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Chapter 54 Akashi Kana's Family Gene

Chapter 54 Akashi Kana’s family genes

Akashi Kana hasn't started her vacation yet, she just took advantage of today's weekend to help Akashi Asuka pack her things.

Because Akashi Asuka attended high school, which happened to be the same as Akashi Kana. So for the next year, Akashi Asuka will live with Akashi Kana.

Spring break is no better than summer vacation.

The entire vacation lasts just over two weeks.

Staying at home, Akashi Asuka's parents couldn't take care of him during their working hours, so after thinking about it, the two decided to simply let Akashi Asuka move to Akashi Kana in advance, so that he could get familiar with the high school environment in advance.

"I didn't expect you to actually lead the team to the national competition!"

Akashi Kana was holding potato chips in one hand and leaning against the door frame. While watching Akashi Asuka put away her clothes, she looked at Akashi Asuka in surprise. Her eyes seemed to recognize her younger brother all over again.

Although she had heard her parents mention it before when she was at home during the summer, Akashi Kana didn't pay much attention to it at that time.

After all, she also knows in her heart that having "the strength to hit the country" and "promoting the country" are completely different concepts.

The most intuitive description.

Every year, the Miyagi Prefecture Volleyball Club competes in at least four or five high school teams across the country. However, there is only one place that can actually advance.

So later, when Akashi Kana heard from her parents that her younger brother really led the team to advance to the national level, who knows what her expression was like at that time.

To know.

Whether in high school or junior high school, the club Akashi Kana joined did not even reach the national level, let alone advance to the national level.

"It's okay. In fact, it's not too difficult to advance to the national level."

Akashi Asuka folded his clothes and said without looking back: "The main reason is that there are not many strong schools in the prefecture this year. The only threatening opponent had internal problems during the competition. Otherwise, if you want to advance this year, you may have to

It takes a little effort.”

Akashi Kana: "ヽ(゜Q.)ノ???"

Is this human language?


Akashi Kana, who has never participated in a national competition, has a hard fist.

If this had happened two years ago, Akashi Kana would have felt that his fist would have landed on his younger brother's head by now.

But now, thinking about the muscles he accidentally saw on his younger brother during the summer vacation, Akashi Kana had to regretfully give up this tempting idea.

It's true that you can only hit your brother early, but if it's too late... you won't be able to hit him again.

"By the way, speaking of Asuka, why did you choose our school? With your current volleyball level, you should be qualified to be specially recruited by Shiratorizawa, right?"

"Well, people from Shiratorizawa did contact me beforehand, but I rejected them."


"Because the scholarships they give are not as high as here."

"(O_o)???" Several question marks suddenly appeared on Akashi Kana's forehead, and he asked doubtfully: "Scholarship, are there any scholarships for special recruitment by the club now?"

Akashi Asuka put down the clothes in his hands, turned around and said helplessly: "Of course it's not a club, it's a scholarship for cultural class results."

Akashi Kana is still confused: "If I remember correctly, our school seems to only give scholarships to the top 100 students in the county in the high school entrance examination! You won't tell me that you got such a high score in the high school entrance examination?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Before he finished speaking, Akashi Kana laughed first, waved his hands and said: "How could such a thing happen? Our family does not have this kind of academic gene, okay?"

Akashi Asuka: "...You are really a sister connected by blood. But it's a pity that I have to disappoint you. I performed well in this high school entrance examination and got the 29th place in the county, so the school

Not only did they waive my tuition, but they also gave me a good scholarship.”

Although Akashi Asuka plays volleyball well, he did not use volleyball as the only deciding factor in his options for entering higher education.

Because no one knows what will happen in the future?

Maybe one day in the future, Akashi Asuka will have an accident and will no longer be able to play volleyball.

This kind of thing is not impossible.

After all, the [Involution System] can only protect Akashi Asuka from being injured during normal training, but if it is due to trauma or disease, the system cannot provide help.

Therefore, even if there is a system, Akashi Asuka has no intention of giving up his studies.

Quite the opposite.

Not only did he not intend to give up, Akashi Asuka even planned to take Tokyo University as his first choice when he entered university in the future.

Therefore, you should never choose a rubbish school to attend high school.

The purpose of striving for a higher scholarship is even simpler, and the reason is just a very simple thing, that is, to fill one's stomach.

Ever since his [Strength] quality exceeded 80, Akashi Asuka has found that his body's demand for energy is getting higher and higher during training. If his daily diet is still the same as before, which is just rice and vegetables, he will often eat seven or eight bowls in a row.

My stomach is almost bursting, and I may not be able to recover the next day.

Therefore, in order to keep up with dietary consumption, Akashi Asuka has spent all his pocket money on buying high-energy beef during this period.

This is a considerable expense.

It is not easy for Akashi Asuka to ask his original parents for this money. After all, according to the price of beef here and Akashi Asuka's food intake, if this money is added to the family finances, it will definitely be a big burden for the original parents.

So during this time he was also thinking about ways to make money.

Simply winning a scholarship during this period temporarily relieved Akashi Asuka's financial pressure.

to be honest.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Akashi Asuka would never have imagined that he, a time traveler who traveled to modern times, would one day worry about eating.

If this were said out loud, it would be a disgrace to the time travellers.

Akashi Kana obviously didn't know that so many thoughts had gone through Akashi Asuka's mind just in that moment, because now she was petrified in place like a stone statue.

At this moment, there was only one sentence echoing in Akashi Kana's mind: "Twenty-nine in the county, how is this possible? For so many years, I have never even entered the twenty-ninth grade."

"Logically speaking, my family does not have such a gene at all! Could it be that when I was a child, my parents made a mistake and brought someone else's child into our home?"

"That's not right. After all, Feiniao looks so much like me, so to others, we are siblings."

"In this way, it means that our family does have the gene of "student master". But why haven't I shown it at all for so many years? Could it be that... am I too useless?"

"No, no, no, it's impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Thanks to W_x_u for the 500 coins.

Thanks to Void Kong for the 200 coins.

Thank you to book friend 20220420144823027, for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of chapter)

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