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Chapter 103 Show Loki the spoiler of Frigga's death

Chapter 103 Spoilers for Loki, The Death of Frigga

["Scorn? No, I am actually one of your fans. But what I am confused about is why you have such a powerful power but think about domination all day long?"]

[Mobius curiously asked Loki a question. Faced with his question, Loki bluntly said that freedom is the biggest lie, because it makes most people weak. 】

[He even bluntly said that the Time Administration is a circus created by the Time Guardians, and Mobius and the others are the clowns performing in the circus. ]

["I quite like you, a guy who is full of metaphors. You sound very smart!"]

[Not only was Mobius not angry at Loki's ridicule, but he even laughed and joked. Loki also frowned and said with a proud look on his face: "I'm just smart!"]

[Looking at his confident look, Mobius slowly stopped smiling and pressed the machine in front of him.]

"I have a gut feeling that Loki will definitely be humiliated by this guy and collapse."

Strange suddenly laughed: "From the time this man appeared until now, Loki seems to have been being crushed. Whether it is his actions or his mind, he has been led by others."

Captain America nodded slowly. During World War II, he also participated in many interrogations. He had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running. Naturally, he could see that Loki in the current image had fallen into the trap of the previous confrontation.


"Oh, what can he do to make me collapse? In this future me, I have only experienced being exiled and losing the Battle of New York. If I can't bear this, what big things can I do!"

Loki snorted disdainfully, crossed his arms and puffed out his chest.

Tony snapped his fingers and reminded him: "Don't talk too much. What if the TVA organization knows the details of your death and the single video loop?"

Loki looked at Tony Stark with disgust: "...Are you still a human being? I guess only you can do this!"

[The image continues, Mobius uses the projector on the table to project what Loki has recently experienced, the failure of the Battle of New York, Coulson's death...]

[But this also made Loki become impatient, and said coldly to Mobius: "I am not interested in playing with you anymore, I am a god!"]

["What god? The god of trickery?" Mobius chuckled and pointed at the screen: "I don't see any trickery in it."]

[Then, seeing that Loki seemed not to want to discuss this issue anymore, Mobius changed the subject: "Then let's talk about your escape again."]

[Next, Mobius once again played some scenes of Loki's past, and this scene, which Loki thought was extremely shameful, also stung Loki, making him stand up angrily and want to

leave here.】

[However, his resistance was in vain. Mobius only pressed the remote control, and he could only return to his seat and sit down obediently!]

[The successive failures of resistance finally caused Loki to collapse, and he asked what Mobius wanted!]

[But Mobius said: "I just want you to be honest about the reasons why you did those things. I am serious. I want to dig deep into the true thoughts in the heart of the terrifying God of Trickery."]

【"What exactly is driving Loki!"】

Phil Colson suddenly said: "There is something in this man's words!"

Nick Fury nodded: "Just now Stark and the others said that this man was tracking Loki, a time criminal, and he probably only has one target approaching Loki at the moment. He needs to get into Loki's heart and then take over.

It’s time to commit the crime.”

"Wait, you mean, I'm just a research subject?"

Loki raised his eyebrows with a ridiculous expression on his face: "Like a guinea pig for your Midgard experiments?"

Tony also nodded in agreement: "Maybe this guy's goal is exactly this. Sometimes you have to trust professionals. When it comes to interrogation, these two kings of agents are still reliable, unlike some mages."

Mordo: "Zhi Sang and Huai are trying to create some strange charisma, right? Tony Stark, just wait for me!"

[After Loki vented his temper, he once again turned his target to Mobius: "To be honest, you are also pathetic, because you are an insignificant existence."]

[He made a bypassing gesture: "To me, you are just a small stumbling block on the road to success."]

[Mobius still stood there with the same expression, waiting for Loki to finish venting, then slowly asked: "Are you done? Just continue to sit down after you're done! You have to start taking all this seriously.

Got it!"]

[As he spoke, he turned the button again and said loudly: "If you had not picked up the Cosmic Cube, you would be locked up in Asgard's prison now."]

[The picture displayed on the projector above changed. Loki, wearing shackles and shackles, was escorted by Asgard guards and came to the front of Queen Frigga. 】

[Faced with Frigga’s affectionate call, Loki raised his head and asked proudly: “Mother, have I made you proud?”]

[Frigga looked worried and tried to dissuade Loki: "Loki, don't make everything worse."]

In the live broadcast room, looking at his miserable appearance in shackles, Loki breathed out lightly. This should be the future after Thor escorted him back to Asgard at the end of the Battle of New York.

["Boring, what the hell is this? This never happened!" Loki pointed at the screen disdainfully. 】

["It has never happened to you!" Mobius reminded: "But for the Time Administration, we not only know your past, but also know all the things that are destined to happen in your life."]

[Loki still thought this statement was ridiculous, but Mobius directly pressed the play button to continue playing.]

["Am I not your mother too?" Frigga asked with a sad face.]


[Loki in the projector gritted his teeth and spat out these words, which also made Loki's face change as he watched the projection. He didn't understand that he would become so cynical in the future? 】

[At this time, Mobius suddenly reminded: "Then the dark elves attacked the Asgard palace. You thought you led them to Thor..."]

[The screen rotates, and Loki in the projection reminds with a smile: "I think you should take the stairs on the left!"]

["But actually, you led them there..." Mobius's voice sounded again, but it gave Loki an ominous premonition. 】

[Following his voice, the picture changed to a picture of Frigga being controlled by the cursed warrior. The next moment, the sharp sword suddenly pierced the Queen's body. 】


Loki in the live broadcast room and Odin in front of the screen immediately stood up and roared in unison.

Even Thor, who was still slumped on the sofa, struggled to sit up straight.

Odin looked at the familiar cursed warrior on the screen, and the Eternal Spear angrily slapped the ground, summoning the guards outside the door, and asked them to dispatch everyone to investigate the sealing location of the dark elves.

He never expected that these dark elves were not killed by his father back then, but would actually come back and invade Asgard in the not-too-distant future, and even kill his queen!

Simply unforgivable!

Fury arose in Odin's heart, and he decided to kill all the dark elves once and for all.

Loki in the live broadcast room, watching Frigga die because of his prank on the screen, seemed to be struck by lightning, his body trembled violently, and his face became extremely gloomy.

He really didn't expect that his future self would accidentally kill Frigga in order to trick Thor.

Although he has been somewhat resentful of Odin due to his life experience and has remained taciturn, Loki has never had any disrespect towards the mother who raised him.

Unexpectedly, she would die due to her own reasons in the future.

What kind of bullshit future is this?

Loki clenched his fists and secretly swore in his heart that if this was really the fate planned by the so-called guardians of time, then Loki would do his best to overthrow it, not necessarily for himself, but also for his mother.

[Loki stared blankly at Frigga's body on the projection, taking two steps back with disbelief on his face. Breathing quickly, he turned to look at Mobius, and shouted excitedly: "You guys put her

Where was she taken? Where is she?"]

[Mobius shrugged: "You led them directly to him."]

[Loki immediately roared angrily after hearing this: "I don't believe you, you are lying, this is not true."]

["This is true." Mobius showed a serious look for the first time, and shouted to Loki point by point: "This is the correct flow of time, and it will happen again and again, because this

It should be so, because it must be so! This is the path of the sacred timeline, and this is what the Time Administration needs to ensure."]

[But Loki didn’t believe his lies at all, and just continued to ask where she was.]

[However, Mobius ignored his question and continued to ask: "Why don't you tell me now, do you like hurting people? Do you like killing?"]

[Loki replied with an angry face: "I'm going to kill you!"]

["Like you did to your mother?"]

[Mobius's taunt immediately caused Loki to completely break his guard. He angrily picked up the chair next to him and smashed it hard. 】

[The chair was dodged by Mobius and hit the screen behind it. The projected screen was briefly shattered and then reorganized. It still showed the scene of Frigga's death. 】

[This picture deeply hurt Loki's heart, and finally made him furious and rushed towards Mobius again.]

[But with the same press of the small remote control, Loki, who rushed over, sat back down again, but because the chair was thrown out by him, this time, he could only fall to the ground in embarrassment. 】

[Seeing this scene, Mobius quickly apologized: "Sorry, the time warp finger can only cycle your time, but the chair cannot."]

(End of chapter)

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