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Chapter 291 Brothers and sisters who joined hands with Ultron, my son, you will be my father

Chapter 291 The brother and sister who joined forces with Ultron, my son, you broke my father’s heart.

[Quicksilver Pietro stepped forward at this time: "But no one wants to destroy them."]

[This surprised Ultron. It floated in front of the Quicksilver brothers and sisters in confusion. In his opinion, the Quicksilver brothers and sisters clearly had such a big hatred against Stark, so why did they give such an answer? ]

[After listening to Quicksilver’s story, Ultron finally lamented that he finally understood why they were the only two brothers to pass Baron Strucker’s experiment.]

[Because they not only have hatred, but are actually more sensible.]

[Their enemy is only Tony Stark.]

"Hey, this Ultron talks like a philosopher!"

Cade Eagle looked at the screen in surprise: "Is this really just an ordinary artificial intelligence? This thinking is a bit scary, isn't it? Even the thoughts of ordinary humans are not as coherent as his."

"This is the power of the infinite gems!" Peter the Extraordinary shook his head and sighed: "But I don't know if there are infinite gems in my world. Just give me one. I want the time gem... No, the space gem will also work.

That portal can save me a lot of time."

Master Modu snorted: "Young man, you are thinking too much. Don't forget that the appearance of every infinite stone is accompanied by bloodshed. If you are lucky enough to get one, you are already very lucky. Do you still want to choose?


Extraordinary Peter scratched his head in embarrassment: "Isn't that just a dream..."

Casillas also laughed: "Then your dream is a bit outrageous..."

[Video continues]

[The next day, the Avengers who were retrieving information about Ultron also received news about robot armies attacking certain places. They also saw photos of the imprisoned Baron Strucker being shot, and looked at the screen with blood painted on the wall.

The words on everyone’s faces showed a slightly unhappy expression.]

[Black Widow also suggested that Straker must know something they don’t know.]

[Following this possibility, everyone immediately started searching with a heavy amount of information. Finally, in a piece of information, Tony found a familiar person, Ulysses Crow, and the strange tile about his neck.

Tattoos of Kanda Culture.]

[That is a tattoo that represents "thief". 】

[Tony immediately looked at Captain America: "If that guy left Wakanda with the goods..."]

[Captain America also responded angrily: "I remember your father said that he bought out all the goods there!"]

[The Avengers immediately searched for Crowe's whereabouts and decided to go there to capture Ultron. At the same time, Ultron had already taken the first step and found Crowe, and bought Crowe under its control of virtual currency.

After holding the vibranium in its hand, it proudly spoke out its words in the cabin again.】

[“I often say, ‘Make your friends and enemies rich, and you will see who is your real friend in the end.’”]

[But after hearing its words, Crowe couldn't help being stunned for a moment, slowly turned his head, looked at the Ultron and Quicksilver brothers and sisters, and said softly: "Stark!"]

[This made the three Ultrons very confused, and Crowe also explained: "Tony Stark often says this, I think you should be his!"]

[Such an answer made Ultron suddenly become angry. While arguing that it had nothing to do with Stark, it cut off Crowe's arm, and then kicked him away while he screamed.


["Don't mention Stark in front of me, he is a pain in my heart, Stark makes me feel sick!"]

["Oh, my son, what you say really breaks my father's heart~"]

[While Ultron was still scolding Stark, Tony Stark's voice suddenly rang in the cabin. The Avengers had also arrived at the moment and landed in the corridor opposite them.

[Brothers Ultron and Quicksilver faced off against the three giants of the Women's Federation. After a brief quarrel, a war between the two sides was about to break out. 】

Star-Lord: "So this Ultron actually inherited Tony Stark's will, right?"

Woz nodded: "In fact, at this point, it should be proven that this Ultron should be Stark's evil clone!"

Tony: "..."

Thanos sneered: "It's really interesting. It turns out that Tony Stark, you and I are the same kind of people. We all want to destroy our home planet to establish peace in the universe. That's it!"

"You fart!"

Tony couldn't sit still when he heard Thanos's ridicule, and shouted angrily at him: "Who is the same kind of scum like you? At least I won't kill half of the people on my home planet just because of resource issues.

And it caused killings in the universe. What's more, this robot was finally stopped by us and did not realize its evil conspiracy. Not to mention that the evil thoughts in its mind did not come from me at all. Those Hydras also had


"Ah, sophistry!" Thanos continued to taunt: "Then it seems that you are worse than me. After all, do you dare to do it or not?"

Tony immediately became angry: "I'm damn... I've got the guts. Tell me your coordinates. See if I can beat you to death when I go out later!"

[Seeing the war between the two sides, countless mercenaries and small robots also rushed out and launched attacks on Captain America and Thor. However, their attacks did not pose any threat to the two of them. Instead, they could move at high speed.

Quicksilver punched Captain America hard.]

[But when Quicksilver, who was running very fast, saw Thor's hammer flying over, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand out of curiosity to grab it. However, he didn't know how powerful the hammer was, and instead he was knocked into the cabin by the hammer.

[Wanda slowly retreated into the shadows. After watching Thor and Captain America unleash their might, Ultron switched to one of his clone robots and reminded Wanda: "It's time to play some mind games!


The screen paused at the robot's red eyes.

[The current video is paused and the Q&A begins]

[Question: Next, when Wanda confuses everyone’s minds, who escapes her magic?]

[A:Hulk Bruce Banner.]

【B:Thor Odinson.】

[C:American Captain Steve Rogers.]

【D:Black Widow Natasha Romanoff.】

[E:Hawkeye Clint Barton]

[Please start answering. Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 200 live broadcast points and immediate rewards. 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger unknown punishment.]

(End of chapter)

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