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Chapter 163 Different Timelines, Three Worms in the Same Frame, Gwen

Chapter 163 Different timelines, three insects in the same frame, Gwen is dead?

(For the convenience of description, in this spoiler video, The Amazing Spider-Man is temporarily renamed Garfield, Toby's version of Spider-Man is called Toby, and Holland's version is also called Spider-Man. For easy differentiation, the names are not used in the live broadcast room.

Change, I hope you readers will understand, thank you.)

"Aha, sure enough we have traveled to this world too!"

Extraordinary Peter excitedly high-fived the new Peter, then looked at him in the different universe on the screen, touched his chin and sighed: "However, I just don't know what time point this me comes from. It looks really interesting! This

Damn melancholy and decadent temperament..."

Wanda looked at the extraordinary Peter with a narcissistic look on her face with disgust, and softly sighed: "Bah, I don't want Bilian."

The new Peter's face also showed a look of expectation: "Indeed, this you looks more mature than you are now. It should be you in the future. I don't know if I am the same, entering the world of Little Spider as a future body.


[MJ and Ned originally thought Spider-Man on the other side of the portal was their friend, but after seeing Garfield's face, they suddenly looked panicked and asked Garfield: "Who are you?"


["I am Peter Parker!" Looking at the nervous and suspicious expressions on the faces of the two people opposite him, Garfield motioned for them to be quiet and carefully explained: "In my world, I am Spider-Man.

But just yesterday, I ran here."]

[As he spoke, he turned to the golden portal again and said with emotion: "String theory, multi-dimensional reality, and material replacement...it's so amazing..."]

[However, MJ and MJ did not believe his self-revealed identity at all, and still asked Garfield to prove that he was Peter Parker, but Garfield replied: "I didn't bring my ID card, otherwise how could I be an unknown hero?"


[But seeing their still uneasy expressions, Garfield still jumped up in cooperation and stuck his hands to the ceiling. Then at Grandma Ned's request, he climbed to the corner of the ceiling and tidied up a circle of spider webs.

["Is it okay?" After brushing the cobwebs off his hands, Garfield spread his arms and looked at MJ and the two. 】

[After confirming that the Garfield bug seemed harmless, MJ and Ned began to cast spells to shake people again. 】

[The golden portal opened again, and this time, another ordinary-looking man appeared and walked out of the portal. 】

["Hello~" Toby walked through the portal and waved to them shyly: "I hope I didn't cause you any trouble. I just passed through the door from over there... Oh~ it

It was just closed.”]

"Damn~ Why do I look like I'm 40 years old..."

The new Peter looked at the Tobi bug appearing on the screen in astonishment, and swallowed hard: "Is this the difference in the multiverse?"

Extraordinary Peter seemed to have thought of something at this time, and asked curiously: "That's right, I just noticed that after entering the live broadcast room, Peter No. 3 said that his timeline is 2024? But the world I am in is now


New Peter was suddenly speechless: "...My world is only in 2002..."

Reed Richards said excitedly after hearing this: "This is the fascinating thing about the multiverse. Our time is different. The time and space we are in now is still 2005!"

Tony, Strange, Loki and others looked at each other after hearing this. Judging from the current situation, they are in the same universe, and the timeline seems to be the only unified existence.

[MJ looked at the newly appeared Toby Bug, pointed at him in confusion and asked: "Is your name Peter too?"]

[Toby nodded with a smile on his face: "Yes, Peter Parker, I...I have seen you two!"]

[But then, Toby Bug's eyes fell on Garfield Bug, and this also made the expressions of the two people become very weird! 】

[The two stared at each other silently. After a few seconds of confrontation, the two shot spider silk at each other at the same time and performed identical somersault evasive movements. 】

[However, perhaps due to the relationship between age and experience, at the moment of landing, Toby Bug shot out a string of spider silk again, accurately sealing Garfield's spider silk launcher, and preventing him from emitting any more spider silk.

["Ha~" Garfield pointed to his sealed wrist, jumped down from the table, and said hello to Toby. The two Spider-Man from different worlds can be considered acquainted without fighting.


[Ned, who was watching the amazing performance of the two, couldn't help but pointed at Toby and complained: "Wait, so you are also Spider-Man, so why didn't you say it just now?"]

[Toby Bug laughed when he heard this: "Well, I usually won't publicize this matter everywhere, otherwise how can I be an unsung hero!"]

"It seems that the two of us still have a lot in common!"

Extraordinary Peter looked at the screen. They were chatting happily in the future, and happily touched the new Peter's shoulder: "Even if we are 10 years apart!"

New Peter: "...No, I'm only 18, thank you!"

[After Ned's grandma left the room, Toby also confessed to MJ and the two that he had been looking for the little spider since he came to this world, because he had a hunch that the little spider at this moment would definitely need him.


[Garfield interrupted: "Our help."]

[The two smiled knowingly, and MJ also said: "Yes, he does need it, but we don't know where he is at the moment."]

[Hearing this, Toby asked them to think about whether he had gone to a place with beautiful scenery and no one to disturb him.]

[With the reminder of Toby Bug, the two quickly found the little spider. After seeing the arrival of his girlfriend and friends, the little spider finally couldn't hold back and sobbed and shed tears of sadness. ]

[The comfort from the two of them also made Little Spider calm down a little. Then, MJ told him that there are a few people who want to come and meet you!]

[The little spider jumped up immediately after hearing this, because the spider sense also gave him a strange premonition. He raised his head and looked up, and saw two figures clinging high to the roof of the building next to him. ]

[Seeing the little spider assume a fighting posture, Toby Bug and Garfield Bug jumped down quickly, raising their hands to show that they meant no harm.]

["Sorry, I feel very sorry for Aunt May's death!" Toby, the oldest, was the first to speak and comfort the little spider. 】

["I'm sorry too." Garfield walked out of the shadows and said to the little spider: "I actually quite understand how you feel..."]

[But midway through his words, Little Spider interrupted him arrogantly: "Don't tell me that you understand my feelings. It's all my fault that she's gone..."]

[As he spoke, Little Spider's face turned cold. He bluntly said that he had done something wrong. He should not meddle in this matter. It was meaningless. Now, he would choose to press this magic spell and put those bastards back together.

After being sent back to the original world, he also apologized to the two Spider-Man in front of him: "I'm sorry for letting you get into this muddy water, but it is also your responsibility to deal with them."]

[But just when he was about to get the magic box, MJ stopped him and shook his head. ]

[The atmosphere on the roof fell into silence. At the same time, Toby also talked about the scene when he lost Uncle Ben, and tears suddenly gathered in Garfield's eyes at this moment. 】

[Looking at the little spider below, Garfield choked up and spoke of his lost relatives: "I lost...I lost my Gwen, she was my MJ."]


Amazing Peter was quietly watching the show, expecting the three Spider-Men to join forces to kill God and Buddha to kill Buddha. However, at this moment, he suddenly heard his own transformation on the screen suddenly tell the news of the death of his girlfriend Gwen.

, and this also made Extraordinary Peter stunned for an instant.

"Gwen...is dead?"

Extraordinary Peter stared at the screen dumbfounded, gesturing with his hands in sign language: "How could Gwen die?"

At the same time, in the world of The Amazing Spider-Man, Gwen, who was also quietly watching the "movie" on the screen, stood up in a panic and couldn't help but spit: "What the hell?"

"Am I dead?"

Wanda sighed at this time: "I still remember that at the end of Transcendence 1, when Gwen's father died to protect Peter, he told Peter to keep him away from Gwen, otherwise he would really kill her one day. No

When I think of it, all of this has actually come true, what a pity, I quite like this young lady!"

Strange also shook his head: "Actually, in the ending sequence, since Officer George was buried, we can see that Peter really wants to stay away from Gwen, but how can we explain love clearly?


Tony chuckled: "It really makes me laugh to hear someone like you, who will be a bachelor in the future, discuss love."

"Perhaps, this may also be the curse set by fate for Peter." Loki joined in at this time: "After becoming Spider-Man, they will inevitably affect the people around them, thus bringing them bad luck.


"But why does fate do this..." Extraordinary Peter turned his head and looked at Loki: "Why should it hurt the people around me?"

"Just because I like her and we are together, will she be tricked by fate?"

Extraordinary Peter's eyes also turned red.

At this time, Deadpool said carelessly: "Believe me, dear Garfield, although this Gwen died very simply, she was much luckier than her in another world! But you don't have to be sad, in

In another world, Gwen Stacy also became Spider-Man. Needless to say, that white suit is really sexy!" [3/5]

"Are you kidding?" Falcon Sam Wilson frowned and asked, "I've wanted to ask you for a long time, which universe are you from? How do you know about other universes?"

Deadpool: "What's so difficult about this? Don't you know I can break the fourth wall? And because of my ability to know everything, this idiot author is afraid that I will spoil too much and directly restricts my freedom to speak.

His ability, damn, even if he is banned from LOL, he can still say one more thing every few minutes!" [4/5]

(End of chapter)

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