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Chapter 157 They Are All Dead, Little Spider's Choice

Chapter 157 They are all dead, Little Spider’s choice


Seeing the respect and admiration on the little spider's face, Tony didn't feel proud, only felt embarrassed...

He couldn't help coughing, and despite everyone's half-smiling gazes, he patted the little spider on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, I understand. Let's skip this topic. I just want to remind you that when we meet in the future,

Enemies, don’t foolishly think that with greater power comes greater responsibility, and then rush forward. Also remember, don’t just take all the responsibility on yourself.”

"This..." Little Spider glanced at the screen, naturally knowing the intention of Mr. Stark's words, but after being silent for a few seconds, he still nodded and listened to this sentence.

[With the help of Aunt May, Little Spider and the Green Goblin got into the truck and came to the Holy Meeting Hall together.]

[Peter also enthusiastically introduced Osborne to everyone, and after hearing MJ's name, Osborne also subconsciously asked: "Mary Jane?"]

["It's Michelle Jones!" MJ looked at Osborne with a wary face and answered cautiously. 】

[But the Green Goblin ignored the warning on her face, kept mumbling that this was too fun, and then walked into the dungeon. 】

[After entering the dungeon, the Green Goblin also saw an acquaintance, and hesitantly asked: "Octavis, what's wrong with you?"]

["What's wrong with me?" Seeing that Osborn didn't seem to realize the importance of the problem, Doctor Octopus reminded him with a strange look: "You are the one with the problem, Osborn. You are a walking zombie now.

You died many years ago!”]

[The Green Goblin had a ridiculous expression on his face, looking at Doctor Octopus as if he was looking at a fool.]

[But at this time, the sand man stood up and told them that they were all dead, and also told them the truth about their respective deaths. 】

[Many years ago, the Green Goblin died under an attack by his own glider, and Doctor Octopus also sank to the bottom of the river with his machine. They both died fighting Spider-Man.]

[But the Green Goblin and Otto both sneered at this incident. Otto even thought that he had killed Spider-Man and began to describe his battle with Spider-Man: "This is nonsense. Spider-Man wants to stop me."

Nuclear fusion reactor, so I stopped him."]

["I grabbed him and choked him, and then, I..."]

[At this point in the narrative, Doctor Octopus suddenly froze: "I just came here..."]

["Haha, come on, you guys are so stupid!" In another magic prison, Electro laughed disdainfully, recounting his experience of beating Spider-Man: "Let me tell you, I beat Spider-Man until he screamed.

, he will admit this... Then he overloaded the power output, and then I was trapped in the power grid, absorbing electrical energy. In this way, I kept absorbing until I almost turned into a pure energy body, and then

, and then... holy shit..."]

["...I was about to die at that time?"]

[The Electro-Optic Man suddenly froze and realized something was wrong. At the same time, he also remembered his miserable situation at that time. This also made Dr. Lizard on the other side have bad thoughts in his mind. He looked directly at the Electro-Optic Man and asked.

: "Max, do you know whether I am dead or alive?"]

Super Peter and New Peter looked at each other: "So, these enemies were still fighting with us before they were transported through time? Whether it was Dr. Lizard or this Miles..."

"It seems to be true. In Otto's memory, he grabbed my neck and thought he could kill me in the next moment. However, the Sandman a few years later told him that he killed me after grabbing my neck.

They sank into the river and drowned." New Peter nodded: "Hey, when you think about it, they are actually very pitiful. For them who are about to die, this experience in the world of Peter No. 3 is equivalent to

A dream before death."

"Are you sure?" Loki snorted at this time and said to the new Peter: "I have a hunch that next, our little spider is going to give everyone a big surprise!"

Strange also frowned: "I hope this little Spider-Man won't cause trouble for me in another world!"

Little Spider:......

[While everyone was still stunned, Doctor Strange teleported here. Seeing the Green Goblin standing there, Strange waved his hand and sent him into the cell. 】

[Then Doctor Strange took out a square box and introduced to everyone that as long as the spell is reversed through this "Kedava Box", the multiverse's invasion of their world will be reversed, and these intrusions into this universe will be reversed.

The villains will also be sent back.】

[Peter was stunned when he heard Doctor Strange’s explanation: “Strange, we can’t send them back at this time!”]

[Doctor Strange curiously asked why, and Little Spider explained: "Some of them will die!"]

[But Doctor Strange said: "This is their fate. In the grand calculation of the multiverse, their death ending is the most meaningful to their universe."]

[After saying that, Doctor Strange began to cast a spell, reversing the damage caused to the world by the previous spell. 】

[However, after hearing the call of the Green Goblin in the prison, Little Spider's face showed a look of intolerance! 】

At this point, the spoiler image freezes again.

[The current video is paused and the Q&A begins]

[Question: Next, how should Peter Parker choose in this universe?]

[A: Control your thoughts and wait for Doctor Strange to reverse the spell and everything will return to peace.]

[B: Make a request to Doctor Strange to allow Strange to suspend casting spells and help those villains return to normal. 】

[C: Defeat Doctor Strange, exile him to the mirror space, take away his hanging ring, and then release the villains. 】

[D: Reversal of the spell, travel to the multiverse, help all villains return to normal and return. 】

[Please start answering. Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 200 live broadcast points and immediate rewards. 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger unknown punishment.]

"Is there any need to choose?"

Wanda pouted: "When you see the expression on the little spider's face, you know his choice. He will definitely not just sit back and ignore these people!"

Reed Richards nodded in agreement: "Yes, and according to Strange's aloof and bad temper, he will definitely not agree to Peter's request. Then, the only way to stop it is to break out of force.


Strange: "Hey, hey, hey, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Where is my bad temper?"

"'Child, after we have joined forces to save half of the universe, it would be too strange to call me husband again!' Let me think about it, after some people say that, their faces change after a few minutes?" Loki smiled slyly.

He raised his index finger and turned it in a circle: "Sorry, I don't have a watch and can't tell the time, but it shouldn't be more than ten minutes, right?"

"'Call me sir!' To be precise, only 4 minutes and 54 seconds had passed!" Tony Stark showed the watch on his wrist: "What a coincidence, I happened to take a look at the time at that moment!"

"After all, Peter messed up things, so I was a little angry in the other world. Then I also apologized to him!" Strange continued to speak harshly.

Nick Fury curled his lips and said: "Actually, Strange, you don't need to be angry at all now. After all, in my opinion, after the little spider shows the expression just now, it will make you even more annoyed in the future!"

"Huh?" Little Spider looked at Nick Fury speechlessly: "Director Fury, is this how you view me? Why can't I choose D?"

[Ding~ The answer key word is triggered, the little spider Peter Parker has finished answering, and the system starts to determine...]

[Ding~Little Spider answered wrongly.]

[Get random punishment, thunder tribulation 3 times.]

"What?" Little Spider looked at the screen in confusion, raised his hand and explained: "I didn't choose to answer the question just now, I just said casually, I..."

But the dazzling lightning didn't give him a chance to explain. Three thick thunderbolts hit him one after another, flying him four to five meters, spinning and hitting a ball of hard air.

Falling to the ground with black smoke. (I was also annoyed when watching this paragraph...)

The two Peter Parkers who were closest to him just now looked at each other's hair that was standing up due to static electricity, and then looked at the miserable condition of the little spider, and couldn't help but gulped.

Thor laughed out loud as if adding insult to injury: "Idiot, feel the fury of thunder!"

Nick Fury shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Look, I was right, I chose C!"

[Ding~ Nick Fury has finished answering, the system begins to judge...]

[Ding~Nick Fury answered correctly.]

[Nick Fury has obtained 200 live broadcast points, which can be used to on-demand clips of the past and future related to him. 】

[Get a random reward... Clark's glasses]

[Clark's glasses come from the Superman world. When the user wears them, even the people closest to him will not be able to recognize who you are! 】

In the large warehouse of Hawkeye's house, Phil Coulson, Hawkeye and a group of other core superheroes from SHIELD suddenly looked speechless when they saw the new glasses appearing in front of Nick Fury.

"Director... how about you tell me the answer next time and let me answer the question!"

After a long time, Colson showed a kind smile on his face and made a suggestion: "Of course, I'm not saying that the things you exchanged are useless."

Not far away, the Black Widow clenched her fist to her forehead, sat in a chair and suppressed a laugh, her shoulders shaking as if having a convulsion.

Nick Fury rolled his eyes and looked at Coulson. It took him a long time to remember that he still had a virtual image in the live broadcast room at this moment, so he couldn't hold back the words "Fuck Fuck" from his mouth, just casually.

Throwing it away, he threw the glasses in front of Black Widow.

But he was completely over-worrying, because at this moment, after learning what the correct answer was, no one in the live broadcast room was paying attention to him.

Strange: "Little Spider, I need an explanation. You actually exiled me to the mirror space to wait for death for these damn villains?"

(End of chapter)

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