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Chapter 20 The Unexpected Correct Answer

Chapter 20 The unexpected correct answer

Listening to the question that appeared again, everyone present was gearing up to prepare.

"Why does Thanos collect the Infinity Stones? Do you still need to consider this? I remember in the first video it was said that this bastard wants to control the universe. I choose..."

Thor snorted and was about to answer the question confidently, but Phil Coulson suddenly raised his hand and interrupted him: "I think it's better for you not to be so anxious for the time being."

Looking at Thor's puzzled expression, Coulson continued: "After asking several questions in succession, I seem to have found some clues about this question and answer system."

Bruce Banner held his chin on the side and nodded, agreeing: "Yes, the options he gave each time seemed reasonable and reasonable at first glance, but every time the correct answer was the one we felt most

The incredible one.”

"So you suspect this question too?"

Thor frowned and shook his head: "Are you thinking too much?"

Colson licked his dry lips, thought for a while and said, "Are you thinking too much? Let's just test it."

"I choose C"


Everyone present looked at Coulson in the live broadcast room in surprise. Even Banner, who had just agreed with him, was shocked. He did not expect that his choice would be so outrageous.

Tony Stark stared blankly at Colson, who had an expression on his face, and shook his head speechlessly: "Although what you said earlier is similar to what I thought, your option is really unbelievable.

Someone who has experienced cosmic wars and bloody massacres, how could he collect the Infinity Stones just to snap his fingers?"

Stephen Strange also spoke up: "Compared to your option, I think D is more reliable."

[Ding~ Phil Coulson has finished answering, the system begins to determine...]

[Ding~Phil Coulson’s answer is correct.]

[Phil Coulson has obtained 100 live broadcast points, which can be used to on-demand clips of the past and future related to him. 】

[Phil Coulson received an immediate reward, "Hextech Rune"]

Just when several people were still shocked by Coulson's bold choice, the system's voice was like a thunderbolt, hitting everyone's heads, shocking them and stunned them.

"This is ridiculous~"

After a long time, Peter Parker's words popped up in the chat channel: "The purple giant who looked so heartless and killed so many people just now collected those infinity stones just to snap his fingers. This is really too..."

Peter, a young man who was still in high school, felt that the world was too crazy. He couldn't think of any good words to describe what he just heard. He could only keep walking back and forth in the room, shouting this

That's ridiculous.

Loki and the others who were far away in Asgard also had broken expressions on their faces. They looked at each other in confusion. Everyone wondered if they were hearing hallucinations in their ears.

But among the crowd, Odin, who was sitting on the throne, had a sinking face and sighed slowly: "I see!"

Loki, who was standing not far from Odin, heard his emotion and quickly turned around and asked curiously: "Father, do you know his purpose?"

Odin nodded slowly, his eyes seeming to reminisce: "According to legend, after the original chaotic universe experienced a big explosion, the chaotic elements became orderly, and together they formed six pieces that represent the ultimate state of the universe.

The gem of original power."

"Every time a gem appears, it is accompanied by a bloody war. The origin of these bloody wars comes from a rumor."

"Whoever can gather 6 infinite stones will have the power to dominate the entire universe."

Speaking of this, Odin's face showed a sigh of relief: "But it is not easy to collect all six gems."

Loki calmly listened to Odin's story and raised his eyebrows unconsciously. It seemed that Odin had also tried to collect infinite stones?


The power that can control the entire universe!

Loki turned around and faced the screen, with a unique smile on his lips. The light in his pupils lit up. The originally green pupils were now shining with lavender light.

But soon, he calmed down his emotions. Seeing that everyone in the live broadcast room still looked ignorant, he couldn't help but said in the chat channel: "Actually, I think your focus is wrong at all. Thanos has gathered all six

No matter whether he snaps his fingers or claps his hands, these are all appearances. What we should pay attention to is..."

"What exactly happens when he snaps his fingers."

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at Loki's words with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Thor even asked directly: "Loki, you are the only one here who is full of bad ideas. Have you guessed what Thanos' purpose is?"


Whenever I type a question mark, it’s not me who has a problem, but you who have a problem!

Full of bad water!

What do you mean... I'm full of bad ideas?

Seeing those ant-like humans on the small screen acting as if they were taking it for granted after Thor spoke, Loki's hand holding the Eternal Spear couldn't help but squeak.

I can't bear it anymore, I really can't bear it anymore!

Loki swore that when he came back, he would put everything else aside. He would kill his relatives first and let his stupid brother know why the flowers were so red!

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Loki explained: "Just now, my father explained to me the origin of the Infinity Stones. He also told me that as long as I collect the Infinity Stones, I will have the power to dominate the universe!


Dominate the universe?

After hearing this, everyone in front of the screen became excited, and Nick Fury even wrote furiously on the paper.

"Barton, go immediately to speed up the research progress of the Cosmic Cube. With such advanced technology and such a large team, the progress of the weapons we have developed is not even comparable to that of the Red Skull 70 years ago. They are simply a bunch of waste... Besides..."

Nick Fury was talking about something that suddenly occurred to him. He hesitated for a while and continued: "I will raise the level of you two later. You must find out the background of these researchers with Natasha. After that, you can

Clean up the bureau, I don't want nails stuck next to my office."

Barton also thought of the pilot he had seen taking off with a nuclear bomb before, nodded vigorously, turned and left the office.

Just at this moment, Natasha also came back.

"Sir, we found something different about Peter Parker, and I think you might be very interested."

Hearing this, when he saw Natasha coming back, Fury, who originally thought she had returned in vain and was about to tell him the truth, suddenly became interested.

After carefully reading the information Natasha brought back, Fury had an unpredictable expression on his face.

"Are you sure this document is correct? The Parkers have really died in the line of duty?"

The first page of the document is a photo of a child with the name "Peter Parker" on his brow. The document clearly records that the eight-year-old Peter Parker was adopted by his uncle Ben Parker when he was six years old.

His parents, Richard Parker and Mary Parker, were originally CIA agents who died in the line of duty during a foreign mission two years ago.

The place of death was Sokovia.

And coincidentally, this Peter Parker is also living in Queens, New York at the moment.

After pondering for a long time, Fury looked at Natasha and said: "Send an agent, preferably a couple, to get close to the Parker family. You don't need to be too involved in their lives, just monitor them. Look at this Peter Parker, with

How different would it be to have Peter Parker in the chat group."

Natasha nodded and took the order to leave the office, while Fury continued to look at the screen.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was puzzled by Thanos' ridiculous behavior of collecting all the Infinity Stones just to snap his fingers, but under the testimony of the system, they no longer struggled with it, but they were still complaining in their hearts.

[The future of Tony Stark will be played soon - Iron Man 1·Part 1 - Heart of Iron]

[Starting to invite special viewers to join the live chat group. Specially invited viewers will not enter the live broadcast slot this time. 】

[Scarlet Witch...Wanda Maximoff joins the live chat group]

Wanda, who had just finished taking a shower and was sitting by the window drinking a drink, was startled by the pop-up screen in front of her. Just when she was panicking about the illusory screen in front of her, her eyes suddenly locked on the small screens in the lower left corner of the screen.

people in.

To be precise, it was locked on Tony Stark's face.

Wanda Maximoff: "T...N...Ta...K!"

Even though it was a chat message, everyone present noticed the excitement revealed in her words.

"Huh?" Tony Stark was even more surprised when his name appeared in the chat channel: "Do you know me?"

Wanda Maximoff: "Know? I know you so well. I wish I could peel off your skin and drink your blood!"

Stephen Strange whistled when he heard this, and said teasingly to Stark: "It seems that this is another person you have provoked! You are indeed a scumbag for a witch to hate you so deeply.


But Tony, who was inexplicably criticized, rolled his eyes speechlessly, looked at Wanda who was so excited, and fell into deep thought: "This witch, I don't seem to have any hatred towards you, right?"

Wanda looked at Stark with an indifferent expression on the screen, and her whole body was shaking with anger: "Your missiles, your weapons, killed my parents, killed all my relatives and friends, and now you are still like this

An indifferent attitude."

"It's true that God didn't open his eyes and allowed a scourge like you to remain in the world."

(End of chapter)

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