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Chapter 249 Confrontation with the Green Goblin

Chapter 249 Confrontation with the Green Goblin

"Stupid? I think your use of this word to describe her really tarnishes the word!"

Venom snorted: "You're good for nothing. She only screams when something happens. She jumped around repeatedly during her relationship with Peter. To be honest, compared to Eddie's ex-girlfriend, this Mary Jane is much more scumbag, but there are some

Maybe it’s because the people in your country are so…chaotic?”

"Ahem, we won't take the blame!"

Several "good men" in the live broadcast room immediately waved their hands, and Strange immediately retorted: "You just saw that I destroyed the universe for Christine."

Reed Richards also hurriedly promised: "I have only liked my girlfriend since college!"

Tony also raised his hand to prove his innocence: "Although I lived a wild life in the past, since I got together with Pepper, I have never indulged in sex!"

Little Spider touched his nose: "But my girlfriend is also named MJ, but she is not as bad as Venom said. You have also seen her in my spoiler images. She is very smart.

And very brave too!”

Strange curled his lips noncommittally: "Indeed, it's really good that this little girl can actually stand up to me in the future for you! But this MJ is not the other MJ, and you can't confuse the two of them. You can only

It’s just the same microcosm of different worlds.”

[Now that he knew that the newspaper was offering a bounty for Spider-Man’s photos, Peter took a few classic shots of himself punishing evil and promoting good. Naturally, he also received a reward of 300 US dollars from the newspaper owner. Although it was not much, it was at least

I can support myself temporarily.】

[However, he also discovered that the newspaper owner did not seem to like him and always used some stigmatizing names on the front page to discredit him.]

[At the same time, in the building of the Osborne Group, just as Norman Osborne was congratulating all the directors present on their company’s increasing orders, he heard about the board’s decision to sell the company, and also learned that

They decided to expel themselves from the board of directors after the carnival.]

[Norman was very angry about this, so he caused a havoc at the carnival, killing countless people at the scene. 】

[And coincidentally, Peter was also attending the carnival at this moment. Just when he saw the scene of Harry and Mary Jane being "intimate" through the camera, the Green Goblin finally appeared. 】

[He caused great chaos at the scene and killed all the members of the board of directors. Just as he continued to prepare frantically to hurt Mary Jane, Peter finally appeared as Spider-Man and kicked the Green Goblin away. 】

[The two landed on the ground and started a big battle, but the Green Goblin was so powerful that he easily caught Peter's fist and kicked him away more than ten meters away. ]


The new Peter opened his mouth wide: "How can Uncle Norman be so strong after becoming the Green Goblin?"

Bruce Banner also had a solemn look on his face: "No wonder in No Homecoming, no matter how Little Spider attacks the Green Goblin, he can't cause much damage to him. It turns out that it's not that Little Spider is too weak, but because No.

Man Osborn is too strong!”

Falcon also analyzed: "From my perspective, whether it is the battle between the Extraordinary Peter and the New Peter in the spoiler video or the skills displayed in our live broadcast room, it seems that the New Peter is more powerful, that is,

It can be said that New Peter is actually the strongest among the three Spider-Man, but even the strongest New Peter will be beaten away when facing the Green Devil... Jesus, what kind of human body is he?

I’m a little envious of the boosting serum.”

Banner nodded: "Anyway, his human body-enhancing potion should be more powerful than the potion I studied back then. This can be seen from the strength of his negative personality in the later period. After all, these kinds of potions have more side effects.

The stronger, the stronger the effect.”

"Guys, what does Captain America say?" Scott started talking again at this time: "I feel that looking at Captain America's experience, in addition to having big flaws in Bucky, he also had other problems at other times.

It’s okay!”

Reed: "You are right. Not only Steve, but also Captain Carter. After she was injected with the super soldier serum, there were no side effects. Are you two the chosen ones?"

Captain America shrugged: "Actually, there is Coulson. He didn't have any abnormalities after being injected with the medicine. Why did you ignore him?"

"That's different!" Tony retorted: "After all, the medicine Coulson injected has been systematically improved, and the negative effects must have been eliminated."

In the Batcave, Wonder Woman looked at Batman, frowned and asked: "Listening to the discussion of these guys in the live broadcast room, it seems that the military in various human worlds are studying this 'super soldier' ​​potion? Ours

What about the world? I remember that during World War II, humans were studying mustard gas. Is it the same as this?"

Batman shook his head, turned on the computer, pulled up a monitor, showed one of the masked faces to Diana, and told her: "I haven't seen the Super Soldier Serum, but I did work with someone who kept giving it

The guy who injected himself with poison in exchange for strength has fought."

Charles returned to the room consciously at this time, looked at the beast Hank beside him, and asked: "Hank, if you were the one doing the research, could you develop a potion like the one on the screen? One with no side effects.


Hank was stunned for a moment, carefully considering all the feasibility in his brain, then shook his head and replied: "I don't know, what I have been studying is..."

He glanced at the three people present in embarrassment, and after struggling for a while, he confessed truthfully: "Actually, the medicine I have been researching recently is how to suppress the mutant genes in us."

Magneto suddenly looked at him with a question mark on his face and asked in confusion: "Why do you want to study this?"

Hank took a long breath, looked into Raven's eyes, and replied seriously: "I don't want us to hide ourselves all the time. I don't want to feel like I'm a monster all the time. At least I want my feet to be like normal people."

Same, instead of giving me four hands!"

"Please, how many times have I said this, Hank, the power in our body and the changes in us are gifts from God. We are the pioneers on the road of human evolution. Why do you have to choose to suppress your talents?


Magneto stood up speechlessly, walked around the room, and said with an irony: "Charles, look, just because you always promote these ideas of hiding yourself, even Hank has been affected by you.

, it became like this!”

Charles was silent. After sighing, he also persuaded Hank. Even the people closest to him misunderstood the doctrine he had been promoting and went astray. He suddenly felt that this was a bit too outrageous...

[Facing the Green Goblin who was stronger than him, Peter quickly figured out a way to deal with it. He took advantage of the fact that the Green Goblin was temporarily unable to see because he had covered his mask with spider silk, and used his strength to target the glider under his feet.

With one punch, he pulled out some of its parts and forced the Green Goblin back.】

[Watching the Green Goblin go away, Peter immediately pounced on Mary Jane who fell from the tall building, and then, amid the flashes of reporters, he held her and flew away into the distance. ]

(End of chapter)

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