you talking about? There are many people here, are you ashamed?"


Everyone burst into laughter.


Complete book.

(End of chapter)

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