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Chapter 91 Give Points to the Eight-faced Buddha

Chapter 91 Give some to the Eight-faced Buddha (please subscribe)

In such a long time, I have never seen Lin Kun personally call him to go out to work in the middle of the night.

Yuanyang's affairs, big and small, are now in his own hands. Even if something happens, there is no reason to directly alarm Lin Kun.

"Brother Kun."

Ji Bu glanced at A'e sitting on the balcony with twinkling eyes, and tried his words:

"What kind of mission is it? Do you need many people? Do you want me to call all the handsome guys here..."

"Need not."

Lin Kun thought clearly and asked: "Aji, Wuying, are these two eye-catching enough?"


Jibu rolled his eyes.

"Then call them two, you three come over, Hua Zai stays here."


Ji Bu responded and said no more.

Turn off the phone.

He didn't make the call immediately, but took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself, thinking quickly in his mind.

Aji, Wuying, and Hua Zai are our core staff.

Lin Kun specifically asked himself to call them.

Is it possible?

Is it a matter of his flour channel?

Ji Bu blew out the smoke and put out the half-burned cigarette in his hand: "A'e, it's getting late. You should go in and rest early."


A'e was very sensible and went back to the room without asking any questions, closing the door behind her.

Ji Bu took out his phone again and dialed the dedicated line for Miao Zhihua: "Sir Miao, there is an emergency."


Miao Zhihua was a little surprised: "I was just about to find you. There is something going on with Lin Kun. You should tell me first."

"He just called me and asked me to lead someone to do the work."

Ji Bu described the conversation with Lin Kun and speculated: "I guess it must be related to the flour business."


Miao Zhihua immediately responded: "This is the same thing I called you about. There should be something wrong with Lin Kun's base camp in Wanwan."

"We have been conducting a joint investigation into Lin Kun's business with the police in Wanwan.

Just an hour ago, news came from the Wanwan police that something seemed to have happened to Lin Kun’s handler Ajian in Wanwan, but I don’t know the specific situation.”

Lin Kun's base camp, all major markets are in Wanwan, and he has absolute dominance in the market there.


Ji Bu responded: "Did something happen to Lin Kun's hand?"

"I guess he is planning to let you go to Wanwan."

Miao Zhihua had obviously already discussed the plan and countermeasures before calling Ji Bu: "If this is really the case, you should pay attention."

"If nothing else happens, they should ask you to rescue this Jian and then take him back to Hong Kong Island."

"When I return to Hong Kong Island, will I give him to you?" Ji Bu asked.

"Don't touch him."

Miao Zhihua said: "After research, we decided that the above means don't touch him yet and let you protect him."

"This Ah Jian plays an important role in the flour markets of Lin Kun Wan Bay and Hong Kong Island. If something goes wrong with him, the Wan Wan police's clues will be cut off. It's not time to close the net yet, so you have to pay special attention. Take a look at this Ah Jian."


Ji Bu nodded: "I know it well."

"There is something you should pay attention to."

Miao Zhihua thought about it and raised the point again:

"What happened this time is very strange. Gui Dong, the boss of Beiguan who detained Ajian, is an old-fashioned man and has never been involved in the flour or arms business."

"It stands to reason that he and A-Jian have no conflict of interest, so why would he suddenly take action against A-Jian?"

"So I suspect that the problem may be within you."

When he said this, he said in a deep voice: "This time you go there, you have to be very careful and pay attention to safety."

"I know it well."

Ji Bu hung up the phone and continued to dial to inform Hua Zai and the others to go to the ocean to assemble.

He changed into casual clothes, took his coat and prepared to go out.


A'e opened the door and came out of the room, looking at him eagerly: "Are you going out again?!"


Ji Bu nodded: "I'm on a business trip. It may take a few days to come back. If anything happens, go find Hua Zai to help you."


A'e bit her lip and nodded, looking at the ground as if she was hesitant to speak, and finally raised her head:

"Then please be safe, I'll wait for you to come back."


Ji Bu stretched out his hand and scratched the bridge of her nose: "Okay, let's go to bed."


Half an hour later.

Ji Bu waited at the door for Hua Tsai and the others to come over. Only after everyone arrived did he go inside.

In the ocean conference room.

By the time Ji Bu led the people in, Duan Kun and Liang Kun from Tsim Sha Tsui had already arrived.

Duan Kun is alone.

Liangkun had brought eight young people with him, and they were sitting inside smoking and chatting. It was very noisy with the smoke.

I saw Ji Bu and three others coming in.

Everyone looked at each other, and none of them said anything. They were all doing their own thing and continued chatting.

Not long after.

Lin Kun and Brother Shan walked in one after the other.

"Brother Kun."

Ji Bu stood up and said hello: "Brother Shan."


Lin Kun nodded, pulled out his stool and sat at the main seat, looking around at everyone: "We are all handsome boys who work for our respective speakers, so I will just say so."

"There is an urgent matter that needs everyone to go to Wanwan to deal with. The situation is urgent and we will leave tonight. I have already arranged the air tickets."


Three people should be present.

"Here's the thing."

Lin Kun spoke quickly and began to introduce: "I have a batch of goods in Kaohsiung that have a problem, and it involves the local Beiguan Society in Wanwan."

"After you land, there will be a man named Ajian to pick you up. Just call him Brother Jian, and he will tell you exactly what to do."

Something went wrong with a batch of goods?


The actual situation was completely different from the information Miao Zhihua provided to him.

Nothing happened to Ajian at all.

It seems that the professional capabilities of the police in Wanwan are not good at all. This kind of information can be obtained incorrectly.

Ji Bu seemed to suddenly understand why Lin Kun's main business was all in Wanwan, and then he no longer had to be stationed in Wanwan.

The Wanwan police have been investigating Lin Kun's flour business, but they can't even control the most basic trends in the market below him. It's no wonder they haven't been able to capture Lin Kun.

"Brother Kun."

Duan Kun from Tsim Sha Tsui shook the white bangs in front of his forehead: "Can't Brother Jian handle this kind of thing? He has so many people under his command, is it necessary for us to go there?"

It's obvious.

Duan Kun knew Ah Jian.

"There is something wrong with the goods. They are now being targeted by the police and cannot move at all."

Lin Kun gave a simple explanation and tapped his finger on the table: "You don't know the strength of Beikuan in Kaohsiung? I have to give your boss some face."

He stopped going on and said: "You must fight quickly this time when you go there."

"Duan Kun."

His eyes fell on Duan Kun: "You will be responsible for this matter."


Duan Kun first pointed at himself, then smiled and said in a playful tone: "How about giving Abu a chance and letting him lead the team."

"You come on."

Lin Kun repeated: "You have been in Kaohsiung, you know the situation, and you know Ajian, so just you."


Duan Kun didn't say anything more.

"Then it's settled."

Lin Kun waved his hand, indicating that everyone was ready to go.

Everyone came down one after another and waited at the door for the car to come out from the backyard.


Ji Bu squinted and held a cigarette in his mouth to relieve stress.

Suddenly someone walked in.

It's Lin Kun.

"Brother Kun."


Lin Kun stood next to him and started to pour water. The splashed urine dripped all over the floor. He stepped on it with the toe of his shoe and it was sticky.

"Depend on."

Lin Kun frowned: "My blood sugar has spiked again, my kidneys are not working anymore, I pee all over the floor, I still envy you young guys."


Ji Bu smiled and trembled: "Control your sugar more."


Lin Kun glanced behind him and said in a playful tone: "The Burmese Inspectorate is here with us. Has anyone come into contact with him?"

"have no idea."

Ji Bu shook his head: "Isn't Brother Shan always in charge of the affairs of the Miancha?"

"Now I understand why the Eight-faced Buddha never took Mencha back. It turned out that he was planning to fight with me."

Lin Kun stared at the tiles in front of him and narrowed his eyes: "This time, come over and help me pay attention and keep your eyes bright."


Ji Bu was stunned when he heard this.

"Ajian has been doing this for so many years, and there has never been any problem with the goods, and the people under him have no strange faces. There is no way that there will be problems with this batch of goods for no reason."

Lin Kun looked at himself in the mirror and concentrated on rinsing his hands under the faucet:

"Wanwan's business will have trouble sooner rather than later, but it happened at the juncture of the competition between me and the Eight-faced Buddha."

"This matter may have something to do with the Eight-faced Buddha. Someone is passing some points to the Eight-faced Buddha."

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Kun shook off his palms and reached out to pat Ji Bu on the shoulder: "This matter must be more eye-catching."


Ji Bu's expression did not change.

The two separated at the door of the toilet.

When everyone set off for the airport, Lin Kun didn't come out either.

He stood by the window, frowned at the car leaving, and looked at Brother Shan beside him:

"What do you think is wrong?"

Brother Shan pondered for a moment and said nothing.

inside the car.

Jibu brought Wuying with him, and Aji had three people in a car, so he didn't have any scruples about what he said.


Wuying was talking while driving: "Actually, I really think what Duan Kun said makes sense. That Jian brother is already in charge of Wanwan's business. Can't he handle such a small matter?"


Ji Bu slapped him on the head: "Just do what you are told to do. Why are you thinking so much all day long? You want to rebel."

"All right."

Wuying shrugged his shoulders angrily and said no more.


the next day.

Bay Bay.

Kaohsiung City.

The team of thirteen people including Ji Bu was divided into three vehicles and arrived at the landing point. Under the leadership of Ma Zai, Ji Bu and the other three finally met the legendary Ajian.

"Brother Jian."

Duan Kun from Tsim Sha Tsui greeted him and began to introduce him: "This is Liang Kun, coming out for the first time. This is Abu, the successor of Brother Kun."

When he talked about his successor, his tone was a little more playful.


Ajian nodded and greeted everyone in turn. While talking to Ji Bu, he looked at Ji Bu a few more times and commented:

“Pretty good.”

"Thank you Brother Jian."

Ji Bu was also sizing up Ajian. Ajian had the face of a villain and had a strong big brother aura about him.

If you want a more vivid description:

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Chang Wei calling Laifu?!

Beside him.

Standing there was a young man in a suit and ties, with a head of white hair that was even more dazzling than Duan Kun's. He stood on the edge with his hands behind his back, his head raised high and not looking at anyone, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

The tattoos exposed on his neck made him look even more in need of a beating.

Ajian pointed at the young white-haired man and introduced: "This is Bad Bad, my right-hand man. I asked him to take you with him for this matter. The police are watching me, so I showed up."


The bad guy responded angrily, and his arrogant attitude immediately made Duan Kun and others frown.

"He is a rather arrogant person."

Ajian explained with a smile and motioned for them to sit down: "Let's just talk about the matter directly."

"You must already know that something happened to one of my shipments."

Ajian stretched out a finger: "One ton, a full ton of goods, gone."

When the three people heard this number, they couldn't help but look at each other and said nothing.

a ton.

The matter is very serious.

"The goods were intercepted as soon as they arrived at the dock, and the police came not long after."

Ah Jian frowned and took a puff of his cigar, and the thick smoke enveloped him: "Preliminary investigation shows that this batch of goods was swallowed by Ah Qing, the second-in-command at the corner of the Beiguan."

His tone paused: "The current boss of Beiguan is Gao Guoren. I contacted him, but he refused to acknowledge the account."

"He said that they never touch flour or munitions in the North Hall, and the people below will never touch it. No matter what they say, they don't recognize it."

"I asked Gao Guoren to cooperate before, but he refused. But he didn't know that the second-in-command, A Qing, was dealing with us behind his back. I didn't expect that A Qing would dare to be interested in our goods."

Ajian's eyes slowly swept over Ji Bu, Duan Kun, and Liang Kun:

"The day after tomorrow, they are going to send Ah Qing out of Wanwan to avoid the limelight. That's why they are so anxious to let you come here."

"What you have to do is to snatch Ah Qing from the North Hall before this happens. Only by prying this kid's mouth open will the whereabouts of this batch of goods be found."

He didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "Beiguan Jiaotou is very powerful in Kaohsiung, Brother Kun has to give him some face."

"If you take action, not only will you have to face their pressure, but you will also have to guard against the police. Now the police are targeting us because of this matter."

He looked at Duan Kun, who was in charge of leading the team this time: "So you have to go fast. No one will know that you are coming. Do you have any problems?"


Duan Kun nodded and agreed.

"That's good."

Ajian narrowed his eyes and chewed his cigar: "Then let's do it tonight. We've already found out where he is. Just let Bad Bad take you there."

Bad and bad raised his head proudly and glanced at them sideways.

Because this guy keeps his head raised, when he looks at people, his eyes naturally give people a look of contempt and disdain.


Duan Kun laughed and glanced at the white-haired bad guy: "This brother of yours is quite interesting. I haven't seen him before."

"Don't underestimate him."

Ah Jian smiled and said, "I used to be a top student, and I was reliable in my work."

After a brief chat with Ajian, the three of them dispersed and went to rest at their base to recharge their batteries.


The bad guy in a suit and tie stood in the corridor with his hands behind his back, holding a cigarette in his mouth, raising his head and shouting at the top of his lungs: "Brothers, it's time to work, hahaha."

Full of nerves.

(End of chapter)

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