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Chapter 130 S.H.I.E.L.D. Never Negotiates Team Shock's Smile Insight

Chapter 130 SHIELD never negotiates, Team Shock’s smile, what is the Insight Plan?

Falcon also nodded excitedly, feeling equally excited about getting to know Captain America in the future and taking over his name.

But at the same time, he also had some doubts, when will he retire from the army in the future?

"It's just that you're a bit too mean. You're a super soldier and you bully ordinary people while running!"

Tony couldn't help but interrupt: "It seems that your future life will be very lonely!"

Loki smiled and said: "After all, a person who has been sleeping for nearly 70 years does not have many friends in modern times. The sense of shock that he is disconnected from the world may have distorted his mind."

Captain America rolled his eyes angrily: "I'm not the kind of person with a glass heart. On the battlefield, I've experienced a lot of life and death, okay?"

"Indeed!" Captain Marvel nodded: "What we experienced back then was no worse than your Protoss. What's more, has there been any war in Asgard since you were born? I simply doubt that your Hammer

God, if you go to the battlefield, can you really come back alive?"

Hearing this, Loki showed his signature evil smile again, shook his head and said to Team Shock: "Believe me, madam, you don't understand Thor at all. He is simply a monster born for the battlefield."

Thor, who was lying on the sofa, laughed with satisfaction: "Well said, brother, I will protect your safety from now on. If that female Loki dares to trouble you, I will tie her up directly."

Tuck it into your bed!"

Loki: "..."

Can we not mention this matter...

[While Captain America and Sam were chatting, Black Widow suddenly appeared and told Captain America that they had a mission. The two said goodbye to Sam in the car and drove away. 】

[It turns out that a S.H.I.E.L.D. warship that launched positioning satellites was suddenly hijacked, and all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents led by Agent Sitwell on the ship were also kidnapped, and the other side even demanded 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. 】

[For the US team, this mission was extremely simple. With the help of the special forces, they quickly eliminated all the pirates on the ship. 】

[The bald Sitwell agent wearing glasses looked at the pirates killed by the special forces and sneered coldly: "I told you, SHIELD never negotiates!"]

"Oh, what a loud tone!"

Hearing Agent Sitwell's arrogant taunts, Tony showed a disdainful smile in the live broadcast room: "You are worthy of being a subordinate of our one-eyed director. This arrogant tone is exactly the same."

Nick Fury frowned when he heard this, and asked Tony Stark unhappily: "What, can't we, SHIELD, get rid of the enemy and just taunt us? Your family lives by the sea and the control is so wide?"

"Hey, you are right, my mansion is right on the beach! What, are you not convinced?" Tony chuckled: "But depending on the situation, this on-demand broadcast seems to have a lot to do with your SHIELD. I

I just want to see what your SHIELD is up to this time."

[After temporarily knocking out the pirate leader, Captain America unexpectedly discovered that Fury had concealed the details of the mission from him. This made him very dissatisfied and went directly to SHIELD headquarters to confront him. ]

[He believed that Fury had concealed the mission goal and was likely to cause an accident, causing the death of other hostages, but Fury said that it was precisely because of this that he sent the greatest warrior.]

[But Captain America is upright, but that does not mean he is easy to coax. In response to Fury's sophistry, he directly educated him: "Soldiers trust each other, so that they can form an army, not a bunch of rabble who shoot and run."

[And Fury also took action, and responded to Captain America with a righteous look: "Last time I trusted someone else, and then I lost an eye!"]


While everyone was still watching the movie in silence, a chuckle broke the silence. Everyone looked curiously at the source of the sound, only to see Captain Marvel covering his mouth with a constipated expression, suppressing a smile.

Super Peter gave her a blank look: "Ms. Marvel, is this sentence so funny?"

When Carol saw everyone turning their eyes, she immediately suppressed her smile, her cheeks turned red from suppressing laughter, and waved her hands to everyone: "It's okay, I just thought of a joke."

"Really?" Tony Stark raised his eyebrows: "After Fury said these words?... And you are smiling sarcastically, right? Considering how you two met before, do you know that he is like this?

What other stories are there about blind eyes?”

"No, no, I really just thought of a joke. Don't pay attention to me, really!"

Carol walked aside and punched her belly hard. She really couldn't understand that Fury could actually come up with such a high-level reason for being blinded by Gugu after decades. She laughed to death...

[Lu Dan then said that everyone has their own tasks, which is called divided management, so as not to cause leaks. 】

[But the American team did not accept this statement. Seeing that he was so "obsessed", Lu Dan decided to reveal something to him. 】

[The two walked into the elevator together and went down to the huge basement of S.H.I.E.L.D.]

[That’s the hangar of SHIELD’s latest plan—Insight Project.]

[While the elevator was falling, Nick Fury was still instilling his own worldview into Captain America. He believed that people cannot completely trust others.]

[After hearing this, Captain America smiled disdainfully, and at the same time subconsciously raised his head and glanced around. Then he could no longer hold back the expression of surprise on his face, and stood up straight seriously.]

[Because here, he saw three huge space carriers. Compared with the one in Avengers 1, these three looked like flying behemoths armed to the teeth. 】

[Nick Fury finally began to reveal their SHIELD plan to Captain America:]

["These three latest technology aerospace carriers are synchronized with the target positioning satellite network, and once they fly into the sky, they do not need to land again. This is also thanks to our new anti-gravity engine, which allows them to perform continuous subterranean operations."

Orbital flight.”]

[Captain America asked curiously when he heard this: "Is it Stark's masterpiece again?"]

[Nick Fury nodded: "After he took a close look at our old turbine engine, he made some suggestions for improvements, and these..."]

[Furry pointed to the huge and thick long guns under the ship and continued to introduce: "These new long-range precision guns can destroy a thousand enemies in one minute. The satellites can read the KB elements before they walk out of their bunkers.

Take out his DNA, and we can nip dangers in the bud before they arise."]

[Captain America was shocked when he heard this and asked: "Shouldn't there be guilt first and then punishment?"]

[Lu Dan immediately laughed when he heard this: "Captain, we can't afford to wait until the incident happens before wiping their butts."]

Hearing the questions and answers between the two people in the video, people in the live broadcast room immediately exploded. This time, compared to the previous appearance of TVA, the response was more intense.

Tony: "I knew as soon as I stepped on the horse that this Nick Fury is a Shabby. He is not a spy. He is obviously the largest KB element and criminal on the earth."

"Which Shabi came up with this insight plan? It's a human extinction plan. This is not maintaining world stability, it's dictatorship, it's the new FXS** behavior."

Bruce Banner was also shocked: "This plan sounds really crazy. Although it is indeed necessary to stop those criminal preparations, your crackdown methods are too ruthless. And I want to know

, on what basis do you draw up those lurking criminals? What if the other party is an undercover agent? What if the police kidnap a drug lord and force their younger brother to submit, but are inadvertently treated as a villain by the Space Carrier?


"There are too many variables in all of this. If you really kill so arbitrarily, how many people in the world will survive by then?"

Reed Richards also said with an expression of disbelief: "This is basically a genocide plan to eliminate dissidents. You know, after all, this remote control is still in the hands of SHIELD. That is to say, once you are

As SHIELD is targeted by the enemy, it is very likely that it will be hit by a precise strike from outer space at the next moment."

Loki suddenly showed an evil mocking smile on his face: "It's really amazing. The internal fighting among you humans is indeed much more exciting than the battles in our nine realms!"

Tony waved his fist: "From now on, I strongly oppose the existence of SHIELD. Nick Fury, you are really crazy."

Strange also gritted his teeth: "Just based on what a person has done in the past, it is determined that they are potential terrorists, and then they are killed with one shot. This is more difficult than all the tyrants in the history of the earth put together.

It is impossible to make such a crazy choice. In the hospital, I have seen many people who have been released from prison work hard and actively change their destiny. Although they have done wrong things, they later love life as much as we do."

"But this plan of yours by SHIELD has fundamentally deprived them of their right to choose life. In this regard, you are even more inhumane than TVA just now."

Wanda also had a dull look on her face: "Sure enough, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s face of protecting the world was all fake. After tearing off the mask, they are just a group of demons!"

"Stark, and you, you are also involved in this. If you hadn't provided them with a new mothership engine, they wouldn't have been able to fly into the sky, let alone organize this KB plan."

Tony gritted his teeth when he saw this: "I take the blame for this, and I swear that from now on I will not provide any weapons, ammunition or technical support to SHIELD."

Ant-Man was sitting in prison, confused and frightened. He suddenly thought of the mistakes he had made before, and was glad that the insight plan had not been completed yet. Otherwise, he would have been hit by a light from outside a few months ago.

Bombed to death.

You must not join such an evil organization!

Ant-Man had a determined look on his face.

Loki looked at the excited crowd, walked a few steps in the live broadcast room with his hands behind his back, suddenly laughed again, and said again: "I suddenly remembered something, our dear S.H.I.E.L.D. KB

"Young man, the reason why you were so angry with the sky and the earth just now is that the reason why you were so angry didn't come from Captain Marvel, but from the so-called Insight Project?"

(End of chapter)

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