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Chapter 295 The Hulk Who Destroyed the Avengers

Chapter 295: The "annihilated" Avengers and the rampaging Hulk

Everyone in the X-Men world was still discussing Wanda's mental control ability, but in the live broadcast room, the Avengers were still watching the changes on the screen carefully.

[At the same time that Thor was caught in the illusion, Captain America and the Widow Sister also fell into the illusion. Under the influence of Wanda’s telepathy, they all recalled the things they longed for most or least wanted to mention in their hearts.


[Hawkeye's call did not successfully revive their consciousness, but at the moment when they were about to fall to the edge of consciousness and were about to be lost, Wanda, who was injured by Hawkeye, covered her head and groaned in pain, and then

Finally, Black Widow and Captain America slowly regained consciousness.】

[Seeing the pain in his sister's face, Quicksilver couldn't help but want to go back and kill the Avengers, but was stopped by Wanda because there was one last link indispensable for this plan, which was to control the Hulk. ]

[In the sky, Iron Man chased Ultron all the way and beat him. Under his attack, Ultron, who had not yet evolved, was quickly knocked to the ground. But facing Iron Man's arm missile, Ultron had no fear at all, and

He replied extremely calmly: "I have been ready to slip away. Of course, you will understand what I mean, but before that, you have to let Dr. Banner recover."]

[Tony immediately felt bad after hearing this. He fired a missile and shattered Ultron's body, then flew in the direction of the Quinjet while searching for news about Hulk's real-time happenings. 】

[At the same time, Hulk's figure has also rushed into the city. Different from the usual wise Hulk, this time, Hulk's dark red bloodshot eyes are completely filled with

With a crazy look.]

[Iron Man was originally planning to seek the help of Black Widow and ask her to sing a lullaby to awaken Banner's consciousness, but Hawkeye answered him on the channel: "It is impossible for the time being. The entire team has collapsed.

You have no backup.”]

[Behind Hawkeye, Thor and Captain America were also kneeling on the ground in embarrassment, looking weak.]

[Tony, who was in steel armor, turned extremely ugly when he heard this, and finally could only grit his teeth and call out: "Call 'Veronica'"]

"The Avengers collapsed like this?"

Seeing the dejected state of everyone on the screen, Phil Coulson sighed helplessly: "In the end, only Clint was left!"


Damn it, Coulson, what does your disappointed tone mean?

Hawkeye couldn't help but clenched his fists. He suddenly realized that since Coulson became a super soldier, his words were becoming more and more exciting.


He just wanted to praise himself, but the next moment he was interrupted by Black Widow: "In fact, Clint will also be very strong in the future. As an ordinary person, he will be present in every battle you see."

After hearing Natasha's words, Hawkeye immediately stopped talking and nodded with satisfaction, but then he was mercilessly ridiculed by Wanda: "Yes, he appears in every battle, but he doesn't seem to be there.

What a great battle result!"

Kuaiyin also took over his sister's words and joked: "Referred to as bastard?"

Hawkeye: "I'm so sorry..."

In the live broadcast room, Dr. Banner sighed: "When I saw Hulk being released, I knew something was going to happen."

Captain America also crossed his arms and frowned. What he didn't expect was that he would be controlled by others and fall into an illusion...

He suddenly felt that it was so dangerous. If he encountered such a person with spiritual power in reality in the future, would he still be able to withstand their spiritual attack?

Tony shouted curiously: "What is this Veronica? Banner said before that it was the Veronica that I designed together. Could it be a space weapon?"

[Following Iron Man's call, a mechanical device suddenly popped up from the satellite launcher in space. Pushed by the rocket booster, it flew towards the earth, and then disintegrated into countless parts, past Iron Man, and flew towards

City center.】

[And there, the already crazy Hulk had already caused huge commotion and casualties. Just when he was about to cause even greater chaos, some parts of Veronica fell from the sky and turned into a cage that released lightning.

Trapped him inside.]

[But before the surrounding police officers came forward to check on Hulk’s trapped situation, the cage sank into the ground under the huge impact, and then the trapped Hulk jumped out again and continued to vent his anger. 】

[Iron Man finally landed on the ground at this time. As the ground shook violently, a huge steel armor was formed on his body. Although it looked extremely bloated, it was also filled with a violent beauty. 】

[When the last piece of armor fell from the sky and fell on his body, Iron Man also looked at Hulk in the distance, who was aroused by the police's rifles, and used the loudspeaker to wake him up.]

[But Hulk, who was already in a state of rage, would not surrender easily. He rushed towards Iron Man angrily and launched an attack. 】

[The two fought all the way, and it must be said that although the steel armor was extremely bloated, it was really effective. It easily knocked away the Hulk. It could even replace the broken left arm at will according to Tony's request, and at the same time,

Able to punch head-on with the furious Hulk.】


Tony couldn't help cheering in the live broadcast room, and pointed at the screen excitedly and said: "This is what I envisioned when I made the steel armor. It would automatically replace parts along with the battle. I didn't expect that in the future of another multiverse

Yes, I actually created something like this."

"But this thing was researched by Dr. Banner and you after all. It's not your achievement alone!"

Master Modu said with a look of disgust: "Take a good look at the armors you made in your basement. The Gundam doesn't look like Gundam, and the steel armor doesn't look like steel armor. It looks like the Q version that ordinary humans play.

The robot has such a big head!”

Tony raised his index finger inexplicably and shook it slightly: "You don't understand, I am researching a new type of steel Gundam, a Gundam that is compatible with nanotechnology and consciousness linkage. People will not necessarily have to sit in the cockpit.

, but connects with neurons through nanotechnology, enters the inside of the robot, and controls the steel Gundam with consciousness and movement."

Extraordinary Peter raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Why do I feel like this sounds familiar?"

Woz also pinched his chin: "Q version, big head, seems familiar to me... Chuangjie Mountain?"

Reed Richards: "Good guy, isn't that Ryujinmaru? Do you really think we don't have childhood?"

Tony looked at the three of them with a puzzled look, and asked in astonishment: "What are you talking about, Dragon God Pill? This is a body that I came up with on my own."

(End of chapter)

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