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Chapter 208 Young couples in love don't need to hide their love

Chapter 208 Young couple in love, love does not need to be concealed

When Phil Coulson saw this, he immediately asked curiously: "It sounds like you have been severely traumatized? If it is convenient, can you reveal your experience?"

Magneto frowned and looked at the chat channel next to the screen, with an expression of 'Are you mentally ill?': "Why should I tell you my pain?"

Deadpool: "Because he wants to use your experience to develop new ways to torture people. SHIELD likes to conduct all kinds of human experiments, but they always claim that they are cultivating superheroes...

Oh, I'm sorry, I should say...Snake and Shield?" [1/5]

Hearing this, Magneto stood up angrily: "What are you talking about, this guy's organization often conducts human experiments? Tell me where their organization is, and I will destroy them."

"Eric..." Charles stood up immediately and sat down his friend: "Don't worry, don't forget, not everyone in this live broadcast room is in the same world as us."

The beast also came over and cautiously advised: "Yes, and these people participating in human experiments are not necessarily mutants. Perhaps, they are humans who are torturing their companions."

Mystique Riven also said: "Charles, doesn't this live broadcast room also have a projection function? Otherwise, you can go to the live broadcast room to condense a projection and ask them about it. Forget it about Eric, he has such a temper.

You also know that if you are too stinky, it will be easy to get into trouble with them..."

In the live broadcast room, Constantine looked confused as he listened to these unfamiliar terms.

No, are there so many weird human beings in this world?

That quiet kid in a spider suit was actually able to fly around in the sky with a spider thread so thin that it was almost invisible?

Moreover, look at these three guys wearing similar styles of suits, they are all named Peter Parker?

Constantine looked at everyone in the live broadcast room suspiciously, then walked to Black Panther, who seemed to be the most easy-going and calm, took out a pack of cigarettes from his suit pocket, took out one, and pointed it at

Black Panther said: "Brother, do you smoke? What kind of live broadcast room is this? What on earth is it?"

The Black Panther shook his head and declined Constantine's approach. He shrugged with a helpless look on his face: "Sorry, I came in a little earlier than you. I don't understand this live broadcast room yet, but I can tell you.

Yes, if there is a question, even if you guess blindly, you have to make a guess. If you guess right, there will be benefits you can't imagine."

"Oh~" Constantine nodded, holding a cigarette in his mouth again: "Thank you, brother."

[Due to Spider-Man’s previous interference, the speed of the large truck was also greatly affected. After a while, the police cars caught up with Alexei’s truck. 】

[Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by a police car, Alexei quickly braked, stopping the truck and the truck being dragged by the truck.]

[The closest police car did not expect that the enemy would dare to stop, so it slammed into it, and this also caused a series of collisions between subsequent police cars. 】

[Seeing that the police were in panic, the robbers in the truck immediately opened the back door of the truck and started shooting at the dozens of police cars in front of them.]

[Just as they opened fire, several spider webs shot from the sky, which simply took away their weapons, pulled them out of the truck, and hung them upside down in the crowd of policemen.]

[Seeing the two people being caught by Spider-Man, the policemen immediately raised their pistols excitedly and pointed them at the robbers.]

Magneto: "You see, this is the stupidity of the human police. With so many people, they can't catch three robbers. They can only rely on one child to catch the criminals, trash!"

Reed Richards also nodded with deep understanding: "Indeed, so many police officers have been played by three robbers for so long. I think they are a bit mentally retarded."

Strange smacked his lips and said: "The police in the United States are quite obedient if you have money, but it is true that they are incompetent."

[Seeing his teammates being restrained by the police in the rearview mirror, Alexei immediately started the truck without hesitation and prepared to escape from here.]

[Seeing the open back door of the truck, Spider-Man quickly jumped in and used the viscosity of his body to stick to all the plutonium elements. 】

[But even so, a tube of plutonium jumped out mischievously. 】

[Spider-Man hurriedly caught up and picked up the plutonium element, but he didn't notice that a large police car behind him hit him. ]


[The police car is still driving smoothly, Spider-Man Peter Parker's body is leaning on the front of the police car, chasing Alexei who is running away together with the police car. ]

[Unfortunately, at this moment, his cell phone rang. It was a call from Gwen. 】

[It turns out that the graduation ceremony of Zhongcheng Technology High School has already begun at this time, but until now, Peter has not appeared at the venue, which makes Gwen very anxious. 】

["There are five minutes left, ten minutes at most." Peter assured with a playful smile. 】

[But at this moment, his spider sense suddenly surged out, causing him to look to the left involuntarily. 】

[A police car approached, and Peter was shocked to see that his girlfriend Gwen’s deceased father was sitting in the passenger seat of the police car, staring at him expressionlessly.]

[The sound of sirens and wind suddenly became slow, and even Gwen’s voice couldn’t reach Peter’s ears for a while.]

[Peter blinked quickly, and then he realized that he had just hallucinated. The person sitting in the police car was not George Stacy, but an ordinary policeman.]

[Peter immediately hung up the phone when he saw this, and Gwen was also asked by the school leaders to take the stage to host the graduation ceremony as the best student.]

When Wanda saw this, she couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, it seems that the death of Chief George is really a huge blow to Peter."

Bruce Banner's figure was re-projected in the live broadcast room, and he nodded in agreement: "Yes, after all, Sheriff George was killed by the lizard man in order to protect Peter, and in order to give Peter his identity

He kept it secret and even refused Peter’s suggestion to send him to the hospital, otherwise I think Chief George would have survived.”

Strange waved his hand: "It's impossible. If it was just an ordinary trauma, George Stacy could survive, but after Dr. Connors transformed into a lizard, his claws also turned into lizard's.


"You must know that those humans who died at the hands of lizards were rarely killed by the lizards' physical attacks, but more often by the toxins on their teeth and claws. So, even if George S.

When Daisy was sent to the hospital, she would die due to ineffective treatment, because at that time, the hospital had no time to identify how many toxins Dr. Lizard had injected into his body and prepare the corresponding immune serum."

Strange finished speaking his opinion in one breath, and then he noticed that the extraordinary Peter beside him was constantly hissing at him.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Strange looked at the collapsed extraordinary Peter curiously: "Did I analyze it wrong?"

Extraordinary Peter lamented, and his whole body collapsed: "Actually, I just wanted to stop you from talking about this, Gwen... she still doesn't know the content of my previous spoiler broadcast."

Tony frowned speechlessly: "I'll go, so Gwen still doesn't know about her father's sacrifice for you?"

"No, Mr. Stark, Sheriff George is still alive and well in our world..." Extraordinary Peter waved his hands: "It's just that I never knew how to tell Gwen about this, so I always said

She hid the content of Extraordinary 1."

Tony nodded after hearing this: "Then I think Strange did a good thing today. Peter, believe me, according to your character, even if you are given ten chances, you may not be able to say it. It's better for us

Let me help you tell this story, and remember what I said, the most important thing between lovers is to be honest. Concealing it for a while may become a gap in your relationship."

Captain America raised his thumb and gave Tony Stark a nod, and at the same time said to Super Peter: "You heard Stark right about this. I've read tidbits about him."

"The word debauchery was designed for him!"

Tony curled his lips in disdain, stretched out his index finger and twirled it, teasing Captain America: "So, I want to know if you are still a chick now?"

"What?" Captain America was stunned for a moment, then complained with a look of disgust on his face: "Of course not!"

Winter Soldier: "Steve, you're frowning, you're lying."

"Shut up, Bucky!"

Captain America's angry expression immediately filled the live broadcast room with laughter, and even Captain Marvel and Magneto, who had always been serious, couldn't help but smile.

Jonathan smacked his lips in disgust: "Oh my god, this me from another world is actually a chick? He is too stupid!"

Ben raised his eyebrows disapprovingly: "You don't understand, this is called noble moral character."

The Human Torch objected: "No, this is called castration of mind and body."

[After hanging up the phone, Peter caught up with Alexei's truck again, because he saw that the truck was out of control and crashing into a bus. ]


[There was a loud bang, and Spider-Man also jumped up, climbed over the roof of the bus as fast as he could, and landed on the back of the bus. He put his feet on the ground and stopped him with his own body.

Got the bus.]

[This action not only allowed him to save everyone on the bus, but also allowed him to save a pair of grandparents on the other side of the bus.]

[Seeing that everyone was still safe, Spider-Man was relieved to catch up with Alexei. Amidst the relaxed whistles, Peter easily restrained the robber with spider silk and knocked him out elegantly.

, and left the scene holding the plutonium element.]

(End of chapter)

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