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Chapter 18 The Death of Loki Slapped at the Speed ??of Light

Chapter 18 A slap in the face at the speed of light, the death of Loki

[After executing Heimdall, Ebony Throat held the Cosmic Cube, knelt down on one knee and presented it to Thanos. At the same time, he said respectfully: "No one can possess this kind of power, be so noble, and hold two infinite stars."

The rough stone lies in the hands of one person.”]

[Thanos slowly took the Cosmic Cube.]

【"The whole universe is at your fingertips"】

[With the singing of the ebony throat, Thanos squeezed hard, crushed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and took out the blue space gem from the rubble in his palm. 】

[He brought the gem close to the Infinity Gauntlet, and with a crisp sound, a wave of blue energy swept around.]

Seeing Thanos successfully obtain the second Infinity Stone on the screen, Loki, who was excited just now, covered his face speechlessly.

To be honest, he had no idea what his transformation was doing.

If it were him, he would have fled with the Space Stone a long time ago. Where can't he go with the Space Stone in his hand? Must he stay in this small spaceship and wait for death?

While he was thinking wildly, the image being played suddenly stopped.

[Current video paused]

[Q&A begins]

[Question: After Thanos obtains the Space Stone, what will Loki do next?]

【A:Escape alone】

[B: Rescue Thor and escape together]

[C: Surrender to Thanos and become Thanos’s vanguard]

[D: Counterattack against Thanos alone]

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 100 live broadcast points and random rewards. 】

[Random rewards may come from any multiverse, and failure to answer questions will trigger unknown penalties. 】

Hearing the sound of the system ringing in his ears, Peter asked curiously: "Can everyone answer it?"

"Yes, people in the chat group or live broadcast room can answer questions, and everyone has only one chance to answer. However, it is recommended that you not choose randomly, because Mr. Stark failed to answer the question.

I don’t lift it anymore.”

Colson said with a smile and glanced at Stark: "I believe the entertainment newspapers will be very happy with this news."

Tony looked at Colson, who looked like an honest man, with confusion, and complained speechlessly: "Are you still a human being?"


If the answer is wrong, it will not be raised??

Peter was immediately frightened and sat up cross-legged, looking at the options seriously.

"I think it should be B."

While several people were still struggling, Thor suddenly answered the question: "Loki, I know him, and his first reaction when encountering trouble is to retreat, but in this case, it is completely impossible for him to leave me and escape alone, so

I think it’s B.”

[Ding~ Thor Odinson has finished answering and is making a decision...]

[Thor Odinson answered incorrectly.]

[Get an immediate punishment. After exiting the space, he will be deprived of his thunder god ability for one month. 】

Hearing this result, Thor couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Deprived of divine power for a month?

"Hahaha, I was laughing so hard. This is really a slap in the face at the speed of light!"

Tony couldn't help patting his legs and burst out laughing: "Hey, just give up the struggle. As far as you Asgard brothers are concerned, Loki can save you and escape together, which is better than a sow climbing a tree."

Difficult, I choose A, Loki escapes alone."


Loki, who was far away in Asgard, couldn't help but grit his teeth when he heard Tony Stark's ruthless ridicule in the live broadcast room.

Loki: "Damn mortal, you are so disrespectful to the gods, just wait, I will go to Midgard right away to impose divine punishment on you."

Tony: "Haha, puny god!"


[Ding~Tony Stark has finished answering, the system begins to judge...]

[Ding~Tony Stark answered incorrectly.]

[A random penalty is obtained. After exiting the space, a quarter of Tony Stark's total assets disappear. 】


Tony Stark screamed and said with disbelief: "How is this possible, a person like Loki doesn't escape? Oh, damn, I forgot option C, he might even surrender.


Loki: "You fart, just wait, mortal, even if Thor can't kill you, I will definitely let you know the consequences of disrespecting the gods."

While Loki and Tony were arguing in the chat channel, in the live broadcast room, Coulson, Banner and Strange were thinking seriously.

Peter Parker: "Although I don't know much about this god of trickery called Loki, in mythology he destroyed the entire Nordic Gods. I don't think such a person would be so stupid to surrender to a murderer."


"So I think the correct answer should be D!"

[Ding~ Peter Parker has finished answering, the system begins to determine...]

[Ding~ Peter Parker answered correctly.]

[Peter Parker gets 100 live broadcast points, which can be used to watch clips of the past and future related to him on demand. 】

[Get random rewards...Zemeckis Cube x3 (can turn back time by 60 seconds)]

"It's surprising that there are such powerful tools."

Tony looked at Peter's name in the chat channel in disbelief, and said with envy: "This is simply a life-saving weapon."

"However, I can't believe that Loki, who started a war on Earth, dared to resist Thanos!" Bruce Banner couldn't help but praise: "It seems that we have misunderstood him."

Colson nodded: "Yes, you really can't tell a person by his appearance!"

Loki immediately became angry when he heard this: "What do you mean by being so sarcastic!"

He finally gained a lot of reputation by performing well in front of the people of Asgard, but as a result, these bastards have been targeting him from the beginning.

"How about we talk about the fact that you owe Agent Coulson your life?"

In the chat channel, Nick Fury, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, choking Loki until he could not speak.

But at this time, Thor, the God of Thunder, spoke kind words for Loki: "Although Loki likes to make some little pranks and be rebellious, in the final analysis, he is a good god. However, brother, I didn't expect that you would become like this in the future.

You are so brave that you dare to take action against this lunatic, I really admire you!"

As he spoke, Thor gave a thumbs up to the screen.

Hearing Thor's praise, Loki felt a strange feeling in his heart. For more than a thousand years, most people have either ignored or ridiculed him. Rarely, some people who had no ill intentions towards him were also used as pranks by him.

He was forced to leave. This was the rare time anyone except Frigga publicly praised him.

[Video continues to play]

[Looking at the Infinity Gauntlet with two gems already installed, Thanos said: "There are two more Infinity Gems on Earth. Go find them for me. Children, bring them back to Titan."]

[The five Obsidian generals knelt down to accept their orders.]

[But at this moment, Loki suddenly jumped out again: "Sorry, I interrupt."]

[The eyes of several people immediately turned to him: "If you are going to Earth, you may need a guide. I still have some experience in that place."]

[Hearing this, Thanos mocked disdainfully: "Does your experience of failure count as experience?"]

[Loki shrugged: "That's my experience."]

[As he spoke, his expression straightened, his tone changed from his previous hesitation, and he introduced himself solemnly: "The omniscient and omnipotent Lord Thanos, I! Loki! The prince of Asgard, the son of Odin..."]

[Loki glanced at the imprisoned Thor, and the beating flames reflected on his face, as if covered with a layer of divine glory: "The orthodox monarch of Jotunheim, the god of trickery, hereby greets you

Take the oath..."]

[While he kept saying lengthy names, Thor, who was imprisoned, clearly saw a dagger transforming from Loki's left hand.]

["...to show my undying loyalty!"]

[After the words fell, Loki took a few deep breaths, then suddenly raised the dagger hidden in his left hand and stabbed Thanos in the throat accurately. 】

[But Thanos simply raised the Infinity Gauntlet lightly, and the blue space stone completely imprisoned Loki's left hand, preventing him from moving his body at all.]

[Looking at Loki struggling in front of him, a strange smile appeared on Thanos's lips: "Immortal?"]

【"You are really shameless in your words!"】

[Throwing away the dagger in Loki's hand, Thanos grabbed his neck with his left hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and lifted him into the air. ]

[Although Loki continued to struggle, he was unable to break free from the closed Infinity Gauntlet. ]

["You...will never become...god!"]

[With his eyes red due to lack of oxygen, Loki hoarsely said his taunt, and the next moment, his neck was broken by Thanos with a "snap".]


Frigga looked at Loki's tragic death on the screen and couldn't help but cover her mouth and scream. Then she looked at Loki who had fallen into a daze and was moved to tears.

Loki himself was completely stunned on the spot, staring dumbfounded as he limply fell in Thanos' hands, drooping down like a piece of rag.

This real picture constantly stimulated his brain, giving him an unreal sense of trance about the surrounding hall.

Am I just like a little chicken, being strangled to death?

As for other people in the hall, after seeing the scene where Loki pretended to surrender but was actually trying to assassinate Thanos and was ultimately defeated and died, those who had originally doubted Loki were greatly shocked.

In their opinion, it is really unimaginable that the God of trickery, who usually plays pranks all day long, can be so fearless when facing such a crazy murderer.

It is also awe-inspiring.

"Is this really Prince Loki?"

"It's unbelievable. He is actually the bravest person in Asgard."

"I was a little touched by him."

Listening to the noisy voices in his ears and the admiring eyes on him, Loki quickly adjusted his demeanor and showed a serious expression to match the tragic self on the screen.

But the twitching at the corners of his eyes still revealed his inner unrest.

Especially when you see your drooping body on the screen...

Then, he turned his attention to the Eternal Spear in his right hand. Fortunately, he has now gained a new ability. The nine realms are immortal, so he will not die.

(End of chapter)

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