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Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Escape

[Just when they were about to succeed, because the two disappeared for a long time, the militants once again noticed something unusual.]

[Big Beard sent two of his men to check the situation, but Tony had tied explosives to the door in advance. With a roar, the two men were thrown away by the blast of flames. 】

[As shown in the picture, after the explosion, both sides quickly started taking action.]

[The bald leader mobilized everyone to go to the cave where Stark and Ethan were, and Ethan opened the armor program for him step by step under Stark's command. 】

["They're coming, they're coming~" Ethan was so nervous that he finished tightening all the screws for Tony. After looking at the slowly moving progress bar on the computer, Ethan, who was originally excited, suddenly became quiet. 】

【"We need more time!"】

[Ethan calmly turned around and looked at Stark: "I'm going to help you buy some time."]

[After that, under Tony’s roar of “it’s going as planned”, Ethan left the cave without hesitation holding the submachine gun.]

"That human... I'm afraid he will never come back!"

Volstagg, one of the Three Warriors of Asgard, sighed, beat his chest hard, and offered the warrior's salute.

Stephen Strange breathed out: "Tony Stark, you are so lucky. Even after this, there are still people who are willing to die for you."

Wanda also clenched her fists angrily, feeling unhappy that Stark was about to escape, and also felt that Ethan's death was not worth it: "That uncle is really crazy, he actually lost his life for such a scumbag like you.

Take your life."

Tony didn't answer these people, but looked at Ethan rushing out, his heart in his throat.

'This Ethan, whom I have never met before, did he survive?'

But the next moment, his heart became cold, because after Ethan on the screen rushed to the light, dozens of guns were pointed at him.


Tony punched the air in front of him with his fist, and roared incompetently and furiously.

[The progress bar has finally reached 100%. Due to energy overload, the cave is completely dark at the moment. 】

[Three thugs broke in. As they carefully inspected the scene, a white light lit up like a flashlight. Stark, who was wearing iron armor, punched a gangster present and flew away. 】

[The other two gangsters quickly pulled the trigger and started shooting, but the darkness affected their vision, and the bullets they fired did not hit Stark's armor at all.]

[To deal with these gangsters, Tony didn't even need to use weapons, he just simply punched them and beat them to a pulp and defeated them.]

[However, because the movement range was too large, the right arm wrapped in the armor was embedded in the wall after a hard swing. 】

[Just as Tony struggled to pull his arm out, a gangster crept up to him, aimed a pistol at his head and shot him. But the smooth iron helmet bounced the bullet, directly killing the man who wanted to assassinate Star.

Ke’s gangsters were beaten to death.]

"This thing looks a bit bulky, but I think it's much more powerful than the armor you made later!"

Thor, who knew nothing about machinery, actually commented on Tony's suit, which made Loki roll his eyes.

To be honest, if Stark really wore this armor, Loki wouldn't have had such a difficult time when he invaded the earth. He could be destroyed with just one spell.

This stupid Thor doesn't understand human technology at all, and he still makes comments without shame. He really embarrasses Asgard.

Sure enough, after hearing Thor's comments, both Coulson and Banner in the live broadcast room glanced at him speechlessly.

[Tony, who rushed all the way to the door, also saw Ethan covered in blood, and shouted quickly, but Ethan, who was already dying, still used his last strength to warn: "Be careful!"]

[As soon as he finished speaking, the bald leader guarding the door shot a bomb at Stark, but after hearing Ethan's warning, Stark dodged it extremely quickly, and pulled the rope on his left arm with his backhand.

[The tail of a small missile burst into smoke and rushed towards the leader on the opposite side. With an explosion, the rocks on the top of the mountain fell, pressing the bald head underneath which was unable to escape. 】

[Without checking whether the enemy was dead or alive, Tony quickly lifted his visor and walked to Ethan's side. 】

["Get up Ethan, let's get out of here together." Looking at the extremely weak Ethan, Tony said with a firm expression: "We made an appointment and we can't break our promise."]

[Ethan shook his head and smiled weakly: "But plans always fail to keep up with changes."]

【"But you have to go back to see your family, get up quickly."】

[Ethan: "My family members are all dead. I'm going to visit them now, Stark... don't be sad for me, this is my original plan!"]

[Looking at the sad expression on Tony's face, Ethan weakly raised his hand, touched the hole in the armor's chest, struggled and said: "Don't let me down, Stark, and don't waste your life either."


[After the words fell, Ethan, who was seriously injured and dying, could no longer hold on and lost his voice. ]

"This is a hero, Stark, you should thank him!"

Thor said with admiration: "I finally understand why you were willing to carry the nuclear bomb and risk yourself through the wormhole when the nuclear bomb attacked New York."

Stark nodded wordlessly, looked sadly at Ethan who had stopped breathing on the screen, and secretly decided in his heart that he would find Ethan and protect him when he got out.

"What, a nuclear bomb attack on New York?"

Stephen Strange on the side was stunned when he heard what Thor said, and looked at Bruce Banner in horror: "Is this guy in a cape talking nonsense?"

Banner shook his head and glanced at Coulson awkwardly: "He's not talking nonsense. When Loki invaded the earth, those stupid officials did launch a nuclear bomb on Manhattan, but Stark had already solved that problem."


"Shet, I will move out of Manhattan when I get back."

The speechless Strange complained: "It's so crazy."

[Looking at Ethan's body, Tony's eyes showed the flames of anger, and he turned around and walked out of the cave. ]

[Outside the cave, the heavily armed KB elements were waiting. After seeing the figure of the huge steel armor appearing, everyone started shooting wildly. 】

[Bullets came like rain, but their attacks were too much for Stark, who was wearing armor, to even scratch his itch.]

[When the other side finally stopped shooting, Tony said in a cold tone: "Now, it's my turn!"]

[The steel arms were raised, and ferocious flames immediately spurted out, like two fire dragons rushing towards the weapons and ammunition from Stark Industries on both sides. Under the fierce flames, the militants were full of excitement.

The flames howled and fled towards the outskirts of the valley. Even the weapons and ammunition were wrapped in flames and began to burn.】

[A gangster in the distance quickly pulled the heavy machine gun and struck Tony accurately. Under his shooting, the tracks on the legs of the extremely heavy armor were interrupted, and the originally powerful steel armor finally stopped.


[The surrounding gangsters saw this and organized a counterattack, targeting the joints and connection points of the steel armor and launching attacks.]

[Feeling that he might be doomed if he stayed any longer, Tony quickly pressed a red button on his left arm.]

[The bomb that had been burned by the flames finally couldn't withstand the high temperature and began to explode. Along with the waves of flames and gas, a grand mushroom cloud actually erupted in this small valley. 】

[The moment the flames rose, a figure with light emitting from its feet accelerated into the sky. 】

"Wow, I finally escaped. This armor is really powerful!"

Seeing the steel armor flying into the sky, Peter Parker was even more excited than Tony himself. He cheered excitedly in the chat channel, while he himself had already gathered in front of the desk and started copying the armor on his phone.

Tony smiled awkwardly, accepting the high school student's compliment, and just whispered: "Such a heavy steel armor has been sprayed with so much kerosene, and now it is flying again, how long can that power last?


Just as he feared...

[Only a dozen seconds after the steel armor flew into the sky, the flames under its feet stopped spraying as if they were stuck. 】

"Sure enough, without power, such a heavy steel armor can only fall."

Looking at the armor hitting the desert on the screen, Tony secretly thought about how to modify the power of the armor after going out.


[The extremely heavy Mark 1 armor fell solidly into the desert, splashing a large handful of sand.]

Wanda: "Dead? Is Stark finally dead?"


[When the sand and dust dispersed, among the fragments of the broken armor, the weak Tony dropped his helmet, looked at the blue sky, and sighed: "Not bad!"]

When Wanda saw this, she immediately shouted: "How could this happen? He fell from such a high sky and didn't die. How is it possible?"

Strange also nodded in agreement: "It stands to reason that at such a high sky, the force of the accelerated movement of free fall should shake you into a pulp in the armor. Why is the armor broken?

You look unscathed?"

At this time, Coulson looked at Tony's body curiously: "Stark, you don't have any superpowers, do you?"

"Rolling, rolling, rolling~"

Tony cursed unhappily at the "malice" around him, "You all can't see me surviving, right? If I hadn't carried a nuclear bomb through the wormhole, you would all have died in the future."

(End of chapter)

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