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Chapter 56 Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes

Chapter 56 Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes (Third update, Happy New Year everyone)

[Worried about Gwen's safety, Peter hurried towards the Osborne Building. 】

[However, what he didn’t expect was that a group of police officers led by George Stacey were arresting him at this moment. 】

[When Spider-Man quickly swung across a street with his webbing, the police who were maintaining security immediately reported to Chief George: "Spider-Man is going south."]

[After hearing the report from his subordinates, Sheriff George Stacey quickly took helicopters and troops to the place where Peter must pass.]

[Looking at Spider-Man flashing between buildings below, George Stacey picked up the microphone and issued an ultimatum: "Stop now, or we will open fire."]

["You have been surrounded, it is impossible to escape!"]

[The army quickly set up fire points on various rooftops. Seeing that Spider-Man had no intention of stopping, the police immediately issued an attack order.]

[No matter how fast Peter was, an electric shock bullet still hit his chest and he fell to the ground hard. 】

"No, why did they stop Peter? They clearly knew it was Dr. Lizard's fault, so why did they hold on to Peter?"

Wanda complained speechlessly in the chat channel: "Peter clearly didn't hurt anyone, why should he be treated like this?"

Tony shrugged: "No way, maybe the police think that the thin-looking Spider-Man may be easier to bully than the vicious lizard man!"

"Just like the media, I closed down the weapons research and development department to protect the world, but they desperately wrote reports and scolded me. Everyone has a different world view. You can't expect the world to be like a cartoon. Everyone is on your side.

Besides, there are also villains in comics, right?"

The second half of Tony's words was actually addressed to Peter. This young man from another world really suited his liking. The two of them had similar life experiences, and they were both extremely good at machines, and both had extraordinary powers.

The most important thing is that he is still young and still has a long way to go.

But in Tony's opinion, his youth is actually a flaw, because the child doesn't seem to understand the sinister nature of people in this world at all.

Peter spread his hands, pointed at Chief George holding the microphone on the screen and said helplessly: "But Chief Stacey is too prejudiced against me, and I dare not tell him my true identity..."

"You can give it a try. I feel that your little girlfriend's father should be someone you can rely on. Trust my intuition!" Tony snapped his fingers: "But you have too many troubles now. Just take it one step at a time."

[Video continues]

[When Spider-Man fell from a high altitude and fell to the ground motionless, countless special police officers with guns and ammunition suddenly appeared around him, and even Chief George himself slid down from the helicopter, preparing to arrest him. ]

[Seeing that Spider-Man was finally handcuffed, Sheriff George slowly walked forward and reached out to pull off his hood.]

[At this moment, Peter, who seemed to have lost all resistance just now, jumped up and knocked down all the surrounding special police officers with lightning speed, breaking their weapons at the same time. ]

[But just as he landed gracefully and was about to leave, George Stacy, who was knocked down first by him, had recovered, raised his pistol and pointed it at his back, shouting: "No!

Move, lie down on the ground.”]

[Peter, who was illuminated by the light, slowly turned his head and looked at his familiar face. George Stacy had a look of astonishment on his face: "Parker?"]

["The lizard man is heading to Osborne Tower, where your daughter is."]

[Looking at Chief George, who had regained his serious expression and seemed to be ready to kill his family, Peter quickly told the dangerous situation Gwen was facing, and Chief George once again put down his gun with an expression of shock.]

["You must let me go!" Peter slowly squatted down, picked up the mask and put it on his head again, taking advantage of everyone's unpreparedness, he fired spider silk again and escaped. 】

[But at this moment, George Stacey saw a police officer pulling out a pistol and pointing it at him, and quickly shouted: "Hey, don't shoot."]

[However, his reminder was still a step too late, and the bullet still grazed Peter's thigh. 】

[Although he was injured, Peter still ran forward desperately, still holding on to the spider thread, wandering past high-rise buildings, heading towards Osborne Tower. 】

Seeing Peter's bloody handprint on the edge of the rooftop on the screen, even Tony and Strange, who like to tease, couldn't help but fall silent.

He is just a child who has just grown up, but he has done this to save the world.

"This kid is truly a hero!"

Eric Shavig, who was standing next to Thor, suddenly murmured: "It's amazing that a child can do this to protect the world and his loved ones. At this age, I can't even go to school."

Bullies don’t even dare to face them.”

Thor on the side nodded and sent a message in the chat channel: "It turns out that Midgard actually has so many brave warriors. I have to say that we did not respect you enough before. Hey, Spider Boy, if you have a chance,

I will definitely invite you to Asgard to drink the fine wine my father has collected."

"By the way, a friend of mine said you are a hero."

[At this time, the TV station's helicopter also flew to the scene. A reporter was reporting what he saw and heard to the TV station. As he reported, the camera on the helicopter zoomed in and clearly captured the lizard breaking the glass.

The scene when they stormed into Osborne Tower.]

[At the same time that the lizard man broke in through the window, the lights inside the Osborn Building began to flicker on and off, surprising Gwen who was still waiting for the antidote to be made. ]

[Aware that the danger was approaching, Gwen quickly raised an alcohol lamp, lit it and placed it under the flame alarm, activating the fire protection system inside the laboratory, causing the steel door of the laboratory to fall, sealing off the laboratory. ]

[At the same time, the serum production program also began to issue a final report: "One minute of remaining time."]

"Quick, quick~"

In the live broadcast room, Peter's heart suddenly rose. He looked at the screen nervously and kept mumbling.

[But what is unexpected is that the steel door is like paper in front of the lizard people. It cannot even hold up for a few seconds before it is completely torn open by the lizard people. 】

[Seeing that the lizard man was about to break in, Gwen quickly removed the carrier for launching the medicine, carried it and hid in a compartment. 】

[The lizard man who broke into the laboratory saw that the launching device was no longer where it was, and immediately closed his eyes and sniffed it gently. ]

[The search ability of the cold-blooded animal was activated, and soon it found the place where Gwen was hiding by following the smell. Facing Gwen's fire-breathing device, the lizard man had a strange look in his eyes. He did not choose to hurt her, but

Only the carrier device that launches the medicine was taken away.】

[And far away, Peter is still rushing to Osborne Tower. 】

[But due to his thigh injury, each of his jumps became more cumbersome, and soon he fell on a fire escape from exhaustion. 】

[Peter got up slowly and looked at the running crowd below. A surge of strength surged in his body again, and he climbed up the wall and onto the roof. 】

[The news that Spider-Man went to Osborn Tower was broadcast on television by reporters together with the evacuation order issued by the police department.]

[A leader at the construction site was watching the news broadcast on TV, looking at Spider-Man appearing on the screen and muttering to himself: "That's him, he saved my son on the bridge."]

[At this time, another worker broke in, rolling up the drawings in his hand: "Hey, Troy, they want us to get out of here. Something bad seems to have happened downtown."]

[But Troy ignored his reminder and asked, "Are you and Matthews still friends? That crane driver on Sixth Street?"]


【"Get him on the phone for me!"】

[The worker in the hat suddenly said in confusion: "The police are evacuating everyone, who cares about this now?"]

["Get him on the phone for me!" Troy shouted resolutely, ignoring his friend's advice. 】

[After leaving the house, Troy was still calling friends and contacting tower crane workers everywhere. Soon, all the available cranes and tower cranes around Sixth Avenue were moved. 】

["...Spider-Man needs them to be arranged high together. We will give him a channel and the call is over."]

[Peter stood on tiptoe with his injured right leg and struggled to climb to the top of the building. When he raised his head and saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned on the spot. 】

[I saw dozens of tower cranes in the distance rotating their long arms, stopping in front of him, one after another, forcibly building an air bridge for him. 】

[Seemingly understanding what the workers were thinking, Peter took a deep breath, sealed the wound on his right leg with spider silk, and whispered to himself: "Come on, Parker!"]

[As if the stage was starting, the helicopter's spotlight also shined on Peter at the right time, and then shined again on the Osborne Building in the distance, pointing him in the direction.]

[The world seemed to slow down. Taking a deep breath, Peter began to sprint forward. 】

"Mr. Thor, your friend just said I was a hero?"

Peter took a breath and spoke slowly: "But I don't think I am. These workers are more like heroes than me. Without their help, it would probably take me at least 20 minutes to get to the Osborne Building from this location.


Tony nodded: "Who said those who stand in the light are heroes? These workers also shocked me."

Bruce Banner: "Little people can save the world."

Wanda: "Shh, stop talking, Peter started jumping!"

[As the sprint speed became faster and faster, Peter quickly rushed to the edge of the rooftop, jumped with all his strength, and the spider silk launcher on his wrist also fired spider silk at the nearest tower crane arm.]

[But perhaps because of his injury, Peter's jump height was not high enough, and the spider silk failed to stick to the crane arm in the distance. It drew a curve and fell downwards. Even Peter himself fell downwards. 】

"No way, am I going to fall to death just now when I show off my power?"

Seeing Peter fall again on the screen, everyone in the live broadcast room was aroused and exclaimed. Even Peter's eyes widened and he subconsciously complained.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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