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Chapter 221 Forced Taunt

Chapter 221 Forced Taunting

"Ah? Are you planning to grab a quick break?" Oikawa Toru was a little surprised.

Karasuno's sudden attack was somewhat unexpected by Qingcheng. In fact, compared to the [New Monster Fast Attack], the Karasuno duo's [Old Monster Fast Attack] was indeed superior in speed.

In conjunction with Hinata Shoyang, whose short-range bursts are obviously better now, [Old Monster Fast Break], although it still cannot control the smash angle, can indeed show unexpected effects at certain times.

"So in other words, Kageyama deliberately targeted Akashi just now, but it was actually just a cover. The real purpose was to make us think that he wanted to restrict Akashi."

"Damn~~What an unlovable little devil."

Oikawa Toru's face turned a little dark, and he figured out everything in almost an instant.

The tactic of restricting the enemy's "ace" by serving has been used by both Kageyama Tobio and Oikawa Toru. And when they used this tactic against Shiratorizawa, Aoki's people were on the sidelines.

And Kageyama Tobio obviously also knew that the people from Qingcheng were fighting on the sidelines at that time.

That's why he deliberately took advantage of this.

The purpose is to make Oikawa Tooru think that his target is Akashi Asuka, but in fact he is secretly plotting against Chen Cang and launching a quick attack from the front through Hinata Shoyo.

That is to say.

In the confrontation just now, it seemed that Asuka Akashi was involved, but in reality it was just two setters who totaled at least 1,600 people and were secretly fighting each other.

From the perspective of consequentialism, Tobio Kageyama is obviously slightly better.

This is a textbook serve.



Tobio Kageyama served for the second time.

But this time, the target he aimed at was Oikawa Tooru himself.

"That's why I said, I hate brats!"

Oikawa Toru's expression was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water, but faced with Kageyama Tobio's 'involvement', he still had to reach out and catch the ball.

After Oikawa Toru receives the first pass, someone else can only take the second pass.

Deliberately locking the serve on the left side, although Oikawa Toru successfully received the serve, the direction of the volleyball shifted to the left, while Akashi Asuka was on the right side of the court.

With such a long distance, no one in Qingcheng except Oikawa Toru could accurately pass the volleyball to Akashi Asuka.

Therefore, the ball can only be handed to Kindaichi Yutaro or the backcourt players to attack.

Iwaizumi, who temporarily replaced the setter, finally sent the ball to Kindaichi. Karasuno on the opposite side seemed to have predicted this result and deployed a tight defense on the ground early.

There was a snap.

Qingcheng's offensive ball was picked up again.

Then Hinata Shoyo suddenly started to move, and he crossed half of the stadium in almost an instant, and came to the right edge of the block, facing Akashi Asuka from a distance.

"I still want to do this!"

Oikawa Tooru's heart was inexplicably filled with anger, and he suddenly stepped forward to chase after Hinata Shoyang.

However, after Xiang Xiangyang swung his arms vigorously with his eyes closed, they both found that their (the other party's) swing was empty.

Hinata Shoyo: "Huh? Where's the ball?"

Oikawa Toru: "No, it's bait!"

Oikawa Tooru was shocked and turned around to remind the rest of the team not to be fooled. But when he turned around and looked, he saw that all the defensive players on the team had subconsciously taken a few steps in this direction.

Although some people reacted, it was already too late.


Tanaka Ryunosuke faced a court that was almost air defense and directly smashed the ball to score the points.


The extremely excited Ryunosuke Tanaka screamed to the sky on the spot, tore off his own clothes and waved them wantonly on the court.

"Nice, nice buckle, Tanaka-senpai."

"nice shot!"

"Woohoo~~ It feels so good. I obviously didn't score this goal, but I don't know why, but I always feel very excited."


Karasuno's players were cheering crazily, while on the other side, everyone in Qingcheng looked at the formation that had become completely chaotic at some point, and was a little confused for a moment.

"What just... happened?"

"It's so strange. I have reminded myself countless times before the game that the No. 10 on the opposite side is just a bait, but the moment the No. 10 acted just now, I still couldn't help but follow him."

"That kid has such a strong sense of presence."

Everyone in Qingcheng was quite surprised, because the ability Hinata Xiangyang showed just now is not so much a 'bait', but more like a skill similar to that in the game - forced taunting.

Akashi Asuka has always used the 'back block', which means he will follow up and block after seeing the direction of the opponent's second passer.

But the moment Hinata Xiangyang took action, even he couldn't help but subconsciously followed a few steps in that direction.

Although he reacted quickly, in a formal competition, these few extra steps were enough to cause a fatal crisis.


The situation between Qingcheng and Karasuno in the second game was like the complete opposite from the first game.

With a huge advantage, Tobio Kageyama fired the third ball.

But this time.

Kageyama Tobio did not continue to score. His serve was successfully received by Iwaizumi Kazuo. Then Oikawa Toru passed the setter to Akashi Asuka. Akashi Asuka directly ended Kageyama Tobio's serve with a heavy shot.


Exchange of service rights.

Kentaro Aoki Kyotani serves.

Starting in the first game, Kentaro Kyotani failed to seize the opportunity, causing Qingcheng to lose one point at the start.

But this time, Kyotani Kentaro successfully demonstrated his serving skills and his talent in freely manipulating muscles in the air, allowing him to shoot the volleyball like a big bow.


With a shocking explosion, the volleyball suddenly crossed the court and fell straight towards the back of Karasuno.

The astonishing speed made Karasuno's defensive players in the backcourt, Nishitani Yu and Sawamura Daichi, startled, and then they quickly rushed towards the point where the serve was coming, but it was already too late.

A thud.

The volleyball fell directly to the ground, and Qingcheng quickly equalized the score.


"This guy, does Qingcheng actually have a third powerful server?"

Kentaro Kyotani's performance made the people in Karasuno wide-eyed. In high school, it was quite remarkable for a team to have one powerful server, but now three people appeared in Qingcheng.

What kind of outrageous player profile is this?

Do you think this is a professional league?

People's joys and sorrows are not connected to each other. Karasuno's players were shocked by this, but Kentaro Kyoutani just wanted to send them home as soon as possible.


Kentaro Kyotani once again took the ball to the service area and directly served the second ball.


The powerful and fast jump shot once again passed the blocker and fell straight towards the Karasuno Stadium. However, this time, Nishitani Yuu successfully caught it.

Karasuno launched a counterattack, and Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyo played a [New Monster Quick Break], decisively and simply winning the point.



(End of chapter)

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