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Chapter 378 Shocking

Chapter 378 Shocking

"Is it really not that easy to break through?"

Off the court, Masako Araki gritted his teeth. Although it was seen through the video yesterday that Masakuni's defense was very strong and it was not easy to break through, but he really saw Akashi Asuka blocking Okamura Kenichi's ball so easily. Masako Araki

Still couldn't help but sigh.

After all, Kenichi Okamura may be a little slow in his movements, but with his height alone, not everyone can block shots!

"As expected, monsters can only be dealt with by monsters!"

Yangquan served again, and this time Kensuke Fukui passed the ball to Atsushi Murasakihara from the outside.

"Watch me smash you with one ball!"

Murasakihara Atsushi's face showed a bit of cruelty. After receiving the ball, he didn't even dribble. He jumped directly on the spot, causing a violent wave of air.

The hammer of destruction!

On Masokuni's side, Tsutomu Iwamura and Giichi Omuro, who were defending the basket together with Asuka Akashi, were ejected without any resistance the moment Atsushi Murasakihara took off.

The people on Zhengbang's side were dumbfounded on the spot.

I should have known it earlier.

Forget about Giichi Omuro, Tsutomu Iwamura's strength is at the top level even nationwide.

But now facing Murasakihara Atsushi, he was knocked directly out. It was like a fantasy.

"Huh? Murasakihara seems to be very motivated today!"

Not only Zhengbang, but also the people in Yangquan were surprised. Even they seemed to be going all out at the beginning of the game for the first time.

But this is obviously a good thing for them. After all, although Murasakihara may only be good at defense in the eyes of outsiders, Yangquan's own people know very well that Murasakihara's power on the offensive end will only be more terrifying.

so far.

No one has been able to stop Murasakibara's ultimate move [Hammer of Destruction].

So when the people in Yangquan saw Murasakihara use this move, if the coach hadn't allowed it, they would have even started to defend.

Because in the eyes of the Yangquan players, this point is already in their pocket.

But everyone in Yangquan has overlooked one thing, and that is why Murasakihara, who has never been fond of going all out in the past, showed such strength at the beginning today?


There was no warning at all, just like two ferocious beasts in the primitive jungle fighting each other; or like two giant elephants starting to wrestle with each other in the wilderness; or maybe there was a thunder on the horizon on the endless sea...

Everyone's thoughts seemed to have come to a standstill due to the roar of this moment.

A moment of shock!

When everyone's brains resumed functioning, a scene that shocked everyone inside and outside the stadium suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Facing Murasakihara Atsushi's "Destructive Hammer", Akashi Asuka actually blocked him from the front. Two tall figures like mountains were wrestling with each other in the air, causing the basketball caught in the middle to seem to be unable to withstand the pressure.

, gradually began to deform.

Until a few tenths of a second later.

Atsushi Murasakihara was the first to be unable to hold on, and the direction of the force exerted by his hands was only slightly deviated. He heard the "Peng" sound of the basketball, and hit the backboard hard. I don't know how far it bounced.

And this was just the beginning. When the basketball flew out, Akashi Asuka and Murasakihara Atsushi lost their balance at the same time.

Tomorrow Asuka staggered forward.

But Murasakihara Atsushi's hands accidentally grabbed the basket, and then he heard...


The entire basket was suddenly pulled down by Atsushi Murasakihara.

The entire venue fell silent for an instant.

The head-on collision between Asuka Akashi and Atsushi Murasakihara seemed slow, but in fact it only happened in an instant. Until the moment the basket fell, many people didn't even realize what happened.

After all the spectators came to their senses, the entire venue suddenly erupted into a wave of frenzy.


"What is that! It actually pulled down the basket."

"Unbelievable. Are these two monsters really high school students?"

Midorima Shintaro and Kise Ryota were also mixed in the audience. After this scene happened on the spot, even they had expressions of horror on their faces.

"This... Although I also guessed that this competition would be fierce, I didn't expect it to be so fierce!" Kise Ryota said in shock.

"This has nothing to do with being intense, right? No matter how intense a normal person is, can they really fight the game like this?"

Kasamatsu Yukio said with a shocked expression.

I should have known that the baskets used in the national competition and the baskets used for training in their school are not of the same quality.

What's more, Murasakihara didn't pull off the basket just because of a dunk. It was just an accident, and he pulled off the baskets in the national competition. How terrifying is the power of that monster?

"The most important thing is not Murasakibara!"

At this moment, Midorima Shintaro was heard saying: "Murasakibara has already shown such power just now, and Akashi actually blocked the ball. This means that Akashi's power may be even higher than that of Murasakibara."




One basket had been damaged and the game could only be temporarily suspended.

At this moment, in the Yangquan rest area, Okamura Kenichi and others suddenly realized that they had broken out in a cold sweat.

"I can't believe it. Are you kidding me? Murasakihara actually lost to that guy? Is that guy still a human being?"

It is rare for Atsushi Murasakihara to fall silent. From the time he started playing basketball until now, Atsushi Murasakihara has won and lost games.

But it was his first experience in his life to encounter failure in a head-on confrontation of forces.

So now Murasakihara's mood is quite complicated, with some frustration but also some unexpected excitement.

It didn't take long.

The game restarts.

The logistical preparations for the national competition are very complete, so it doesn’t take long to replace a basket.

Players from both sides return to the field.

After a simple test in the first round, the expressions of both sides who came back to play were obviously much more serious than before.

Because both sides discovered that the opponent they encountered this time seemed to be much stronger than previously expected.

In the second round, Masakuni took the lead, because although Akashi Asuka blocked Murasakibara on the previous ball, when the basketball finally flew, it was Murasakibara who touched the ball last.

Kasuga Ryuhei dribbled the ball through the midfield, and just approaching the three-point line, he had already passed the ball to Akashi Asuka.

"Be careful, No. 11 can attack on the line, go forward and defend."

Seeing Akashi Asuka get the ball, Okamura Ken's pupils shrank for a moment and he shouted quickly.

In the last round of the match between Tomorrow Asuka and Tonghuang, they maintained a super high shooting percentage of 8 out of 10 and 9 out of 10 three-pointers for almost the whole game. As long as Yangquan still has some sense, it is impossible to let him wander around on the outside.


(End of chapter)

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