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Chapter 108 The other me is a woman?

Chapter 108 The other me...is a woman?

[Sure enough, because of Loki's nonsense, the time guardians who failed and returned submitted their mission report, which also allowed Mobius to be interviewed by the female judge Ramona. ]

[As for Loki, the two also have very different views.]

[Ramona believes that Loki himself is a contradictory combination of "rebellious, stubborn, fickle, evil" and other bad qualities. After all, this is the role he plays in the sacred timeline, and this is unchangeable. ]

[But Mobius believed that Loki could still be saved. As he spoke, he changed the topic to the Guardian of Time. 】

[Hearing this, Ramona sat up straight and warned Mobius: "The Time Guardians are monitoring every detail of this case. I have never seen them be so interested in a case.


[At the end of the sentence, Ramona's tone became extremely serious: "They want to seize this time to commit crimes."]


At this moment, in the live broadcast room, Loki, Captain America, and even Coulson and Lu Dan in front of the screen couldn't help but comment at the same time.

They all captured the unnatural look on the female judge's face when Mobius mentioned the Guardian of Time.

"I also feel like it's a lie, but it also proves from the side that this Loki variant has truly become a serious problem for TVA."

Tony sneered: "This is also a good thing. If Loki's strategy works, it seems that we can also learn from his methods!"

[At the end of the conversation, Ramona decided to give Mobius and Loki one last chance.]

[After leaving the office, Mobius also had a conversation with Loki, and brought him to a desk, asking him to study all the time criminal files.]

[But after Mobius left, Loki immediately ran to the female archivist unwilling to be left alone, using the excuse of field missions to check the files when TVA was established. ]

[But the administrator told him that these files are confidential documents.]

[After settling for the next best thing, Loki changed his request and wanted to see the relevant documents about the beginning and end of time, but was still told that these were confidential documents.]

["Okay, then what can I see?"]

[Loki asked unhappily. The next moment, the administrator took him to the center of the bookshelf, took out a copy of the "Time Criminal Loki Laufeyson" information, and patted it in his hand. 】

[Loki sighed silently, returned to his desk full of disappointment, and opened the folder.]

[But when he finished reading the files of "Twilight of the Gods", Loki suddenly became aware of the hiding place of the other Loki. 】

【End of the World】

[Because the world will eventually be destroyed, when a person travels to the eve of the end of the world, no matter what he does, it will be covered by the end of the world. 】

[After discovering this information, he quickly found Mobius and told him his analysis, but the other party didn't believe Loki's conjecture at all. ]

[However, at Loki’s suggestion, they still came to Pompeii to verify Loki’s conjecture. 】

"By the way, I never noticed that you have such wisdom!"

Tony Stark looked at Loki curiously: "To be honest, this analysis is much more exciting than the stupid rebellion you organized."

Loki snorted disdainfully: "That's because the people in Asgard are too stupid and not worth my brain."

"Really? I think you are really like what the little girl said. You are reluctant to do anything because you love your brother!"

Reed Richards appeared again, laughing and joking: "You are really arrogant!"

"Bah, mortal, how do you understand the true meaning of God!"

Loki looked proud: "Besides, that was just something done by a low-level Loki from another world. It has nothing to do with a high-level Loki like me. No..."

Loki raised his clenched left fist: "It should be said that I am the top Loki in all the multiverses."


Star-Lord sighed with disdain: "You are just a stupid bastard who only knows how to play pranks. Even if you are smart, it is just a little cleverness."

Loki glanced sideways at Star-Lord and did not argue with him. Instead, he raised the future notebook in his hand with a smile, and then looked at Star-Lord's angry face that turned the color of pig liver, and laughed.

'It's really fun to play pranks!'

Loki thought to himself, seeing the way Star-Lord dared to be angry but afraid to speak out, he suddenly felt that the resentment he had accumulated from watching the spoilers was instantly wiped away.

[Video continues]

[Verifying their conjecture, Loki and Mobius searched for all the doomsdays overnight, but as Mobius said, there are as many doomsday-level disasters in history as stars.]

[After searching all night and finding nothing, the two finally chose to give up for the time being, and came to the restaurant to sit together and chat happily. And just when Loki defended his "little boy" behavior, Mobius suddenly remembered what he had done before.

A detail discovered when going to France to track down time criminals.】

[Thinking of this, the two hurriedly searched for information and found the doomsday that best matched their guess - the destruction of the Rock Carter Supermarket warehouse in Haven Hills, Alabama, in 2050. ]

[Just do it, Mobius immediately applied for a team and took Loki with him to 2050.]

[According to the description, although this place will soon be destroyed by the hurricane, because the food and supplies are very reorganized, TVA believes that the escaped time prisoner Loki is likely to travel back and forth again and again, using this place as a base.]

[Mobius originally planned to take Loki with him like last time, but the black female Time Guardian who was tricked rejected him and chose to let her take Loki with him. 】

[And just after they entered the green plant area, they suddenly met a thin black man who claimed to be here to buy green plants. 】

[However, in this hurricane weather, it is difficult for people to believe his words, so the female time guardian and Loki teamed up to approach the black guy. 】

[But at the moment when the female guard was about to touch the black brother, the young man reached out and held her wrist first. With a faint flash of green light, the young man fell to the ground. 】

[Loki looked at the black man in confusion, thinking it was the female guard who had done something wrong: "Is he dead?"]

["Usually not." B-15 slowly turned around, the expression and temperament on his face suddenly seemed like a different person, and looked at Loki with a smile: "So... you are the one sent by TVA to arrest me.


[Looking at the female guard whose expression changed drastically, Loki immediately understood something and raised his brows: "They should be arresting 'me'!"]

["Come on, if everyone has their own identity, you would be me!"]

[After speaking, B-15 grinned, revealing a familiar smile.]

[Seeing her smile, Loki also grinned and gave her an equally evil smile.]

"Is this... the kind of magic that controls people's hearts from before? Just like the medieval ball?"

In the live broadcast room, seeing the changes in the black woman on the screen, Captain America asked curiously: "Is this also your trick?"

"Of course!" Loki nodded proudly: "It's just simple mind bewitchment and possession magic. There's nothing strange about it. During the Battle of New York, I used this magic to control dozens of people, and even almost revived you."

Liandu was defeated."

"What?" Captain America shouted in astonishment upon hearing this, and turned to look at Tony Stark: "Is he so powerful?"

Tony Stark made an "uh" sound in his mouth, smacked his tongue, and nodded awkwardly: "Although I don't want to admit it, we were really miserable by him at the time."

However, Phil Coulson retorted unyieldingly at this time: "Come on Loki, if it weren't for the power of the Mind Scepter, you wouldn't be able to do this at all!"

Loki smiled confidently: "I don't deny that I borrowed the power of the spiritual scepter at that time, but if it were me now, just a thought can control all of you."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, especially Bruce Banner. Thinking of the scene in Avengers 1 when he was angered by Loki's mind-bewitching magic and wreaked havoc on the Helicarrier, he suddenly felt a trace of emotion.


If at this time, he was angered and manipulated by Loki and chose to transform, hurting others, then his guilt would be even heavier. After all, General Ross showed up just a few days ago to capture him.

[Video continues]

【"The possession method is quite clever."】

[Following the female guard, Loki mocked in a frivolous tone: "A bit cowardly, amateur, but very smart."]

["Are you cowardly? Maybe it's as cowardly as becoming a lackey of TVA!" The female guard turned around and mocked Loki. 】

[But Loki shook his head when he heard this: "I work for myself!"]

["Deceiving yourself!" The female guard chuckled: "I was a little worried before, but they found a more advanced version of me."]

[At this time, a male supermarket clerk came over and enthusiastically wanted to point them in the direction of the shelter. However, after being touched by the female guard, his eyes flashed with a green light, and then revealed an evil look.

A "Rocky" smile.]

[Seeing the female guard fainting, Loki quickly stepped forward to check. At this time, the possessed male clerk also taunted: "Oh, do you want to ask your friends for help?"]

[Seeing the deep scheming and superb possession magic displayed by this "Loki", Loki felt a little troublesome and tried with a solemn expression: "What, are you afraid of facing me face to face? Show up...

After all, it’s not easy for me to win TVA’s trust.”]

["Oh? Oh my God, it turns out you are undercover at TVA!" The male clerk smiled slightly, still with a mocking look on his face. 】


In the live broadcast room, Loki suddenly frowned in disgust. Looking at the performance of the male clerk in the video, he complained in an uncertain tone: "Why do I feel weird? I am a variant of this multiverse version."

, why do you look like a sissy?"

(End of chapter)

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