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Chapter 430 Stable Attack

Chapter 430 Stable Attack

In the first round, Zhengbang's offensive rhythm was very simple and stable.

Dribbling, passing, layup, scoring...


Zhengbang took the lead and scored a goal.

Immediately after the exchange of offense and defense, Fukuda Comprehensive Academy launched the attack. Compared with Masakuni's offensive model, Fukuda Comprehensive Academy's offense was very radical. This was the impact caused by Haizaki Shogo's joining the club.

Regardless of whether it is good or bad.

However, one thing that is certain is that after Shogo Haizaki joined, the strength of the Fukuda Comprehensive Academy Basketball Department has been greatly enhanced. It is precisely because of his joining that Fukuda Comprehensive Academy can successfully counterattack in the Winter Cup and win a place in the official competition.


But... this alone is not enough.

"Damn it, it can't be broken through, there are no flaws at all."

The power forward of Fukuda Comprehensive Academy took the lead, but before he could rush into the paint, he was stopped by Omuro Giichi, and he could no longer move forward.

"As expected of the champion of the Summer National Competition, he is not on the same level at all! If you want to defeat these guys, you still have to rely on that guy."

Sighing secretly in his heart, the power forward of Fukuda Comprehensive Academy immediately noticed the gap between himself and Omuro Giichi, and then decisively passed the basketball to Haizaki Shogo on the other side of the court.

After receiving the basketball, Haizaki Shogo showed his fierce look.

Akashi Asuka said towards the basket: "Now, our game begins!"

The voice fell.

Shogo Haizaki suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Akashi Asuka's position. Akashi Asuka under the basket saw the opponent's movements, just glanced at him, and then looked away again.

It was as if he didn't see the threat from Shogo Haizaki at all.

This kind of contempt undoubtedly made Haizaki Shogo's inner anger even more intense, but before he could get close to Akashi Asuka, Haizaki Shogo's footsteps were suddenly blocked by another figure.

"I almost forgot to mention, Haizaki, your opponent today is not Akashi, but me!" The person blocking Haizaki Shogo's path was none other than Tomoki Tsugawa.

"Is it you?"

Seeing Tsugawa Tomoki suddenly appear, Haizaki Shogo was stunned at first, and then suddenly laughed angrily and said: "Hahaha~ You guys, don't you think that you can guard Kise once in junior high school?

Watch out for me!"

"If this is the case, you guys are looking down on me too much, you bastard!"

Bang bang bang~~

Shogo Haizaki suddenly accelerated his dribbling, first made a fake move to break through from the right, and then suddenly changed direction and launched an attack from the left.

A simple feint + change of direction, the technical requirements are not high, but when this move is used by Haizaki Shogo, it is like turning into two people in an instant, launching breakthroughs from the left and right sides at the same time.

Just this one trick.

It is enough to see that, at least in terms of physical fitness, Haizaki Shogo is definitely not inferior to the members of the "Generation of Miracles".

Then Haizaki Shogo's breakthrough was only halfway through, and was forced to interrupt, because just when he was halfway through charging from the left, Tsugawa Tomoki actually kept up with his speed.


"Hehe~~~ Looking down on you? How is that possible? No matter what, we can't underestimate a member of the 'former Generation of Miracles'! You should be the one who really looks down on others, right! Don't think that you are the only one in this world.

'Generation of Miracles' can defeat you! Bastard!"


"I stopped him, actually..."

Seeing that Haizaki Shogo couldn't even break through Tsugawa Tomoki, Jorin, Kise, Midorima and other members of the 'Generation of Miracles' who were outside the field couldn't help but have a look of astonishment in their eyes.

This development was obviously something they had not expected. They had already guessed in advance that Haizaki Shogo might be suppressed. After all, there was still the monster Akashi Asuka in Masahiro.

But now, before Akashi Asuka takes action, Tomoki Tsugawa alone has restrained Shogo Haizaki, who has the power of the 'Generation of Miracles'. This is obviously something that no one expected.

Aida Reiko touched her chin and said calmly: "Although I have noticed before that everyone's individual data in Zhengbang has improved greatly compared to the summer, I didn't expect that they were underestimated."

"Jugawa's defensive ability last semester was no less than that of the 'Generation of Miracles'. In the previous battle, he almost completely blocked the Vulcan..."

Kagami Taiga: "Σ(゜ロ゜;)"

Alex: "Huh? Have you ever been defeated by someone before?"

Vulcan Taiga: "...I was just too careless last time!"

"Now that another summer has passed, if Jinchuan's defensive ability evolves to another level, it will probably be quite difficult even for the 'Generation of Miracles' to break through his defense."

At the end of the conversation, Reiko Aida's mood became increasingly heavy and she said: "If this trend continues, the balance of this game may be even more tilted than we initially expected."

What Aida Reiko can think of, other team coaches such as Kaisuna, Shutoku, Yangquan, and Rakuzan can obviously also think of it.

Although most people here don't like Haizaki Shogo's bad character.

But if Zhengbang's strength is so strong, it is obviously not what they hope for.

If you can choose.

It is estimated that most people here would rather deal with Shogo Haizaki, who has a bad personality, than play against Asuka Akashi, who has an upright playing style.


The showdown on the field continues.

Today's Tomoki Tsugawa, after countless hard battles in the national competition last semester and training throughout the summer, his defensive level has evolved to a new echelon.

If both sides went all out, it would be impossible for Tomoki Tsugawa to intercept all of Shogo Haizaki's attacks, but at least this time, Shogo Haizaki tried several times but failed to break through in the end.

And similar to the players of the 'Generation of Miracles', Haizaki Shogo also does not have the option of passing the ball in his dictionary.

As a last resort.

He had no choice but to force the shot, but with the interference of Tsugawa Tomoki, Haizaki Shogo succeeded.

Akashi Asuka easily picked off the rebound, and then Zhenggong launched a counterattack.

This wave is actually a good opportunity to launch a fast break, because most of the players from Futian Comprehensive Academy are still under the basket of Zhenggang, but Giichi Omuro has already rushed towards the midfield.

However, Zhengbang did not choose to do this, and instead adopted a very stable style of play.

The basketball was passed to the hands of Kasuga Ryuhei. Akashi Asuka did not leave his own court and was still sitting under the basket. As for the offensive end, the other four main players of Zhengbang participated.

And even if it is a four-man attack, Zhengbang's attack does not feel impatient at all, but gives people a calm and stable attitude.

Someone in the audience saw this scene and muttered: "Why does it feel like Zhengbang has no desire to attack today?"


(End of chapter)

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