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Chapter 183 Who is the murderer who killed the Avengers

Chapter 183 The Avengers are destroyed, the murderer is...


Coulson, who had made a big mistake, could only walk to the computer in embarrassment, tap on the keyboard and shut up to relieve the embarrassment.

There is no way. In the chat channel of this live broadcast room, every time Scott Lang speaks, the huge Ant-Man title in front of him always marks his future identity. It is like a kind of hypnosis, making Scott

Wilson also forgot about Hank Pym for a moment.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was still discussing how to kill Banner. Since several of the smartest scientists in the Marvel world were gathered together, everyone quickly thought that the enemy might be using extremely small attacks that were invisible to the naked eye.

method, and even guessed that the other party may have used nanomaterial technology.

Reed Richards: "The doubt may lie in that bullet! It is estimated that after it entered Banner's body, the nanomaterials contained in the bullet expanded wildly, causing his death."

Banner had a thoughtful look on his face: "But, something is wrong!"

He looked at the people around him and explained: "I have encountered the kind of shooting incident just now, but after Hulk was angered and took over my body, the bullet that originally penetrated my abdomen was directly squeezed.

come out……"

"So, the possibility of that bullet staying in my body...should be zero."

[At the same time that Banner died, Fury also faced Loki.]

[Looking at the divine formations in front of them, Nick Fury asked Loki about their purpose.]

[Loki gritted his teeth and replied: "We are here to take revenge. An agent from your planet killed our prince of Asgard, Thor Odinson."]

[Lu Dan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and did not take Loki's words completely seriously. Seeing the indifferent expression on his face, Loki also sneered and took the Ice Box from the soldier beside him.

, and said to Fury: "Director Fury, it seems that you do not understand the seriousness of this situation."]

[Nick Fury saw Loki's actions and replied casually: "I understand, I understand very much, but I have to ask, what is in this box?"]

[Loki made an oh-like mouth shape with his lips, took a deep breath, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent: "I really can't tolerate your arrogant attitude, so I will occupy your planet as punishment."]

[The next moment, the terrifying cold air fluctuation instantly formed a straight cyclone, and in the center of the cyclone, blue-white ice energy spurted out. 】

[Seeing this horrifying scene, the SHIELD soldiers and Braised Eggs immediately fell down with their heads in their hands. Under the impact of the white ice energy, the nearby cars were all wrapped in ice, forming ferocious solid bodies.

The ice sculpture, even the hot sand surface, is covered with a layer of ice.】

["Wait, launching a war here will not save your prince!" Seeing that his soldiers had been defeated, Lu Dan knew that they were no match for Asgard, and quickly stood up to stop Loki's destructive behavior. 】

[And after hearing his words, Fairy Sif also stopped Loki's attack. 】

[Under Fury's explanation, the two hit it off, and Loki also made an agreement that Nick Fury must hand over the murderer before the sun rises tomorrow. ]

["Otherwise, I will turn this planet into ashes and glaciers!"]

Thor: "Brother, I never realized you were so cool~ I feel like next time there is a war, you will be the one to issue a pre-war declaration!"

Loki: "...Stupid brother, I am the God King now. God King, do I still need my chariot to go to the battlefield and issue a declaration?"

"What does this mean? Didn't my father personally come out to conquer the dark elves a while ago? And didn't Grandpa Bol and the others personally conquer every battle?"

Thor scratched his head with a strange look on his face: "Isn't it our Asgard tradition for the God King to personally conquer?"

Loki:...So even if I become the God King, I can't fish anymore?

Ant-Man Scott asked in confusion: "Hey, where is the director of SHIELD who has been quarreling with Loki? Why didn't he come out to make a fuss this time?"

Comrade Falcon, the 'anti-marinated egg pioneer', immediately replied: "What kind of face does he have to speak out? Didn't you see that the reason why Loki attacked them was because his tone towards Asgard was too arrogant?

!You are completely asking for trouble!”

Tony frowned: "I think this guy is so silent. He's not holding back his evil, right? Every time I saw his scene played before, he was very active! Why has he disappeared?"

[At night, in the public library, Black Widow sat in front of the computer and asked Coulson for the password. She wanted to start with the Avengers Project to find the identity of the enemy. 】

[At Black Widow's request, Coulson finally told her the password: "Hash sign, Steve Steve Steve, my little heart Steve 0704."]

[After hearing Coulson’s password, a strange expression suddenly appeared on Black Widow’s face: “Wow~ The password is good!”]


At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room also screamed with weird faces, and Wanda also showed an excited look: "Hey, yo, I was wondering why Coulson was so active when the US team entered the live broadcast room. It turned out that he was hiding so much.

So deep!”

"Hey~ I got goosebumps all over my body!" Strange bared his teeth and looked at Cap with a disgusted look: "God, Coulson is really a cover-up, right?"

Captain America felt the strange looks of disgust from those around him, and subconsciously turned his head and looked around. When his eyes shifted to Tony Stark's face, he was surprised to find that he backed away with a strange look on his face.


Tony frowned and waved his hand to Captain America: "Don't look at me, I'm a normal person. Pepper and I have a daughter."

Captain America suddenly laughed angrily: "What's the use of telling me this?"

"Ahem~ I'm not thinking. Haven't you been living with Colson recently? What if you are assimilated by him?" Tony showed an awkward yet polite smile on his face.

In the barn of Hawkeye's family, Hawkeye, Black Widow and others looked at Colson with a strange look on his face, and then they all covered their faces and lowered their heads, but their shuddering shoulders still revealed that

It was very painful for them to hold back their laughter.

There was even a strange expression on Lu Dan's face, but he still blinked his eyes to cover it up.

After all, as a leader, he has no right to interfere in the private lives of his subordinates.

Coulson looked at his colleagues around him awkwardly and explained: "Everyone, listen to my explanation. That is me in the parallel universe, not the real me. My password is definitely not like this."

"Okay, okay, Coulson, we believe you, let's hurry up and watch the video. I want to know if Natasha can find out the true identity of the enemy!" Hawkeye Clint Barton finally stopped smiling.

, opened his mouth to help Colson out.

[Just when Black Widow logged into Coulson's account and was checking the Avengers plan, she suddenly frowned and slowly turned her head and stared behind her. ]

[But after searching carefully several times, she still found nothing unusual, so she turned to look at the computer again. 】

[After a few clicks on the keyboard, a novel expression suddenly appeared on Black Widow's face: "How could a woman who died two years ago enter the database yesterday?"]

[As she spoke, she picked up her cell phone and prepared to dial Lu Dan’s number.]

[But at this moment, Black Widow showed a solemn expression on her face, turned around and looked at the darkness behind her, clenched her hands into an attack posture, and warned the darkness: "You can't win, you can't defeat me.

, can’t win SHIELD.”]

[But the next moment, a crisp fighting sound sounded, and Black Widow seemed to be kicked away by something. Then, several consecutive attacks hit her body, kicking her everywhere. 】

[However, what is strange is that even during such a fierce fight, the person who was attacking the Black Widow did not reveal his true identity. ]

And just when the Black Widow in the picture was kicked to the ceiling, the picture suddenly froze.

[The current video is paused and the Q&A begins]

[Question: Who secretly planned all this and killed everyone in the Avengers?]

[A:Ghost, Ava Starr.]

[B: The second generation Wasp, Hope Van Dyne.]

[C:Ant-Man, Hank Pym.]

【D:Yellow Shirt, Hank Pym.】

[Please start answering. Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 200 live broadcast points and immediate rewards. 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger unknown punishment.]

"Wait a minute, why are there two Hank Pym options?" Tony immediately shouted: "Did you make a mistake in the system?"

Strange reached out and grabbed Tony to stop him from shouting: "Don't you see it yet? The answer is not wrong, it's just a different Hank Pym in the multiverse."

Scott Lang also shouted in the chat channel at this time: "But it's wrong, doesn't the system say that I am Ant-Man? Why is Ant-Man now Hank Pym?"

Reed Richards asked: "Before choosing who will be Ant-Man, can you explain to us outsiders what kind of superhero Ant-Man is? It should be early for me to enter the live broadcast room, right?"

But I haven’t seen any news related to Ant-Man?”

Loki shook his head: "Don't talk about you. Those of us who entered the live broadcast room for the first time did not know that there is a superhero named Ant-Man until the end of the three Avengers videos."

Tony echoed: "Indeed, when I recruited Scott into the company, I specifically read his physical examination report, but Jarvis said he was just a normal person."

(End of chapter)

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