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Chapter 31 The End

Chapter 31 The End

[On the roof of the building, Abomination, who was running wildly while avoiding machine gun fire, turned his head from time to time to look at the helicopter that was some distance away from it. Then he suddenly made a sharp turn and rushed towards the plane where General Ross and his party were. 】

[Hulk, who was following Abomination, saw this scene, and quickly accelerated his flight, grabbing Abomination's legs before it was about to hit the plane, trying to pull it off. 】

[However, it was still a moment too late. While being pulled down, Hatred still reached out and grabbed the landing gear of the helicopter. 】

[The helicopter being towed by force was like a small boat in the sea, constantly bumping in the air. Under the plane, Hulk and Abomination were also fighting hard. ]

[One wants to settle a score with Ross, and the other wants to protect his girlfriend. 】

[No matter what method Abomination uses to attack the Hulk, the opponent is like a tarsal maggot, tightly clinging to its body.]

["I have to make an emergency landing, sir!"]

[The pilot of the aircraft could no longer maintain the balance of the aircraft and could only spin and land on the ground. This operation also severely pressed the Abomination below under the aircraft, which was used as a cushion to plow out the ground on the ground.

A deep ravine.]

[Hulk, who was the first to land, slowly climbed up, looked at the wreckage of the plane that had not exploded, and sighed softly, but just as he relaxed, the Abomination that was originally pressed under the plane jumped up again, and started again.

Rushed towards him.]

[Abomination pushed Hulk against the wall fiercely, and the bone spurs at his elbows pierced his chest. Looking at the painful expression on Hulk's face, Abomination sneered with a mocking look on his face: "You don't deserve to have this power.

, just stand here obediently and watch her die."]

[Hulk quickly stared at the words and saw that the fuel on the side of the plane was continuously flowing down, and soon covered the nearby ground. As a spark dropped from the plane, the entire fuel was ignited, and in an instant

Wrapping the entire wreckage of the plane.]

[The airwaves and fly ash of the flames drifted to Abomination and Hulk in the wind. Looking at the plane swallowed by the flames, Hulk's eyes were filled with green light, and the expression on his face became more violent. He easily reversed the situation.

He knocked Abomination to the ground with his backhand, and then looked at the raging fire that had completely enveloped the plane. Hulk took two steps forward and clapped forward with both palms.]

[The air wave generated by the slapping of the two palms was like a shock wave, which not only overturned everyone in the plane, but also completely extinguished the raging fire outside the fuselage.]

"Oh my God……"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was once again shocked by Banner's heroic performance and cursed.

Peter Parker: "How is this possible? The wind created by clapping your hands can actually blow out burning oil?"

Reed Richards: "Logically speaking, when oil substances are burning, this can be achieved by isolating the air. However, in the scene just now, there was so much fuel that was ignited. If all oil surfaces are completely isolated,

To provide air and extinguish the fire, a vacuum-like situation must be formed, and the people in the plane will also be harmed. But it can be seen that General Ross and other soldiers did not suffocate, which is very strange."

Tony Stark held his chin in thought for a while, and said with an uncertain look on his face: "Perhaps it is because Hulk released some kind of energy during the slap of his palms, so

The shock wave formed cut off oxygen?"

Reed Richards: "It's not impossible..."

Nick Fury looked at Banner's amazing performance on the screen and nodded with satisfaction, and became more determined to trick Bruce Banner into SHIELD.

"How about bringing Betty Ross into the game first?" Nick thought to himself for a while. He and Coulson had the same idea, and both saw that Bruce Banner's weakness was Betty.

Different from other people's discussions in the live broadcast room, Loki, who was far away in Asgard, looked at Hulk's figure on the screen, and remembered the scene in the first video where he was thrown around, and couldn't help but frown.

He frowned: 'There are so many humans with extraordinary powers emerging from Midgard. If I have friction with them in the future, what method should I use to suppress them?'

Loki began to think about the power he now possessed. He looked down at the gorgeous armor covering his left hand. He flicked his fingers, and a deep purple brilliance of power emerged between his fingers.

He didn't want to be like in the video, being beaten up and then being mocked as "puny god".

[Video continues to play]

[Seeing that the flames around the helicopter were extinguished, before Hulk had time to relax, Abomination, who had climbed up again behind him, used a meteor hammer made of a large stone tied to an iron chain to sneak attack and knock him down. 】

[Without looking at the Hulk who was beaten to the ground, he looked at General Ross who climbed out of the plane with his daughter in disgust. He sneered and waved two meteor hammers made of iron chains and stones, and launched an attack on General Ross.

: "General, do you have any last words?"]

[After making a disdainful mocking sound, Abomination spun and accelerated the chain in his hand again, preparing to deliver a fatal blow to the Ross father and daughter.]

[Seeing this, Hulk quickly struggled to get up, yelled: "Hulk attacks!" and then punched the ground with both fists.]

[As he smashed his fists into the ground, a strong shock wave rushed from the ground to the hatred not far away. Wherever it passed, even the ground opened a huge crack. 】

[The crack rushed all the way towards Abomination, causing its feet that were originally about to smash the meteor hammer down to fall into the air, and its right foot sank directly into the crack. The chain that spun and accelerated also came out, and was thrown into the sky by Abomination. Not only did it not hit Ross,

The general hit it on the head instead, making it dizzy.】

[The opportunity was not to be missed. Seeing that Abomination was smashed by itself, Hulk seized the opportunity and leaped to its side in a few steps. He grabbed the chain on the ground and locked Abomination's throat. No matter how it resisted, it would die.

Hold the chain tightly and don’t let go.]

[Soon, the originally arrogant hatred was choked by Hulk, and the strength of his struggle became weaker and weaker, and he even started to roll his eyes. 】

[But just when Hulk was about to strangle Abomination in one go and avoid future troubles forever, a familiar voice rang out, interrupting his movements: "Stop!"]

[It’s Betty’s voice.]

[Hulk's brain filled with murderous intent hesitated for a moment after hearing this voice, and then he recovered. When he looked at Betty, his eyes finally saw the surrounding situation. 】

[Although the troops called by General Ross arrived late, they have already controlled the situation nearby. Police teams in black uniforms also came to the scene, raising their weapons and aiming at Hulk. ]

[Looking at everything around him, Hulk loosened his hands that were tightening the iron chain. After roaring to show his great strength, he kicked the already extremely weak Abomination to the feet of General Ross. 】

[Unfortunately, the new helicopter has already arrived at the scene. Under the illumination of the searchlight, the Hulk transformed by Bruce Banner said a simple goodbye to Betty and leaped away from the scene. 】

Seeing the Hulk fleeing the scene while avoiding the light, everyone in the live broadcast room sighed.

Tony Stark also put his arm around Banner's shoulders and patted him to express comfort.

Wanda Maximoff: "The matter has been resolved, Banner, why did the Hulk you transformed into leave like this? Shouldn't you be living happily with Sister Betty?"

Strange: "The idea is good, but it's a pity that after this incident, the two people who love each other can't be together after all. If it causes such a large-scale battle in New York, even if General Ross shows favoritism, the rest of the military probably won't be able to tolerate it."


Peter Parker: "How is that possible? Dr. Banner just eliminated such a big villain as Abomination. The military should be grateful to him."

Loki Odinson: "Thank you? Mortal, you are so naive!"

Loki sneered and continued: "Mortals like to fight. If I were the leader of your military, and there was such a powerful person on my territory, I would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.

Yes, if I can’t completely control him, then I will definitely put him to death.”

"Once Banner stays, he will be surrounded by the army. Then all his close people, including his girlfriend, will be noticed or monitored by the army leaders, and they will even be provoked and ostracized. Over time, they will also

There will definitely be new attacks and retaliation. In this case, Betty will be harmed instead."

Peter understood after hearing this, and nodded belatedly: "That's why Dr. Banner chose to leave, just to protect the safety of his girlfriend."

Tony turned to Coulson at this time, raised his head and said: "The next step should be your business. Banner will stand on a united front with everyone in the future. I saw that you were in my future, and you were so bullshit."

Come on, why are you silent now?"

Coulson narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed, which made Tony stunned: "So, Dr. Banner, are you willing to join us? Seriously, we can settle everything in the military."

Bruce Banner looked at Coulson's invitation, hesitated for a while and shook his head: "I think it's better to wait first. The system just gave me the ability to control the Hulk. I want to test whether I can calm down first."

Let’s live our lives.”

Regarding Banner's rejection, Coulson did not continue to pester, but handed over a business card and showed a mysterious smile: "Okay, Dr. Banner, we respect your choice, this is my business card

, if something unexpected happens, you can contact me.”


Listening to Coulson's words, Banner's heart trembled for no reason, but he still accepted his business card, but a thought came to his mind.

I'll move when I get back!

(End of chapter)

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