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Chapter 40: The Numbing Ancient One Mage

Chapter 40 The scalp-numbing Ancient Master

[Everything was like a slow motion. When the slow motion ended, Stephen Strange looked at his illusory hands in surprise and the body held by Master Mordo in front of him. ]

[The next moment, a strong suction force came, and his soul that had just escaped rushed back into his body again. 】

["What did you just do to me?"]

[Strange looked around in disbelief and questioned Ancient One.]

[Gu Yi said with a calm expression: "I just pushed your soul out of your body."]

[But as a doctor, Strange did not believe this explanation. He looked sideways at the tea cup he just drank and continued to question without hesitation whether there was any psychedelic drug in the tea. 】

【"That's just tea, just with a little honey added."】

[Master Ancient One spoke again and explained: "At that moment, you entered a spiritual dimensional space, which is where the soul exists after leaving the body."]

["Why did you let me know this?" Strange has not recovered yet, and still thinks that he has been drugged by psychedelic drugs and has not yet awakened. 】

[Seeing his appearance, Master Gu Yi seemed to have lost his patience: "I just want you to see how ignorant you are... Now, open your eyes wide."]

[The ancient mage raised his right hand and pressed it on Strange’s forehead.]

[The next moment, Strange felt like he was being ejected into the sky like a rocket, crashing through the roof, rushing towards the sky, and soon came to a sea of ​​clouds. 】

["Oh, God! God..."]

["No, no, no...this is not true, this is..."]

Everyone in the live broadcast room watched Strange's consciousness being thrown into the universe by the Ancient One Master, and their wide-open mouths could not be closed for a long time.

"It's... so terrible. He throws others into the universe at the slightest disagreement. Is this Supreme Mage so powerful?"

Peter Parker murmured inarticulately, looking blankly at Strange howling on the screen: "But this also proves that it is terrible for women to be angry, just like my Aunt May, who initiated

Even if the fire comes, Uncle Ben will give in three points."

Tony also said: "It looks like we are going to attend Strange's funeral now."

"Are you so looking forward to my death?" Stephen Strange looked at Tony Stark beside him with a dark look on his face: "This is the first time I have discovered why you, bastard, are so sinister?"

"Humans who only know how to fight among themselves!"

At this time, Loki also came to his senses and snorted coldly, pretending to be mocking Tony and others to cover up his recent gaffe.

But the next moment, he was ruthlessly exposed by Master Modu: "Stop pretending, Loki, I saw it just now, your mouth opened as wide as possible."

Loki: "Bah, you must be out of your mind. I am the god of magic and trickery. I have never seen any kind of magic. It's just an out-of-body magic. Does it shock me?"

Loki's face was full of disdain, and his arrogant attitude left Master Modu speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, Wanda also came out and interrupted at this time: "Well, I would like to ask if the Supreme Mage still accepts disciples? When I entered this chat group, the system said that I was the Scarlet Witch, but I don't know magic now!"

Seeing her barrage, Master Modu quickly turned to Ancient Yi: "Master, this girl said her name is Scarlet Witch. Do you want us to contact her?"


The Ancient One mage groaned, and then slowly shook his head: "This lady is the descendant of Sithorn. Before she awakens, we don't have to interfere too much in her life. What's more, her life has been ruined by this system.

It’s changed subtly, hasn’t it?”

[Video continues]

[Flying into space, Strange was suddenly surprised to see a butterfly appearing next to him. This contrary to common sense scene even made him forget his fear for a moment, and he reached out his hand tremblingly to touch the butterfly wings, but the next moment,

His body was thrown into an extremely strange passage again.]

[The inner wall of the passage reflected chaotic colors everywhere, and Strange screamed again.]

[But at this moment, Master Modu’s voice sounded close at hand again. 】

【"His heart was beating so fast that he was about to die."】


[As soon as he finished speaking, Strange's body quickly returned to reality, he fell backwards and hit the chair, gasping for air in an awkward manner.]

[But before he came back to his senses, Master Gu Yi came to his side again, looked at him with a smirk on his face, and nodded with satisfaction: "I think he's fine!"]

[The next moment, the space stretched again, and Strange's body once again entered the fantasy world, being pushed on his back by an exploding star and moving at super high speed. 】

[While he was screaming in panic, Master Ancient One’s voice also sounded in his ears. 】

【"You think you know how things work in the world!"】

["You still think that the material universe is everything!"]

["What is truth? What kind of secrets are hidden behind your cognition!"]

[On the screen, Strange's body is shattered from time to time and reorganized again, rolling into various black holes and microscopic quantum worlds. 】

Seeing his miserable appearance, Tony rarely mocked him, but patted him on the shoulder to express relief.

Just when Strange turned his head, he smiled and gave him a thumbs up again.

Unhappily rolling his eyes at Tony Stark, who was always being a bitch, Strange looked at the big screen again.

【"This universe is just one of infinite universes."】

【"The world is infinite, some are beautiful and full of vitality, and some are evil and full of killing."]

["In the dark corners of the universe, the ancient wild power is looking around and watching... ready to move."]

[As the voice of Ancient One Master gradually weakened, a dark face appeared on the screen, with bright eyes full of evil aura. ]

[The screen turned again, Strange's body was floating in the universe, and the illusory voice of the ancient mage sounded again:]

["Who are you in this multiverse? Mr. Strange?"]

[As the sound ended, Strange's body finally traveled back to Kama Taj after experiencing the impact of countless fantasy worlds, and smashed it hard on the floor.]

[Looking at his body returning to reality, Strange slowly raised his hands above his head, finally losing his original arrogance, and respectfully saluted the Ancient One Master with trembling: "Please teach me!"]

[But Gu Yi did not agree. He simply said no and had Strange thrown out of the door. 】

[Current video paused]

[Q&A begins]

[Question: Why did the Ancient One Master refuse to accept Stephen Strange as his disciple at this time?]

[A: Stephen Strange does not have magical talent]

[B: To retaliate against Stephen Strange for his previous disrespectful attitude]

[C: Ancient One foresaw the future and saw that Stephen Strange would become a villain and destroy the world after learning magic]

[D: Ancient One is worried that Stephen Strange will become the second Casillas]

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 50 live broadcast points and random rewards. 】

[Random rewards may come from any multiverse, and failure to answer questions will trigger unknown penalties. 】

Different from the previous Q&A, at this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room did not choose to answer the question immediately, but started a discussion in the chat channel around the magical image just now.

Reed Richards: "I can't believe it. Is what the Supreme Mage showed just now the multiverse? Is she powerful enough to travel through any multiverse at will?"

Tony Stark: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. If she has the ability to cross the cosmic barrier, why didn't she come out when the Chitauri invaded Earth before?"

Bruce Banner: "I think the picture just now does not look like the universe, but more like some kind of microscopic quantum world. But what I am more concerned about is the dark face that appeared at the end, and those bright eyes.

, it makes me shudder even through the screen.”

Master Mordu: "That is the Dark Dimension Demon God Dormammu. It has always wanted to invade the earth. It is the duty of our mages to fight them."

Peter Parker: "Dimension Demon? What the hell is that?"

Master Mordo: "Well, the universe contains many independent dimensional planes, which are occupied by various demons. These demons are good and bad, and Dormammu is the most enthusiastic among them.

One of the dimension demons."

Wanda: "Oh my god, have you been fighting such powerful monsters?"

Master Modu: "It's not such an exaggeration. According to Dormammu, the Ancient One Mage can fight with it. We can only deal with some of its subordinates or followers."

Tony: "Oh, you are just fighting cannon fodder and monsters, right?"


Odin and Frigga had been looking at the transparent screen left behind after Loki disappeared in the room. When they saw Dormammu's face, Odin, who was holding the Eternal Spear, couldn't help but snorted.

A long time ago, Dormammu also attempted to invade the country of Asgard, but was repelled by Odin in his prime. At that time, Odin wanted to catch up and destroy Dormammu, but due to the war in the Nine Realms, he finally

Still couldn't make a move.

Seeing Dormammu appear again at this moment, Odin's heart also rose to fight.

(End of chapter)

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