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Chapter 10 The Third Question and Answer

Chapter 10 The third question and answer

While the screen in Nick Fury's office was still playing images, Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Barton also received Fury's communication and came to the door of Fury's office together.

Looking at the locked office door of the director, Hawkeye asked Black Widow in confusion: "What happened? The tone of Nick's message sounded urgent? He wants us to avoid other people."

Black Widow shook her head and flicked the short hair on her forehead: "Who knew, sometimes Nick is so mean-spirited."

At this time, the two of them seemed to be sensed, and the locked office door opened. After the two walked in, they found that Nick had closed all the curtains in the originally bright office, and even all the electrical appliances in the room had been turned off.

What's left is a large floating screen in the center of the office still playing some video.

Natasha recognized one of them, the playboy Tony Stark.

"Sir!" x2.

Nick nodded to them. Since he saw Natasha and Barton appearing frequently in the video just now, he also understood the composition of the members of the so-called Avengers, so he sent secret messages to the two of them, asking them to

Come to your office.

Originally he thought about hiding it, but Coulson also left a screen at the scene after disappearing, and Melinda also knew about it, so it would be better to let his loyal subordinates know about the existence of this thing appropriately. In this way,

You can also have a few more people to share your worries.

Of course, before that, the thoughtful Hei Lu Dan naturally turned off the power supply in his office and re-checked his office, confirming that his office was in a flawless state at this moment.

After hearing Lu Dan's description of the transparent screen, Natasha and Barton looked at the images on the screen in disbelief, looking suspicious of life.

[Tony walked into the room, looking unprepared, and even invited Loki to have a drink with him.]

[After receiving the rejection, Tony didn't care. He just took advantage of Loki's distraction and put the two bracelets behind the bar on his wrists, and then talked about their team. 】

[But Loki sneered at his delaying operation: "The Chitauri army is coming soon, and no one can stop this from happening."]

[Tony, who was holding the wine glass, was not afraid and retorted: "We still have the Hulk, and that's not the point. Stop dreaming about being an emperor. It's absolutely impossible for you to be the king on Earth."]

["Maybe your army is coming, maybe we can't resist it, but we will bear all the accounts on your head."]

【"If we really cannot protect the earth, then we will definitely take revenge for it."】

[After speaking, Tony took a sip of the strong drink in the glass.]

[The look on Loki's face slowly calmed down. Looking at Tony, who was getting stronger and stronger, he walked slowly in front of him: "If you have a conflict with your teammates at this time, then who of them will have time to come?

And me?"】

[The energy of the mind scepter sounded. Loki raised the scepter in his hand, and the sharp blade accurately pointed at Tony's chest. 】

[But to the surprise of both of them, except for a crisp "ding" sound, nothing happened. 】

[Even all the energy on the scepter blade has been dissipated.]

[The smile on Loki's face instantly turned into surprise, and he subconsciously poked again, but there was still no response: "This has never failed?"]

At this moment, the screen flashed on the scene of Loki stabbing Tony in the chest with his scepter for the second time, and then the cold voice of the system rang again.

【New Q&A starts】

[Question: Why is Loki’s Mind Scepter ineffective against Tony Stark]

[This Q&A is an open Q&A. Everyone in the live broadcast room has the opportunity to answer the question. The person whose answer is closest to the correct answer will receive 150 live broadcast points and random rewards. 】

[Random rewards may come from any multiverse, and failure to answer this question will not trigger a penalty effect. 】

Upon hearing this question, everyone watching the screen was stunned.

The two consecutive questions and answers were multiple-choice questions, so everyone was ready to participate in a wave of blind guessing. However, they did not expect that the question this time was an open-ended question and answer, and it can be heard from the system's questions that the answer this time was even

There may not be a standard answer yet.

What kind of devil's way of asking is this?

While everyone else was still whispering to each other, the six people in the live broadcast room had already begun to think.

Loki, in particular, was even more focused at this moment. At the same time, he also created a phantom clone and went to the library to search for relevant information.

Time passed slowly, and Tony, who had been pacing in the live broadcast room for a long time, suddenly snapped his fingers, pointed at himself who was stabbed in the chest by the scepter, and said: "I think the reason why Loki didn't succeed is because of the hole in my chest in the future.

The shiny thing, to be honest, although I don’t know what it is, but compared with the shiny place on the chest of my armor, I guess it should be a mechanical energy device. Loki’s psychic scepter can control people, but that

It only succeeds by poking the body of the person being manipulated."

"And if you poke that thing on my chest, it will naturally have no effect."

Tony confidently told the screen the answer: "So, I think it's because of the shiny thing on my chest that the psychic scepter failed."

[Ding~Tony Stark has finished answering, the system begins to judge...]

[Ding~Tony Stark answered correctly, and the correct answer rate is 30%.]


Tony punched his palms in surprise: "Sure enough, it seems that I guessed it right. I didn't expect that I would be so powerful in the future and be able to make things that even God can't do. Oh, this is much better than my father."


"However, this is only a 30% accuracy rate, so what is the answer..."

Tony said this and fell into deep thought again.

Banner on the side glanced at Tony who was chatting with envy, then stared at the scepter in Loki's hand, frowned and thought: "I remember that when I was on the spaceship just now, my future self was also studying the scepter of the mind.

Horse rays, is there any connection between the two? Could it be that the mechanical device on Tony Stark's chest can offset the gamma rays emitted by the Mind Scepter?"

Compared to the two scientists who were deep in thought at the moment, both Coulson and Thor knew nothing about the answer to this question, so they were too lazy to waste their brain cells thinking about it.

However, in view of Coulson's heroic counterattack against Loki before his death, and seeing his future self on the screen chatting happily with Thor, Coulson and Thor got together instead, and after a while

It was like a pair of old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, chatting happily.

"You are the most heroic human warrior I have ever seen. If I have the chance to really welcome you to Asgard, I will take you to see the giant cone bird. I just saw that you in the future seem to be very interested in that thing!"

Thor excitedly shared with Coulson his experiences in the Nine Realms, telling how he encountered powerful enemies one after another and how he cracked their heads open with a hammer.

While the two were talking, a second person suddenly spoke up and answered the system's questions in the live broadcast room.

"If I guess correctly, the reason why the Mind Scepter has no effect on this Stark is because of a principle!"

"Infinity Stones cannot interact with another Infinity Stone!"

Loki, who was in Asgard, slowly stood up and opened his eyes that had been closed tightly.

Just after listening to the question, Loki separated most of his spiritual thoughts, transformed into countless phantoms in Asgard's library, constantly rummaged through various books, and finally found a book.

A message was found in the book.

The Cosmic Cube is Odin's treasure, and its prototype is the Space Stone, the most powerful Infinity Stone in the universe.

At the same time, he also saw a sentence added in ink at the bottom of the page, about the names of several other Infinity Stones.

The name of one of the gems is: the Soul Gem.

"In the video before, the human who turned into the Hulk said something, 'The gamma index of the Mind Scepter is the same as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.' Although I don't understand what the gamma index you humans are talking about, but that sentence

It should mean that the results of your research on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube prove that the Mind Scepter and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube are the same thing."

"In addition, in the image just now, the energy of the Mind Scepter dissipated directly when it stabbed the human's chest, which means that the Mind Scepter has no effect on the device on Stark's chest. I don't believe in human machinery.

The device is immune to the power of the Infinity Stones, but it does render the Mind Scepter useless..."

Loki walked down the steps slowly, with a very sure look on his face: "As for what is suspected to be an infinite gem, I think there is nothing else on earth except the Cosmic Cube, so if the device on the human chest

If it doesn’t contain part of the energy of the Rubik’s Cube, it must be a product derived from the Rubik’s Cube.”

"The Cosmic Cube was made by my father using the most original Infinity Stone in the universe, and since that scepter is called the Mind, I estimate that it should be the Mind Stone, another Infinity Stone in the legend. Combining this information,

I think the answer is obvious!"

[Ding~ Loki Odinson has finished answering, and the system begins to determine...]

[Ding~ Loki Odinson answered correctly, the answer is 100% correct]

[Loki Odinson has obtained 150 live broadcast points, which can be used to on-demand clips of the past and future related to him. 】

[Obtain random rewards...Evil God Loki template, obtain artifacts - Eternal Spear Gangnir, God Cloak Loki]

(End of chapter)

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