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Chapter 42 Never mess with the female mage Time Gem

Chapter 42 Never mess with the female mage, the time stone

[Following Master Ancient One through the portal, Strange looked at his surroundings in shock. It turned out that they had arrived at the top of a snow-capped mountain. ]

["This is Mount Everest. In this environment, if a person stays for more than thirty minutes, his or her life will be at risk. As for you..."]

[The ancient mage took a look at Strange, who was wearing single clothes and shivering from the cold, and continued to add: "It is estimated that it will only last for two minutes at most."]

[Hearing her words, Strange suddenly realized that something was wrong. He turned around and found that the Ancient Master had walked directly towards the portal. 】

【"Wake up, Stephen!"】

[As the words fell, the golden portal disappeared, leaving only Strange, who was shivering from the cold, shouting loudly, and fell into the snow. ]

"I bought it~"

Peter pointed at the screen in disbelief: "Isn't this Ancient Master a bit too cruel? He just left people on Mount Everest to die?"

Tony: "Sure enough, women shouldn't be messed with casually, especially women who have power."

Loki also laughed: "I think what the Supreme Mage did is quite good. Sometimes you need to use unconventional methods to deal with idiots."

In the live broadcast room, Strange listened to Rocky's ridicule and said in dissatisfaction: "Who do you think is an idiot? I am a doctor of medicine and a famous neurosurgeon."

"Oh, then what?" Loki smiled slightly and spread his hands: "What's the use? Can it heal your own hands?"


Strange gritted his teeth and let out a sigh of relief.

Yes, what's the use? Doctors can't heal themselves, so they rely on this legendary magic to save themselves.

"Don't pay attention to him." At this time, Tony actually opened his mouth to comfort Strange: "The values ​​​​of their gods are different from those of us humans. If you fall into his thinking trap, it will be dangerous. This is the god of tricks.

Loki is the best at manipulating people's hearts."

"Besides, the reason why you in this future can't cure yourself is because you haven't studied the hand nerves. Now that you know this situation, you can't cure this kind of injury if you go back and learn more about it.

What’s up!”

Strange immediately calmed down after hearing this. Yes, with his intelligence, what kind of surgery can be difficult for him? A small hand nerve treatment, he will do it when he gets back.

"Thanks, Stark, now it seems that you are not such a jerk!"

"Of course!" Tony bared his teeth and showed a sparkling smile, and then continued: "How about we discuss it, you will continue to study neurological treatment after you go back, and I will go to Kama Taj on your behalf.

How about learning magic?"

Strange frowned when he heard this. Good guy, it turns out you are waiting here: "I think you are thinking nonsense, just dream."

Master Mordo: "Tony Stark, do you think anyone can enter Karma Taj to learn magic? Let me tell you..."

The barrage suddenly stopped midway through, leaving a few confused people in the live broadcast room looking at the chat channel speechlessly.

Tony: "What do you want to tell me? Tell me!"

Master Modu: "Okay... Stark, Master Ancient One is also watching the live broadcast. She said that if you are willing to come to Kama Taj, Master Ancient One is willing to teach you magic. Of course, given what you said behind her back before

Regarding bad words, Master Gu Yi told you to have some awareness."

Tony:...that's too cruel.

[The screen turned back to Kama Taj. Under the gaze of Master Gu Yi and Master Modu, the square in front of him finally lit up with the golden sparks of the portal. 】

[Looking at Strange, whose beard was covered with ice, he fell to the ground. Both the Ancient One and the Mage smiled. 】

Seeing this, Bruce Banner couldn't help but say: "Your teaching methods, Kama Taj, are a bit too Spartan. If Strange hadn't learned the portal, he would have froze to death on Mount Everest."

What’s up!”

Master Modu: "You have wronged Master Gu Yi. I dare to swear that Master Gu Yi must be secretly paying attention to Strange's situation. Besides, if you force yourself like this, won't Strange learn spells?"

After taking this step, he has entered the world of magic."

[Strange, who learned portal magic, did not practice spells with other mage apprentices. Instead, he used portal magic to steal books from the library and learned out-of-body magic to study hard day and night.

Magic book.】

[Soon, Strange, who made rapid progress in his studies, finally caught the attention of the Ancient Master and invited him to the hall. 】

["In this room, you once begged me to teach you magic, but now you tell me that you question all the courses and choose to teach yourself."]

[Looking at Strange's somewhat dissatisfied expression, Gu Yi smiled and stretched out his hand, breaking the space in front of him into pieces and turning it into a constantly rotating crystal wall. ]

["Your spells have indeed improved rapidly. Now you need a safe place to practice."]

[Looking at Strange, who looked around with a surprised look on his face, Master Ancient One introduced: "This is the mirror space. No matter what happens here, it has nothing to do with the real world."]

["We train and supervise in this space, and sometimes it is used to isolate danger, but if there is no hanging ring, you will be trapped here."]

[Strange asked confusedly after hearing this: "Wait, I'm sorry, what danger are you talking about?"]

[With a skillful wave of Gu Yi’s hand, the world around him suddenly began to fold, turn, and extend. When Strange saw this shocking scene, he was frightened and kept retreating. 】

["If you want to understand the endless multiverse, you need to first understand their infinite dangers."]

["If I tell you everything I don't know now, it will definitely scare you away."]

"Ha, let me just say that since this ancient mage mentioned the multiverse, she must have had close contact with them."

Reed Richards excitedly sent a message in the chat channel: "Master Modu, you just said that Master Ancient One is also watching the live broadcast, so can you help me ask how she came into contact with the multiverse?"

When Master Modu saw the message sent by Reed, he also turned to look at Master Gu Yi behind him: "Master..."

Gu Yi turned his fan with a smile, looked at Casillas and others who also turned their heads, and said with a smile: "This is not a secret. I have looked through the long river of time, and naturally I have seen countless possibilities.

And every possibility is a new branch of time. They may be long or short, and together they form a colorful and complex multiverse.”

Mordo relayed what Ancient One said to Reed Richards, who was immediately disappointed after hearing her answer.

"Well, I originally thought that Master Ancient One could travel across the multiverse on her own. It turns out that she was only observing the multiverse as an observer!"

Peter Parker: "Mr. Richards, what's going on with your disappointed tone? Isn't this a cool thing? Observing the future, my God, I can't even think about it."

Phil Coulson: "Mr. Parker, if you had the ability to observe the future, what would you do first?"

Peter heard this and said without thinking: "Of course let's see... ahem, let's see what achievements I will achieve in the future! What kind of person I will become!"

The people in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

Strange on the side smiled and joked: "Okay kid, we are all from your age, don't we know about your frivolous nature?"

Tony laughed so hard that he was out of breath: "Before you speak next time, learn from Loki, the god of trickery. At least you have to calm down the rippling expression on your face. I can guarantee that you were just talking.

Thinking of a certain girl."

Peter blushed immediately, waved his hands and denied, "How is that possible? Mr. Stark, you are definitely wrong."

[Video continues to play]

[After staying at Karma Taj for a while, Strange also learned the name Casillas from the mouth of the librarian Wang, and under the explanation of Master Modu, he roughly knew Casillas

Si’s story.]

[One night later, Strange, who was reading alone in the library, suddenly saw the spell about the Eye of Agamotto. 】

[Seeing the Eye of Agamotto that had been placed in the library, after confirming that the Administrator King was not present, Strange took the opportunity to retrieve the Eye of Agamotto and hung it on his chest. ]

[Next, he activated the Eye of Agamotto according to the records in the book. 】

[As he kneaded his hands, Agamotto slowly opened, revealing a green light.]

[Strange looked at the successful magic in disbelief, and then continued to move, constructing a green magic circle and covering it on his right wrist. ]

"That light, the veins of the magic circle, is this the time stone among the infinite stones?"

Loki, who was watching the live broadcast, suddenly stared and said in disbelief: "The Time Stone is actually in the hands of the Earth Mage."

Time gem?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they remembered Avengers 1 and Avengers 3 that they had seen before.

Nick Fury: "Loki, are you saying that the thing currently worn around Strange's neck in the video is the Time Stone among the six rough stones?"

Bruce Banner: "I remembered Thanos's order to his subordinates after killing Thor and Loki, 'There are still two rough stones on the earth.' It turned out to be the time stone."

Thor: "Hey, Banner, I'm not dead yet, how can you curse me to death?"

Phil Coulson: "Don't get hung up on these minutiae, I'm wondering, what is the power of this time stone, and if possible, can we use it to kill Thanos?"

Master Modu: "I just asked Master Gu Yi, but I'm sorry, there is no way to kill Thanos for the time being."

Peter asked doubtfully: "Why? Even the Supreme Mage can't defeat him?"

Master Modu: "That's impossible. Master Gu Yi is the strongest person on earth, not to mention Thanos, but Thanos is a little special."

After saying this, Master Modu once again stopped talking. Seeing this scene, everyone could only helplessly turn their attention to the screen again.

[Looking at the magic circle on his right wrist, Strange began to try on the apple he had just finished chewing.]

[As he continued to turn his wrist, the status of the apples on the table also continued to change.]

[I saw it turn into a form that had been chewed up and only the core was left, then it regressed back to its complete appearance without being chewed, and finally it was fast-forwarded to its moldy and spoiled appearance. 】

Sorry, only one update today, three chapters tomorrow

(End of chapter)

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