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Chapter 136 The Truth of Zola’s Algorithmic Insights Project

Chapter 136 Zola’s algorithm, insight into the truth of the plan

[Video continues to play]

[Not only the deaths of Howard and Lu Dan, Dr. Zola also revealed an even more terrifying news. 】

[It turns out that the Insight Project and the Space Carrier were all plans designed by Hydra, and in order to run this plan, Dr. Zola designed an algorithm himself. 】

【"What kind of algorithm does it have?"】

[Hearing his words, Black Widow immediately grasped the key point and wanted to ask about the true face of the algorithm, but Dr. Zola replied slowly: "The answer to this question is very attractive, but I have no interest in telling two dead people.


[Hearing this, Captain America and the two immediately realized something was wrong, and at the same time, the door to the room was slowly closing. 】

[Captain America saw this and quickly threw his shield, trying to block the closed door, but was still a step too late. Black Widow's cell phone also sent her a warning: "There is a short-range ballistic missile flying towards here. It's still coming."

It’ll be there in 30 seconds!”]

["Who launched it?" Captain America asked in shock. 】

["It's S.H.I.E.L.D.!"]

Steve Rogers' eyes widened when he heard this: "Isn't it right? A missile is coming from this place?"

"This... S.H.I.E.L.D. killed Captain America?" Falcon Sam Wilson was also stunned, looking at the screen with a look of disbelief. For the first time, he questioned his world view of serving the country. Even Captain America was shocked.

If they can kill, ordinary soldiers like them...

Could it be that Riley's death was also related to this dirty political struggle?

[When the missile struck, Captain America and Black Widow quickly jumped into the sewer. With the help of this groove and Captain America's shield, they managed to escape.]

[However, the shock wave of the missile still stunned Black Widow. When he saw three planes quickly appearing in the sky, Captain America immediately picked up Black Widow and left the scene. 】

[After the special forces team arrived at the scene to search and saw the footprints of the US team, Rumlow also reported to the other side of the headset: "Tell him to dispatch!"]

[The scene changes to Alexander Pierce's home, where the Winter Soldier appears like a ghost. In order to conceal his identity, Pierce even directly shoots the innocent nanny.]

Captain America couldn't help but pursed his lips, and his anger towards Pierce and others was getting higher and higher. He didn't expect that the Hydra, which could be said to have had all its heads cut off, still existed at this moment, and was still destroyed.

Its S.H.I.E.L.D. personally facilitated their resurgence.

This made Captain America very angry. Just like Dr. Zola's mockery of him, his existence and death had no meaning. Even... even Bucky's death seemed to be in vain.

When he thought of this, Captain America's shoulders slumped down, and his face was filled with disappointment.

[After dawn, Falcon, who had just finished his morning exercise, opened the door and was shocked to find the embarrassed Captain America and Black Widow standing in front of his house. ]

[The two people who fled all night were finally able to calm down and discuss matters about S.H.I.E.L.D.]

[The two people who were not confused quickly guessed that it was Alexander Pierce who launched the missile against them last night, but they also have a new question, that is, what is the Zola algorithm? 】

[At this point in the discussion, Black Widow was suddenly startled: "Sitwell was also on that ship at the time."]

[However, Captain America began to worry: "Then the question is, how did the two most wanted criminals kidnap SHIELD officials in public?"]

[At this time, Sam finally stood up and handed a report to Captain America, recommending him to participate in this plan. 】

[The scene changes again. At the entrance of a hotel, Agent Sitwell and an American congressman came out. The two of them were holding hands and talking about some topics between men. 】

[And just as the two were saying goodbye, they leaned into each other's ears and whispered: "Long live Hydra~"]

"This Bichi!" Tony's eyes suddenly widened: "This guy is also from Hydra??"

Wanda was also stunned: "Isn't this guy the congressman who wanted to take away Stark's armor in yesterday's live broadcast?"

Strange nodded: "No wonder, no wonder this guy wants Tony's armor. It's probably the mission assigned to him by Hydra behind him."

Tony snorted coldly when he heard this: "Then they are dreaming. There is no way I would give my armor to these KB elements."

[Under the threat of Falcon, the three Americans brought Agent Sitwell to the rooftop. After experiencing a high-altitude free-fall interrogation, Sitwell finally cooperated with Captain America and the others honestly. ]

Seeing the falcon flying high on the screen, there was a small commotion in the live broadcast room.

"Oh, man, your equipment is so cool!"

Extraordinary Peter exclaimed with envy on his face: "Although I can also fly, I think your wings look really handsome!"

Falcon: Listen, is this human language?

The US team also looked confused: "Sam, aren't you from the airborne rescue division? The current American airborne rescue division already has this configuration?"

Falcon: "Well, actually, my department is a little special."

"Project EXO-7!" Nick Fury said: "SHIELD is also involved in this project."

Falcon: "You said that and I suddenly felt sick. Are you sure it's SHIELD and not Hydra?"

Phil Coulson: "Don't think that SHIELD is useless. At least some of us are righteous."

Falcon: "Really? When you say that, I suddenly feel that SHIELD still has room to continue to degenerate!"

Kill like crazy, kill like crazy...

Others in the live broadcast room watched Falcon and S.H.I.E.L.D. fight each other, and immediately began to eat the melon with great interest. They wished they could make them more angry and said, "Stop scolding, you will not die if you scold them."


[Under the coercion of Captain America and others, Agent Sitwell honestly confessed all the contents of the USB flash drive and the truth about the Zola algorithm.]

["Zola's algorithm is a program used to select the target of insight..."]

【"What goal?"】

["You!" Sitwell knelt on the ground with weak legs and waved to Captain America: "A host in Cairo, Deputy Minister of Defense, a high school student in Iowa City, Bruce Banner,

Dr. Strange (should refer to the doctor)...anyone who can threaten Hydra, whether it is now or in the future."]

[Captain America looked confused when he heard this: "How can you determine the future?"]

[Hearing his question, Sitwell suddenly laughed: "How could you not know that the 21st century is a huge data book...your bank records, medical records, voting patterns, emails, call information, and

College test scores, Zola’s algorithm will evaluate people’s past and predict their future.”]

["Then the Insight Helicarrier will eliminate everyone on the list, millions of people at once!"]



In the chat channel, Bruce Banner said with a confused face: "I am sitting at home and the pot comes from the sky. I am also listed as a target?"

Strange was even more speechless: "I think in this timeline, I haven't become a mage yet, so can I be targeted?"

New Peter: "Is your focus so biased? Shouldn't you be shocked by the cruelty of this Hydra? Killing a million people at a time..."

New Peter suddenly felt speechless. He had never seen such a crazy organization in his world.

Reed Richards: "I am quite interested in the Zola algorithm at this time. It can actually use data to calculate a person's life. However, I think this may not be accurate. After all, people are inherently capable of changing.


"Is it accurate or not? What do you think is the use?" Scott sat on the bed with a frustrated look on his face: "I just killed you with a Star Destroyer Cannon. Then I found out afterwards that I killed the wrong person. How can I still apologize to you?


Carol gritted his teeth, looked at the screen and asked, "Fury, how could you come up with such a crazy plan?"

Nick Fury was silent. He did not expect that it was just a surveillance plan, but it ended up in the hands of Hydra, and they actually played such tricks...

By the way, is your future self going crazy? Will you actually vigorously develop this plan?

At this time, Luodan selectively forgot that he was in this world. In fact, he also vigorously developed the Insight Project, but due to technical reasons, it was far from the power as shown in the spoiler images.

[After listening to Sitwell’s explanation, the three members of the American team immediately kidnapped him and attempted to use his DNA to invade SHIELD. After all, the Insight Project was about to be launched in less than 16 hours.]

[But on their way to SHIELD, while driving on the viaduct, they were suddenly attacked by SHIELD. 】

[The Winter Soldier appeared again, leading a team to directly kill Sitwell, and holding weapons on the high-level bridge and shooting wildly at the three members of the US team.]

[Their attack this time can be said to be extremely crazy, even Gatlin moved out.]

Looking at the video of the American team holding up a shield and carrying Gatlin to charge, Thor Thor's eyes suddenly lit up: "This human warrior is not bad. I remember that I didn't beat him during the last live broadcast. Wait until I do this."

After regaining the power of the God of Thunder for the first time, I want to have a good discussion with him."

Captain America was stunned: "You said you didn't beat me last time? Aren't you the God of Thunder?"

Wanda laughed loudly and said: "Thor? Don't flatter his face. He is just a hammer god. Without the hammer, he is nothing. I doubt he can beat his brother without the hammer."

Thor: "You are mistaken, little witch. Loki has never been my opponent."

Loki raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "My stupid brother, are you really sure?"

Amazing Peter scratched his head at this time: "I also think Mr. Thor can't beat Mr. Loki, but I'm curious, what is this Captain America's shield made of? Why is it so powerful? Not only did it block the shield just now,

Howitzer, can it withstand Gatling's strafing fire?"

(End of chapter)

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