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Chapter 172: Captain Carter's New Mount Cosmic Rubik's Cube as a Battery

Chapter 172 Captain Carter’s new mount, the Cosmic Cube as a battery, and the tentacle monster

[As soon as he finished speaking, a huge figure sprayed out two streams of white smoke from its legs in the sky, quickly flew to the scene, and crushed a tank with just one easy impact. 】

[Then, amid Captain Carter’s exclamation, it emitted blue light and blew up several tanks one after another. Then, the huge steel-armored robot turned to look at Captain Carter, and Steve Rogers’ voice rang out.

: "Hey, Paige, now you owe me one!"]

Loki looked at the steel armor on the screen with a strange look on his face. He couldn't help but bumped Tony Stark with his right shoulder, who was also shocked, and reminded softly: "Hey, if this continues, Steve...

Will Rogers give up your title of Iron Man?"

"Captain America became Iron Man?" Falcon, who was sitting on the top of the mountain, looked at the screen in confusion and couldn't help but uttered a curse word: "This is so fucking outrageous!"

"What about Iron Man? Haven't you noticed that this armor is completely different from Tony Stark's?" Wanda reminded: "Except for the jets on the back, this is completely Iron Overlord! So!

, Tony’s dad actually has the same level of appreciation as Obadiah.”

"Uh... Actually, I should remind you that the Iron Overlord's design was not designed by Obadiah Stane!" Tony Stark shrugged: "I found it from the SHIELD warehouse.

I got the design drawings of Iron Overlord, and the signature on them is my father, so in the spoiler images, Obadiah made Iron Overlord, most likely with the support of the drawings from Snake and Shield."

"Of course, maybe it's because Captain Carter didn't appear in our world, so this drawing appeared a little late. I remember the date on it. It was only after the end of World War II that my father developed it."

Captain America was very calm about this. He exhaled lightly and said nonchalantly: "Actually, whether it is Iron Overlord or Iron Man, at least in that world, I also dedicated my life to ending World War II and resisting Hydra.

A lot of strength, pretty good!”

Strange glanced at Captain America and asked curiously: "But, without being strengthened by the super soldier serum, you may not be able to survive until now. Even so, can you accept it?"

"Of course!" Captain America nodded, looking at the "Hydra Trampler" fighting side by side with Captain Carter on the screen, with an inexplicable expectation on his face: "Perhaps, in that world, I can be happy with Pei.

Let’s live on!”

[With the cooperation of "Hydra Stomper" and Captain Carter, Germany and Hydra were retreating steadily. In order for the two of them to move more easily, Steve Rogers also welded on the back of his armor

An armrest.]

[Whenever they are about to go out, Captain Carter only needs to jump on the back of the steel armor, and then he can fly smoothly in the sky with him. ]

Seeing this bizarre scene, even the relatively honest Banner couldn't help but joke: "If this continues, Captain America will become Captain Carter's mount."

The men in the live broadcast room suddenly smiled knowingly, but Captain America coughed with a serious face: "Watch your words, Dr. Banner!"

[Captain Carter’s behavior also aroused the anger of Hydra. Red Skull sent out false news that he would take a train to transfer some of Hydra’s supplies to another base. 】

[Everyone who got the news immediately took action, but the moment Stephen controlled the Trampler armor to get into the train, they discovered that it was a trap. 】

[The entire train is filled with explosives that are about to explode!]

["Peggy, retreat quickly..."]

[Just after Steve shouted a warning, the bombs were detonated without warning.]

[The violent explosion destroyed the train in an instant and also created a gap in the road on the cliff. 】

[Looking at the empty cliff in front of him, and the missing Hydra Trampler who seemed to have been killed by the explosion, Captain Carter let out a heartbreaking call: "Steve~"]

"...I...I'm dead?"

Seeing himself disappearing into the ice and snow on the screen, Captain America complained in surprise: "This is too hasty!"

Reed Richards shrugged upon hearing this: "Captain America, haven't you been able to accept this setting? The spoiler images in our live broadcast room, the characters often die so hastily, I still don't understand

I still dare not accept that someone as powerful as the Supreme Mage Ancient One has fallen like this..."

The little spider also showed a depressed expression: "Yes, and Aunt May."

The two of them, Extraordinary Peter, patted his back comfortingly.

"But at least Sergeant Bucky Barnes didn't die this time!" Coulson spoke in the chat channel for the first time today, comforting Captain America: "Just now, Sergeant Barnes slipped and fell off the train.

, Captain Carter reached out and rescued him!"

Captain America nodded and slowly exhaled: "Indeed, at least in that world, Bucky survived and did not become a killer whose mind was wiped out."

In the barn of Hawkeye's house, Bucky, who had returned to normal consciousness, suddenly paused with his right hand sharpening the knife, then raised a smile on his lips, glanced at Captain America on the screen, and silently called out: "Brother."

[Steve's "death" made everyone very discouraged, and the angry Carter also learned the true plan of Hydra from Dr. Zola. 】

[It turns out that Red Skull has always believed that he can create a power that spans dimensions. This power can help Hydra rule the world, but if it fails, it can also destroy the entire world. ]

[Baki on the side heard this and immediately complained: "Then the things he made are really shoddy!"]

[Captain Carter nodded and told everyone that the world is about to be destroyed, and they need to fight against the Red Skull and save the world, for themselves and for Steve.]

[This pre-war mobilization also made everyone excited. Even Howard couldn't resist them and headed to the castle where the Red Skull was. 】

[After an assassin-level battle, the Howling Commandos and Captain Carter split into two groups. Captain Carter took Howard Stark to the upper part of the castle, while the Howling Commandos broke through the lower part of the castle and tried to destroy the castle.


[But just after the Howling Commandos penetrated the lower part of the castle, they discovered Steve Rogers who was captured by Hydra.]

[Until then, everyone understood that the reason why Hydra attacked the Hydra Trampler was because the energy source used by this armor was the Cosmic Cube. To obtain cross-dimensional power, the Red Skull must also need the Cosmic Cube.

The powerful energy of the Rubik's Cube.]

Seeing this, Tony couldn't help but slap his forehead: "Let me just say, I have had a doubt from the beginning. My father did not design the Ark reactor back then, so what kind of energy can supply that huge trample?"

After working on the armor for a long time, it turned out that my dad directly stuffed the Cube into it, what a waste!"

Loki curled his lips disdainfully: "Is there any difference? In my opinion, after you humans have the Cosmic Cube, everything you do is just as stupid. Such a powerful treasure will always be a battery in your eyes.


"Not to mention the Ark reactor, even the experiment that Captain Marvel participated in, I found it ridiculous after I went back and learned about it. Using the Cosmic Cube to study energy engines and enable aircraft to achieve ultra-high-speed flight capabilities, you humans really have a treasure trove in your hands.

Know yourself!"

Tony opened his mouth. He originally wanted to argue that his Ark reactor was very powerful, but after thinking about the true identity of the Cosmic Cube, he honestly refused to refute it.

Indeed, in the eyes of high-end civilizations in the universe, using infinite gems as batteries, there is no difference between earthlings and gorillas holding howitzers...

[At the bottom of the castle, while the members of the Howling Commandos were using a generator to charge Steve's armor, at the top of the castle, the Red Skull carefully placed the stolen Cosmic Cube in front of the machine. ]

[Under the operation of a group of scientists, a circular space door opened, and several octopus tentacles slowly poked in from the other end of the circular passage. 】

[Captain Carter also came here at this moment, but seeing her arrival, Red Skull let out a maniacal laugh: "You are late, Captain Carter, I have summoned the guardians of Hydra..."]

[But before the Red Skull finished speaking, he was rolled up by the octopus tentacles, which made him extremely happy and sad, and then contracted hard, crushing him into a ball of meat paste. ]

[This made Captain Carter and Howard Stark behind him look disgusted.]

[After tasting the blood, the monster with the octopus tentacles became even more excited, waving the tentacles that became longer and longer violently, and constantly causing destruction in the room. Seeing this, Captain Carter quickly raised his hand

Next to him was a long sword, holding up a shield to resist this terrifying monster, and at the same time commanding Howard to close the portal.]

[Howard lived up to expectations and successfully reversed the machine parameters, shrinking the increasingly larger space channel, and adjusted the suction force, hoping to allow the tentacle monster to return to the world behind the round door. 】

[The tentacle monster noticed the abnormality and immediately became excited, waving its tentacles to wrap up Captain Carter tightly, trying to drag her into the portal together. ]

[At the critical moment, Steve drove the steel armor all the way through the ground and knocked away the tentacles that tied Captain Carter. 】

["Steve?" Captain Carter shouted with joy when he saw that his sweetheart was still alive. ]

["Peggy, have you missed me?" Steve, floating in the air, smiled and greeted Captain Carter. 】

【"Think about it every moment~"】

[Even during the battle, the atmosphere gradually became more charming, but the next moment, Howard's excited shouts brought the two of them back to reality! 】

["Haha, I told you, it is indestructible!"]

(End of chapter)

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