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Chapter 382 Safety Line

Chapter 382 ‘Safety Line’

Murasakihara Atsushi's transformation came faster than he thought, but this is not entirely a bad thing.

"I kept you waiting for a long time, Akashi!"

Atsushi Murasakihara came to the basket, an excited smile slowly appeared on his lips, and said: "Let's start the second round!"

The people in Zhengbang were surprised by the changes that had taken place in Murasakibara. They could feel the change in Murasakibara's momentum, but they didn't understand what chance Murasakibara had to make a comeback when his strength and skills were suppressed.

Could it be said that this person also has ‘wild nature’ or [zone]?

The next moment.

Everyone knows the answer.

I saw Yangquan pass the ball to the basket, and Murasakihara Atsushi once again formed a one-on-one situation with Akashi Asuka under the basket.

The two 'behemoths' had gone one-on-one four times before, but Murasakihara Atsushi didn't win even once. Everyone thought that this time the result would be no exception, because anyone could see how Murasakihara and Akashi Asuka were doing it under the basket.

Strength gap.

But an accident happened suddenly.


Akashi Asuka and Murasakihara Atsushi collided under the basket. The dull sound made by the collision of the two huge bodies was heart-stopping. Murasakihara Atsushi pushed backwards against Akashi Asuka behind him.

Huge power surged along Murasakibara's body. Although Murasakibara's power was terrifying, under normal circumstances, such power could not shake Akashi Asuka.

But without any warning, the power in Murasakihara Atsushi's body suddenly surged. In an instant, the impact force increased by at least nearly 20%.

Under such power, even Akashi Asuka could not remain as relaxed as before, and the player could only retreat to release his strength.


"How is it possible? Akashi finally retreated?"

The first one to be shocked was the Zhengbang players. Maybe in the eyes of others, taking a few steps back from the basket as a center is not a big deal.

But only a few of Zhengbang's teammates knew how much amazing power was hidden in Akashi Asuka's huge body.

For ordinary people, let alone shaking, if you can move Akashi Asuka's footsteps even a little bit, it is already an extremely amazing thing.

Bang, bang, bang...

Murasakihara Atsushi continues to strengthen.

Murasakihara, who had already used all his strength, seemed to have broken some kind of bottleneck at this moment, and majestic power emerged from deep within his body.

"What's going on? Where does this guy get his strength?"

"Obviously just now...why are you suddenly evenly matched with Akashi now?"

"Could it be that this monster has also entered the [zone]?"

Murasakihara Atsushi's sudden outburst was simply confusing, and even made people in Zhengbang speculate whether Murasakihara had also entered the [zone] state.

Such speculation is not unreasonable.

After all, players do occasionally perform exceptionally well on the playing field, but no matter how extraordinary they are, there are some things that cannot be changed.

For example: strength, or speed.

This kind of basic quality and strength from a player is absolutely impossible to increase through extraordinary performance. The only state that can increase the basic quality of a player's strength or speed is the [zone] state.

Because only [zone] can release the other 20% of the player’s power hidden deep within the body.

But unfortunately, this time the people in Zhengbang guessed wrong.


"Oh? So this kid has set up such a layer of shackles for himself before? Hmm~~ But it's normal when you think about it. After all, such a physique is indeed a bit beyond the norm in middle school. With the mental state of middle school students, setting such a shackles

It’s normal. It’s better to explain that there’s something wrong with that brat’s psychology...”

In the Zhengbang rest area, with his rich coaching and competition experience, Matsumoto Ikken could almost see at a glance the 'secret' of Murasakibara Atsushi's soaring power. It was not that he entered the [zone], but that he had liberated the 80% that originally belonged to him.


"Coach? What's going on, Murasakihara-san?" Kitayama Yuzuki asked curiously.

"That's what happened! It was probably because of Akashi's stimulation that the other party unlocked the unconscious 'safety line' set in his heart." Ikken Matsumoto explained.

Too much power will not only affect the game, but even cause harm to the players themselves.

Although Atsushi Murasakihara sometimes appears ruthless and cruel on the playing field, what he pursues is always the victory of the game, not to destroy the opponent's players themselves.

Therefore, in order not to cause too much harm to the opponent during the game, Murasakihara Atsushi had already unconsciously set up a layer of [shackles] on his own power when he was in junior high school.

But now, due to the thorns from Akashi Asuka, this 'safety line' has finally been erased bit by bit by Murasakihara Atsushi.

Hearing Matsumoto Ikken's explanation, Kitayama Yuzuki was immediately surprised and said: "Huh? So that child seems to be a very gentle person? After all, he limits his own power in order not to hurt others..."


Ikken Matsumoto nodded and said: "The game on the basketball court is one thing. The best way to respect your opponent is to go all out. So although looking at the game alone may seem a bit cruel, Murasakihara can only represent the players' performance in the game.

It’s just one side of the field.”

Although Matsumoto Ikken has not studied the private side of Murasakihara Atsushi, as a former national player, he has seen too many players with completely two personalities on the court and in life.

Kitayama Yuzuki was surprised by this, but then she suddenly thought of something: "By the way, if Murasakihara shows his full power now, wouldn't Akashi-kun be in danger?"

Matsumoto Ikken touched his chin, shook his head calmly and said: "That's not the case, after all, even if Murasakibara's power is not weaker than Akashi, compared to Akashi today, Murasakibara still seems a little too immature."


As if in response to Matsumoto Ikken's answer, when Matsumoto Ikken said these words, the situation on the court suddenly changed.

When Murasakihara Atsushi finally advanced to the "reasonable collision zone" against Akashi Asuka, and was about to turn around for a dunk, he only heard a crisp sound of "pop", and the basketball in Murasakihara Atsushi's hand suddenly disappeared.

Just at the moment when Murasakihara was holding the ball to shoot, Akashi Asuka reached out from behind and cut off the basketball in Atsushi Murasakihara's hand.

It is obviously not a simple matter to cut off the basketball in Murasakihara's hand. Although Murasakihara is not good at dribbling, his huge physique is the best protection for the basketball.

But this time the person who cut him off was Akashi Asuka, and he cut him off from behind.

Such a way of intercepting the ball would be impossible if one did not have the same reaction speed and physical condition as Murasakibara.

And before this, Murasakihara Atsushi had never encountered an opponent like Akashi Asuka.


(End of chapter)

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