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Chapter 252: Peter's Identity Exposed Osborne Slams Harry

Chapter 252 Peter’s identity is exposed, Osborne scolds Harry

People who had experienced the early live broadcasts suddenly remembered the rewards obtained by Extraordinary Peter, and were stunned.

Bruce Banner also exhaled slowly: "It seems that the rewards the system gave us at the beginning seemed to meet our needs!"

"Loki's eternal gun, my transformation control ability, Coulson's super soldier serum, the extraordinary Peter's time regression cube..."

Banner pursed his lips: "It seems that everyone is getting what is best for themselves."

Loki chuckled: "I think if you keep saying that, Black Braised Egg might cry!"

Tony and others couldn't help but grin: "There's no way, who's going to let him be evil!"

Captain America has not expressed an opinion, but silently waited for everyone to finally end this topic before finally speaking: "Actually, there is no need for us to worry about whether the new Peter's girlfriend really loves him, because everyone has his own life.

You feel that Mary Jane does not really love him, but you are neither the new Peter nor Mary, so how can you know what their client is thinking."

"So I think it's better to leave this matter to Peter and the others to deal with it themselves. There is no need to step on her. Gwen is indeed excellent, but if the extraordinary Peter cannot protect her and let the tragedy happen again, then we still have to

Can we say that they are a good match?"

Captain America's words made the live broadcast room a little quieter, but it could also be seen that everyone was not interested in his words, especially Tony, who snorted softly.

"Anyway, in my opinion, it is not suitable for the new Peter to be with this Mary Jane. No matter who you are with, I am willing to help you send flowers and blessings, but this pair..."

Tony shook his head: "It's better if I don't say more!"

[Life goes on. One day, a fire broke out in an apartment in New York. Amidst the sound of the fire truck's alarm, Spider-Man descended from the sky and saved a child in the burning apartment. But just as Peter handed the child to

When the mother was talking, the police rushed over and announced that Spider-Man was going to be arrested.]

[But at this moment, a woman’s scream sounded again in the building. Facing the possible wounded, the police could only wave their hands and let Spider-Man go to rescue them. 】

[But when Spider-Man rushed into the fire scene again and found the trapped "woman", he was attacked. 】

[It turns out that this person is actually the Green Goblin in disguise.]

[Seeing that Peter had been fooled, the Green Goblin immediately threw pumpkin grenades and spinning knives at him. Even though Peter had a spider sense, in this dangerous environment where he was surrounded by flames 360 degrees, the spider sense was greatly affected.

Even though he was weakened, his left arm was accidentally cut by the blade of a flying knife during the dodge.】

[The injured Peter finally unleashed his powerful combat power, kicked the Green Goblin away, and then left here. After all, there were no more trapped people here, so Peter was too lazy to tangle with the Green Goblin. 】

[The scene changes to the house where Harry and Peter live. Aunt May is preparing the Thanksgiving turkey. Harry and Mary Jane are also waiting aside with nervous expressions.]

[At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang, and Norman Osborne came to the house holding a piece of fruit cake. ]

[After Harry’s introduction, Norman finally found out that it was Mary Jane who had been in love with his son, but he didn’t care. Instead, he asked Peter: “Isn’t he back yet?”]

[But as soon as he finished speaking, Peter, still wearing the Spider-Man suit, fell upstairs, and the sound of landing also attracted everyone downstairs to go upstairs to check.]

[Seeing this scene, Peter could only jump to the ceiling immediately, relying on the stickiness of his body to stick to the ceiling firmly. 】

But at this moment, the picture is still.

[The current video is paused and the Q&A begins]

[Question: Next, how did Norman Osborn realize that Peter Parker was Spider-Man?]

[A: The wound on Peter Parker’s left arm stuck to the ceiling was dripping with blood, which was sensed by the Green Goblin, causing him to look up and see Peter. 】

【B: Peter showed the wound on his left arm while eating.】

[C: Peter suddenly lost his super powers and fell from the ceiling. 】

[D: I learned from my son Harry’s story that Peter was the one who took pictures of Spider-Man, and guessed his true identity]

[Please start answering. Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 200 live broadcast points and immediate rewards. 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger unknown punishment.]

When the Ghost Rider heard the voice of the system, he immediately shouted: "Let me do it, let me do it, let me answer this question. I still owe the system 100 points. If I can't get these 100 points today, I will be kicked out."

Kicked out of the live broadcast room!"

Everyone: "..."

Tony yawned and smacked his lips: "Okay, come on, we are really tired anyway!"

But Johnny looked at the question carefully, and finally gritted his teeth and said awkwardly: "...But I think these four answers seem to make sense! Which one do you think will be the correct answer?"

Everyone was speechless again, and Strange patted his forehead helplessly: "You don't even know the answer yet but you still have to answer it? Forget it... we are too lazy to complain about you anymore. I think C and D can be eliminated first.

After all, the disappearance of Spider-Man's superpowers doesn't sound very reliable. In addition, there were too many photographer positions in 2002, so it is certainly not possible for Norman to guess that Peter was the one who took the photos of Spider-Man.

High! After all, I don’t think the owner of the Daily Bugle would write ‘photo by Peter Parker’ on the photo.”

Reed Richards continued: "As for A, I don't think Peter would be so stupid as to wait for the blood to drip on its own and alert Norman Osborn. He would definitely catch it before the blood drips.


"So, you mean the answer is B? But is that too hasty? After all, the description is a bit short!"

Johnny looked at the screen suspiciously.

"Look, if you don't believe it after I've analyzed it for you, then why do you want us to analyze it for you?"

Tony waved his hand in disgust: "If you don't want to answer the question, I will choose it!"

Johnny immediately waved his hands: "No, no, no, no, I'll answer, system, I choose B."

[Ding~ Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze has finished answering, and the system begins to determine...]

[Ding~ Johnny Blaze answered correctly.]

[Get 200 live broadcast points, which can be used to watch past and future clips related to you on demand. 】

[Get random rewards... enslave the devil]

[Slave Demons: You can instill your will into your demonic enemies. The duration is determined based on the user's own mental strength, at least 1S. 】

Slave...the devil?

Johnny listened to the sound of the system and suddenly showed the ecstasy of finding a treasure. He clenched his fists with excitement and cheered!

In his opinion, in this way, he finally had the power to resist when facing that damn demon Mephisto.

[Video continues to play]

[Aunt May and others thought Peter was back, and immediately rushed upstairs to check, but apart from the mess all over the floor, there was no sign of Peter at all. ]

[This made everyone shake their heads in disappointment and walk downstairs. Only Norman Osborne slowly turned around and walked at the end. 】

[But at this moment, a drop of blood from the wound on Peter’s left arm suddenly dripped onto the ground. 】

[Even the faint sound of blood dripping onto the ground still caught the alert of Norman, who had been strengthened by the potion. He turned to look at the ground and immediately saw the drop of bright red. 】

[After discovering blood stains, Norman immediately checked the ceiling above his head and the open window, but because Peter hid in advance, Norman did not find Peter's figure.]

[But even so, when Peter changed clothes and came back from the outside, when he took off his suit, the blood from the wound on his left arm still penetrated the shirt, and Norman Osborn raised the knife to prepare to carve the turkey.


[Even though Peter made up a ridiculous reason, when Norman saw the wound, he was still stunned on the spot and looked at Peter with incredible eyes.]

[He really didn’t expect that his son’s best friend in front of him was actually Spider-Man who had been against him! 】

[The shocked Norman stood up immediately, put on his suit in despair, and left here.]

[Seeing his father's weird behavior, Harry immediately chased him out. He tried to persuade his father to stay. After all, today was Thanksgiving, and he also wanted to introduce his girlfriend to his father. ]

[But Norman, who was completely focused on Spider-Man, sneered at Mary Jane. He loudly rebuked his son outside the door: "Harry, please see clearly, do you think she is with you because she likes you?"

Character? Your mother is also very beautiful, they are all beautiful, until they smell the money in your trust fund, they immediately turn into a jackal and pounce on you!"]

[Speaking, Norman Osborne walked into the elevator, looked at his unhappy son and continued: "I'm going to give you a piece of advice, stupid, how should you treat your girlfriend, get rid of her as soon as you get her!"

"Ah... although Mary Jane may not be very good, is it a bit too much for Uncle Norman to say this?"

Extraordinary Peter touched his face: "I think he was a little too rude."

"Is that rude?"

Batman also spoke slowly at this time: "He just said it too bluntly!"

Tony took a long breath and said at this time: "Although I have endured it for a long time, you also know that my character is actually unable to hold back my words. I feel that there is nothing wrong with what Norman said. You may not know that every time we go to participate

At parties, you will always meet some girls who want to achieve success in one go, and they will always try their best to do ridiculous things to get close to you."

"Of course, for some pretty girls, we will choose to make fun of them."

"But if we want to consider marrying them home, or letting our sons marry them... emmm, what should I say, I won't agree to it anyway!"

(End of chapter)

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