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Chapter 200: Changes in Karasuno

Chapter 200 Karasuno’s Changes

The first match of the second round of the Spring High Qualifiers was between Shiratorizawa and Deha Kazuichi.

Although Dewa Kaichi High School is considered a strong player in the prefecture, it was completely unable to fight back against Shiratorizawa. Ushijima Wakali basically won the game easily with an absolute advantage.

Then in the second game it was Karasuno's turn to fight Jōzenji.

Qingcheng specially came to watch this game. At first, their target was mainly Karasuno's first-year duo. However, after they watched the full showdown between Karasuno and Jōzenji, the expressions of everyone in Qingcheng gradually changed.

Becoming a little serious.


The first game of Karasuno vs. Jōzenji.

The playing style of Jiaozenji High School is very unique. Although the school's banner says "Solid and Strong", in fact, every player at Jiaozenji High School has an unusually happy and bold playing style.

‘Have fun’, ‘play the happiest volleyball’... These words are the slogans that every player at Jozenji High School always talks about.

Because of this, the game had just begun, and the players from Jōzenji High School gave Karasuno a thumbs up.

On the first pitch, a backcourt player from Jōzenji High School made a mistake in catching the ball, and the pass was almost out of bounds on the right side. Everyone on the field thought that Jōzenji would make adjustments first, and then launch an attack.

However, under such circumstances, the main attacker of Jiaozenji High School made a reaction that no one expected. He directly chose to launch a second pass smash from outside the boundary.

And this bold act is just the beginning.

Then comes the second round.

Jōzenji High School once again launched an attack, and Karasuno set up a tight defense in the frontcourt. Faced with this situation, Jōzenji High School once again made a choice that surprised everyone.

They still did not choose the conventional play, but passed the ball to the backcourt, but instead of attacking from the backcourt, they launched a smash from a farther baseline.

And just such a random smash actually made them hit it. The volleyball drew a huge arc like a rainbow in the air, went straight through the blocker, and fell towards Karasuno's backcourt...

The third round after that.

The Hulai at Jiaozenji Temple has reached a new level.


To be precise, this is no longer nonsense, but simply playing with fire.

Because after they saw Karasuno Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyo playing the 'Monster Attack', they actually chose to imitate this move on the spot, and more than one person agreed with this decision.

After Jōzenji's main attacker Terushima Yuuji announced this decision, their setter didn't even hesitate at all and decisively agreed to the decision.

Although they failed to imitate the 'monster fast break' in the end, their bold decision also allowed them to play a very fast fast break.


Today’s protagonist is destined not to be Jozenji.

Even for three consecutive rounds, Jozenji made bold and lucky attacks, but the actual score between the two sides at this time was 3:0.

Jiaozenji Temple is zero.

After three consecutive rounds of offense without scoring a single point, the Jozenji players who originally looked like monkeys, jumping up and down and extremely active, were all frozen in place.

"What on earth is going on?"

Terushima Yuji's expression was stiff and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Even they themselves could not predict the direction or angle of their attacks for three consecutive rounds, but why did the guys on the opposite side appear in the right position every time?


The coach of Jōzenji High School hurriedly called a timeout.

Saw this scene.

The audience in the stands immediately started talking.

As for Qingcheng and others sitting at the back of the stands, their faces were also filled with shock.

"Hey, hey~~This joke is not funny at all!" Iwaizumi whispered.

"What on earth have these guys experienced? Compared with last semester, they are completely transformed!"

"Forget about Kageyama and a few other old players, what's going on with that little guy? Last semester, except for his physical fitness, he behaved like a novice in other aspects. This semester, he has already shown the model in all aspects.

That's it. Especially the two balls he just caught. Although his catching skills were a bit poor, his speed and placement were simply frighteningly accurate."


For other viewers, they may only see that Karasuno is very strong through the comparison with Jiaozenji.

But for Qingcheng, who had personally played against Karasuno last semester, it was no longer just a matter of Karasuno being strong. This entire team was completely different from last semester.

"Probably because they also went through quite rigorous training this summer!"

Akashi Asuka held his chin, although he was also a little surprised by Karasuno's progress, but considering that Karasuno is the protagonist of the original work after all, it is normal to have such a speed of progress.

"summer vacation?"

Everyone in Qingcheng was slightly stunned: "Does that shabby school in Karasuno still have money to hold a dormitory?"

Volleyball aside, Karasuno is basically a low-ranking high school in the county, because most public high schools in the island country do not have enough financial support. If you want to really improve your performance, you can basically rely on self-consciousness.

"On this point, it seems that the old coach of Tokyo Enkoma High School opened a back door for Karasuno." Ryuhei Mitsuga raised his hand and added.

"Onkoma High School?"

Most people in Qingcheng were a little confused about this school, but a few people were thoughtful and seemed to have remembered something.

"Is Nekoma... the high school where Karano and Karasuno had a 'Junkyard Showdown' showdown?" Iriyata Nobuteru asked.

"That's right!"

"I see. In this case, Karasuno's changes can be understood."

As a veteran coach, Irimata Nobuteru obviously knows more about these aspects of information.

Moreover, Nekoma High School has always been known for its strong foundation and solid defensive strength. If Karasuno has been communicating with such a school during the summer vacation, then the strong defensive ability they are showing now will be explained.


After a brief pause, Jiaozenji returned to the field.

Jōzenji, who came back on the field, changed his previous style. Although he still looked very naughty, this time he was more stable under the skin, and the whole team's style of play became a little more "solid and strong".

But even so, Jiaozenji still couldn't hold on for long in the face of Karasuno, who had truly reborn.

Fifty-three minutes.

Two games ended at 2-0.

Karasuno defeated Jōzenji and successfully advanced to the third round...

(End of chapter)

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