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Chapter 134 Elevator God of War Steve has S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 134 Elevator God of War Steve, there is S.H.I.E.L.D. among the traitors!


Nick Fury was silent for a long time, then took the syringe from Coulson's hand with a look of resentment and threw it on the table: "Isn't this a rip-off? Do we need this thing?"


Although the Tahiti Project has been terminated for a long time, there is a large amount of GH-325 medicine stored in SHIELD's warehouse. Not to mention resurrecting just one Coulson, even SHIELD...if an entire team is killed, it can be done.

Easy to save.

And this system only gives one potion that can be used three times. Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

[Video continues to play]

[After Lu Dan died, Black Widow asked Captain America in the corridor why Fury went to find him. Captain America said that he didn't know. At this moment, Rumlow came over and said that someone asked Captain America to go.

A trip to S.H.I.E.L.D.]

[His attitude can't be said to be very good, but Black Widow immediately understood that there were some deeper things going on, which Captain America had hidden from herself.]

【"You really can't lie!"】

[Leaving these words, Black Widow left the hospital.]

[Captain America, standing in the corridor, remembered the USB flash drive that Fury gave to him when he was dying, and then had an idea and put it in the vending machine. 】

[The screen turns to Alexander Pierce meeting with Captain America in the top-floor office of SHIELD. From his mouth, Captain America learned what Fury was doing behind the scenes.]

[It turns out that Luodan was not only spying on Captain America, but also secretly hired pirates to rob S.H.I.E.L.D.’s ships.]

[Pierce accused him of possibly being involved in selling false information, but he lost money and his life because the deal fell apart.]

[However, Captain America completely disagreed with Pierce's conjecture. He listened to Nick's warning "Don't trust anyone."]

In SHIELD's office, Luodan and Coulson fell into silence.

At this point, from God's perspective, we still can't tell who is the traitor, so Lu Dan's title of "King of Secret Agents" can be completely discarded.

But it was precisely because they saw it that Lu Dan and the two of them felt it was ridiculous.

Pierce, the Secretary-General of the World Security Council and the top leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., is actually a traitor?

"Sir, do you still want to clean the building as planned?"

After a long time, Colson asked in a low voice.

Hearing his question, Fury shook his head and replied with a stiff throat: "Wait a minute, let me see if there are any other guys who surface next. I want to see what happened in S.H.I.E.L.D.

How many more traitors are there?"

Colson nodded: "Sir, do you think Secretary Pierce was responsible for the death of the special forces member before?"

Luodan was stunned for a moment and twisted his neck: "Compared to this matter, the death of that special forces member is no longer important."

Not only did Nick Fury see that Pierce was a traitor, but most of the other people in the live broadcast room also saw everything, and because of this, everyone also laughed out loud.

Tony shook his head: "I really want to laugh. Nick Fury monitors the whole world all day long, but he doesn't know how to monitor his own people. The biggest boss of a huge S.H.I.E.L.D. agency is actually a traitor. This sounds like

Definitely the biggest joke of the year."

Loki also chuckled and sneered: "No, no, no, Stark, you have missed one more thing. The biggest leader is a traitor, so how many of the other subordinates are loyal to this one-eyed braised egg? No.

Is there only one of those familiar guys left?"

Reed Richards also mocked: "Then I'm afraid we can no longer say that there is a mole in SHIELD. We should say that there is a SHIELD within the group of moles, right?"

Master Modu: "That's awesome. Thinking about it this way, Director Lu Dan's insight plan is indeed necessary to be implemented. But I guess that the first shot of those three aircraft carriers will not hit the enemy directly. I'm afraid it will be directly

Blow this one-eyed dragon’s own head off!”

Captain America did not speak out, but he felt heartbroken when he thought about SSR developing into what it is now.

[After breaking up with Pierce on bad terms, Captain America entered the elevator and prepared to leave S.H.I.E.L.D.]

[But every time the elevator passed a few floors, special forces members kept coming in. The US team was still immersed in the sadness of Fury's death, but suddenly noticed something abnormal. 】

[He noticed that several of the special forces members were avoiding their eyes, as if they did not dare to look at him, and several of them had their hands pressed against their pistols.]

[Captain America suddenly became vigilant. This is the headquarters of SHIELD. Is there any enemy? 】

[He shifted his gaze to the others again, and upon noticing his gaze, nervous sweat suddenly appeared on the foreheads of several black men wearing internal office attire.]

[As the last few familiar special forces members entered the elevator, the narrow elevator was already overcrowded.]

[Feeling the tension lingering around him, Captain America suddenly smiled contemptuously: "Before we do anything, does anyone want to go out?"]

[As soon as he finished speaking, all the people in the elevator started fighting together, but even though they were outnumbered, they were still not enough in front of the super soldier Captain America. Soon, everyone was defeated by Captain America. 】

[And just after he opened the elevator door, he saw that there was indeed an entire corridor of special forces soldiers with guns and live ammunition. 】

[Seeing that he was surrounded, Captain America did not hesitate. After letting the elevator fall a certain distance, he directly raised his shield and smashed through the glass elevator. Using the shield as a buffer, he hit the ground fiercely. 】

"Holy shit, you're not even dead?"

Many people in the live broadcast room were stunned when they saw Team USA running out of the surveillance camera without any injuries on the screen.

"Such a tall building, this guy actually hit the ground without breaking any bones? Isn't this too buggy?"

Wanda pulled her hair in confusion: "Isn't this beyond the scope of human beings?"

Strange was also speechless: "With such strong fighting skills, you said that the American team would lose to Loki in a duel in Avengers 1? How did he lose? Is Loki that strong?"

Thor: "Hey, human mage, what's your attitude? As a prince of the Asa clan, my brother, isn't it basic to crush a human with fighting skills?"

Loki: "...Brother, my tooth hurts listening to you."

Thor scratched his head when he heard this: "Really? Did I hit you in the face too hard before?"

Loki: "...I mean I don't want to hear you fart, do you have to say it so bluntly?"


Luodan also closed his eyes in pain at this time. After seeing the special forces hunting down Captain America, he completely lost hope in SHIELD.

Everyone betrayed by a traitor?


Now it seems that they themselves are the traitors. They have been in this organization with the pseudonym "SHIELD" and whose real name is unknown for so many years...

Destroy it, my heart is too tired...

[Captain America tried his best to escape from the gate and was even pursued by a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter plane, but even the plane was unable to do anything to Cap America, and was directly blown up by him. 】

[Seeing Captain America escape, S.H.I.E.L.D. completely labeled Captain America a traitor and began nationwide surveillance and search for his existence. 】

[Captain America, who had been labeled a traitor, returned to the hospital in disguise, but when he walked to the vending machine and took a closer look, he found that the USB flash drive he had hidden had disappeared. 】

[Just when he was worried, Black Widow also stood up at this time. It turned out that the USB flash drive was taken away by her. 】

[The two immediately found a computer in the mall. With the help of a large number of moving people, they not only found the address pointed to by the USB flash drive in New Jersey, but also escaped the search of the special forces. 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room grinned when they saw Captain America and Black Widow pretending to be a couple and kissing in order to avoid being searched by the special forces team.

"Ahem~ Actually, it's nothing. As you know, the situation at that time was quite urgent."

Team USA also felt the awkward atmosphere in the live broadcast room and couldn't help but say something.

When Tony heard this, a strange expression appeared on his face. He raised his finger and shook it: "No, you don't need to explain at all. After all, no one of us asked about it, right?"

Loki also smiled and looked past Tony Stark, sticking his head out and turning to look at Captain America: "By the way, what are you guilty of?"



Doesn't exist at all!

[The two immediately drove to New Jersey, but when they actually arrived at their destination, the captain was stunned.]

【Because he is so familiar with this place!】

[That was the place where he entered the army for training, and the instructor’s scolding and curses seemed to still ring in his ears. 】

[Captain America, who was in a daze, also saw a phantom, which was him before he became Captain America! 】

"Shet, you were so thin before? Is there any hormone feed added to this super soldier serum?"

Tony couldn't help but frown and complain, looking at Cap up and down: "By the way, would you mind selling a tube of your blood?"

"I think SHIELD should have thoroughly studied my blood. You can go to them to get the results." Captain America shrugged and rejected Stark's request.

[With the help of Captain America, the two quickly entered the basement, and after a search, they finally discovered a strange, hidden elevator. ]

[Going all the way down through the elevator, they entered a dark and weird room again. 】

[There are all antique-level computers and data source hosts. 】

[And among these ancient devices, there is a brand new USB socket. 】

[Seeing this scene, Black Widow immediately inserted the USB flash drive.]

[With the insertion of the USB flash drive, all the surrounding computers and hosts started up. A face image made of green data suddenly appeared on the central computer screen, and a strange electronic synthesized sound also sounded in the basement.


[It quickly said the names of Captain America and Black Widow, as well as their dates of birth.]

[Just when Black Widow complained that this was a video, the green face also revealed his identity.]

[He turned out to be Arnim Zola, the Hydra scientist captured by Captain America during World War II.]

(End of chapter)

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