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Chapter 427 It's the End of Pretty

Chapter 427 Beautiful, this is the end of it

"I'm not surprised that Aomine lost to Midorima, but I was a bit surprised that you were able to perform like this against the current No. 1 Kirizaki..."

In the fitness training gym run by Aida Reiko's father, Aida Kagetora, Akashi Asuka looked at Kiyoshi Teppei, who was covered in scars and the bandage on his knee was thicker, with a rather strange look in his eyes.

"By the way, does your center have no brains? He was attacked once by the opponent last year, but he can still be attacked by that guy this year?"

"Ah this..."

Cheng Lin and his group looked embarrassed.

Muji Teppei also touched his head naively, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

If someone else had said these words to them, Aida Reiko and Hinata Junpei might still suspect that the other party was mocking them.

But the person who said this was Akashi Asuka, so they were completely speechless.

What can they say?

Do you want to tell Akashi Asuka that it was because you beat the opponent so badly last semester that we were careless and did not dodge, and then we were attacked by Kirisaki Daiichi?

"Forget it, these are all matters within your own team. I, an outsider, have nothing to say..."

Akashi Asuka shook his head, his face speechless.

to be honest.

Even Akashi Asuka never imagined that after Kirisaki Daiichi High School was so virtuous by him, Kiyoshi Teppei would be sneak-attacked by Hanamiya Shin for the second time during the game, causing him to be seriously injured twice.

When he first heard the news, Asuka Akashi was really shocked and said he couldn't understand it.

Because of the current situation at Kirisaki Daiichi High School, the four new main players do not agree with Hanamiya Makoto's playing style, so if Hanamiya Makoto wants to make any small moves on the field, no one will cover him.

And Hanamiya Zhen himself was accidentally seriously injured by Akashi Asuka's knee and ligaments, and his physical fitness and basketball skills also declined significantly.

in this case.

As long as Muyoshi Teppei is even slightly wary of Hanamiya, it is basically impossible for him to sneak attack him again.

But the reality is that Kiyoshi Teppei was not only attacked by the opponent, but also, like the original work, he was attacked again by Hanamiya Makoto, which directly caused the old injury to relapse.

"Come to think of it, you were beaten like this, didn't you even fight back?"

"What are you talking about? The basketball court is a place for playing basketball. If I also use violence, what's the difference between me and the other party?" Kiyoshi Teppei answered righteously.

"Beautiful, that's the end of it!"

Hearing Kiyoshi Teppei say these words, Akashi Asuka instantly lost the desire to continue the conversation.

"Akashi-kun, what are you doing here today? If I remember correctly, it seems that today is not the time for Akashi-kun to conduct swimming pool training!"

Perhaps sensing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Kuroko Tetsuya suddenly appeared and spoke.

"Wow~~ Your sense of existence is still so amazing!"

Akashi Asuka was startled, then after hearing Kuroko Tetsuya's question, he scratched his hair and said: "Actually, I didn't do anything. The official Winter Cup competition is about to start, right? So I thought I would come here to have a little fun.

It’s just special training.”

"Special training?"

Everyone in Cheng Lin was stunned.

This is a fitness training center. Although there is a basketball court, it seems not suitable for high school students to train!

The group of people looked at Aida Reiko, this was her father's fitness training gym, and who was most familiar with it was undoubtedly her.

Aida Reiko pondered for a while, but couldn't come up with any clues, so she simply asked: "What kind of special training is Akashi-kun doing here?"

Akashi Asuka smiled slightly and did not answer immediately, but said: "You will know about this later. Okay, it's almost time, I should go."

"Everyone from Chenglin, see you in the Winter Cup."

With that said, Akashi Asuka extended his hand to everyone in Cheng Lin and said hello, turned around and left the place.

The people in Chenglin were confused for a while.

However, in the next second, a figure breathing heavily and dripping with sweat suddenly walked out of the basketball court on the other side of the fitness training hall.

Seeing this person, Reiko Aida's expression suddenly changed.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

That's right, the person who walked out of the basketball court was none other than Aida Reiko's father, Aida Kagetora. Aida Kagetora's face looked very ugly at this time, as if he had suffered some kind of major blow.

Aida Reiko helped him sit down. After taking a few breaths, Aida Kagetora said: "It's nothing. I just played a few balls with a kid and got a little tired. I'm getting old~~"


Aida Reiko's heart moved, and then she understood something, and said hurriedly: "Father, could it be that the 'kid' you are talking about is Akashi-kun?"

"Ah! That's right! I haven't seen such a 'monster' for a long time. Even when I was active, I basically only saw players of the same level as that guy abroad, and those guys have basically become famous in the NBA.


Hearing Aida Kagetora's comments about Akashi Asuka, Aida Reiko's heart suddenly sank.

In fact, Aida Reiko has been unable to see through the specific data of Akashi Asuka's body since a long time ago. It's not because Akashi Asuka deliberately hid it or anything, but in Aida Reiko's [Data Eye], Akashi Asuka's body has a lot of data.

It has completely exploded.

But Aida Reiko's [Data Eye] is inherited from Aida Kagetora. In terms of level alone, Aida Kagetora's [Data Eye] level is obviously higher than Aida Reiko's.

Therefore, for Akashi Asuka's evaluation, Aida Kagetora's evaluation is obviously more prepared.

"Father, is Akashi-kun really that strong now?"

In response to his daughter's inquiry, Aida Kagetora didn't hesitate much and said directly: "Well~~ Although I can't see clearly yet, judging from the physical data, even if that monster is thrown into the professional league now

, he probably has the strength to fight!"


Aida Kagetora's words caused the atmosphere at the scene to suddenly come to a standstill.

But there are also a few newcomers who don’t know much about Aida Kagetora, so when I heard Aida Kagetora’s evaluation of Akashi Asuka, my first reaction was not to feel how powerful Akashi Asuka was, but to think about something else.

"Hey~Hinata, is the coach's father very powerful? Why does it sound like he's talking about a professional league or something when he opens his mouth?"

"Of course, after all, that was the man who once wore the national jersey!"

"Really or not? No way! Then if you say what the coach's father just said, wouldn't it be..."

"Shut up! It's hard to advance to the official competition. At least it makes me a little happy! Bastard!"


(End of chapter)

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