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Chapter 178 The Wanderer Returning Home from Tiwan's Treasure

Chapter 178 Tiwan’s treasure house, the wanderer returning home

[Seeing the gun raised by Nebula towards them, Coras shut his mouth instantly.]

[The next moment, Nebula also pulled the trigger without hesitation...but the direction changed 180 degrees.]

[With the sound of a bang, General Deathblade looked at the blood hole on his chest in disbelief, and died unwillingly with deep doubts.]

[It turns out that Nebula's betrayal was just a fake plan. She and T'Challa had already agreed that T'Challa would distract Tiwan, and then Nebula would steal the embers of Genesis and rescue Yondu.

et al.]

[As for Wakanda’s spaceship, Nebula also told everyone that she had no prior knowledge of it.]

[At the same time, in front of the glass case where Star-Lord was imprisoned, Ebony Maw was arguing with the maid. Seeing that they had no time to take care of him, T'Challa took off the vibranium necklace from his chest and smashed the glass in front of him.

, then, he jumped towards Ebony Maw, preparing to take the opportunity to deal with him.】

[But just when he was about to approach Ebony Mouth, Hearing the noise, Ebony Mouth gently waved his hand, and completely trapped him with magic. Then Ebony Mouth waved his hand again, turning the broken glass on the ground into a band, and tied him up.

Star-Lord’s hands and feet.]

[But just when he looked at Star-Lord with a proud look, a bullet hit his back. ]

[It was the little maid who was moved by Star-Lord’s previous words who rescued him!]

[Star-Lord, who escaped, immediately went to join Nebula and others, but on the way, he was blocked by Tiwan again. ]

[Looking at Star-Lord who was knocked away by his own punch, collector Tiwan had a sneer on his face: "We have a lot of tricks to play!"]

[As he spoke, he pressed the switch on his arm and brought a box. After opening it, dozens of equipment were displayed on it, including Captain America's shield and Thor's hammer. 】

"Oh Shet, he actually took my hammer away?" Thor's eyes widened when he saw this: "This is impossible, no one can take away my hammer!"

Captain America also looked at the screen in surprise: "That's my shield, and it also appears in this collector's cabinet?"

Tony blinked: "Are all the superheroes on earth wiped out?"

Star-Lord laughed obscenely: "My Star-Lord has been replaced. It might be reasonable for you to be wiped out in that world. And looking at it this way, I don't feel sad anymore. After all, we can't be angry with the dead, right?


"I really want to beat him!" After Tony saw Star-Lord's mean speech, he couldn't help but frowned and looked at Loki: "After the last live broadcast, you said you wanted to beat him, why didn't you take action?"

Loki shrugged: "Please, I am the god-king of Asgard and the real power controller of the nine realms. How could I really waste my time on an unknown interstellar gangster? I really think I have nothing to do.

Does your balls hurt?"

"...What do you mean by being unknown? I am the famous Star-Lord!" Peter Quilton immediately shouted unhappily. Because this time he was not in the same live broadcast room with Loki, so his courage was inexplicable.

It got bigger.

"Oh~" Loki curled his lips nonchalantly: "Anyway, none of us in the Nine Realms have ever heard of an ant like you!"

[After bringing in the equipment box, Tivan first used the night elf's dark matter dagger to fight T'Challa for several rounds. Then he pressed the device on his arm and turned the equipment box over, revealing another

The spider-like crown on one side.]

[Tiwan controlled the crown to fly to his head, then narcissistically stroked the bifurcation of the crown, and said intoxicatedly: "Oh, I really love this woman's taste."]

[After speaking, he flicked his right hand and summoned a long sword out of thin air: "This is a sword of death, the goddess of death from Asgard."]

[As soon as he finished speaking, Tiwan waved the sword of death and stood with T'Challa. For a moment, countless sword blades stabbed out from his hands. Even though T'Challa was very skilled, he was still accidentally killed by someone.

The long sword was pierced through the shoulder and nailed to the display cabinet.】

"That's... Hela's crown!"

Odin, who was standing in Asgard, was stunned when he saw this scene, and then his face darkened.

Combined with Thor's Thor's hammer that appeared before, if nothing else happens, it seems that Asgard has also suffered the same fate of destruction in this world.

"Another ending of destruction... Could it be that Asgard really cannot avoid this fate?"

Odin closed his one eye and sighed.

Thor, who was far away on Earth, was stunned. Listening to Tivan's introduction on the screen, he turned to look at his mother beside him: "Mother, when did we have a death goddess in Asgard?"

In the live broadcast room, Tony and Strange also asked Rocky this question.

Looking at their curious eyes, Loki said with an indifferent expression: "She is the eldest daughter of my father, Odin, and the eldest princess of Asgard. She just returned to Asgard a few days ago and is now

I'm in jail!"

Hearing this, everyone became even more excited. Reed Richards was the first to ask excitedly: "For what reason, have you two had a fight?"

Loki nodded: "She wanted to seize the throne of Asgard, and then I used two magic to imprison her."


"Is it that simple?" Master Modu asked in disbelief.

Strange also complained: "Why does it sound more trivial than Loki's rebellion?"

Captain Marvel Carol, who was informed, explained to everyone in the chat channel: "According to rumors, when God King Odin went to encircle Thanos a while ago, during the battle between the two, the goddess of death Hela did not know

How did he break out of Odin's seal and sneak attack Odin, Thanos and others present, triggering a fight between the Asgardian army and the Dark Order."

"After this battle, the Dark Order disappeared, and the God-King Odin of Asgard later spread the news of his death, and then Loki succeeded to the throne of God-King."

"Furthermore, as far as I know, the eldest princess of Asgard killed Asgard after she escaped from trouble. However, it may be because she was sealed for too long and her strength did not recover much.

Ji is defeated."

Loki saw Carol's news, smiled slightly, and joked: "From your description, you know a lot about our Asgard affairs!"

"When the Predator fleet wanted to attack Asgard a few days ago, I was also watching the show around the scene!" Carol said frankly: "Although I really wanted to have a fight with you at the time, the occasion was not appropriate.


Thor immediately shouted after hearing this: "What are you talking about, someone is trying to attack Asgard? Brother, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Loki chuckled and said, "Those pieces of trash fell away instantly with just one blow from me. I didn't even have time to notify you."

"Damn it, next time there is an enemy, tell me, don't care about the opponent's strength, I'm just itchy." Thor twisted his neck: "It's been almost two months on Earth, and I haven't had a single fight.

, Nick Fury’s gang of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are not enough for me to beat, and the warm-up doesn’t even count.”

Luodan:...I've even disbanded SHIELD and you still want to step on me?

[While T'Challa was pinned by the long sword, Yondu also rushed to the scene to rescue him. The two worked together and successfully locked Tiwan in a cage by stealing the control device from Tiwan's arm.


[Then, looking at the maid Karina who came over, Star-Lord smiled and handed her the bracelet controller: "You know what to do."]

【"I do have an idea!"】

[After Star-Lord and the two left, the maid Karina pressed the button on her arm, releasing all the hostages around who had been trapped by Collector Tiwan, and then directed them to kill Tiwan.

[After getting rid of Tiwan, Star-Lord fled the void in Wakanda's spaceship. After talking to Nebula, he and Yondu sat in the cockpit and once again had a heart-to-heart conversation. 】

[This time, Yondu did not preach the rhetoric of the Explorers, but brought up the image of the earth and let Star-Lord make his own choice. 】

[Looking at the familiar planet, T'Challa hesitated for a moment, but still drove the spaceship to Wakanda with the predators. ]

[The wandering wanderers finally returned to their hometown. To celebrate the prince’s return, King T’Chaka of Wakanda hosted a banquet in honor of them. 】

Seeing this, Extraordinary Peter suddenly commented: "This story is simple and lively. It seems that this story is more interesting than our future spoiler!"

The new Peter nodded: "And it has a family-friendly ending, which is perfect for watching with popcorn and Coke in your leisure time."

Star-Lord immediately retorted: "Family fun? What kind of family fun? My identity has been replaced. Star-Lord was supposed to be my glory, but now it has been taken away by others. If you tell me about family fun, where am I?"

As if answering his question, at this moment, the screen changed...

[The screen turns to Peter Quill in a fast food restaurant, wearing headphones, listening to music leisurely and cleaning. 】

[At this moment, he suddenly felt that the door behind him opened. Then he turned around and took off the earphones. He looked at the figure who walked in and apologized: "Sorry, we are already closed!"]

[The screen moves, and the bearded old man smiles, looks at Peter Quill and replies: "What, Peter, can't you take some time for your old father?"]

[After the words fell, the eyes of the bearded old man Yi Ge suddenly lit up. 】

[The observer’s narration also sounded again: “From the reunion of one family to another, this would have been a wonderful thing, but it is a pity that this may lead to the end of the world, but that is already happening for another day.

The story.”]

[The camera moves outside the fast food restaurant, where Igo's huge spaceship is safely parked in the open space outside the store.]

(End of chapter)

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