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Chapter 302

Chapter 302 Fighting and fighting

"Then this year's training ends here. If the members who passed the selection today want to officially join the club, they can bring the official application form for joining the club tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, then let's all disperse where we are."

The selection of newcomers is a time-consuming matter. After the newcomer selection competition is over, today's training time at Zhengbang High School will almost be over.

So Ikken Matsumoto simply announced the disbandment of the players.

However, it was disbanded at this time, and those who left were basically ordinary players. Zhengbang's main players stayed for additional training, which was actually an inevitable thing.

"Yoshi! Now that the training is over, let's have a good exchange of feelings with the two arrogant newcomers!"

Kasuga Ryuhei stretched his waist hard.

The next second.

I saw that the eyes of all the main players from Zhengbang University flashed with a "hunting light".

Tsukawa Tomoki, who was packing his schoolbag stupidly not far away, suddenly felt a chill coming from behind. When he turned around, he saw a group of Zhengbang's main forces with red eyes, quietly surrounding him in the center.

Tomoki Tsugawa: "(;Дi|!)"

"Um...seniors, what's the matter with you?"

Kasuga Ryuhei put his arm around Tsugawa Tomoki's shoulders, and his strong arms almost choked Tsugawa Tomoki out of breath. He sneered: "Hey! Newcomer brother, were you very arrogant on the field just now? We seniors

It seems like you don’t take it seriously at all!”

"Hehehe...Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings! In fact, they are just normal tactics."

A good man never suffers immediate losses. Faced with the oppression of the powerful, even the outspoken Tomoki Tsugawa learned to lie in good faith.

But after being provoked by Tomoki Tsugawa on the field for such a long time, it was obvious that Zhengbang High School's main player could not let him go easily.

"Oh~~ Is it just a tactic? If that's the case, then it's also the school's tradition for the seniors here at Zhengbang to communicate with the freshmen behind the scenes!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Hearing waves of malicious sneers coming from around him, Tomoki Tsugawa realized that he might not be able to escape death today.

But before dying, he decided to make one last struggle.

"Wait a minute, seniors, I'm not the only one provoking you on the field. Don't forget Akashi."

"Hey hey hey... don't worry, both of you are indispensable."

Kasuga Ryuhei sneered and turned back, but the next second, his expression stiffened.

Because at this time, Akashi Asuka was nowhere to be seen in the basketball gym.

"Huh? When did that guy run away?"

"Damn it! I knew that bastard would definitely abandon me and show no loyalty!"

Tsukawa Tomoki roared unwillingly.

Then the entire venue erupted into bursts of shrill wails...

I don't know how long it took.

Tsutomu Iwamura packed up his belongings and passed by several people. This made Tomoki Tsugawa, who was already despairing, suddenly light up: "Iwamura-senpai, Iwamura-senpai, help!"

Tsutomu Iwamura paused and looked at the scene here, frowning slightly: "Hey! You guys, don't spill blood on the floor. It will be very troublesome to clean up."

Tomoki Tsugawa: "()······"

Say it!

The corners of Tsutomu Iwamura's lips curved slightly, and he left from the few people.

As the captain of the team, Tsutomu Iwamura cannot get involved in this kind of thing, because ordinary players and freshmen are fighting each other to build relationships.

But if Tsutomu Iwamura, as the captain, gets involved, it can easily turn into bullying.

The Zhengbang Basketball Club is not the kind of club where the seniors and juniors are solidified.

However, not participating does not mean that Tsutomu Iwamura is not angry at all. After all, no matter what, as long as a person is provoked like that on the court, it will be difficult not to lose his temper.

It's a pity that another exciting new student passed away too quickly.


"Huh? Whose death cry is this?"

Outside the basketball gym, Akashi Asuka raised his head. He didn't know why, but at a certain moment just now, a howl full of sadness and resentment suddenly came to his ears.

It sounds extremely real, not like an auditory hallucination at all.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

Akashi Asuka shook his head and decided not to dwell on the matter. He looked up at the sky and said, "It's quite early! If there's still time, let's go swimming!"

Swimming is a new training program that Akashi Asuka added for himself.

Many people may not know that swimming is actually one of the very few exercises that can exercise the muscles of the whole body at the same time. For many people who want to lose weight and get in shape, this is definitely one of the first choices.

However, for Asuka Akashi, there are two attributes that he mainly wants to exercise through swimming. They are:

Muscle flexibility.

and endurance.

There is also a newly developed special skill that needs to be practiced in water to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, Akashi Asuka specially applied for a swimming membership card at a sports training center near his home.


In the evening.

There are not many people coming to swim in the training hall, and the few people in the swimming pool are basically students.

Due to modern working hours, adults basically have to wait until after eight or nine o'clock in the evening before they have time to come here to swim and exercise. Therefore, this training center is usually open until 10 to 11 o'clock in the evening and then closes.

This is another important reason why Akashi Asuka chose this fitness training gym.

The early training was very simple, just swimming at full speed. Because swimming can exercise the muscles of the whole body and is less likely to be injured, Akashi Asuka did not prepare specific training goals. Anyway, when he reached exhaustion, he would end.

Wait until your own physical strength is exhausted.

Akashi Asuka found a corner, then opened his hands and slowly moved them underwater in a very weird posture.

If any college students from mainland China see Akashi Asuka's current movements, they will find that his current movement of shaking water is exactly one of the compulsory sports in college - Tai Chi.

This habit was developed by playing basketball in his previous life. Because by chance, Akashi Asuka in his previous life discovered that playing Tai Chi after training can relax himself very well, not only physically, but more importantly, at the psychological level.

But in this world, Akashi Asuka no longer pursues relaxation when practicing Tai Chi. Instead, after practicing Tai Chi for a period of time, Akashi Asuka unexpectedly gained a new skill.


(End of chapter)

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