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Chapter 438 Mountain Cannon

Chapter 438 ‘Big Mountain Cannon’

Masako Araki saw through Shiro Rin's plan.

Shirorin's move is not complicated. In the final analysis, it is actually just asking Kiyoshi Teppei to provoke Murasakibara. There may be some other tricks in the middle, but the essence should not change much.

This kind of provocation is childish, but it is very effective.

If it were Murasakibara from before, he would have really been fooled by this and would have focused his attention on dealing with Kiyoshi Teppei.

But now...

"Forget it, the timeout in the first half is of no use anyway, just treat it as giving the players a break!"

After being defeated by Akashi Asuka in the summer, Murasakihara Atsushi's mentality has changed a lot. His daily training volume alone is at least twice as much as last semester.

So Masako Araki is very confident about the current Murasakibara, but to be on the safe side, she decided to use a timeout.


After receiving the instruction, the players on the field decisively committed a foul and forcibly interrupted Cheng Rin's passing breakthrough.

Then both sides entered a timeout.


"Hey~~ You are so decisive! This old woman."

Aida Reiko saw her opponent using up a pause without hesitation, and her heart suddenly sank.

After the pause ends.

The people from Jorin discovered that there was a change in Yangquan's formation. The 3-2 zone defense formation remained unchanged, but the defensive positions of Liu Wei, Himuro Tatsuya, and Fukui Kensuke were slightly adjusted.

Originally, Yangquan had Liu Wei, Murasakihara Atsushi, and Okamura Kenichi, three players with heights above 2 meters, sitting on the bottom line and guarding the penalty area.

Then let Himuro Tatsuya and Fukui Kensuke defend the perimeter.

But now, for the sake of revenge, Yangquan moved Liu Wei to the outside and continued to face off against Kiyoshi Teppei. His original vacancy was filled by Tatsuya Himuro.

Seeing this formation distribution, the people in Chenglin immediately realized that the situation was not good.

"You really didn't give me any chance!"

Originally, Jorin's plan was for Teppei Kiyoshi to lure Atsushi Murasakihara to defend him from the outside. In order to successfully lure him, Teppei Kiyoshi even shot a three-pointer.

This is a risk, because Muyoshi Teppei's three-point level is not high, and if the first three-pointer cannot be thrown, it will not be able to confuse the opponent at all.

Fortunately, Cheng Lin took the right risk this time.

Kiyoshi Teppei's sudden three-pointer did shake Murasakihara Atsushi's heart for a moment.

In addition, in the previous game, Kiyoshi Teppei also faintly said some words similar to 'provocation' towards Murasakihara Atsushi.

Anger + inner turmoil.

Adding these two together, even if Atsushi Murasakihara sees through Shiro Rin's trick, there is still a possibility of falling into it.

Because this tactic was originally designed to target Murasakihara Atsushi's psychological emotions. Once a person's emotions take over, their reason will be easily swallowed up.

But Masako Araki used a decisive pause, directly cutting off all of Shiro Rin's follow-up plans.

"If you can't control your emotions, you will only fail for the second time against that guy."

This is what Masako Araki said to Atsushi Murasakihara during the timeout, pointing to where Akashi Asuka was in the stands.

There is no doubt about it.

Compared with the little provocation that Jorin brought to Murasakibara, Akashi Asuka, who had defeated Murasakibara before, was obviously more able to stimulate Murasakibara's fighting spirit or anger.

Masako Araki then moved the defensive players' positions. In fact, Masako Araki was now convinced that Teppei Kiyoshi did not have the ability to shoot three-pointers.

But firstly for insurance, and secondly to stabilize Murasakibara's emotions.

Masako Araki didn't care about this seemingly unnecessary act.

Facts prove.

Araki Masako's decision was completely correct, because for Yang Quan, if he wanted to defend Muyoshi Teppei from attacking from the outside, he didn't need Murasakihara Atsushi at all, only Liu Wei was enough to restrict him to death.

As for the position vacated by Liu Wei.

On the surface, this does indeed reduce Yangquan's inside defense, but don't forget one thing: the person who replaces Liu Wei in defending the inside is Tatsuya Himuro!

There may be a difference in height, but there will definitely not be a big difference in defensive ability between the two.

not to mention.

The only person in Shirorin who can be taller than Himuro Tatsuya is Kagami Taiga.



Soon, the second quarter ended.

The two sides officially entered the halftime break.

Before the intermission, the score between Yangquan and Chenglin was 39:20.

"Cheng Lin is completely suppressed!"

"By the way, in the previous qualifiers, didn't Chengrin draw with Xiude and Tonghuang? Is the gap between Xiude and Tonghuang's teams and Yangquan so big?"

"Idiot, of course that's not what you calculated!"

"Shorin and Shutoku are tied because the attributes of Kagami and Midorima are incompatible."

"As for Tong Huang, part of the reason is that Kuroko used his ultimate move at that time to give up part of the future possibilities and establish some advantages. The other part of the reason is that everyone in Cheng Lin performed an extraordinary 120% of their power at that time."

"But this kind of extraordinary performance cannot happen in every game, so to be precise, there is still a certain gap in the hard power of teams such as Chenglin, Tonghuang, and Yangquan."

The so-called authorities are confused, but bystanders are clear.

Although being in the auditorium makes it difficult to see many details on the field clearly, in terms of the overall situation, being in the outside world allows you to see it more clearly.


After halftime.

Both sides return to the court.

After the start of the third quarter, Yangquan's defense remained solid and unbreakable, but Cheng Lin himself became a little impatient.

"You're in chaos! Cheng Lin."

Akashi Asuka looked indifferently at Jorin's performance on the field. Jorin is a new team that has only been established for two years, and the oldest player in the club is only a second-year player.

This is a good thing because young players are always full of passion and fighting spirit.

But it's also a bad thing, because without senior players, the team ultimately lacks a certain stability.

The three second-year players, Kiyoshi Teppei, Hinata Junpei, and Itsuki Jun, all have relatively calm personalities, but they can only take care of themselves and have always lacked the ability to appease the team's morale.

And among the first graders, Kuroko Tetsuya is still fairly sane.

But Kagami Taiga's character is that of a typical "mountain cannon", that is, after entering the city, he encountered a lot of setbacks and gradually became calmer.

But as long as the score and situation are slightly unfavorable, old ashes can easily resurface, like now...

"This idiot..."

At the very back of the stands, Aomine Daiki also saw Kagami Daiga's performance and couldn't help but said: "This is not how you enter the [zone]!"


(End of chapter)

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