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Chapter 468 Go in at the beginning? Two in one

Chapter 468: Went in at the beginning? (2-in-1)

The person who responded to Kuroko Tetsuya in time was Kagami Taiga.

After receiving the pass, Kagami Daiga continued to launch a fast break. Omuro Giichi set up a defense on his only path. Unexpectedly, after Kagami Daiga approached, he didn't even slow down and directly used an amazing change. Xiang Guo lost Omuro Yiichi.

"How could it be? So fast!"

Omuro Yiichi's pupils suddenly contracted.

Omuro Giichi knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to stop the current Kagami, but he did not expect that he could not delay even for a second. This was almost impossible in the past.

To know.

Although Omuro Giichi's presence in Masabuni is not strong, Masabuni is a strong team known for its defense. With Omuro Giichi's current defensive level, even the 'Generation of Miracles' cannot completely ignore his defense. .

Until now, there are people who can almost ignore Omuro Giichi's defense like this. Omuro Giichi has experienced it with one kind of people, and that is the members of the 'Generation of Miracles' after entering the [zone].

"Wait a minute, is this guy already...?"

Omuro Giichi turned around suddenly. At this time, Kagami Taiga had already broken through to Masokuni's three-point line. The second line of defense he faced was Iwamura Tsutomu.

Tsutomu Iwamura didn't come here specifically to defend Kagami Taiga. He was originally blocking the inside position with Muyoshi Teppei, but Kagami's breakthrough speed was too fast this time, and even Akashi Asuka was half a body behind, so he was on the safe side. , he could only step forward to help defend.

Unexpectedly, even though there was Tsutomu Iwamura in front of him and Asuka Akashi behind him, Kagami Daiga still did not slow down and kicked him directly on the free throw line, jumping up and down.


A [Meteor Slam Dunk] was really like a meteor falling, facing the defense of Tsutomu Iwamura in front and the pursuit of Akashi Asuka behind him, it smashed into the basket.


The referee's whistle blows and the goal is valid.


Cheng Lin scored first.



After the goal was won, the entire auditorium exploded like a ignited explosive pack.

“Oh oh oh oh~~~”

"Good shot! Well done."

"To be able to score first with [Demon King]'s hand is amazing! Cheng Rin's No. 10!"

"Come on! Charge on! Charge on! Cheng Lin!"

Naturally, it was not just the audience who was shocked by Kagami's performance, several of the 'Generation of Miracles' and Jorin's coach Aida Reiko also stood up in shock at this moment.

However, compared to the shock of the audience, Reiko Aida was more disbelieving and worried.

"How could this happen? Vulcan actually entered the [zone] so quickly?"

The flashing red electric eyes, the calm expression, and the suffocating aura all mean that the game has just begun and Vulcan has already entered the [zone].

This was obviously a sudden incident, and even Reiko Aida was at a loss for a moment when the accident happened.

so far.

Vulcan Daigo has entered the [zone] quite a few times. He even successfully opened the second door of the [zone] during his battle with Luoshan.

But the previous opportunities to enter [zone] were at critical moments of the game, and they were all forced to enter.

Only this time.

Vulcan not only successfully entered the [zone] at the beginning of the game, but he also semi-actively opened the first door.

"Oh? Did you find the 'key' so quickly? But you were a little too anxious!"

If you want to open the door to [zone], in addition to the most important 'talent', you also need the 'key' that can open the door.

Only those who possess this 'key' can take the initiative to open that door.

So far.

Although there are many people in the entire middle school who have entered the [zone], there are only three people who have truly mastered this 'key'.

Akashi Asuka, Aomine Daiki, Akashi Seijuro.


Maybe a Vulcan Daiga will be added soon.

And just like in the original work, the person who guided Kagami Taiga to find his 'key' was none other than Aomine Daiki.

This technique was taught to Shirorin by Aomine Daiki after he defeated Rakuzan. Because the time was too short, Kagami Taiga was not proficient in mastering this 'key'.

So to be precise.

Entering the [zone] at the very beginning of this game was not only beyond the expectations of others, but even Kagami himself was a little unexpected.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no other choice.


"Tsk~~That's why I hate fighting with 'monsters' like you. It makes us mortals have no sense of existence at all!"

Kasuga Ryuhei clicked his tongue in displeasure, then dribbled the ball across the midfield and passed the ball directly to Akashi Asuka.

He is very self-aware.

If the Vulcan is in a normal state, he may still try to break through alone. After all, with his skills, even if he cannot break through, he can still protect the ball in his hand from losing it.

But facing a freak who has entered the [zone], we can only leave it to Akashi Asuka, who is also a freak, to deal with it.

"Interesting, you're going to be on full fire right from the start! But are you sure you can really establish an advantage quickly like this?"

Facing Kagami Taiga who had already entered the [zone], Akashi Asuka just stood opposite him, watching him with interest, neither in a hurry to shoot nor in a dribble breakthrough.

This move really confused many people.

"What is this guy doing? Chatting during the game?"

We originally saw Asuka Akashi and Kagami Taiga facing off from the beginning, but now the audience is full of expectations and ready to enjoy an 'ace battle'.

However, I never expected that after Asuka Akashi took the basketball, he stood still.

"Tsk~~~ This bastard is still as 'unscrupulous' as ever!"

Some people were confused, and naturally some people saw through Akashi Asuka's plan at a glance.

"What are you talking about? Ah Da!"

Momoi Satsuki looked at Aomine Daiki strangely and said.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little unhappy with that guy's methods. He obviously has the strength to fight head-on, but he always likes to do these intrigues."

Momoi Satsuki was starting to think about it now, and said, "Are you talking about Mr. Shi? What did he do again?"

"No, he didn't do anything!"

The person who replied to Momoi Satsuki's words was not Aomine, but Imayoshi Shoichi who came with me today. This dark-faced man wearing black-rimmed glasses still had squinty eyes, looking like a cunning


"But just because he didn't do anything, the current Vulcan is a bit... no, I should say it's quite bad!"

"Oh? Why?"

Wakamatsu Kosuke on the side looked confused.

If it can be said that Momoi Satsuki, the former manager of Teiko Middle School, has enough vision, he just lacks a little practical experience, so his response to watching the game on the spot is relatively slow.

So for someone like Wakamatsu Kousuke, who has rich experience in actual combat but not enough vision, he simply cannot understand the current showdown between Akashi Asuka and Kagami Daiga.

"It's very simple, because [zone] is not a continuous skill! Although your strength will be greatly improved after entering [zone], the consumption of physical energy will also increase exponentially."

"It would be fine if, like before, it was entered at a critical moment in the game. But now that it has entered this state just after the game has started, it is quite bad for the subsequent schedule."

"What's more important is that there is still that guy from Zhengbang who is adding insult to injury."

"Zhengbang's Akashi seems to be taking no action, but in fact this stalemate will only be more beneficial to him. After all, he can maintain his physical fitness by not moving. But even if Kagami does nothing now, his concentration after entering the [zone] will be

It will keep passing by.”

"You may not waste much concentration in one round, but if you add up a little, you won't have to fight in the future. The Vulcan Light will be exhausted."

After hearing these words, Wakamatsu Kousuke suddenly shuddered subconsciously and said: "Hey~~ You guys are so dirty when it comes to tactics. It's so scary that you can analyze so many things with just such a few actions.


"The scary thing is not me, but the monster on the field. I am just thinking about it as an afterthought, and the guy on the field immediately thought of this plan the moment he saw Vulcan enter the [zone]. The opponent's

My mind is spinning much faster than mine."

Imakisho shook his head.

In fact, he still had some things he didn't say.

Just like what Aomine Daiki said just now, in fact, when facing the Kagami after entering the [zone], Masahiro has no need to use such trivial tricks, because Akashi Asuka's hard power is enough to confront the current Kagami Taiga head-on.

After all, Akashi Asuka also holds the 'key' to open that door, and he is even more proficient in using it than Kagami Taiga.

But Asuka Akashi still did it.

Even if it seems a little embarrassing.

Even if it damages the dignity of the king.

Even if you do this, you won't actually be able to create much of an advantage. At most, you can create a little bit of petty profit.

However, it is this 'unscrupulous' approach to pursuing victory that is what makes today's Zhengbang truly heart-wrenching.


Akashi Asuka's little calculation did not last too long. After all, even if Kagami Oga did not see through the plan, he also knew the basic principle that time is precious after entering the [zone].

So when he saw that Akashi Asuka had no intention of taking the initiative to break through, he took the initiative to force Akashi Asuka to move.

Face this situation.

Akashi Asuka first took Kagami Daiga around in a circle on the outside and continued to delay for a few seconds. Until he was finally forced into a dead corner, he began to use his post-up technique to break through to the basket.

When Akashi Asuka attacked, Kagami Taiga naturally had to defend with all his strength, but a second later he discovered that he could not stop the opponent's advance at all.

"This guy is stronger than Murasakibara."

Because in the previous battle with Yangquan, Vulcan Taiga used his explosion after entering the [zone] to suppress Murasakihara Atsushi.

So when he entered the [zone] today, he naturally wanted to repeat his old trick and stop Akashi Asuka as well.

But the moment Akashi Asuka started to exert his strength.

Kagami Dai, I realized that I was totally wrong.

"No way! I'm not even my opponent when I enter the [zone]?" Outside the stadium, Tatsuya Himuro couldn't help but open his mouth when he saw this scene.

"Of course."

Murasakihara Atsushi on the side was not surprised by this, but his expression looked a bit unhappy, saying: "That guy's strength is not weaker than mine, and he is different from me. No matter what opponent he faces, he is always the best."

No mercy."

If you don't know Atsushi Murasakihara well, and hear what he just said, you may just think that he is being tough and unconvinced.

But people who really know him will understand after listening to it that Murasakihara Atsushi did not lie.

Because Murasakihara Atsushi didn't use all his strength when he fought with Jorin before. He didn't want to hurt others after all, so he didn't erase the safety line in his heart and used 100% of his strength.

But Akashi Asuka is different. No matter what kind of opponent he faces, he can use his full strength without hesitation.

And his full strength is already comparable to Murasakihara Atsushi's power after erasing the [Safety Line]...


To be precise.

That was just during the summer tournament.

Now Akashi Asuka's strength is even better than Murasakihara Atsushi, with a [Strength] attribute of 90 points, which has already reached the strength level of a professional center.

Kagami Daiga found that he could not withstand the violence of Akashi Asuka, so he believed that Akashi Asuka was stronger than Murasakihara Atsushi.

But in fact, what he felt was not Akashi Asuka's full power, or in other words, he could not feel Akashi Asuka's full power yet.

Because for ordinary people.

There is no difference between the power of a ten-ton bulldozer and the power of a twenty-ton bulldozer.


A slam dunk that was so arrogant and unreasonable hit the basket, causing the entire basket frame to scream.

After the violent impact, Vulcan Taiga also felt a tightness in his chest for an instant. He stumbled back several steps and almost fell to the ground.


The absolute power gap under the basket knocked the entire city into silence with one ball.

Under the huge mental shock, Vulcan God was almost knocked out of the [zone] state. Fortunately, Vulcan God was still able to maintain his concentration in the end.

Otherwise, once this happens, the game may not need to be played.

Because for players, voluntarily quitting or exiting the [zone] state due to exhaustion of physical energy, and being knocked out of the [zone] state are two completely different situations.

The former belongs to the state of nature.

The latter belongs to the breakdown of Taoist heart.

In a game, once the second situation occurs, it basically means that the player does not have to play in this game. Whether he can recover in subsequent games is still another matter.

After all, psychological trauma is much more difficult to recover from than physical injuries.


Not right either.

After all, their opponent this time is the protagonist group. Even if the Taoist heart is really broken, it may not be impossible to recover within ten minutes.

After all, the protagonist!

Everyone who understands understands.

After Zhengbang finished this round of counterattack, it was soon Chengrin's turn to launch the second round of attack.

Although Vulcan failed to stop Akashi Asuka just now, it is also not an easy task for Akashi Asuka to stop Vulcan Taiga who entered the [zone].

However, he did not intend to fight to the death with his opponent right after the game started.


(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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