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Chapter 201 Runaway Superman Itchy Aiolia

Chapter 201: Rampant Superman, Itchy Aiolia

Superman flew into the sky and stumbled down to the Superman monument. He had just regained a new life, his body had not yet fully awakened, and even his consciousness was so confused that he stared blankly at this familiar yet unfamiliar world.

"If you're looking for a monument to him, look around."

Looking at the slogans sprayed on the ground, Superman's fast-moving brain instantly understood who the people were mourning. At this moment, a voice also arose in his heart, telling him that the person the people were mourning was actually the person they were mourning.

Him, Superman, Kal-El.

'But I'm Clark Kent!'

Two voices were fighting in his mind, and the sense of separation between reality and reality made Superman frown in pain and frowned out the word "Chuan".

At this moment, he seemed to sense something again and slowly turned around to look.

I saw two groups of people standing on the steps below his monument.

On one side are the five giants of the Justice League, and on the other side are four handsome men wearing weird armors.

After the Flash landed, he dispersed the lightning on his body. When he saw the four figures appearing with them on the other side, he opened his mouth in surprise and looked nervously at Batman and Diana beside him: "This...

Aren't they supposed to be far away from us...How could they appear here so quickly?"

After Batman saw Loki and others, an ominous premonition suddenly filled his heart.

As the father of the plane, Bruce Wayne never fights an unprepared battle. His warehouse is always full of various "anti-xx plans", but Loki's appearance was too sudden.

, and there was no time for him to prepare at all, so Batman was not prepared in any way for this legendary god.

And what puzzled him the most was that the three warriors wearing strange golden armor standing behind him were fighting with Loki just now. Why did they seem to surrender to him now?

'Wait, the mother box...'

But the next moment, Batman's eyes suddenly shrank, and he immediately understood everything, and Alfred also reminded him on the communication channel: "Master Wayne, according to my observation, the two mother boxes are in

The god of mischief from Norse mythology has already merged the two into one, so now his target should be this last mother box... Oh~ damn it."

It was rare to hear such vulgar and rude curses from the old butler. Batman suddenly asked curiously: "Afu, what's wrong?"

"Sorry, Master Wayne, all the drones we sent out were shot down by a sharpshooter from the other side..." Alfred's voice revealed helplessness: "This is the first time I have seen someone who can

Someone who is so good at archery!"


Batman immediately thought of a young man with black hair in the video just now. Although the young man had not taken action, the weapon in his hand was indeed a longbow.

Didn't even Afu avoid controlling the drone?

Batman's gloomy eyes swept over the three golden saints: 'It seems that these guys are also very troublesome!'

While Batman was sizing up the three Saints, Saga slowly turned his head, followed Batman's gaze and looked back, then quickly moved his gaze away and fell on Diana.

"Hey, Mu, Aiolia, have you sensed it? That woman..." Saga retracted her gaze and looked at the Aries and Lion beside her: "The blood in her body seems to be very similar to our gods.


Mu's eyes flashed with golden light, and he glanced at Diana imperceptibly, but then shook his head: "She is just a demigod, and she has no divine power. Saga, you may be feeling guilty about Athena in your heart.

, which caused your perception to become confused."

Aiolia also put her hands on her hips carelessly: "Yes, Saga, don't forget that this is not our world."

As he said that, he looked at Superman, whose expression turned cold and seemed to be stimulated by the monument, and said curiously: "But who is this guy? I feel that the small universe in his body is like a burning furnace, becoming

It’s getting more and more intense. Hey, evil…ahem, Loki, do you know who this guy is?”

Loki chuckled: "I only came half an hour earlier than you. Why do you think I can know them? But I can feel that the guy dressed as a bird seems to be related to this shirtless man."


"Even though they seem very calm, I can sense the feeling of fear and guilt without even smelling it with my nose!"

The voices of the conversation between Loki and the others, which were neither soft nor serious, reached the ears of Diana and others, and also confused their moods. Especially Batman, his face became even more expressionless after hearing Loki's final summary.

Big changes.

"Damn, damn, he also heard the chatting content of those people, what should I do...he looked over!"

But before Batman could think of the next countermeasure, the most childish Flash in the team suddenly became nervous and panicked, while Superman gritted his teeth and turned on the scanning function of his eyes, surveying the nine people on the opposite side.

Loki and the others sensed Superman's prying eyes and blocked Superman's scan with just a wave of his hand. However, those in the Justice League immediately put up a defensive posture sensitively, especially Cyborg who had been transformed by the mother box of Apokolips.

, couldn't control himself anymore, and fired a shot at Superman,

The melee started immediately. Even though Diana and the others were good fighters, they were no match for the existence of Superman's BUG. After a while, they were beaten by Superman and fell to the ground.

While Superman was "killing" the Justice League, Shaka teleported to the scene holding the Mother Box.

"I have retrieved the Mother Box, Your Highness Loki, let's go back and complete the growth of the World Tree as soon as possible."

"No hurry, Shaka~"

But it wasn't Loki who answered him...

Aiolia looked at the powerful Superman, and a fighting spirit suddenly came up. He twisted his wrist and neck, and looked at Superman slowly falling from the air, with an excited smile on his face: "He

His strength is very strong, I want to compete with him, and if this continues, I suspect that these humans will be torn apart by this guy."


Loki looked at Aiolia with a strange look on his face, then stepped away with a smirk on his face and made a gesture of invitation: "I support you, go ahead..."

"I can read the ridicule on your face, but I will prove to you how powerful the Saint Seiya is!"

Aiolia curled her lips, punched her with both hands, then let out a low drink, and her body erupted with dazzling golden light again.


Superman, who was beating up Wonder Woman, sensed a powerful aura rising from his right rear. He immediately turned around and glanced at Leo walking towards him. He slowly said hello: "I've never heard of you.


Leo walked five meters in front of Superman, stopped, shrugged his right shoulder, relaxed, and replied calmly: "I've never seen a guy like you before."

"You are no match for me!" Clark Kent frowned, puzzled by Aioria's provocation, but he still dropped Wonder Woman in his hand and turned to face him seriously.

"Whether it is your opponent or not will only be known after you beat him!"

Aiolia took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Dozens of dazzling nebulae appeared around her, forming the shape of a lion. After a brief moment of gathering momentum, Aiolia suddenly opened her eyes, golden

There was a flash of electricity in his eyes, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Superman.

"Plasma light speed fist~"

The golden lightning exploded and turned into countless dense beams of light, enveloping Aiolia and Superman. In this battlefield constructed of golden fist light, the two figures fought everywhere as if teleporting.

It kept making violent explosions.

Loki saw this and commented in surprise: "Hey, this guy is not useless after all. But with such power, why didn't he use it earlier?"

Saga crossed his arms and couldn't help but chuckle after hearing Loki's words: "Maybe he thinks you are not worthy of letting him burn the small universe, but this human being is indeed very strong, and Aiolia has already burned the small universe.

I have entered my seventh sense, but the opponent is not panicked at all, firmly grasping the rhythm of the battle, and seems to be so leisurely."

"More than that!" Shaka saw Aiolia rushing up to fight, and slowly landed on the ground with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes and "looked" in the direction of the two fighting: "I can sense that.

A man who is fighting against Aiolia seems to have not yet fully awakened. In the current battle, only part of his consciousness is controlling his body instincts. From this point of view, the opponent's true strength should have reached an extremely high level.

A terrifying situation.”

Saying that, Shaka turned his face in the direction of Loki: "If you hadn't reserved your strength just now, maybe that human would be stronger than you."

"Oh~" Loki nodded noncommittally and responded to Shaka with an indifferent expression: "It doesn't matter, there are so many people better than me, and he is the oldest!"

(End of chapter)

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