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Chapter 70 Sending the Destroyer to Kill My Brother

Chapter 70 Send the Destroyer to kill me, brother, you still say you are not a villain?

[Eternal Nightmare: After using this magic, everyone in the world around the caster can fall into a nightmare realm. In this realm, the caster can be immune to all elemental damage, and all friends marked by the caster in the nightmare realm will

The unit will return to its original state after the magic ends, even if it has just died.】

[Extreme Cold Field: After using this magic, a huge ice field will appear around the caster. The size of the field is controlled by the caster. After this field appears, all enemies will be frozen by the ice in the field and ignore magic immunity.

Unable to resist (visible strength reduces the freezing time, the minimum time is 2S), and after being unfrozen, all enemies will be bound to the ground and slowed down, unable to use teleportation, teleportation, and their movement speed will be halved.】

[Apocalyptic Punishment: The caster can select any target, release divine power on it, exile it to a dark space, and summon stars to bombard its body several times. 】

After listening to the cold voice of the system introducing Loki's new rewards, everyone in the live broadcast room was suddenly speechless.

"Is this...is this system related to this evil god? He is already so terrifying, why does this system give him such a powerful cheat?"

Venom howled crazily in Peter Parker's mind: "Boy Peter, don't just stand there stupidly. The rewards in this system are so good. You should also answer the questions. Otherwise, what will you do if you encounter this evil god in the future? What if he doesn't see you?"

If I kill you, where can I escape?"

"Ah? Oh!" Peter Parker regained consciousness, scratched the unruly hair on the back of his head, and asked doubtfully in his heart: "Why are you so afraid of Mr. Loki? He is not in the same universe as me!"

"What? Not in the same universe?"

When Venom heard this, he was surprised to separate an arm-like limb from Peter's body and put it on his head. After looking at Loki furtively, he sniffed carefully and his white eyes widened in surprise.

I whispered in my heart: "Sure enough, he is not from the same universe as me. I can't smell the breath of life in our universe on him."

"Can you smell this thing?" Peter Parker looked at the venomous head sticking out of his left shoulder speechlessly, and complained speechlessly: "I read a lot, don't try to lie to me!"

"Damn it, this Loki is even stronger!"

The brat on earth slapped the table hatefully, and his heart was filled with strong dissatisfaction like venom. In this live broadcast room, he was the last person who wanted to see Loki become stronger.

The power gap between Asgard and the Earth is already huge. Although Loki keeps saying that he is not interested in the Earth, Luo Dan will not believe a word of such a habitual liar.

What if one day he can't think anymore and comes to wander around the earth? What can I do to resist?

Especially since this guy seems to be coveting the throne of Asgard now.

Compared to dealing with such a sinister and scheming guy, Lu Dan felt that the silly Thor was easier to fool.

Thinking of this, Lu Dan couldn't help but cursed angrily: "Fuck, can't Thor, God of Thunder, give him some help to suppress his younger brother?"

[Video continues to play]

[As the light of the Rainbow Bridge flashed by, Loki's figure was brought back by the Rainbow Bridge.]

[But as soon as his figure solidified, he saw Heimdall staring at him. 】

["What worries you? Guardian?" Loki asked with a smile. ]

[Heimdall put down his sword and spoke angrily: "I tried to see what you were doing in Jotunheim, but I could neither see you nor hear you."]

["I feel like I am isolated! It feels like those ice giants sneaked into Asgard before."]

[Hearing the doubts coming from the other side, Loki didn't panic at all, and even said with a sarcastic tone: "Maybe it's because you feel degraded after working for so many years."]

[Heimdall didn't seem to understand his sarcasm and continued to talk to himself: "Or maybe someone has found a way to hide something he doesn't want me to see!"]

[Loki did not continue to quarrel with Heimdall on this topic, but instead talked about the issue of Heimdall's allegiance. He looked at the guardian holding the sword in front of him with a joking and disdainful smile on his face.

: "Odin was once your king, but now you have to swear allegiance to me, do you understand?"]

[Faced with Loki's ridicule, Heimdall did not refute, but after a brief silence, he squeezed out one word from between his teeth: "yes"]

["Very good!" After hearing Heimdall's response, Loki walked out of the center of the Bifrost Bridge: "You cannot open the Bifrost Bridge to anyone until I repair the damage caused by my brother."]

“This really feels like a villain’s triumph!”

Tony smacked his lips and glanced sideways at Loki: "And it's very stupid."

To his surprise, Loki's face did not show any dissatisfaction with his ridicule. Instead, he sat down comfortably and nodded in agreement: "You are right, my transformation is indeed

Stupid, just..."

He sighed slowly, a complicated look flashed in his eyes: "This also shows that this is not his purpose!"


Tony subconsciously thought that he was hearing hallucinations in his ears, so he couldn't help but button the button, and then looked at Loki suspiciously. This guy would actually scold him?

However, Tony subconsciously ignored the second half of Loki's emotion.

If this is not his purpose, then what purpose does Loki have? This guy is obviously quite the God King. This purpose is already obvious. Why is he pretending to be the Riddler?

Seeing that the other people seemed to have no clue about himself in this parallel universe, Loki slowly closed his eyes and suddenly felt that everything was boring.

A rebellion that was doomed to fail, or rather... a naughty prank, in his opinion, he no longer had the desire to watch it anymore.

[The scene changed. Because they could not help Thor, the three warriors also started internal strife. But at this moment, a guard came in and told them that Heimdall was waiting for them at the center of the Rainbow Bridge. ]

[Just when they thought Heimdall had discovered their disobedience, Heimdall reprimanded him sternly: "How dare you disobey King Loki's orders, violate every oath you made as warriors, and would rather commit

Treason also requires bringing Thor back?"]

[Although the four of them felt puzzled by Heimdall's question, Sif still subconsciously answered: "Yes!"]

["Very good!" Heimdall nodded, left the center of the Rainbow Bridge, and walked outside. 】

[This made the four people very confused: "Aren't you going to help us?"]

[Heimdall did not look back, but an angry voice sounded: "I must be loyal to the king, so I can't open the Rainbow Bridge for you."]

[Seeing Heimdall's figure disappearing from the door, Sif and the other four were stunned for a moment, but the next moment, the crackling sound of electricity behind them woke them up. 】

[Looking around, it turns out that Heimdall had pierced the center of the Rainbow Bridge with his long sword before leaving, and had already opened the transmission device of the Rainbow Bridge. 】

[Loki, holding the Eternal Spear, stood on the high platform of Asgard's palace, watching the Rainbow Bridge transmission channel flash past in the distance, his expression became extremely gloomy. 】

[With a cold snort, Loki turned and left the high platform and came to the treasure house.]

[The handle of the Eternal Spear paused on the ground, a dull sound sounded, the wall behind the Ice Box opened, and the Destroyer who had previously killed the Frost Giant walked out. 】

[Looking at the extremely tall metal giant, Loki gave the order with a gloomy face: "Make sure my brother never comes back and destroy everything."]

"Is this the Destroyer?"

Phil Coulson was stunned for a moment when he saw the metal giant on the screen. He remembered what he said before being stabbed to death by Loki in Avengers 1, and the huge gun he was holding.

At that time, he said that the gun was made from the remains of the Destroyer sent to Earth by Loki, and it turned out to be sent to Earth at this time.

But then Coulson frowned again. He remembered the scene at the beginning where the Destroyer easily killed the Frost Giant. This thing was so powerful. Who destroyed the Destroyer? Was it SHIELD?

Are we so awesome?

"This..." Seeing the familiar silver giant appear, and then hearing Loki's sinister words, Thor, who was sitting on the sofa watching the live broadcast, was on pins and needles: "Brother, no, you really want to do this to me.

The killer? Even the destroyer was sent out?"

(End of chapter)

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