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Chapter 215 Send Harry's Little Pleasure to Peter's Regrets

Chapter 215: Harry’s request, the new Peter’s regret, and people from other worlds first hearing about Thanos

[After separating from Gwen, Peter returned home. After a brief period of depression, he decided to make a mind map to help him sort out his recent messy thoughts. 】

[He opened his father's backpack and posted information about Richard Parker and photos of himself and Gwen taken when they were passionately in love all over the wall. ]

[Just when he was dejected by this, he saw the spider silk launcher that was destroyed by the Electro-Optical Man in today's battle, and decided to go to the basement to do some research and create a spider silk launcher that could store and absorb powerful electrical energy. ]

[At the same time, Harry Osborne, who was far away in Osborne Company, also accidentally discovered the secret in the metal device left by his father. It turned out that in that device, all the information of Osborne Industries was stored.


[There are things about the development of new armors and biological genetic research, especially in Experiment 001 video. He saw the video recorded by Richard Parker and his father Norman Osborn, combining people with

Experimental video of spider gene mixing.】

【This also made him understand something! 】

[At dawn, Harry called Peter, who was still awake, and told him that he was dying and wanted to meet Peter.]

[Hearing this, Peter hurried to the Osborne Building, but after communicating with Harry, Peter learned Harry's true meaning. 】

[It turns out that he guessed the source of Spider-Man’s abilities and stubbornly believed that Spider-Man’s blood could save him. The reason why he found Peter was precisely because the Daily Bugle published the photos of Spider-Man that Peter had taken. 】

[Peter wanted to warn his friends, because he knew that the reason why he became Spider-Man must have a lot of hidden secrets. Before all this was understood, he was worried that his blood would kill Harry, but looking at

Seeing the longing in his eyes, Peter did not choose to reject him head-on, but perfunctorily agreed to his friend.】

The new Peter looked at the picture on the screen and sighed silently, and this sigh fell in the ears of the extraordinary Peter, making him turn his head to look at him curiously.

"What's wrong?"

Extraordinary Peter looked at the complicated expression on the new Peter's face and asked curiously: "Do you think I made the wrong choice in rejecting Harry?"

The new Peter shook his head and said with a troubled expression: "No, I'm just envious. In your world, at least there is no hatred between you and Harry."

The little spider immediately understood what he was saying and interrupted: "Did you remember the ending that the Sandman said? The Green Goblin died in the battle with you? With all due respect, although I in the multiverse healed Norman Os

Ben, but from my current perspective, the Green Goblin’s death is actually not a bad thing.”

"Um... But after all, he is also my father when I was young, and he took good care of our family in the past..." New Peter defended with an awkward expression. He also knew that Little Spider was resentful of the Green Goblin and it was not easy to go.

What to comfort him: "Sorry, I can't help you in the future of that multiverse, but I hope that at least the Green Goblin in my universe will not be summoned to another world due to some accidents in the future and harm other people.

of Peter Parker.”

"And at the end of your spoiler live broadcast, we can also see that 'we' have too many enemies. One less one is better, right?"

Extraordinary Peter agreed: "Indeed, and after you kill Norman, I suspect that hatred will also drive Harry in your world to take revenge on you. Maybe, he will also choose to become the Green Goblin, then...


He shook his head: "Instead of letting things turn into such a bad situation, it is better for us to save Norman Osborne from the beginning, change his destiny, and change our destiny."

Captain America also sighed with emotion: "It's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies~"

Tony frowned and kicked Captain America's leg, muttering dissatisfiedly: "When did you have the right to say this? Although I spared the Winter Soldier's life, it does not mean that I have forgiven you. At most

I can only keep your lives for the time being. If our earth is threatened by something, you both have to give me your life to compensate."

"Yes, sir!"

Captain America gave Tony a joking salute, and then thanked Tony with a serious expression: "Thank you, Stark."

Star-Lord appeared again at this time: "Wait a minute, Iron Man, are you going to forgive them now? Your parents died in their hands, and you don't even want to take revenge?"

Before Tony Stark could reply, Phil Coulson shouted in the chat channel: "Star-Lord, what do you mean, are you sowing discord?"

Strange also commented with a weird face at this time: "This scene is so familiar. I remember when Alexander Pierce sent the Winter Soldier to Stark a month ago and provoked Stark to kill the Winter Soldier.

, that’s the same rhetoric.”

Falcon: "So, this guy is so bad. He actually wants to destroy the harmonious relationship between the superheroes on our planet. He is a traitor. He is a traitor."

Star-Lord: "..."

Star-Lord suddenly felt that he was so wronged, as if the whole world was targeting him. Every time he expressed an opinion, the guys in the live broadcast room would find reasons to yell at him.

At this time, Casillas also figured out how to send messages in the chat channel under the guidance of Bruce Banner, and said honestly: "It's true, no serious person would find the daughter of Thanos to fall in love with, if you ask me,

This Star-Lord might be a spy sent by Thanos, otherwise how do you explain his attempt to sabotage Stark and the others' attempt to snatch the Infinity Stones in Avengers 3?"

"Get out of here, that plan to snatch the Infinity Gauntlet was made by me, okay? You are totally throwing dirty water on me!"

Star-Lord quickly defended: "Besides, haven't you noticed that both Thanos' daughters hate him? I obviously instigated their rebellion, okay? Who, little Spider-Man, you said you experienced the endgame?

Is it right to fight or not? Tell them how I performed in the endgame after I transformed from ashes into a human being!"

Everyone looked at Little Spider when they heard this...

The little spider scratched his head when he saw this, with a look of reminiscence on his face. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally said: "It seems, except that at the beginning of the endgame, you followed us and put on an Avengers assembly pose.

, I didn’t see you in the team battle? Miss Xingyun’s exposure rate is much higher than yours... Oh, by the way~"

Little Spider suddenly remembered something, and his face gradually became uglier: "I later heard Mr. Scott Lang talk about the cause of the Endgame. He said that the reason why the Endgame was started was because they were in

When heading to the planet Morag in 2014, Thanos' Nebula mixed in with the team and returned to our world. Then when Dr. Banner snapped his fingers with the Infinity Stones, she summoned Thanos in 2014 to invade our earth.


As he said that, he paused and looked at Tony: "It also caused Mr. Stark's death."

"Shet, I knew this bastard was not a good guy! The same goes for his woman!" Thor suddenly stood up dissatisfied: "In the end, it turned out that it was really you who lured Thanos here.

I hate being betrayed, so I decided that in the next few days, I will go to the universe and beat you up."

Star-Lord listened angrily to Thor's shouting and retorted dissatisfiedly: "You must be mentally ill. Your brother has betrayed you so many times. Why don't you go to him to settle the account? Besides, that multiverse me

Even if I made a mistake, why should you put the blame on me?"

Casillas spoke again: "It's very simple, because we suspect that you are still Thanos' spy. For the safety of the universe, we must find out your identity."

At this time, Magneto also curiously interjected: "Can I ask who this Thanos is? From your tone, this guy can threaten the universe?"

Reed Richards replied: "In their world, Thanos gathered six Infinity Stones, snapped his fingers and made a wish to annihilate half of all life in the universe."


Everyone in the X-Men world and the DC world were stunned after hearing Mr. Fantastic Reed's reply.


Wanda nodded and gave him some popular science: "Yes, in the words of the big devil Thanos, it is fair, random, and annihilation without any emotion."

Magneto suddenly shouted: "Why? And why would he do this?"

Bruce Banner sighed: "Because he feels that life in the universe reproduces too fast, and the population explosion will cause resource scarcity and uneven distribution of resources."

Batman: "...Does this guy have no brain at all? If these six Infinity Stones are so powerful, can't he make a wish to double the resources? If double doesn't work, then double, triple, or just make a wish.

Isn’t it okay if the resources are endless? Why must we take such an extreme killing route?”

In the Batcave, Wonder Woman also slumped down on her chair in shock, shaking her head in disbelief: "This is an out-and-out lunatic, even crazier than Ares."

Alfred put on his glasses and reminded calmly: "And listening to the descriptions of everyone in the live broadcast room, this madman named Thanos seemed to have succeeded, but he was defeated by the superheroes on Earth five years later.

They reversed the ending of the story."

Bruce looked at the screen with a gloomy face, suddenly feeling that in just two hours, many new tasks and responsibilities had been placed on his shoulders...

It turns out that there are so many crises hidden in these worlds.

In the Asgard library, Loki, who had transformed into dozens of clones and was constantly browsing the Asgard books, looked at Star-Lord and Thanos on the screen who were being criticized by everyone, and suddenly chuckled, but then, he

Then he looked away and continued to scan the heavy book in his hand.

He no longer cares about Thanos at this moment, because Odin said that when he was looking for trouble with Thanos before, Odin deliberately released Hela and seriously injured Thanos, so at this moment, this

Thanos should be hiding in a corner of the universe, licking his wounds like a wild dog.

But Thanos didn't need to worry about him, and the Shadow God became an urgent matter that Loki needed to eliminate.

Loki closed his eyes, and his mind seamlessly switched to a golden room in Asgard. He frowned as he looked at his father lying on the large nursing bed and fell into Odin's sleep again.

After he returned to Asgard and told God King Odin about the Shadow God, Odin suddenly fell down as if he had a stroke, and then fell directly into the deep sleep of Odin's Sleep.

'Is it because the name of the Shadow God touched some forbidden secret in his memory?'

Loki murmured in a low voice, and then his mind returned to his main body in the library, leaving the clones to continue to check the books, grabbed the Eternal Spear beside the table, stood up and walked out.

He thought of the ball of Egmotto in Odin's treasure house, and decided to place his hope in this treasure that could predict Ragnarok and solve his doubts.

(End of chapter)

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