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Chapter 73 Brothers who met in battle were destroyed Rainbow Bridge 5

Chapter 73 Brothers fighting each other, the destroyed Rainbow Bridge (Chapter 5K)

[Just when Loki thought everything was going smoothly, Thor's figure suddenly appeared at the door of the sleeping room.]

[After Thor appeared, he shouted angrily: "Loki~"]

[Seeing her eldest son coming back, Frigga rushed over happily and hugged Thor.]

[After a brief embrace with his mother, Thor walked into the room and looked at Loki with an angry face: "Why don't you explain to your mother how you sent the Destroyer to kill me and me?"

Of friends!”]

[Frigga was shocked when she heard this, with a look of disbelief on her face: "What?"]

[Loki was still quibbling at this time: "Why? I guess the Destroyer is carrying out his father's final order!"]

[But Thor was very dissatisfied: "Brother, you are really a genius of lies! You have never changed."]

[Looking at Thor with an angry face, Loki tilted his head: "Well, I'm glad to see you back. Forgive me, I must destroy Jotunheim now!"]

[As soon as he finished speaking, Loki shot a golden light with the Eternal Spear, knocking Thor away and smashing through the wall. He flew out of the palace and fell straight down. 】

[Then, Loki rode to the center of the Rainbow Bridge, activated the Rainbow Bridge with the Eternal Spear, and aimed the colorful beam at Jotunheim.]

[After the lightning scattered by the Rainbow Bridge center connected all the magic circles in the center room, Loki activated his ice ability and froze all the lightning to keep the Rainbow Bridge open.]

[Thunder and lightning are jumping in the ice. Even when Thor came here, he was stunned when he saw such a scene. 】

["You can't stop this. The Rainbow Bridge will be completely built until Jotunheim is completely torn apart."]

"Destroy Jotunheim?"

Seeing the Rainbow Bridge on the screen destroying a building on Jotunheim, forcing countless ice giants to flee in panic, everyone in the live broadcast room suddenly opened their mouths. Even Loki couldn't bear it with his eyes closed.

Zhu opened his eyes.

"Shet, you are completely crazy, aren't you? Even if you kill your own biological father, you actually attack your own compatriots? Those are all your people!" Peter Quill looked confused.

Looking at Loki, his body shook involuntarily.

Damn it, is this guy so cruel? He is simply a cold-blooded murderer!

Loki heard this and turned to look at Quill, his face full of coldness: "My people? No, I am a member of the Asa clan. Those monsters in Jotunheim are not worthy of being with me!"

Thor was also stunned at this moment. He looked at Loki on the screen and muttered to himself: "Loki, how could you... This will make a big mistake!"

At this moment, the screen suddenly froze.

[The current video is paused and a new Q&A begins]

[Question: Did Loki’s rebellion plan succeed? Will Jotunheim be destroyed? 】

[A: The plan was successful, the Rainbow Bridge completely destroyed Jotunheim.]

[B: The plan was successful, but Jotunheim was not destroyed. 】

[C: The plan failed, but the Rainbow Bridge still destroyed Jotunheim.]

[D: The plan failed and Jotunheim was not destroyed. 】

[Please start answering. Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 100 live broadcast points and immediate rewards. 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger unknown punishment.]

Seeing this question, everyone in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

Reed laughed heartily: "This question is really much easier than the previous questions. It's like getting points for free."

"Although I didn't see what you said before, you all said that it was Loki who was exiled in the end. That must mean that the plan failed. There is no doubt that I choose C."

[Ding~ Reed Richards has finished answering, and the system begins to determine...]

[Ding~Reed Richards answered wrongly.]

[Get random punishment, forgetfulness: After leaving the live broadcast room, Reed Richards’ memory of the live broadcast room and the abilities gained from the live broadcast room will be banned for 15 days. 】

"What? And this kind of punishment?"

Hearing the system's verdict, Peter Parker couldn't help but scream.

As a lucky person who has learned about the spoilers of his future, Peter feels that what Tony Stark said is very reasonable. Now that he knows the tragedy of the future, he can now change it and choose a better future. But now he suddenly heard

Are you saying that the system still has such punishment?

He was immediately confused. If he answered the question incorrectly, he would be sentenced to oblivion...

Doesn't that mean that he is very likely to kill Uncle Ben again?

Reed Richards, who was punished, was also confused. He could be wrong?

What's wrong?

"Hey, you answered the question too quickly!"

Tony Stark shook his head speechlessly: "Actually, didn't I tell you when we discussed the Rainbow Bridge before? Loki said that the Rainbow Bridge was later destroyed, which means that he failed to destroy Jotunheim this time.


"Damn, Loki was so confident just now that Thor couldn't stop the formation of the Rainbow Bridge? I actually took it seriously!"

Feeling that he had been fooled, Reed Richards felt unhappy and complained.

Tony shook his head and sighed: "Do you believe this? But I guess Thor may not be able to stop the Rainbow Bridge. It was probably Odin who had to destroy it in order to protect Jotunheim."

After a pause, Tony said loudly: "I choose D."

[Ding~Tony Stark has finished answering and is making a decision...]

[Tony Stark answered correctly and was awarded 100 live broadcast points.]

[Get random rewards...fire source]

[Fire source: It comes from the Transformers world and comes from the planet Cybertron. It represents the source and destination of the Transformers fire, which can transform any kind of mechanical equipment into an intelligent mechanical life form with independent consciousness. 】

An intelligent life form with autonomous consciousness?

Tony's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Although Jarvis had autonomous consciousness, to be more precise, it still acted according to the program instructions Tony inputted to it. In Tony's eyes, although Jarvis was highly intelligent, he was far away from it.

The autonomous consciousness he proposed is still far away.

Unexpectedly, this system has such a treasure!

[The light of the Rainbow Bridge hitting Jotunheim shines in nine realms. Even on the earth, one can see the rainbow-colored aurora coming from outside that day.]

[In the central room, Thor, who was shot away by Loki with the Eternal Gun, got up and asked Loki why he did this.]

[Loki looked at Thor coldly and said in a serious tone: "In order to prove to my father that I am worthy of being his son, when he wakes up he will find that I saved his life and also destroyed that

A race of monsters.”]

【"I will become the true heir to the throne."】

[Thor shook his head and pointed his hammer at the Rainbow Bridge at his feet: "But you can't destroy a race because of this."]

["Why not?" Loki showed a ridiculous smile on his face: "Why are you suddenly showing mercy to the ice giants? Even if you use your bare hands, you will kill every ice giant."]

[Thor was silent for two seconds and replied with a serious expression: "I have changed!"]

[Seeing his expression, Loki's smile also faded: "I have also changed...so, let's compete!"]

[After saying that, he waved the Eternal Spear and knocked Thor away. 】

[After beating Thor away, Loki gritted his teeth and roared: "I have never wanted the throne! I just want to enjoy equal treatment with you!"]

In the live broadcast room, everyone who heard Strange's previous analysis had some rough guesses in their minds, but they still fell silent after hearing Loki's roar just now.

At this moment, they suddenly felt sad for Loki in this future universe.

His parents abandoned him after he was born, and he was discriminated against by his peers when he grew up. Even his brother who grew up with him had a bad attitude towards him before...

All of this prompted him to embark on this path, but even so, he did not really choose to betray, but used this kind of farce like a prank to get everyone's attention to him.

Perhaps, in Loki's heart, hostility and fear are more acceptable to him than discrimination and contempt.


Frigga covered her mouth, tears gathering in her eyes.

Since the last live broadcast, Frigga has always felt that she owed Loki and wanted to make up for it. However, every time she went to see him in the next few days, Loki closed the door and the guards did not know where he was going.

Where did it go, which made Frigga also helpless.

It happened that Thor was exiled, Odin was in a bad mood, and Frigga's tasks at hand became much more complicated, so she did not find a chance to have a long talk with Loki.

But she didn't expect that her youngest son's grievances had accumulated to such an extent.

If this live broadcast system hadn't revealed the future scene, she wouldn't have known that the three of them, father and son, would be in such a dire situation in the future.

Odin's eyes were filled with emotions, but he did not support what Loki did.

In his opinion, this is not what a king should do. Even Thor, who is greedy and aggressive, knows that destroying a race is not advisable, but Loki did it cruelly.

'It seems that I have to take it easy next time? Will I test Loki in the same way?'

Odin groaned. Earlier he had discussed with Frigga whether to let Loki try to supervise the country, but now it seems that the throne cannot be so simple for them to sit on.

'Hey, what a sin, why do people in our family act so recklessly, Hela, Thor, and even Loki, who seems a little more stable...'

[Hearing Loki's roar, Thor responded loudly: "I won't fight you, brother!"]

["I'm not your brother, never have been!" A tear dropped from the corner of Loki's eyes. He looked at Thor and asked, "Why don't you take action? What happened on earth to make you so weak? Yes.

That woman?”]

[Looking at Thor's expression, Loki understood something and continued to provoke: "Oh, it turns out it's true. Well, after things here are over, maybe I should go to the earth to visit her in person!"]

[Hearing Loki's threat to Jane, Thor seemed to be stabbed in the reverse scale and struggled with him. ]

[The two fought with great momentum, and soon they were knocked out of the central room and fell to the bridge outside. 】

[Due to the excessive impact, Loki slid to the edge of the Rainbow Bridge after landing. He grabbed the Rainbow Bridge with all his strength to prevent his body from falling into the rushing river below. 】

【"Help me, brother!"】

[Loki, who was holding onto the Rainbow Bridge, looked frightened and pitifully called out to Thor for help. ]

[And Thor immediately climbed up without hesitation and rushed to the bridge to pull Loki up. 】

[But what he didn't expect was that this Loki was just a phantom. Just when he was stunned by the disappearance of the phantom, Loki rushed out from behind him holding the Eternal Spear and stabbed him in the abdomen.

[Looking at Thor who was injured and fell to the ground, Loki laughed mockingly and transformed into phantoms one after another. 】

[Thor, who felt the deception, became furious and roared: "That's enough!"]

[The raging thunder erupted, and the endless lightning shattered all the phantoms, and also knocked Loki's only true body away, and collapsed to the ground. 】

[Looking at his brother who had been playing pranks on him, Thor put Mjolnir on his chest in displeasure and suppressed Loki on the bridge. ]

"This... the eternal gun can easily kill Laufey, but it can't hurt Thor?"

Nick Fury opened his one eye wide and saw that there were no wounds on Thor's chest on the screen. He couldn't help but complain: "This is too exaggerated!"

"Is it an exaggeration?" Loki chuckled: "So, do you know why Thor is so reckless, but can always survive safely? His body is simply a monster."

Wanda suddenly asked curiously: "In this video, why are you and Thor fighting? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

The expression on Loki's face froze, and then the corners of his eyes twitched: "How do I know this? This is my transformation, not me!"

Carol looked at the mighty Thor on the screen, rubbed his fists vigorously, and made a clicking sound with his knuckles. A trace of fighting spirit appeared on his face: "Look at this, this guy seems to be quite strong."

I'll come and meet him when I have time."

Upon hearing this, Thor immediately sent a message on the chat channel: "Forget it, I don't hit women. Just one punch from me will probably make you cry for a long time!"

"Showing off your words?" Carol raised her eyebrows disdainfully: "I've seen a lot of men who talk big like you! But those people don't even have the qualifications to let me throw a second punch!"

[Video continues]

[Loki, who was pinned down by the hammer and unable to move, watched Thor walk towards the Rainbow Bridge Center Room with difficulty, with a mocking expression on his face: "Look at you, the omnipotent Thor, even if you have endless power,

What’s the use?”]

["Did you hear that, brother, you can't do anything now!"]

[Hearing Loki's ridicule, Thor's face showed a determined look. ]

[Raising his hand and stretching back, the Thor's hammer that suppressed Loki immediately flew into Thor's hand. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Thor raised his hammer without hesitation and smashed it towards the Rainbow Bridge at his feet. 】

[As Loki said before, the Rainbow Bridge has been almost completely opened. Under such circumstances, Thor cannot terminate the Rainbow Bridge even if he enters the central room. Therefore, in order to prevent Jotunheim from being destroyed, Thor

It must be destroyed.]

[One after another, the cracks in the Rainbow Bridge are getting bigger and bigger under Thor's bombardment. 】

[And the moment Thor started hammering the Rainbow Bridge, God King Odin in the sleeping room had already opened his eyes and woke up. 】

[Seeing that the Rainbow Bridge was really going to be destroyed by Thor, Loki quickly got up, raised the Eternal Spear again, and stabbed Thor.]

【"Forgive me, Jane!"】

[Saying farewell to Jane Foster who was far away on Earth, Thor once again used all his strength to hit the last powerful hammer. 】

[The Rainbow Bridge, which has existed in Asgard for countless years, finally broke completely under Thor's last hammer blow, accompanied by a powerful explosion. 】

[With the rupture of the Rainbow Bridge, the destructive force that hit Jotunheim finally stopped. Even the central room of the Rainbow Bridge was completely destroyed, and the debris flew toward the depths of the universe. ]

[The shock wave of the explosion also blew Thor and Loki away. Just when they were about to fall into the starry sky below the God's Domain, an arm suddenly appeared and grabbed Thor's leg. 】

[And Thor also grabbed the Eternal Spear in Loki's hand at this time, stopping Loki's falling body. 】

[Odin finally arrived here at the last moment and saved Loki and Thor. 】

[Looking up at Odin standing by the bridge, tears appeared in Loki's eyes again, and he shouted loudly: "Father, I could have done it, destroyed the giant town of Jotunheim."]

【"For you, for all of us!"】

[Looking down at Loki, Odin had a complicated expression on his face, but in the end he slowly said: "No, Loki!"]

[After all, Odin still cannot agree with what Loki did. Whether it was his attack on Thor, his killing of his biological father Laufey, or his attempt to destroy Jotunheim, all of this made Odin

Denied him.]

[Seeing the regretful look on Odin's face, Loki's expression gradually returned to indifference, the sadness in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he slowly released his right hand holding the Eternal Spear. 】

【"Loki, no! No~"】

[Seeing that Loki seemed to be letting go of the Eternal Spear, Thor quickly screamed, but Loki remained unmoved. He still let go of his right hand and pointed towards the black hole formed by the rainbow bridge in the starry sky below.

It fell until it disappeared.]

[Odin watched his youngest son disappear into the black hole vortex, with a sad look on his face. 】

[The scene changes. After Loki's rebellion and Odin's awakening, Asgard has once again regained its previous tranquility. After the celebration banquet, Thor found Odin standing on the high platform of the palace and looking into the distance. ]

[Sensing Thor's arrival, Odin did not look back, but slowly said: "You will become a wise king."]

[Thor shook his head: "No one will be wiser than you, and no father will do better than you. I still have to learn a lot from you!"]

At this point, the screen ends.

(End of chapter)

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