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Chapter 114 Fighting Shiratorozawa Again

Chapter 114 Another Battle at Shiratorizawa

"I want you to look good today, so be mentally prepared! Xiao Niu Ruo."

"Don't call me that, Oikawa."

After defeating Dewa Private High School, the finals between Aoki and Shiratorizawa officially began that afternoon.

Two teams of old enemies met, and if Oikawa Toru didn't play two games, he wouldn't be called Oikawa Toru.

The qualifying finals are different from regular matches and require five games to be played.

And compared with regular games, the number of people in the auditorium on the second floor today increased significantly. Although there were only the last two teams playing in the entire venue, it was noisy.

Even the number of reporters around has obviously increased.

"Today I will definitely prove to you who is the best attacker in the country."

Oikawa Tooru and Ushijima Wakali sparked off, while on the other side, Shiratorizawa's Goshiki Gong was also not to be outdone and issued a challenge to Akashi Asuka.

As we all know, Akashi Asuka has always been a generous person, so he chose to ignore Goshiki Gong's challenge.

Then Wuse Gong became even more angry.

Although it was the finals, there was nothing special about it. After all, it was just a qualifying match. Aoki and Shiratorizawa saluted each other and said hello, and then the game officially started.

In the first game, Qingcheng served first.

Qingcheng's starting formation is still Oikawa Tooru in the first position, and Akashi Asuka in the second position in the "heavy artillery burst" position.

The purpose is very simple, just to give Qingcheng an advantage at the beginning.

We all know the state of athletes. Even for a top professional player, it is normal for his state to have ups and downs. Just like when he played Yuichi in the last game, Akashi Asuka felt uncomfortable when the opponent suddenly lost his block.


But this is hitting someone else.

Once the battle starts with Shiratorizawa, it's hard to say what other people's status will be, but Oikawa Toru's status will definitely be very good.

Not only did Oikawa Toru hit the first ball in the game, but he hit a super high-speed serve from the blind spot in the backcourt, giving Shiratorizawa a powerful blow right from the start.


Qingcheng took the lead to score a point.

Shiratorizawa's backcourt defender was startled, but not completely.

After all, they have been playing against Qingcheng for such a long time, and they all have some understanding of Oikawa Toru's serve. To put it bluntly, in terms of serving and scoring ability alone, Oikawa Toru is definitely ranked first in the prefecture.

Even Shiratorizawa's "ace" Ushijima Wakali cannot compare with him.

"This guy's serve is getting sharper and sharper."

Although Aoki and Shiratorizawa had played a practice match before, the practice match and the official game were never comparable. Even though both sides were serious about that practice match, there was always an essential difference between the two.


While thinking.

Oikawa Toru has already sent out his second serve. This ball is aimed at the midline position of the two receivers in the backcourt. The precision of the landing point makes people feel chilled all over just watching it.


The volleyball landed and Qingcheng scored another point.


Gaining such an advantage at the start immediately boosted Qingcheng's morale.

Even the support outside the court became more intense:

"Go, go, go, Qingcheng! Go up, go up, go up, Qingcheng!"

"1~2~Come on Qingcheng."

Today's support is particularly enthusiastic. Because of the finals, Qingcheng's support team has expanded a lot today.

But even in the face of such a point difference disadvantage and the interference of support from Qingcheng outside the field, the expressions of the Shiratorizawa players remained unchanged and their mentality remained calm.

This is not the first time they have experienced such a scene.

The situation in the past was similar to today. Facing Oikawa Tooru's serve, it was common for Shiratorizawa to be at a disadvantage, but they were the ones who won in the end.

Because Oikawa Tooru is only one person.

In a volleyball match where six players' positions are constantly rotating, no matter how many rotations are made, theoretically speaking, Oikawa Toru can only get four serving opportunities at most.


The next serve arrives in an instant.

Oikawa Toru was obviously in excellent condition today. Three consecutive serves showed at least 90% of his strength. Faced with such a serve, even though the libero in Shiratorizawa had seen the flight trajectory of the volleyball, he still did not

Can catch it perfectly.

The volleyball hit the side of the libero Hayato Yamagata's arm and bounced straight out of bounds.


In front of Oikawa Tooru who was in hot form, Shiratorizawa's backcourt defense was useless.

Shiratorizawa's libero Hayato Yamagata is not weak, but that depends on who he is competing with. Karasuno's Yu Nishitani can pick up several serves from Oikawa and Akashi in official matches, but that doesn't mean Hayato Yamagata can do the same.

To be precise.

In fact, in the original work, in the match between Aoki and Shiratorizawa, Hayato Yamagata faced the full-fire Oikawa Tooru and barely managed to catch a serve at the end of the match.

And now, because of the addition of Akashi Asuka, Washi Tōji made a special surprise training on Shiratorizawa's return of serve before the start of the qualifiers. But receiving is not a spiking or blocking after all. Without long-term training, basically

It is impossible to achieve a big breakthrough.

Unless they are also hung up.

On the fourth serve, Oikawa Toru made a mistake and failed to serve past the blocker.

However, he succeeded in scoring three out of four goals, which was just short of the 75% service success rate, which is already an astonishing ratio at the high school level.


The right to serve shifts to Shiratorizawa.

The first-round server on Shiratorizawa's side was Ushijima Wakali.

Although Ushijima Wakali's serve does not have Oikawa Toru's precise control of the ball, nor does it have the unreasonable power of Akashi Asuka, his natural "left-handedness" imposes a reverse direction on the serve.


This kind of reverse rotation is very difficult for right-handed receivers to adapt to.

In addition, Ushijima Wakatori's own strength is not weak. Although his serving power is not as powerful as Akashi Asuka, his own strength quality is stronger than Akashi Asuka.

So once Ushijima Wakatoshi gets up, this kind of serve is also an invincible means of scoring.

And perhaps because of Oikawa Tooru's stimulation, Ushijima Wakatoshi is indeed in pretty good shape today.




Wakali Ushijima fired three consecutive balls, and the power and spin of each ball were enough to bounce off the arms of free agent Watachanji. In the end, Watachanji didn't catch a single ball.

In less than two minutes, the score between Qingcheng and Shiratorizawa was instantly reversed to 3:4.

The game had just begun, and the two teams penetrated each other's backcourt defense, causing the free men of both teams to fall into doubt in their lives.

Afterwards, Ushijima Wakatoshi returned the favor and served out of bounds, giving Aoki a point in vain.


The two sides tied.

The other players in Shiratorizawa looked calm, as if they had expected this scene.

But soon, as Akashi Asuka took the ball and walked to the first position, everyone in Shiratorizawa suddenly became a little bit unable to calm down.

The time is confirmed, it will be on the shelves next Tuesday!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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