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Chapter 230 The Secret of Chasing Bakitchallah Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 230 Chasing Bucky, T’Challa’s secret can no longer be kept secret

Woz continued to speak: "It sounds like the experience of our Majesty the Demon King. The original world of knights was walking according to the normal time process, but some time robbers tried to prevent it by changing the history of those legendary knights.

Our Demon King has ascended the throne, so they need to return to the timeline of those legendary knights and change the course of the world by taking away their power. This is what you call the multiverse, right?"

"Your Majesty the Demon King, ascend the throne?"

Strange looked at Woz with a question mark on his face, and then showed an expression of sudden realization: "What you just said is that when you entered the live broadcast room at the beginning, you were the king who transcended time and space in the celebration speech?"

The little spider also showed an expression of interest on his face: "The Demon King? He sounds very evil! What does he look like?"

Woz opened the "Demon Advent Calendar" in his hand, showed the image of the Demon King on the first page to everyone, and then opened the second page...

Above it is a commemorative picture of Tokiwa Shogo's first transformation.

"What? Isn't this just an honest-looking high school student who is the same age as us?" Extraordinary Peter couldn't help shouting after seeing Zhuango's appearance.

Constantine also raised his eyebrows: "Will this guy become a vicious demon king in the future?"

Wanda frowned and looked towards the place where everyone gathered, with an anxious look on her face: "What are you talking about? Can you let us take a look too!"

[Video continues]

[The news of the explosion at the International Convention Center soon reached Captain America's ears. He immediately came to the hotel room with Falcon and Sharon, and watched the video of the scene on TV. Then he also came to the vicinity of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

Had a phone call with Black Widow.]

[Natasha advised him not to be impulsive, but Captain America insisted that his friend Bucky could not do this, and decided to get involved himself to help his friend clear his suspicions. ]

[With the information given to him by Sharon, Captain America quickly arrived at Bucky’s residence. Facing this strange young man, the Winter Soldier was not prepared to listen to his advice and surrendered. 】

[But when faced with the Interpol officers who came to the door, the Winter Soldier also lost interest in talking to Captain America and rushed out of the room with his backpack on his back. ]

[The two of them worked together and quickly found a way, but just as the Winter Soldier jumped onto the rooftop of the opposite building, a man wearing a Black Panther uniform suddenly rushed out and struggled with him.

Everyone immediately looked at the Black Panther, and they did not expect that this gentle and gentle king could be so powerful in close combat.

"This is a completely different fighting style from Star-Lord T'Challa!"

Banner muttered: "I always thought that His Majesty the King would use some magical and powerful vibranium technology weapons to win."

When Wolverine heard this, he immediately showed an expression of "Are you kidding me?": "Didn't you just see the battle between me and him? This guy is obviously very powerful, okay?"

"??" Tony looked at Wolverine in confusion: "Ah? Didn't the fight between you two just end at the end? It seems to me that you didn't use any strength, right?"

Wolverine: "Shit, his vibranium can easily absorb the force of my attack. That's why it seems to you that I didn't use any force, but in fact, my claws were almost smoking."

"But~" Tony looked at T'Challa in surprise: "Even so, I still feel that T'Challa, your skills are not as abnormal as those on the screen? The Winter Soldier is also a person who has been transformed by the super soldier serum.

, during the last live broadcast, Steve Rogers of the American team was no match for him, but in the current video, you can actually beat him, which is too..."

T'Challa smiled and said nothing. Indeed, although he had been practicing fighting hard on weekdays, it was not realistic for the time being to fight the super soldiers.

The reason is probably that my future self has swallowed the heart-shaped grass!

But it was impossible for T'Challa to tell them about this, so he just said nonsense: "Maybe it's because of anger, and the advantages of my vibranium suit make up for the difference between us."

Tony and the others thought about it, and they did think it was possible. After all, Captain America had done so many incredible things with just a little bit of vibranium shield in that round, so wearing a pure vibranium suit was too much.

How powerful it is, no one knows.

[Facing the pursuit of the Black Panther, the Winter Soldier had no intention of fighting. In order to protect his friends, Captain America also followed the Black Panther's figure and chased him. 】

[The three of them staged a wonderful chase scene in the tunnel. From this battle, Captain America also felt the power of the Black Panther up close. 】

Seeing the Black Panther running farther and farther away from Captain America on the screen, everyone once again cast suspicious eyes on the Black Panther.

And T'Challa couldn't help but cover his face in embarrassment. For the first time, he felt that it was so difficult to hide something.

Strange asked with a puzzled expression: "So, are you sure you haven't been transformed by the super soldier serum?"

"No!" T'Challa still vetoed everyone's speculation: "We just accepted the blessing of the Leopard God Buster."

While everyone was still doubtful, Little Spider, who had experienced the final battle, helped Black Panther out and said: "Actually, it's nothing. His Majesty T'Challa is already very strong. I've heard rumors before that they

It seems that the imperial descendant has some medicine that can enhance his strength, and the suit on His Majesty T'Challa is also quite famous. I remember that his suit could absorb kinetic energy and then release it violently, just like the human body.

He's like a bomb, the more team fights he has, the more powerful he is."

Tony's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this: "Hey, this is really a genius idea. Vibranium can absorb kinetic energy. If this kinetic energy is absorbed, stored and then released, it can become an unexpected means of combat strike."

"However, in this case, this suit should also use nanotechnology..."

As he said that, he looked at T'Challa and asked curiously: "You have actually overcome the difficulty of this nano-suit?"

T'Challa also shrugged in surprise: "Don't look at me, at least I haven't learned such a technique yet."

[In the end, because of Black Panther's involvement, Captain America's plan to help the Winter Soldier escape also came to nothing. After Interpol arrived at the scene, Captain America, the Winter Soldier, and Falcon were also arrested. 】

[Seeing that the Winter Soldier's hands were successfully cuffed, Black Panther calmly took off his helmet, revealing T'Challa's face. ]

[The war machine that was aiming its guns at the three members of the US team suddenly screamed in surprise and looked at T'Challa in Black Panther costume in disbelief: "His Majesty the King?"]

[The scene changes. In the branch of the Joint Counter-Terrorism Organization in Berlin, Everett Ross, the deputy commander of the task force of the Joint Counter-Terrorism Center, received the temporarily detained US team and others. Under his arrangement, the Winter Soldier

He was sent to the basement for a psychological evaluation by a "professional" psychoanalyst, while the three members of the US team met with Tony and others in the room.】

[After seeing Captain America, Tony once again persuaded him to sign the agreement and settle the matter at hand, and promised him that as long as he agreed to sign the contract, he could let his public relations team solve the matter and bring them to justice.

Take him back to the United States.】

[Tony looked at Captain America and advised: "Steve, before this thing gets worse!"]

[To this end, he even took out his father’s collection, a pair of pens that had been signed by Roosevelt under the Lend-Lease Treaty, which also represented the beginning of the United States’ involvement in World War II.]

[Later, he also used his breakup with Pepper to continue to persuade Captain America.]

"Wait, Pepper and I broke up?"

Tony Stark stared blankly at the live broadcast room, and finally understood why his face turned ugly when he saw Pepper's name appearing on the speech script at the beginning, and also understood why the staff of MIT came to treat him specially.

The reason for the apology.

"Tony?" Strange glanced at his friend worriedly: "Isn't it because of your arrogant and bad temper that you made Pepper unhappy?"

Tony shook his head: "Probably not. You will understand by listening to what I say next. After I saw the danger of alien invasion, I entered a state of excitement and was constantly researching new weapons.

Running so fast that he ignored Pepper's feelings."

As he spoke, Tony suddenly drooped his shoulders: "Jesus, what's the difference between this and me now?"

Master Modu curled his lips: "I don't understand your love, but you have indeed seen less of Pepper in the past half month, especially at some business gatherings. Happy is always accompanying Pepper.

Go to the banquet. I teased Strange about this yesterday. If this continues, the third-rate media outside may spread rumors that your marriage has changed."

Deadpool heard this and interrupted: "What's the matter? In another world, Happy and Pepper were originally a couple." [2/7]

Tony: "???"

After hearing Deadpool's speech, Tony suddenly felt as if his head was a little heavier, and immediately shouted to Master Mordo in front of the screen: "Modo, please help me contact Jarvis and let him book a luxury hotel for me."

The restaurant is a private one, and I want to deepen our relationship with Little Pepper tonight."

Ten seconds later, Mordo appeared again: "Stark, Jarvis suggests that you don't choose to clear the place. It is best to have a dinner with Pepper in public to crush the rumors outside.


Strange nodded: "Indeed, if we reserve the place, Pepper will inevitably feel embarrassed. Also, if it's convenient, could you please Jarvis help me reserve a seat? I haven't had dinner with Kristen for a long time."

Wanda looked at the two of them with disgust: "What are you two doing? The live broadcast hasn't even ended yet, and you are already thinking about showing off your affection?"

(End of chapter)

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