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Chapter 33 The Future Changed by Live Streaming

Chapter 33 The future changed due to live broadcast

In the empty abandoned factory, Colson's figure appeared again.

Melinda May, the cavalryman who had been waiting for a long time, quickly came over and asked with a smile: "How does it feel to be chosen by a mysterious force?"

Although she did not enter the live broadcast room, there was a small screen where she could see future spoilers.

After being injected with the super soldier serum, Coulson, who was taller than before, smiled calmly: "Great, I feel full of power now... huh?"

Halfway through the words, Colson's expression suddenly changed and he looked at a corner of the factory: "There is someone!"

"Huh? It's impossible. I sent the special forces back after you left. There won't be..." Just when Mei was surprised, she saw the strange-shaped Rubik's Cube in Colson's right hand turning and facing him.

A bolt of thunder and lightning as thick as the mouth of a bowl shot out where he was looking.

The thunder and lightning passed in a flash, followed by a muffled groan, and a figure wearing a special forces uniform collapsed from behind the pillar and fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Coulson and May quickly took out their guns and rushed over.

But soon, the two of them discovered that the special forces member who was still groaning and twitching was now completely motionless, and there was even a pungent smell emanating from his body.

"Potassium cyanide!"

The two of them were not unfamiliar with this poison at all, but they slowly frowned as they looked at the dead special forces member.

This guy obviously seems to be an undercover agent in the bureau, but which force sent him here?

Without enough time to think about it, the two of them soon received a message from Fury asking them to return to the bureau immediately and left the factory.

"Hey, man, do you know you disappeared and I searched for it for more than half an hour. I almost demolished the plane, but when you showed up, you punched me in the face."

Inside the plane, Rhodes, who had a nosebleed on his shirt, covered his nose with a towel, lay on his back on the sofa, and complained to Tony beside him. Although he drank a little too much today, after hearing that Tony disappeared

After nearly three hours, he, who was still drunk, was suddenly awakened by fright, and immediately led people to search the entire plane.

The scene where Tony was pointed at a gun just now appeared.

Rhodes, who was holding his nose, suddenly sat upright when he thought of this. He looked at Tony who looked embarrassed and asked curiously: "But seriously, what happened just now? How could your speed..."

He gestured: "Even the best in the Marine Corps don't have the reaction ability you just had! Did you invent something new?"

Tony shook his head and said in a cryptic tone: "Business secrets, no comment at the moment."

Rhodes smiled helplessly after hearing this: "This is really not in line with the style of a bastard like you. I thought you couldn't hold back your words."

As he said that, he suddenly noticed that Tony's expression was a little forlorn, and he gradually stopped smiling: "I feel something is different after you disappeared for a few hours."


Tony looked at the white clouds passing by outside the window, resting his chin on his right hand and lost in thought.

The plane arrived in Afghanistan not long after, and before Rhodes could catch up on the jet lag, he received an order from his superiors to take Tony Stark to demonstrate new weapons to the military.

Just like in the video played before, Tony's Jericho missile made all the military generals present very satisfied, but what made them a little strange was that Tony Stark, who was usually like a greedy blood-sucking leech, this

This time, uncharacteristically, they didn't kill him, but just sold the Jericho missiles they brought over to the military.

Rhodes tried several times to remind Tony of the price, but because there were too many senior officers around Tony, he as a lieutenant colonel simply couldn't get in and had to give up.

It wasn't until after the weapon demonstration that Rhodes finally found an opportunity to get close to Stark, who was getting into the jeep and preparing to leave: "Tony, today's demonstration was indeed a success. I don't think you..."

"Rod, I'm tired. There are some things we can talk about when we get back. Besides, we can't take you in this car today."

Tony wore sunglasses and looked like he was on vacation in Hawaii. He gestured to the senior officers behind him: "By the way, don't blame me for not reminding you. Those Jericho missiles are the only inventory we have. If you want

, it’s better to grab a batch from them.”

Rhodes looked at the uninterested look on his friend's face and nodded slowly after hesitating for a long time: "Okay, then we'll see you at the base."

Tony nodded noncommittally and slowly rolled up the window.

The convoy formed a long queue and headed towards the base. In the car, Tony was more active than in the image. Especially when faced with the three soldiers in the car who sacrificed their lives to protect themselves, Tony did not hesitate to say goodbye to them.

Took a group photo.

And at the moment when the shutter was pressed, the enemy's attack came as promised. With a loud bang, the pickup truck in front was hit by a bomb.

"Enemy attack, Jimmy, protect Mr. Stark... huh? Sir, you..."

The two officers in front, a man and a woman, were about to rush out of the car with their weapons in hand, when they suddenly found that their shoulders were held down by Tony's hands.

"Stay in the car!"

After saying these words, Tony opened the door calmly and looked at the overwhelming bullets and shells. He slowly took off his sunglasses, and his eyes filled with endless excitement and fighting spirit.

"bring it on!"

A loud shout sounded, and gray-white threads appeared around Tony. Along with the sound of steel colliding, an 18-meter-tall gray-white Mobile Suit Gundam appeared in the endless wilderness.

"By God, what is that?"

"When did that thing come out? Am I hallucinating?"

The militants who were holding weapons and firing in the distance looked at the giant that suddenly appeared. They all stayed at the scene in a daze, and for a moment they even forgot to continue attacking.

This picture is a bit too shocking to the eye.

Not only were the militants stunned, but even the American troops who were fighting back were startled when they saw such a large robot appearing next to them, and they pointed their guns at it.

"Hey guys, don't be nervous, I'm Tony Stark."

Tony's body appeared in the cockpit on the chest of the Freedom Gundam. Looking at the optical imager that had been activated and projected the outside scene on the screen in front of him, he pressed the activation button of the phase transfer armor.

The sound of the engine starting sounded, the color of the original gray Gundam body began to change, and the huge wings that were originally closed behind him also spread out suddenly, like a ten-winged angel descending from the earth.

"Is this an angel?"

Jimmy in the car looked at the Freedom Gundam that spread its wings and sprayed flames into the sky, his eyes murmured in ecstasy.

Tony was flying the Gundam suspended in the sky. While binding the Gundam, the system had also transferred all the abilities and knowledge of driving the Gundam into his mind, so at this moment, he could operate the Gundam as easily as operating an ordinary computer.

The camera of the Freedom Gundam automatically captured the dull and frightened militants behind the slope, and enlarged their expressions and projected them on the screen.

Looking at their familiar clothes, Tony slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes once again turned into bright rainbow colors.

"This time it's my turn!"

The Sirius laser rifle was raised, and a green laser shot out from the muzzle. With the ability of seed, the strength of the Freedom Gundam was perfectly brought into play.

The slender laser accurately hit the militant's side, and the powerful energy exploded into a violent explosion that was completely unequal to the laser. The powerful air wave set off a mighty sandstorm.

When the sandstorm dissipated, the small earth slope where the militants originally used to hide and ambush was blown away, leaving only a huge deep pit with black smoke rising in place.

"Fuck Fuck~ What is this?"

In the distance, the American military officers who had been watching the battle on the channel since the appearance of the Gundam saw the huge damage caused by a casual attack of the Freedom Gundam. They all shouted swear words in excitement. Countless people asked the soldiers on the scene what happened in the communication channel.

Well, where did that huge body come from?

Everyone watching the battle was already so shocked, let alone the militants who were on the battlefield, especially the enemies.

Looking at the huge pit not far away, the dozens of remaining militants were shaking like chaff. In order to ensure the success of the plan, more than a hundred people came this time, equipped with various heavy firepower

Weapons, and even a variety of artillery and missile support.

Originally, they thought that this time was just a small terrorist attack, and logically it should be done easily.

But look now, what is this?

The rocket launcher that had just been set up on the small slope was blown up by the steel giant before it could be launched. Half of the people were directly blasted into the sky by the laser. So how could we fight the rest of the battle?

"Satan, this is Satan!"

"Run quickly, Lucifer is coming from hell to arrest you."

The militants who came back to their senses shouted the names of different demon kings in their beliefs, and fled away into the distance with their heads in their hands. Some even dropped all the weapons in their hands, just to speed up their escape.


Watching those people turn around and run away, Tony also hung the laser rifle back on his waist, accelerated at a high speed, flew close to the ground to catch up with those people, grabbed a few thugs with a casual grab, and flew into the sky again.

The American soldiers who had been dazed for a long time finally came to their senses and quickly organized soldiers to counterattack and chased the remaining militants.

Using a huge mechanical hand, he held the prisoner and hung him in the air. Within a few minutes, Tony forced him out of the camp where the thugs were located, and under their direction, he flew towards the valley.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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