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Chapter 454: Imitation

Chapter 454 Imitation

Kasuga Ryuhei and Kasamatsu Yukio knew each other and had fought against each other more than once.

Since Kanagawa is very close to Tokyo, when Masabon chose his opponent for the practice match, apart from the local teams in Tokyo, Kanagawa was the second choice.

Secondly, there are only a few top wealthy families in the country.

Before the 'Generation of Miracles' entered high school, the three major teams in Tokyo, Kaijo, Yangsen, and Rakuzan, were regulars in national competitions.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Haichang and Zhengbang to often meet in national competitions as long as they advance smoothly.

However, it was precisely because of their mutual understanding that Kasamatsu Yukio became more aware of Kasuga Ryuhei's difficulty. Therefore, facing Kasuga Ryuhei's defense, Kasamatsu Yukio was not polite and used his full strength from the beginning.

Kasamatsu Yukio dribbled the ball to break through, first he used a fake move, but Kasuga Ryuhei was not fooled, and then... Kasamatsu Yukio instantly turned the fake into real, and suddenly accelerated to break through the defense.

"Oops, I fell into a trap!"

Kasuga Takahei's expression changed.

If we follow past habits, Kasamatsu Yukio's best skill is to fake a cut and then make a sudden stop to change direction or shoot.

Kasuga Ryuhei thought of this step, so he was not fooled when the opponent made the first move.


This wave of Kasuga Ryuhei is on the second floor, but Kasamatsu Yukio is on the third floor.

He successfully predicted Kasuga Ryuhei's prediction and plotted against Masakuni.

After breaking through Kasuga Ryuhei's defense, Kasamatsu Yukio successfully broke through and rushed inside, but just when he was about to take a shot, a huge shadow suddenly fell in front of him.

The oppressive feeling, like an ancient giant beast attacking, made Yukio Kasamatsu's entire body stiffen for an instant.

However, he still gritted his teeth, forcibly changed his posture, and passed the basketball: "I have expected your move a long time ago. Let monsters like you deal with it!"

The basketball fell into Kise Ryota's hands. Kise Ryota caught the basketball and threw it out instantly without even stopping for a second.


"Is this... Sakurai's quick shot?"

Seeing Kise Ryota's action, Satsuki Momoi, who was standing behind the auditorium, suddenly had a look of astonishment in his eyes.

Momoi Satsuki wasn't too surprised that Kise Ryota knew Kirito Sakurai Ryo's [Quick Shooting] technique. After all, this was Kise Ryota's talent.

What really surprised him was that she didn't expect Kise Ryota to use such a level of technique so decisively and quickly.

But this trace of surprise quickly disappeared, and was replaced by a face full of shock.

Because not long after Kise Ryota used [Quick Shot] to throw the basketball, Akashi Asuka, who was just in front of Kasamatsu Yukio, suddenly appeared like a flying bird in the sky in front of Kise Ryota and stretched out his hand.

With one swipe, the basketball that had flown dozens of centimeters in the air was shot down again.

"So high!"

With such a blocking height, even Kise Ryota's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

With his body that has grown again and his jumping ability improved, even Atsushi Murasakihara can't compare to Akashi Asuka in terms of the highest point of the jump.

"Is that shooting guard Tonghuang's shooting skills?"

It was also the first time Akashi Asuka saw Kise Ryota's [Imitation] head-on. To be honest, he was a little surprised at this time, because Kise Ryota's [Imitation] talent was far better than he thought.

To describe it in a relatively simple sentence, it is probably:

Kise Ryota not only imitated other people's movements, but even his soul.

That moment just now.

Even though he knew that the person in front of him was Kise, Asuka Akashi still had the illusion that Sakurai Ryo was in front of him.

Akashi Asuka praised: "It's indeed a very interesting talent! But you won't forget that when Kirihui's shooting guard faced me before, I guarded him completely!"


Kise Ryota also shook his head helplessly and said: "It seems that I am indeed too naive. After all, how can I easily break through the defense that even the 'Generation of Miracles' can't break through with only this level of technology!"


"But what about this move?"

Uizune serves again from the baseline. Kise Ryota, who received the basketball, faces Asuka Akashi and his body slowly relaxes...

The next second.


As if a thunderous dribbling sound suddenly exploded, the basketball controlled by Kise Ryota with five fingers seemed to turn into a bolt of lightning, hit the ground hard and then bounced up.

The harsh dribbling sound not only shocked the Zhengbang players and the spectators outside the court, but even attracted the attention of the two teams Rakuzan and Seirin who were playing in the stadium next door.

Especially Kotaro Hayama from Rakuyama, his eyes widened instantly, he looked here with a look of disbelief on his face, and exclaimed: "Is that my [Thunder Dribbling]?"

Akashi Asuka became a little more interested and said: "It's interesting, you can even imitate the level of skills of the 'Untitled Five Generals'?"


Kise Ryota did not respond, but directly turned into a ball of lightning, and instantly broke through behind Akashi Asuka.

But before Kise Ryota's body had crossed halfway, Akashi Asuka simply took a step back and then turned around, and instantly appeared right in front of Kise Ryota.

"Stopped? Even the skills of the 'Untitled Five' are not up to par?" Outside the court, Satsuki Momoi exclaimed.

"No, it's not over yet." Aomine Daiki said with narrowed eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kise Ryota's movements on the field changed again. Facing Akashi Asuka who was once again blocking his way, Kise Ryota suddenly stopped on the spot, and then made a move in front of Akashi Asuka.

Shooting posture.

Akashi Asuka stretched out his hand to cover it, but when he was halfway up and jumping, his body suddenly became stiff for a moment.

"This is... Reo Minoru's [Void Shot]."

Outside the stadium, Satsuki Momoi once again exclaimed.

It’s no wonder Momoi Satsuki was so surprised. You know, in a sense, the difference in skills between the ‘Five Untitled Generals’ and the ‘Generation of Miracles’ is not that big.

The difficulty of imitating the skills of the "Five Untitled Generals" is almost second only to imitating the "Generation of Miracles".

Summer Contest.

In the battle between Kirito and Kaidune, Kise Ryota successfully imitated Aomine Daiki's movements, but that was because he and Aomine Daiki had been teammates as early as junior high school, and they were already familiar with each other.


But there has never been any communication between Hai Chang and Luoshan.

In other words, Kise Ryota's imitation of the "Five Untitled Generals" is entirely based on his skills seen through video tapes and competitions.


(End of chapter)

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