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Chapter 232 Bucky Micro Arc Reactor Brainwashed by Zemo

Chapter 232 Bucky who was brainwashed by Zemo, the micro arc reactor, and Captain America pulling the helicopter with his bare hands

When the Winter Soldier heard this, he immediately relaxed all the muscles in his body and allowed the Widow Sting to attack his neck. Under the stimulation of the maximum power, he quickly fell to the ground, twitching and falling into a tinnitus state.

After he developed tinnitus symptoms, the pervasive voice of the system finally became fainter, and the PTSD code words set by the Soviet Hydra for him finally lost their effect.

Bucky collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. After a long time, he recovered from the sweat. Looking at the people around him who were on guard again, he finally gave them a thumbs up: "

I'm fine, guys."

Coulson motioned to Clint to help the Winter Soldier up, then looked up and down the Winter Soldier, whose hands and feet were still slightly twitching, frowned and said, "It's definitely not going to work like this. We have to find a way to completely relieve your symptoms."

But unlike the Winter Soldier's luck in the real world, on the screen at this moment...

[Amidst the furious screams of the Winter Soldier, Baron Zemo read out all the Russian words one by one. Finally, looking at the Winter Soldier who broke the glass and stood in front of him with an expressionless expression, Zemo closed the door.

He picked up his notebook and said with a serious expression: "Mission report, December 16, 1991."]

[The scene changed. Captain America finally arrived at the underground place where Bucky was imprisoned. Looking at Zemo who was lying on the ground pretending to be attacked, he unceremoniously lifted him up against the wall and asked him why.

Do this.]

[Looking at the angry Captain America, Baron Zemo also sneered: "I want to destroy an empire."]

[After the words fell, Falcon, who had just walked into the basement, was immediately attacked by the lurking Winter Soldier. Seeing that Sam was knocked down, Captain America quickly took action to stop the Winter Soldier. ]

[But after all, blackening is three times more powerful. After a while, the Winter Soldier knocked Captain America into an empty elevator, and then broke out of here without looking back. 】

[Black Widow, Black Panther, Iron Man and others also took action after seeing this, trying to stop the fleeing Winter Soldier, but whether it was Tony's portable armor gloves, the combined attack of Black Widow and Sharon, or Black Panther's fighting skills

, were unable to stop the Winter Soldier, and even Black Widow was almost strangled to death by the Winter Soldier.]

"Here, what on earth is going on in my head in this transformed form? Wouldn't it be better if I wore gloves and directly fired shock waves to delay the Winter Soldier? And actually fought him in close combat?"

Tony looked at himself in the image, frowning with disgust on his face.

"Your gloves shouldn't have any lethality, right?"

Hearing his complaint, Banner asked doubtfully: "Last time I saw you use this thing to confront Loki, Loki didn't seem to be afraid of your gloves at all?"

"Please, Loki, what kind of strength is he, let alone my shock wave? I suspect that I can only impress him when I wear the entire armor and armor! But to deal with a Winter Soldier, I wear this micro arc reactor

The gloves are enough. After all, my position is not a warrior, I only need to do supporting work until the LHG team arrives, or the US team comes over."

"Under such circumstances, the electromagnetic pulse and flash of the armor gloves are enough to be used! Unfortunately, my variant chose to fight head-on with a super soldier in close combat, and then screamed after dismantling his pistol.

Shaking his head... crazy, must be crazy."

[After getting rid of the pursuers, Winter Soldier Bucky also immediately came to the rooftop, got into a helicopter, started the helicopter and prepared to leave. 】

[But when Captain America rushed to the rooftop and saw Bucky preparing to leave, he immediately jumped and grabbed the landing gear of the helicopter. He knew that if Bucky really escaped, his last chance to clear his innocence would be gone.

[When thinking of this, Captain America worked harder to prevent Bucky from leaving.]

[The helicopter slowly moved towards the edge, and Captain America Steve Rogers also dragged the helicopter closer and closer to the edge of the rooftop. Seeing the helicopter that was about to fly away, Captain America was heartbroken.

, holding the plane with one hand, and holding the protective frame on the edge of the rooftop with the other hand.]


[Amidst Captain America’s silent shouts, the helicopter with huge power was actually dragged down by him.]

“Huge gift crab special~”

Jonathan looked at "himself" angrily dragging the plane on the screen, his mouth wide open with disbelief on his face: "You call this guy an ordinary human being?"

Ben punched his fist with admiration and said with emotion: "This guy's strength is almost as strong as mine."

Batman was also dumbfounded as he looked at the mighty Captain America, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Is this what humans can do? I thought only Superman could pull a helicopter like this!"

Diana also shook her head: "This is almost as powerful as a demigod, but they say that such a person is still a simple human being?"

Raven also looked at Hank, who was grinning from ear to ear, and asked, "Can you do what he does? Hold the plane with both hands?"

Hank struggled for a while. Although he felt that he could not lose face in front of his sweetheart, the moral bottom line in his heart still made him decide to tell the truth: "If it were me, I might be able to do it with both hands and feet."

"Really?" Magneto looked at Hank with a narrow look on his face when he heard this: "Let's try it if we have a chance?"

Hank suddenly cursed in his mind: ...WDNMD, can’t you understand human language? I said ‘maybe’, ‘maybe’, do you understand?

In the live broadcast room, Constantine was holding a tobacco leaf like a dull koala. After a long silence, he silently walked to Steve Rogers, stretched out his hand and squeezed his thick arm, and then looked solemnly in the eyes of Captain America's strange disgust.

gave a thumbs up: "Man, you are so manly!"

[The Winter Soldier looked through the porthole at Captain America, who was clinging to the plane. The expression on his face gradually became ferocious, and then he shook the joystick hard and crashed the plane towards Captain America. 】

[Captain America, who has developed senses, also noticed something strange about the plane at this time, and immediately rushed back to the rooftop with a swoop, struggling to avoid the stranglehold of the helicopter's tail. 】

[But just when he was about to step forward to check whether Bucky was awake or unconscious, a mechanical arm suddenly broke the glass and pinched his throat. ]

[Captain America, whose neck was strangled, quickly began to struggle. As he twisted, the two of them fell into the water below along with the plane. 】

[The scene turned to Baron Zemo in the waiting hall of the airport, expressionless as he listened to the voice message sent to him by his wife on the phone. At this moment, a news broadcast sounded on the TV. 】

[Zemo learned from the news that the Winter Soldier and Captain America disappeared together, and this made him speed up immediately, and he boarded the plane to Moscow with his backpack on his back. 】

[At the same time, in a warehouse of a certain factory, Bucky, who was soaked to the skin, finally woke up, but when he was about to get up, he was shocked to find that his metal arm was stuck by the machine. 】

(End of chapter)

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