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Chapter 14 The Final Chapter of the Great Iron Man

Chapter 14 The Great Iron Man, Final Chapter

[Video continues to play]

[After hearing Iron Man’s words, everyone was stunned on the spot. At this moment, the armor’s system finally captured the speeding nuclear bomb. 】

[The thrusters loaded with all the energy were very fast. Tony quickly caught up with the missile that passed by, flew under it, picked up the missile, and flew towards the sky. 】

[Seeing Tony’s actions, the US team also understood what he was thinking. 】

["Stark, if you act like this... you may never come back."]

[Captain America's voice was full of emotion. A few hours ago, he had just mocked a playboy like Stark, who was not the kind of person who could sacrifice himself and lie on the steel wire to let his comrades pass. As a result, Stark

Slap him in the face with practical actions.]

[But Iron Man did not reply to him, but asked Jarvis to send all the remaining energy to the turning thruster. 】

[After Jarvis was silent for about two seconds, he responded: "Sir, do you want to inform Miss Pepper?"]

[Tony struggled for a while, but finally agreed.]

[But on the private plane at this moment, Pepper was nervously watching the live TV broadcast in front of him, looking at the photo of Stark appearing on the screen, and nervously grabbing the sofa, completely unaware of the vibration of the phone next to him.


[Pepper's call was not answered. Tony looked very silent, but he didn't care about that much at the moment. 】

[After all the energy was supplied to the thrusters all over his body, Iron Man set up the missile and rushed all the way towards the wormhole. 】

[On the ground, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and even the Hulk, who was beaten with nosebleeds, all raised their heads and looked at Iron Man soaring into the sky with shock on their faces, praying in their hearts.]

[With an inaudible muffled sound, Iron Man passed through the wormhole with the missile and reached the universe behind the wormhole.]

[The Space Carrier members who were watching the live broadcast cheered excitedly when they saw this scene. Even Hill and Fury, who had always been steady, couldn't help but take a deep breath and smiled. 】

[But just as they were cheering, Stark, who had passed through the wormhole, heard an alarm sound in front of his eyes, indicating that his suit was running out of energy.]

["Call Pepper failed..."]

[Due to being far away from the earth, Jarvis's signal also became weak. In addition, the armor's energy was exhausted, and Iron Man's system finally couldn't support it and shut down. 】

[Endless darkness poured into his eyes, and a vacuum without oxygen invaded the inside of his armor. Without oxygen, Tony stopped breathing feebly. 】

[The armor lost its power and fell downwards, but at the same time, the nuclear bomb was still flying towards the Chitauri battleship in the distance with full power, until a huge fire light lit up. ]

"Wait, I won't die like this, right?"

Tony stared at the screen with his eyes closed and his armor dim, covering his mouth in disbelief.

Although this looks great, isn't it too hasty to die?

Thor came over and patted Tony on the shoulder, and said to him with a solemn expression: "Although you were disrespectful to me just now, based on your feat, I am willing to call you a hero."

Colson also nodded: "I didn't expect, Mr. Stark, you who have always presented yourself as a playboy would be so great!"

Banner also raised his thumbs up.

Natasha and Fury in front of the screen had weird looks on their faces. They had done a complete set of character profiling analyzes on Tony Stark, and the results they came to were surprisingly consistent.

This is a lustful and annoying arrogant maniac.

But this guy is actually so responsible in the future?

What kind of medicine can turn such a prodigal son back?

[At the moment the mothership exploded in outer space, all the Chitauri soldiers far away on Earth collapsed to the ground helplessly, and even the Leviathan beasts showing off their power in the sky fell as if they had lost control.

Come down.】

[Captain America and Thor looked around in surprise. After looking at each other, they both guessed what was going on and quickly looked at the portal in the sky. 】

[Black Widow held up the mind scepter and looked up at the sky. Her eyes caught the dazzling fire at the other end of the portal. She unconsciously murmured in a low voice: "Come on, Stark, come back quickly."]

[But after waiting for more than ten seconds, Iron Man's figure still did not escape from the portal. Looking at the brighter and closer fire, the captain pressed the communicator helplessly. 】

["Close the portal!"]

[Hearing the captain's instructions, Black Widow paused for two seconds. After confirming that Iron Man was not seen, she had no choice but to pierce the device with her scepter. ]

[With sparks sputtering, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube finally cooled down, and the blue light beam shooting into the sky finally stopped. 】

[Without the supply of Rubik’s Cube power, the crack in the sky is gradually closing. 】

[Unfortunately, at the moment when the space cracks closed, Stark's body, which was falling, finally passed through the portal and accelerated towards the earth. 】

[Black Widow caught his figure for the first time and couldn't help but laugh. Thor and Captain America also smiled happily. 】

[The captain couldn’t help but shake his head and sighed: "This guy..."]

Seeing his body falling out of the space crack, Stark in the live broadcast room couldn't help but let out a big breath. Maybe he could be revived if he could return to Earth. If he died in outer space, that would be really terrible.

There is no place for death.

Tony couldn't help but shudder when he thought that his body had not escaped from the space rift, but had been frozen into an ice block and drifted around in the cold universe.

That scene was so scary and lonely!

[But as Stark landed, the faces of the Avengers on the ground also changed. 】

[Thor, God of Thunder, turned the hammer of Thor in his hand with a solemn expression, looked at Iron Man who was in free fall, and reminded Captain America: "He didn't slow down."]

[But just before Thor took off, a green figure suddenly jumped into the sky and hugged Iron Man. ]

[The Hulk, who was no longer suppressed, finally ran out and rescued Tony.]

[The Hulk holding Iron Man landed quickly. In order not to hurt Tony Stark, the Hulk even used his back as a buffer when he landed, protecting Tony. 】

[Captain America and Thor rushed over and took off Iron Man's mask, only to find that Tony in the suit had stopped breathing due to lack of oxygen. ]

[Looking at Tony who seemed to be sleeping, Captain America collapsed on the ground helplessly.]

[While the two of them were mourning Tony with sad faces, the Hulk beside them suddenly let out a ferocious roar. ]


[This loud roar startled the other two people, but the most unexpected thing was that Tony, who had stopped breathing, was awakened by this roar. 】

[Seeing Stark regaining his vitality, the Hulk excitedly beat his chest and roared one after another.]

["What's going on? What just happened?"]

[Tony woke up and looked around excitedly. Hearing Hulk's roar in his ears, he was shocked and said: "Tell me, no one gave me artificial respiration just now, right?"]

[Captain America couldn't help laughing angrily, sitting on the ground tiredly, looking at the messy city around him, and said with emotion:]

【"we won."】

The four people in the live broadcast room and the two agents peeking at the screen also took a deep breath at the same time.

Tony kept beating his chest and sighed incoherently: "It's good that I'm not dead, it's good that I'm not dead!"

Then, he excitedly took Banner's hand and kept thanking him: "Thank you, Banner, you saved me twice. Seriously, if you need my help, just ask, you are mine."

A lifesaver."

Bruce Banner shook hands with Stark awkwardly: "I just happened to save you. In the image just now, Thor was also preparing to fly into the sky to save you."

On Earth, in Fury's office, Hawkeye wiped the sweat from his head wordlessly, pulled up a chair and sat down, looked at the Avengers team gathered together on the screen, and shook his head with emotion.

To the other two people: "It's incredible, we actually won."

Listening to her friend's emotion, Natasha had to nod in admiration, and then looked at the expressionless Black Braised Egg: "Director, if it weren't for the nuclear bomb that Stark sent over, we would be facing aliens.

Are you really capable of resisting human invasion?"

Nick Fury thought for a long time and finally nodded firmly.

There is definitely a way, but it is the last resort when there is no retreat.

Everyone else was having a good time, except Loki, who had a strange look on his face.

You know, in this so-called future, he plays the role of a big villain. Since the protagonists of "justice" have won, what good ending can he, the villain, have?

[On the roof of Stark Tower, Loki, who had just been beaten up, finally got up, but the next moment, he noticed something and turned around to look behind him. ]

[Six figures stood behind him with expressionless faces, and the eagle eyes even pointed their bows and arrows at him fiercely. 】

[Seeing this, Loki suddenly became frightened, raised his hands to express surrender, and pointed in the direction of the bar. 】

【"If possible, I would like to drink that glass of wine."】

[The screen changed, and amid the sound of news broadcasts, the Avengers who had redressed appeared in an open space.]

[Thor carried Mjolnir in one hand and the box containing the Cosmic Cube in the other, leading Loki to the central ring. ]

[After saying goodbye to everyone, Thor raised the container and glanced at Loki. 】

[After some hesitation, the two turned the handle at the same time, and the Cosmic Cube in the container suddenly glowed with blue light, wrapping the two of them.]

[Only a soft "swipe" sound was heard, and Thor and Loki disappeared from the place at the same time. 】

The screen slowly went black, and just when everyone thought it was over, the screen shimmered again.

[In the vast dark universe, an alien wearing a black robe stands on the surface of the planet and is reporting to his master. 】

["Human beings, they are not as weak as we think... They are tough, unruly, and difficult to be ruled by others..."]

[After hearing the report from his subordinates, the man sitting on the throne stood up. Seeing this, the man in black robe quickly lowered his head. ]

It's him!

The moment they saw the man in black robe, everyone watching the live broadcast had a look on their face.

They all recognized the person who instigated Loki to attack the Earth.

["Challenging them... is tantamount to asking for death."]

[Although he was scared, the man in black robe still said these words. 】

[But after hearing this, the giant who stood up slowly turned his head, the smile on his face was full of sarcasm, and the purple skin and bright blue eyes under the helmet were full of contempt.]

(End of chapter)

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