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Chapter 262: Ultimate Attack and Defense4,000 words

Chapter 262 Extreme Attack and Defense (4000 words)

【What a wonderful goal.】

[Akashi Asuka once again showed us his unparalleled scoring ability. Facing a three-man block by Jing Dashan, he forced a straight-line smash that squeezed the sideline and once again helped Qingcheng score a point.

[However, Jing Dashan was also unwilling to be outdone. In order to save the second game, Jing Dashan showed a desperate spirit from the beginning of the game. All members participated in the attack and would attack the opponent whenever there was a chance.


[After falling behind by a point difference, Sakuha Seomi from Idayama used a strong serve to regain the lead and successfully reversed the point difference, regaining the lead.]


The atmosphere inside the venue was rarely quiet.

But this is not because the duel between Qingcheng and Jing Dishan was too boring, but on the contrary. It was precisely because the duel between Qingcheng and Jing Dishan in the second game was too fast that the audience around the stadium subconsciously turned their screens.

Hold your breath.

The second game started at 11 minutes.

On the scoreboard next to the stadium, two astonishing scores of 16:17 were already written.

Such a point difference at this time is no longer a matter of the pace of the game. To be precise, it should be that the players of the two teams have simply gone crazy.

Counting that both teams each used a timeout midway through.

According to this score, it means that in the second game between Qingcheng and Jingdashan, they have to play at least three rounds of offense and defense in one minute to narrow the point difference to this level in such a short period of time.

At the end of each offensive and defensive round, it often takes more than ten seconds just to pick up the ball.

As a result, the actual time left for both sides to compete in a round may only be a few seconds.

And such a short period of time means that the two sides cannot even start the most basic tug-of-war. Every round of attack and defense must be bloody and kill with one blow.


The players on both sides were breathing extremely fast.

The minds of the members of the Qingcheng and Jingdashan teams went blank. This was due to lack of oxygen. The ultra-fast-paced game almost turned this volleyball match into an anaerobic exercise.

"Let me go~~ Are the people in Jingdashan crazy? Such a crazy offensive method has nothing like the stability of a championship team!" Matsukawa Kazuki panted and complained.

"What do you think the championship team is like?" Oikawa Tooru glanced at him sideways and asked.

"At least we should advance and retreat in a controlled manner and maintain the demeanor of a champion!"

Oikawa Toru sneered and said: "Haha~~ Champions will be respected by others, never because of their demeanor. The reason why champions are called champions is because they can bring victory."

"So in order to compete for the championship, being able to abandon all the players' demeanor, habits, and dignity... This is the core of a true championship team."

The road to national domination is far more cruel than all high school students imagine.

Being able to strictly follow tactics and win steadily.

You can also drop everything and fight to the death.

This is the true confidence that Jing Dashan, as a championship team, has.

After Sakuza Shengchen reversed the score, Jingdashan's players except for a symbolic celebration, were not too excited, because they knew one thing very well, that is, whether Jingdashan can maintain its advantage next, the key is not

It was Sakuha Seomi, and it was Akashi Asuka who served immediately after Sakuha Seomi.

Akashi Asuka walked to the service area with the ball in hand and took several deep breaths before finally calming down his violent heartbeat.

Although the state of [Mikyō Shisui] can help Akashi Asuka exert 120% of his strength, this state of exceeding the limit also doubles the consumption of physical energy.

What's more, Akashi Asuka has scored a full 10 points since the beginning of the second game.

What is this concept?

Nearly two-thirds of the team's points were scored by Akashi Asuka alone, and he faced an opponent from a top school in the country like Jingda Mountain.


Akashi Asuka often did this kind of thing before!

That's okay.


Akashi Asuka waved his arm and hit a [super powerful jump serve], and then unexpectedly, but not so unexpectedly, hit the net.

no way.

Akashi Asuka's [Mei Jing Shisui] state has disappeared. This period happens to be similar to a 'weak period'. Although his strength has not dropped too much, Akashi Asuka's error rate has increased due to the severe contrast.


This is actually one of the sequelae of loss.

Before the start of the second game, Akashi Asuka had already told everyone in Qingcheng about this incident, so the Qingcheng players were not surprised by this mistake.

But for the people of Jingda Mountain, Akashi Asuka's mistakes were a huge surprise.

The score between the two sides suddenly reached 16:18.

This directly made all the members of the Jingdashan team feel refreshed and their eyes lit up with excitement.

But this excitement did not last long, because in the next round, Oikawa Toru suddenly reached out and gave them a loud and loud blow.


After Jing Dashan regained the right to serve, he found that the right to serve was of little use to them.

This is not to say that Jingdashan's serving level is not good. To be precise, Jingdashan is last year's championship team. Except for the libero Komori Yuan, the entire team has mastered very powerful jump serve skills.

Even Komori Yuan just couldn't serve. In fact, he actually practiced serving secretly during training, and with his own talent, he really made a name for himself.

But the problem is, with the opponents they are facing now, unless they are truly the top serving attack in the country, there is really not much difference between this kind of powerful jump serve and ordinary serve.

Just like it is the same here in Qingcheng.

Qingcheng has a total of three strong servers. In addition to Akashi Asuka and Oikawa Toru, there is also a little rabid dog.

But in today's game, Kentaro Kyotani also played for a long time, but his presence cannot be said to be weak, to be precise, it should not be strong.

Because facing the first free man in the country.

Kentaro Kyotani's serve is just powerful but has no characteristics. It is too difficult to score directly.

Kentaro Kyotani got the right to serve three times in the whole game, but he only scored one goal directly.

Jing Dashan's serve landed at Qingcheng Stadium, and was steadily picked up by Watanaji, and then the pass was once again delivered to the hands of Ryuhei Mitsuka.

Seeing that Ryuhei's second pass was still coming three times, Idayama's defensive players subconsciously locked onto Akashi Asuka.

The game continues till now.

They also discovered that except for the pass to Asuka Akashi, all the passes passed by Ryuhei Mitsuga to other players could only be described as "mediocre".

Two blockers in the frontcourt, plus a defensive player in the backcourt, quickly moved towards Akashi Asuka's position.

Although Akashi Asuka is now in the backcourt, their vigilance has not relaxed at all, because in the previous four or five consecutive rounds of offensive and defensive battles, Akashi Asuka made the players of Jingda Mountain clearly understand that for a monster like him,

, frontcourt or backcourt, actually does not affect his scoring.

But at the moment when Jing Dashan's three defensive players were about to take up their positions, something unexpected happened.

Ryuhei's pass didn't fly to Asuka Akashi's side, but flew in the opposite direction to the other side.

And what surprised everyone even more was that in that direction, there was no Qingcheng's main attacker or secondary attacker. The only player that existed was the main setter - Oikawa Toru.

"Damn it, what do these bastards want to do?"

Komori Genya almost instinctively smelled the atmosphere of conspiracy, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't find out what else Qingcheng could do. After all, Oikawa Toru's pass was already the last chance to touch the ball.

So no matter what, the final attack must be carried out by Oikawa Tooru, there is no doubt about this.

But with a setter controlling the offense, even if there is only one blocker left in the frontcourt, is it possible that he can continuously break through Jing Dashan's two-layer defense in the front and backcourt?

Don't forget.

Now I am still in the backcourt!

He acknowledged Oikawa Toru's strength as a setter, but in terms of offense, is it possible that he can break through his own defense?

If Toru Oikawa could do it, Motoya Komori could eat this volleyball on the spot...


There was a loud bang.

The volleyball avoided the only remaining blocker in the frontcourt of Jingda Mountain, and drew a perfect small diagonal line nearly a meter away from Motoya Komori's eyes, and then hit the blocker less than 2 meters away.




Komori Motoya's expression instantly stiffened.


The commentator in the stands was so excited that he stood up when he saw Oikawa Toru's smash.

[It was a perfect first-serve small slash. In the middle of the second game, Qingcheng suddenly used a double setter tactic, using Asuka Akashi as a bait, and Ryuhei successfully passed the volleyball to Toru Oikawa three times.


[Facing the remaining defensive players of Jingda Mountain, at the critical moment, Toru Oikawa hit a perfect small diagonal shot that even the main attacker could not hit, and penetrated Jingdashan's defense in one fell swoop, helping Qingcheng win.


[I never expected that Qingcheng could come up with a new trump card after the game has already progressed to this point. It’s really unbelievable.]



"Damn it!"

At the same time, Tobio Kageyama, who was far away in Miyagi Prefecture, looked at the live broadcast on TV and grinned unwillingly: "The distance between us has widened again."

Even as the 'natural enemies' of Kageyama Tobio and Oikawa Toru, we have to admit that Oikawa Toru really hit a perfect little diagonal shot just now.

Perhaps in terms of scoring ability and power, this shot cannot be compared with Akashi Asuka, but in terms of skill alone, the shot just now can almost be included in the textbook.

Without a long period of training and practice, it would be impossible to hit such a shot.


"Good guy, as expected of you! You're practicing secretly behind your back, bah!"

Asuka Akashi stood in the backcourt. When he saw Toru Oikawa dunk the ball, he immediately realized that this guy was definitely practicing more secretly without him knowing.

Oikawa Tooru suddenly played this trump card, which really shocked Jing Dashan.

A setter with an offensive power that is not inferior to that of the main attacker is enough to disrupt Jing Dashan's previous formation deployment.

But after all, they were a championship team, and Jing Dashan was only shocked for a short while, and quickly recovered without even using a timeout.


Now Jingdishan is still 1 point ahead. The advantage is mine, so there is nothing to panic about.

Both sides continued to attack and defend.

The point difference between the two sides has also reached 20 points.


Jingdishan still maintains a slight score advantage.

At this time, Sakuza Seomi and Akashi Asuka also rotated back to the frontcourt one after another.

In this round, it was Aoki Oikawa Toru's turn to serve.

When the players from Jingda Mountain saw Oikawa Tooru walking onto the tee, everyone immediately held their breath and stood ready.

Because both Qingcheng and Jingdishan people knew that in the next game, if Qingcheng wanted to reverse the score, it would have two chances.

They are the serving games of Toru Oikawa and Asuka Akashi respectively.

If the two men can hold their serve, Jing Dashan will have a great chance of winning the second game.

on the contrary.

If during this period, the score is successfully equalized or even overtaken.

If things go wrong, Jing Dashan will most likely end this semi-final match early.


Oikawa Tooru slowly exhaled.

Even with Oikawa Toru's mentality, he still couldn't help but feel nervous at such a critical moment.

However, when he thought that at this moment, the players in Jingda Mountain must be more nervous than himself, Oikawa Toru immediately felt that his mentality was much calmer.

[On how to base your own happiness on the pain of others?]

Regarding the topic of this paper, if Toru Oikawa were to write it, Akashi Asuka doubted that he would be able to publish the paper in "Nature".


Still without any warning, Oikawa Tooru suddenly launched an attack.

This is a ball that was fired at the end of the referee's 8-second whistle. The referee's whistle can also be used to put pressure on the opponent. This is a new skill Oikawa Toru learned from the professional team [Tokai Heavy Industries].

As expected.

Facing Oikawa Tooru's serve at the last buzzer, the hearts of everyone in Jingdashan jumped suddenly.

Fortunately, for this ball, Jing Dashan remained highly vigilant throughout the whole process, so although he was frightened, at the critical moment, Gu Senyuan also successfully caught the landing point and caught the ball dangerously at the last moment.


Immediately, Jing Dashan quickly launched a counterattack. The setter Tsuna Iizho and Sakuha Seiko cooperated tacitly. After receiving the pass, they hit a parallel fast break.


The speed of this counterattack directly avoided Qingcheng's frontcourt block, and with Sakuza Seomi's spike, the possibility that the backcourt defender could catch it was extremely slim.

In an instant.

The offensive and defensive momentum of Qingcheng and Jingdi Mountain was instantly reversed.

Kindaichi Yutaro was so jealous that he wished he could grow two pairs of wings and fly over, but unfortunately, his speed was still a step slower.

Seeing that Sakuza Seomiji's arm was about to swing down, it was too late, but soon, Akashi Asuka's figure flashed for the third time and came directly in front of Sakuza Seomiji...

(End of chapter)

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